static char *settingsLabel(struct userSettings *us, char *varName)
/* Given varName return corresponding label. */
char *spacedString = cloneString(varName + strlen(us->savePrefix));
subChar(spacedString, '_', ' ');
return spacedString;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void uToT(struct dnaSeq *seqList)
/* Convert any u's in sequence to t's. */
struct dnaSeq *seq;
for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
    subChar(seq->dna, 'u', 't');
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct hash *readDescriptionFile(char *fileName)
/* Return two column file keyed by first column with
 * values in second column.  Strip any tabs from values. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line;
struct hash *hash = newHash(16);
while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
    char *key = nextWord(&line);
    char *val = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
    if (val != NULL && val[0] != 0)
        char *desc = hashFindVal(hash, key);
	subChar(val, '\t', ' ');
	stripChar(val, '\r');
        /* if gene exists in hash */
	if (desc != NULL) 
	    struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
            dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s  ", desc);
            dyStringAppend(dy, val);
            val = cloneString(dy->string);
        /* add to gene and description to hash */
        hashAdd(hash, key, cloneString(val));
return hash;
void gsToUcsc(char *gsName, char *ucscName)
/* Convert from 
 *    AC020585.5~1.2 Fragment 2 of 29 (AC020585.5:1..1195)
 * to
 *    AC020585.5_1_2
char *s, *e, *d;
int size;

/* Copy in accession and version. */
d = ucscName;
s = gsName;
e = strchr(s, '~');
if (e == NULL)
    errAbort("Expecting . in %s", gsName);
size = e - s;
memcpy(d, s, size);
d += size;

/* Skip over tilde and replace it with _ */
s = e+1;
*d++ = '_';

e = skipToSpaces(s);
if (e == NULL)
    e = s + strlen(s);
size = e - s;
memcpy(d, s, size);
d[size] = 0;
subChar(d, '.', '_');
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void printTabularHeaderRow(const struct vcfInfoDef *def)
/* Parse the column header parts out of def->description and print as table header row;
 * call this only when looksTabular returns TRUE. */
regmatch_t substrArr[PATH_LEN];
if (regexMatchSubstr(def->description, COL_DESC_REGEX, substrArr, ArraySize(substrArr)))
    // Make a copy of the part of def->description that matches the regex,
    // then chop by '|' and print out header column tags:
    int matchSize = substrArr[0].rm_eo - substrArr[0].rm_so;
    char copy[matchSize+1];
    safencpy(copy, sizeof(copy), def->description + substrArr[0].rm_so, matchSize);
    // Turn '_' into ' ' so description words can wrap inside headers, saving some space
    subChar(copy, '_', ' ');
    char *words[PATH_LEN];
    int descColCount = chopByChar(copy, '|', words, ArraySize(words));
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < descColCount; i++)
        printf("<TH class='withThinBorder'>%s</TH>", words[i]);
    errAbort("printTabularHeaderRow: code bug, if looksTabular returns true then "
             "regex should work here");
void setupTable(struct sqlConnection *conn) 
/* Set up the autoTest table for testing. Call dropTable() later
 to remove table. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen("output/newTest.sql", TRUE);
char *update = NULL;
char *line = NULL;
struct dyString *ds = newDyString(256);
if(sqlTableExists(conn, testTableName))
    errAbort("dbLinkTest.c::setupTable() - Table %s.%s already exists. Can't create another.",
             sqlGetDatabase(conn), testTableName);
while(lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) 
    char *tmp = strstr(line, "not null");
    if(tmp != NULL)
	*tmp = ',';
	*tmp = '\0';
    subChar(line, '\t', ' ');
    dyStringPrintf(ds, "%s", line);
update = replaceChars(ds->string, "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE");
sqlUpdate(conn, update);
Ejemplo n.º 7
char *semiUniqName(char *base)
/* Figure out a name likely to be unique.
 * Name will have no periods.  Returns a static
 * buffer, so best to clone result unless using
 * immediately. */
int pid = getpid();
int num = time(NULL)&0xFFFFF;
char host[512];
strcpy(host, getHost());
char *s = strchr(host, '.');
if (s != NULL)
     *s = 0;
subChar(host, '-', '_');
subChar(host, ':', '_');
static char name[PATH_LEN];
safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%s_%x_%x",
	base, host, pid, num);
return name;
Ejemplo n.º 8
char *escapeAltFixTerm(char *term)
/* Special tweaks for SQL search of alt/fix terms that may include '.' and '_' characters. */
// If there is a ".", make it into a single-character wildcard so that "GL383518.1"
// can match "chr1_GL383518v1_alt".
char termCpy[strlen(term)+1];
safecpy(termCpy, sizeof termCpy, term);
subChar(termCpy, '.', '?');
// Escape '_' because that is an important character in alt/fix sequence names, and support
// wildcards:
return sqlLikeFromWild(termCpy);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int umatch(String ing, String desired){
	int j;
	if(abs(getSyllables(ing) - getSyllables(desired))<1){
		int i;
			j += subChar(ing[i],desired[i]);
		j = 257;
	return j;
struct frag *newFrag(char *fullFinfName, struct lineFile *lf)
/* Return a frag based on full name in Finf file. */
char *s;
struct frag *frag;

s = strchr(fullFinfName, '~');
if (s == NULL || strlen(s) > sizeof(frag->name) || !isdigit(s[1]))
    errAbort("Badly formated name %s line %d of %s", fullFinfName, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
strcpy(frag->name, s+1);
subChar(frag->name, '.', '_');
return frag;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void getText(struct kgXref *kg, struct hash *refSeqHash, 
	struct sqlConnection *conn, 
	struct sqlConnection *spConn, struct sqlConnection *goConn,
	FILE *f)
/* Get loads of text and write it out. */
char query[512];
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);
char *spAcc = spFindAcc(spConn, kg->spID);

subChar(kg->description, '\n', ' ');
fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", kg->kgID, 
	kg->geneSymbol, kg->kgID, kg->description);
hashAdd(uniqHash, kg->geneSymbol, NULL);
hashAdd(uniqHash, kg->kgID, NULL);
addSimple(kg->kgID, "kgAlias", "kgID", "alias", conn, uniqHash, f);
addSimple(kg->kgID, "kgProtAlias", "kgID", "alias", conn, uniqHash, f);

if (refSeqHash != NULL)
    char *s = hashFindVal(refSeqHash, kg->refseq);
    if (s == NULL && strchr(kg->refseq, '.') != NULL)
	char *accOnly = cloneString(kg->refseq);
	s = hashFindVal(refSeqHash, accOnly);
    if (s == NULL)
        s = "";
    fprintf(f, "\t%s", s);

sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "select commentVal.val from comment,commentVal "
    "where comment.acc='%s' and"
    , spAcc);
addText(query, spConn, f);

sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "select from goaPart,term "
    "where goaPart.dbObjectId='%s' "
    "and goaPart.goId=term.acc"
    , spAcc);
addText(query, goConn, f);

fprintf(f, "\n");
char *encodeRnaName(struct track *tg, void *item)
/* Return RNA gene name. */
struct encodeRna *el = item;
char *full = el->name;
static char abbrev[SMALLBUF];
char *e;

strcpy(abbrev, skipChr(full));
subChar(abbrev, '_', ' ');
abbr(abbrev, " pseudogene");
if ((e = strstr(abbrev, "-related")) != NULL)
    strcpy(e, "-like");
return abbrev;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void addText(char *query, struct sqlConnection *conn, FILE *f)
/* Add results of query to line.  Convert newlines to spaces. */
char **row;
struct sqlResult *sr;

fprintf(f, "\t");
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *val = row[0];
    subChar(val, '\n', ' ');
    fprintf(f, "%s ", val);
Ejemplo n.º 14
struct hash *getRefSeqSummary(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Return hash keyed by refSeq NM_ id, with description values. */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(16);
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select mrnaAcc,summary from %s", summaryTable);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    subChar(row[1], '\n', ' ');
    hashAdd(hash, row[0], cloneString(row[1]));
verbose(1, "%d %s elements\n", hash->elCount, summaryTable);
return hash;
struct hash *loadModuleToMotif(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, 
	char *table)
/* Load up file which has a line per module.  The first word is the module
 * number, the rest of the tab-separated fields are motif names. 
 * Return hash keyed by module&motif. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line, *module, *motif;
FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, table);
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512);
int motifCount = 0, moduleCount = 0;
struct hash *hash = newHash(18);

while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
    subChar(line, ' ', '_');
    module = nextWord(&line);
    while ((motif = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
        fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", module, motif);
	hashAdd2(hash, module, motif, NULL);
"CREATE TABLE  %s (\n"
"    module int not null,\n"
"    motif varchar(255) not null,\n"
"              #Indices\n"
"    INDEX(module),\n"
"    INDEX(motif(16))\n"
")\n",  table);
sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string);
verbose(1, "%d modules, %d motifs in modules\n",
	moduleCount, motifCount);
hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, table, &f);
hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, table);
verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table);
return hash;
Ejemplo n.º 16
char *findVal(struct lineFile *lf, char *group, char *key)
/* Return value that matches key in group or NULL. */
char *s, *var, *val;
static char buf[512];

if (strlen(group) >= sizeof(buf))
    errAbort("Line too long line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
strcpy(buf, group);
s = buf;
for (;;)
    var = nextWord(&s);
    if (var == NULL)
        return "";
    s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
    if (s == NULL || s[0] == 0)
        errAbort("Unmatched key/val pair in group line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    val = s;
    if (s[0] == '\'' || s[0] == '"')
        if (!parseQuotedString(val, val, &s))
	    errAbort("Unmatched quote line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	int end;
	val = nextWord(&s);
	end = strlen(val) - 1;
	if (val[end] == ';')
	     val[end] = 0;
    s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
    if (s != NULL && s[0] == ';')
        s += 1;
    if (sameString(key, var))
	subChar(val, '\t', ' ');
        return val;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static struct qaStatus *qaStatusOnPage(struct errCatch *errCatch, 
	struct htmlPage *page, long startTime, struct htmlPage **retPage)
/* Assuming you have fetched page with the given error catcher,
 * starting the fetch at the given startTime, then create a
 * qaStatus that describes how the fetch went.  If *retPage is non-null
 * then return the page there, otherwise free it. */
char *errMessage = NULL;
struct qaStatus *qs;
if (errCatch->gotError || page == NULL)
    errMessage = errCatch->message->string;
    qs->hardError = TRUE;
    if (page->status->status != 200)
	dyStringPrintf(errCatch->message, "HTTP status code %d\n", 
	errMessage = errCatch->message->string;
	qs->hardError = TRUE;
	errMessage = qaScanForErrorMessage(page->fullText);
qs->errMessage = cloneString(errMessage);
if (qs->errMessage != NULL)
    subChar(qs->errMessage, '\n', ' ');
qs->milliTime = clock1000() - startTime;
if (retPage != NULL)
    *retPage = page;
return qs;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int lineToExp(char *line, char *fileName)
/* Convert line to an expression record file. 
 * Return number of expression records. */
FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
struct hash *hash = newHash(10);	/* Integer valued hash */
char *word;
int wordCount = 0;
struct expCounter *ec;
char *spaced;
char name[128];

while ((word = nextTabWord(&line)) != NULL)
    if ((ec = hashFindVal(hash, word)) == NULL)
	hashAddSaveName(hash, word, ec, &ec->name);
    spaced = cloneString(word);
    subChar(spaced, '_', ' ');
    ec->count += 1;
    if (ec->count > 1)
        safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s %d", spaced, ec->count);
        safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s", spaced);
    fprintf(f, "%d\t", wordCount);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", "");
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", "");
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", "");
    fprintf(f, "3\t");
    fprintf(f, "%s,%s,%s,\n", chip, "n/a", spaced);
return wordCount;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int lineToExp(char *line, FILE *f)
/* Convert line to an expression record file. 
 * Return number of expression records. */
struct hash *hash = newHash(10);	/* Integer valued hash */
char *word;
int wordCount = 0;
struct expCounter *ec;
char *spaced;
char name[128];

while ((word = nextTabWord(&line)) != NULL)
    if ((ec = hashFindVal(hash, word)) == NULL)
	hashAddSaveName(hash, word, ec, &ec->name);
    spaced = cloneString(word);
    subChar(spaced, '_', ' ');
    ec->count += 1;
    if (ec->count > 1)
        safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s %d", spaced, ec->count);
        safef(name, sizeof(name), "%s", spaced);
    fprintf(f, "%d\t", wordCount);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", expUrl);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", expRef);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", expCredit);
    fprintf(f, "3\t");
    fprintf(f, "%s,%s,%s,\n", chip, "n/a", spaced);
return wordCount;
Ejemplo n.º 20
boolean doGetBedOrCt(struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean doCt,
                     boolean doCtFile, boolean redirectToGb)
/* Actually output bed or custom track. Return TRUE unless no results. */
char *db = cloneString(database);
char *table = curTable;
struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(db, table, conn);
struct featureBits *fbList = NULL, *fbPtr;
struct customTrack *ctNew = NULL;
boolean doCtHdr = (cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaPrintCustomTrackHeaders, FALSE)
	|| doCt || doCtFile);
char *ctWigOutType = cartCgiUsualString(cart, hgtaCtWigOutType, outWigData);
char *fbQual = fbOptionsToQualifier();
char fbTQ[128];
int fields = hTableInfoBedFieldCount(hti);
boolean gotResults = FALSE;
struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
boolean isBedGr = isBedGraph(curTable);
boolean isBgWg = isBigWigTable(curTable);
boolean needSubtrackMerge = anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable);
boolean doDataPoints = FALSE;
boolean isWig = isWiggle(database, table);
struct wigAsciiData *wigDataList = NULL;
struct dataVector *dataVectorList = NULL;
boolean doRgb = bedItemRgb(hTrackDbForTrack(db, curTable));

if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaDoGreatOutput, FALSE) && !doCt)

if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaDoGreatOutput, FALSE))
    fputs("#", stdout);

if ((isWig || isBedGr || isBgWg) && sameString(outWigData, ctWigOutType))
    doDataPoints = TRUE;

for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
    struct bed *bedList = NULL, *bed;
    struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024);
    struct dataVector *dv = NULL;

    if (isWig && doDataPoints)
        if (needSubtrackMerge)
            dv = wiggleDataVector(curTrack, curTable, conn, region);
            if (dv != NULL)
                slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
            int count = 0;
            struct wigAsciiData *wigData = NULL;
            struct wigAsciiData *asciiData;
            struct wigAsciiData *next;

            wigData = getWiggleAsData(conn, curTable, region);
            for (asciiData = wigData; asciiData; asciiData = next)
                next = asciiData->next;
                if (asciiData->count)
                    slAddHead(&wigDataList, asciiData);
    else if (isBedGr && doDataPoints)
        dv = bedGraphDataVector(curTable, conn, region);
        if (dv != NULL)
            slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
    else if (isBgWg && doDataPoints)
        dv = bigWigDataVector(curTable, conn, region);
        if (dv != NULL)
            slAddHead(&dataVectorList, dv);
    else if (isWig || isBgWg)
        dv = wiggleDataVector(curTrack, curTable, conn, region);
        bedList = dataVectorToBedList(dv);
    else if (isBedGr)
        bedList = getBedGraphAsBed(conn, curTable, region);
        bedList = cookedBedList(conn, curTable, region, lm, &fields);

    /*  this is a one-time only initial creation of the custom track
     *  structure to receive the results.  gotResults turns it off after
     *  the first time.
    if (doCtHdr && !gotResults &&
	((bedList != NULL) || (wigDataList != NULL) ||
         (dataVectorList != NULL)))
        ctNew = beginCustomTrack(table, fields,
                                 doCt, (isWig || isBedGr || isBgWg), doDataPoints);

    if (doDataPoints && (wigDataList || dataVectorList))
        gotResults = TRUE;
        if ((fbQual == NULL) || (fbQual[0] == 0))
            for (bed = bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed = bed->next)
                if (bed->name != NULL)
                    subChar(bed->name, ' ', '_');
                if (doCt)
                    struct bed *dupe = cloneBed(bed); /* Out of local memory. */
                    slAddHead(&ctNew->bedList, dupe);
                    if (doRgb)
                        bedTabOutNitemRgb(bed, fields, stdout);
                        bedTabOutN(bed, fields, stdout);

                gotResults = TRUE;
            safef(fbTQ, sizeof(fbTQ), "%s:%s", hti->rootName, fbQual);
            fbList = fbFromBed(db, fbTQ, hti, bedList, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE);
            if (fields >= 6)
                fields = 6;
            else if (fields >= 4)
                fields = 4;
                fields = 3;
            if (doCt && ctNew)
                ctNew->fieldCount = fields;
                safef(ctNew->tdb->type, strlen(ctNew->tdb->type)+1,
                      "bed %d", fields);
            for (fbPtr=fbList;  fbPtr != NULL;  fbPtr=fbPtr->next)
                if (fbPtr->name != NULL)
                    char *ptr = strchr(fbPtr->name, ' ');
                    if (ptr != NULL)
                        *ptr = 0;
                if (doCt)
                    struct bed *fbBed = fbToBedOne(fbPtr);
                    slAddHead(&ctNew->bedList, fbBed );
                    if (fields >= 6)
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end, fbPtr->name,
                                0, fbPtr->strand);
                    else if (fields >= 4)
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end, fbPtr->name);
                                fbPtr->chrom, fbPtr->start, fbPtr->end);
                gotResults = TRUE;
    bedList = NULL;
if (!gotResults)
else if (doCt)
    int wigDataSize = 0;
    /* Load existing custom tracks and add this new one: */
    struct customTrack *ctList = getCustomTracks();
    removeNamedCustom(&ctList, ctNew->tdb->table);
    if (doDataPoints)
        if (needSubtrackMerge || isBedGr || isBgWg)
            wigDataSize = dataVectorWriteWigAscii(dataVectorList, ctNew->wigAscii, 0, NULL);
            // TODO: see if can make prettier wig output here that
            // doesn't necessarily have one value per base
            struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
            /* create an otherwise empty wds so we can print out the list */
            wds = wiggleDataStreamNew();
            wds->ascii = wigDataList;
            wigDataSize = wds->asciiOut(wds, db, ctNew->wigAscii, TRUE, FALSE);
#if defined(DEBUG)    /*      dbg     */
            /* allow file readability for debug */
            chmod(ctNew->wigAscii, 0666);

    slAddHead(&ctList, ctNew);
    /* Save the custom tracks out to file (overwrite the old file): */
    customTracksSaveCart(db, cart, ctList);
    /*  Put up redirect-to-browser page. */
    if (redirectToGb)
        char browserUrl[256];
        char headerText[512];
        int redirDelay = 3;
        safef(browserUrl, sizeof(browserUrl),
              "%s?%s&db=%s", hgTracksName(), cartSidUrlString(cart), database);
        safef(headerText, sizeof(headerText),
              "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"%d;URL=%s\">",
              redirDelay, browserUrl);
        webStartHeader(cart, database, headerText,
                       "Table Browser: %s %s: %s", hOrganism(database),
                       freezeName, "get custom track");
        if (doDataPoints)
            hPrintf("There are %d data points in custom track. ", wigDataSize);
            hPrintf("There are %d items in custom track. ",
        hPrintf("You will be automatically redirected to the genome browser in\n"
                "%d seconds, or you can \n"
                "<A HREF=\"%s\">click here to continue</A>.\n",
                redirDelay, browserUrl);
else if (doDataPoints)
    if (needSubtrackMerge || isBedGr || isBgWg)
        dataVectorWriteWigAscii(dataVectorList, "stdout", 0, NULL);
        /*	create an otherwise empty wds so we can print out the list */
        struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
        wds = wiggleDataStreamNew();
        wds->ascii = wigDataList;
        wds->asciiOut(wds, db, "stdout", TRUE, FALSE);
return gotResults;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void doGvf(struct trackDb *tdb, char *item)
/* Show details for variants represented as GVF, stored in a bed8Attrs table */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
int start = cartInt(cart, "o");
char query[1024];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
      "select * from %s where name = '%s' and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d",
      tdb->table, item, seqName, start);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row;
if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) == NULL)
    errAbort("doGvfDetails: can't find item '%s' in %s at %s:%d", item, database, seqName, start);
int rowOffset = hOffsetPastBin(database, seqName, tdb->table);
struct bed8Attrs *ba = bed8AttrsLoad(row+rowOffset);
bedPrintPos((struct bed *)ba, 3, tdb);
int i = 0;
// Note: this loop modifies ba->attrVals[i], assuming we won't use them again:
for (i = 0;  i < ba->attrCount;  i++)
    // The ID is the bed8Attrs name and has already been displayed:
    if (sameString(ba->attrTags[i], "ID"))
    cgiDecode(ba->attrVals[i], ba->attrVals[i], strlen(ba->attrVals[i]));
    char *tag = ba->attrTags[i];
    // User-defined keywords used in dbVar's GVF:
    if (sameString(tag, "var_type")) // This one isn't anymore, but I add it back (hg18.txt).
	tag = "Variant type";
    else if (sameString(tag, "clinical_int"))
	tag = "Clinical interpretation";
    else if (sameString(tag, "var_origin"))
	tag = "Variant origin";
    else if (islower(tag[0]))
	// Uppercase for nice display, assuming user doesn't care which keywords are
	// user-defined vs. GVF standard:
	tag[0] = toupper(tag[0]);
    // GVF standard Start_range and End_range tags (1-based coords):
    if (sameString(tag, "Start_range") || sameString(tag, "End_range"))
	char *copy = cloneString(ba->attrVals[i]);
	char *words[3];
	int wordCount = chopCommas(copy, words);
	if (wordCount == 2 &&
	    (sameString(".", words[0]) || isInteger(words[0])) &&
	    (sameString(".", words[1]) || isInteger(words[1])))
	    boolean isStartRange = sameString(tag, "Start_range");
	    char *rangeStart = words[0], *rangeEnd = words[1];
	    if (sameString(".", rangeStart))
		rangeStart = "unknown";
	    if (sameString(".", rangeEnd))
		rangeEnd = "unknown";
	    if (isStartRange)
		printf("<B>Start range</B>: outer start %s, inner start %s<BR>\n",
		       rangeStart, rangeEnd);
		printf("<B>End range</B>: inner end %s, outer end %s<BR>\n",
		       rangeStart, rangeEnd);
	    // not formatted as expected, just print as-is:
	    printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    // Parent sounds like mom or dad (as in var_origin)... tweak it too:
    else if (sameString(tag, "Parent"))
	printf("<B>Variant region:</B> "
	       "<A HREF=\"\" "
	       "TARGET=_BLANK>%s</A><BR>\n", ba->attrVals[i], htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    else if (sameString(tag, "Name"))
	char *url = trackDbSetting(tdb, "url");
	// Show the Name only if it hasn't already appeared in the URL:
	if (url == NULL || !stringIn("$$", url))
	    printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
    else if (sameWord(tag, "Phenotype_id") && startsWith("HPO:HP:", ba->attrVals[i]))
	subChar(tag, '_', ' ');
	printf("<B>%s</B>: <A HREF=\"\" "
	       "TARGET=_BLANK>%s</A><BR>\n", tag, ba->attrVals[i]+strlen("HPO:"),
	subChar(tag, '_', ' ');
	printf("<B>%s</B>: %s<BR>\n", tag, htmlEncode(ba->attrVals[i]));
/* printTrackHtml is done in genericClickHandlerPlus. */
Ejemplo n.º 22
void hgTrackDb(char *org, char *database, char *trackDbName, char *sqlFile, char *hgRoot,
               boolean strict)
/* hgTrackDb - Create trackDb table from text files. */
struct trackDb *td;
char tab[PATH_LEN];
safef(tab, sizeof(tab), "", trackDbName);

struct trackDb *tdbList = buildTrackDb(org, database, hgRoot, strict);
tdbList = flatten(tdbList);
slSort(&tdbList, trackDbCmp);
verbose(1, "Loaded %d track descriptions total\n", slCount(tdbList));

/* Write to tab-separated file; hold off on html, since it must be encoded */
    verbose(2, "Starting write of tabs to %s\n", tab);
    FILE *f = mustOpen(tab, "w");
    for (td = tdbList; td != NULL; td = td->next)
        hVarSubstTrackDb(td, database);
        char *hold = td->html;
        td->html = "";
	subChar(td->type, '\t', ' ');	/* Tabs confuse things. */
	subChar(td->shortLabel, '\t', ' ');	/* Tabs confuse things. */
	subChar(td->longLabel, '\t', ' ');	/* Tabs confuse things. */
	trackDbTabOut(td, f);
        td->html = hold;
    verbose(2, "Wrote tab representation to %s\n", tab);

/* Update database */
    char *create, *end;
    char query[256];
    struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);

    /* Load in table definition. */
    readInGulp(sqlFile, &create, NULL);
    create = trimSpaces(create);
    create = substituteTrackName(create, trackDbName);
    end = create + strlen(create)-1;
    if (*end == ';') *end = 0;
    sqlRemakeTable(conn, trackDbName, create);

    /* Load in regular fields. */
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "load data local infile '%s' into table %s", tab, trackDbName);
    verbose(2, "sending mysql \"%s\"\n", query);
    sqlUpdate(conn, query);
    verbose(2, "done tab file load");

    /* Load in html and settings fields. */
    for (td = tdbList; td != NULL; td = td->next)
        if (isEmpty(td->html))
	    if (strict && !trackDbLocalSetting(td, "parent") && !trackDbLocalSetting(td, "superTrack") &&
		fprintf(stderr, "Warning: html missing for %s %s %s '%s'\n",org, database, td->track, td->shortLabel);
	    updateBigTextField(conn,  trackDbName, "tableName", td->track, "html", td->html);
	if (td->settingsHash != NULL)
	    char *settings = settingsFromHash(td->settingsHash);
	    updateBigTextField(conn, trackDbName, "tableName", td->track,
	        "settings", settings);
	    if (showSettings)
		verbose(1, "%s: type='%s';", td->track, td->type);
		if (isNotEmpty(settings))
		    char *oneLine = replaceChars(settings, "\n", "; ");
		    verbose(1, " %s", oneLine);
		verbose(1, "\n");

    verbose(1, "Loaded database %s\n", database);
void txGeneXref(char *genomeDb, char *uniProtDb, char *genePredFile, char *infoFile, char *pickFile, 
	char *evFile, char *outFile)
/* txGeneXref - Make kgXref type table for genes.. */
/* Load picks into hash.  We don't use cdsPicksLoadAll because empty fields
 * cause that autoSql-generated routine problems. */
struct hash *pickHash = newHash(18);
struct hash *geneToProtHash = makeGeneToProtHash(genePredFile);
struct cdsPick *pick;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(pickFile, TRUE);
char *row[CDSPICK_NUM_COLS];
while (lineFileRowTab(lf, row))
    pick = cdsPickLoad(row);
    hashAdd(pickHash, pick->name, pick);

/* Load evidence into hash */
struct hash *evHash = newHash(18);
struct txRnaAccs *ev, *evList = txRnaAccsLoadAll(evFile);
for (ev = evList; ev != NULL; ev = ev->next)
    hashAdd(evHash, ev->name, ev);

/* Open connections to our databases */
struct sqlConnection *gConn = sqlConnect(genomeDb);
struct sqlConnection *uConn = sqlConnect(uniProtDb);

/* Read in info file, and loop through it to make out file. */
struct txInfo *info, *infoList = txInfoLoadAll(infoFile);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
for (info = infoList; info != NULL; info = info->next)
    char *kgID = info->name;
    char *mRNA = "";
    char *spID = "";
    char *spDisplayID = "";
    char *geneSymbol = NULL;
    char *refseq = "";
    char *protAcc = "";
    char *description = NULL;
    char query[256];
    char *proteinId = hashMustFindVal(geneToProtHash, info->name);
    boolean isAb = sameString(info->category, "antibodyParts");
    pick = hashFindVal(pickHash, info->name);
    ev = hashFindVal(evHash, info->name);
    if (pick != NULL)
       /* Fill in the relatively straightforward fields. */
       refseq = pick->refSeq;
       if (info->orfSize > 0)
	    protAcc = pick->refProt;
	    spID = proteinId;
	    if (sameString(protAcc, spID))
		spID = pick->uniProt;
	    if (spID[0] != 0)
	       spDisplayID = spAnyAccToId(uConn, spID);

       /* Fill in gene symbol and description from refseq if possible. */
       if (refseq[0] != 0)
	   struct sqlResult *sr;
	   safef(query, sizeof(query), "select name,product from refLink where mrnaAcc='%s'",
	   sr = sqlGetResult(gConn, query);
	   char **row = sqlNextRow(sr);
	   if (row != NULL)
	       geneSymbol = cloneString(row[0]);
	       if (!sameWord("unknown protein", row[1]))
		   description = cloneString(row[1]);

       /* If need be try uniProt for gene symbol and description. */
       if (spID[0] != 0 && (geneSymbol == NULL || description == NULL))
	   char *acc = spLookupPrimaryAcc(uConn, spID);
	   if (description == NULL)
	       description = spDescription(uConn, acc);
	   if (geneSymbol == NULL)
	       struct slName *nameList = spGenes(uConn, acc);
	       if (nameList != NULL)
		   geneSymbol = cloneString(nameList->name);


    /* If it's an antibody fragment use that as name. */
    if (isAb)
	geneSymbol = cloneString("abParts");
	description = cloneString("Parts of antibodies, mostly variable regions.");
	isAb = TRUE;

    if (ev == NULL)
	mRNA = cloneString("");
	if (!isAb)
	    errAbort("%s is %s but not %s\n", info->name, infoFile, evFile);
	mRNA = cloneString(ev->primary);

    /* Still no joy? Try genbank RNA records. */
    if (geneSymbol == NULL || description == NULL)
	if (ev != NULL)
	    int i;
	    for (i=0; i<ev->accCount; ++i)
		char *acc = ev->accs[i];
		if (geneSymbol == NULL)
		    safef(query, sizeof(query), 
			"select from gbCdnaInfo,geneName "
			"where and gbCdnaInfo.acc = '%s'", acc);
		    geneSymbol = sqlQuickString(gConn, query);
		    if (geneSymbol != NULL)
			if (sameString(geneSymbol, "n/a"))
			   geneSymbol = NULL;
		if (description == NULL)
		    safef(query, sizeof(query), 
			"select from gbCdnaInfo,description "
			"where "
			"and gbCdnaInfo.acc = '%s'", acc);
		    description = sqlQuickString(gConn, query);
		    if (description != NULL)
			if (sameString(description, "n/a"))
			   description = NULL;
    if (geneSymbol == NULL)
        geneSymbol = mRNA;
    if (description == NULL)
        description = mRNA;

    /* Get rid of some characters that will cause havoc downstream. */
    stripChar(geneSymbol, '\'');
    subChar(geneSymbol, '<', '[');
    subChar(geneSymbol, '>', ']');

    /* Abbreviate geneSymbol if too long */
    if (strlen(geneSymbol) > 40)
        strcpy(geneSymbol+37, "...");

    fprintf(f, "%s\t", kgID);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", mRNA);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", spID);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", spDisplayID);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", geneSymbol);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", refseq);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", protAcc);
    fprintf(f, "%s\n", description);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void undosPath(char *path)
/* Convert '\' to '/' in path. */
subChar(path, '\\', '/');
Ejemplo n.º 25
void printExpression(FILE *f, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *imagePaneKey, char *assayKey)
/* Print associated expression info on assay/pane as indented lines. */
struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;

    "select GXD_Structure.printName,GXD_InSituResult._Strength_key,GXD_Pattern.pattern "
    "from GXD_Structure,GXD_InSituResult,GXD_InSituResultImage,"
    "GXD_ISResultStructure,GXD_Pattern,GXD_Specimen "
    "where GXD_InSituResultImage._ImagePane_key = %s "
    "and GXD_InSituResultImage._Result_key = GXD_ISResultStructure._Result_key "
    "and GXD_InSituResultImage._Result_key = GXD_InSituResult._Result_key "
    "and GXD_ISResultStructure._Structure_key = GXD_Structure._Structure_key "
    "and GXD_Pattern._Pattern_key = GXD_InSituResult._Pattern_key "
    "and GXD_Specimen._Specimen_key = GXD_InSituResult._Specimen_key "
    "and GXD_Specimen._Assay_key = %s "
    , imagePaneKey, assayKey);
sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn, query->string);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *bodyPart = skipLeadingSpaces(row[0]);
    if (bodyPart[0] != 0)
	int expression = sqlSigned(row[1]);
	char *pattern = skipLeadingSpaces(row[2]);
	float level;
	int lastChar = strlen(bodyPart)-1;
	/* Strip trailing # if any from body part. */
	if (bodyPart[lastChar] == '#')
	    bodyPart[lastChar] = 0;
	/* treat expression 2 "present" as full 1.0 so will appear as (+) 
	 * treat -1 and -2 (not applic and not spec) as 1.0 + so won't disappear
	 *  0 shouldn't happen but we'll catch it anyway */
	    case 3:
	    case 4:
	    case 5:
	    case 6:
	    case 7:
		level = (float)(expression - 2) / 6.0;
	    case 1:
		level = 0.0;
	    case -2:
	    case -1:
	    case 0:
	    case 2:
	    case 8:
		level = 1.0;
	fprintf(f, "\texpression\t%s\t%f\t\t\t%s\n", bodyPart, level, pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void legalizeName(Symbol* sym) {
  if (sym->hasFlag(FLAG_EXTERN))
  for (const char* ch = sym->cname; *ch != '\0'; ch++) {
    switch (*ch) {
    case '>': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_GREATER_"); break;
    case '<': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_LESS_"); break;
    case '=':

        /* To help generated code readability, we'd like to convert =
           into "ASSIGN" and == into "EQUALS".  Unfortunately, because
           of the character-at-a-time approach taken here combined
           with the fact that subChar() returns a completely new
           string on every call, the way I implemented this is a bit
           ugly (in part because I didn't want to spend the time to
           reimplement this whole function -BLC */

        static const char* equalsStr = "_EQUALS_";
        static int equalsLen = strlen(equalsStr);

        if (*(ch+1) == '=') {
          // If we're in the == case, replace the first = with EQUALS
          ch = subChar(sym, ch, equalsStr);
        } else {
          if ((ch-equalsLen >= sym->cname) && 
              strncmp(ch-equalsLen, equalsStr, equalsLen) == 0) {
            // Otherwise, if the thing preceding this '=' is the
            // string _EQUALS_, we must have been the second '=' and
            // we should just replace ourselves with an underscore to
            // make things legal.
            ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_");
          } else {
            // Otherwise, this must have simply been a standalone '='
            ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_ASSIGN_");
    case '*': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_ASTERISK_"); break;
    case '/': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_SLASH_"); break;
    case '%': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_PERCENT_"); break;
    case '+': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_PLUS_"); break;
    case '-': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_HYPHEN_"); break;
    case '^': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_CARET_"); break;
    case '&': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_AMPERSAND_"); break;
    case '|': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_BAR_"); break;
    case '!': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_EXCLAMATION_"); break;
    case '#': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_POUND_"); break;
    case '?': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_QUESTION_"); break;
    case '$': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_DOLLAR_"); break;
    case '~': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_TILDE_"); break;
    case '.': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_DOT_"); break;
    case ' ': ch = subChar(sym, ch, "_SPACE_"); break;
    default: break;

  // Add chpl_ to operator names.
  if ((sym->cname[0] == '_' &&
      (sym->cname[1] == '_' || (sym->cname[1] >= 'A' && sym->cname[1] <= 'Z'))))
    sym->cname = astr("chpl__", sym->cname);
Ejemplo n.º 27
static void mafOrAxtClick2(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct sqlConnection *conn2, struct trackDb *tdb, char *axtOtherDb, char *fileName)
/* Display details for MAF or AXT tracks. */
if (winEnd - winStart > 30000)
    printf("Zoom so that window is 30,000 bases or less to see alignments and conservation statistics\n");
    struct mafAli *mafList = NULL, *maf, *subList = NULL;
    int aliIx = 0, realCount = 0;
    char dbChrom[64];
    char option[128];
    char *capTrack;
    struct consWiggle *consWig, *consWiggles;
    struct hash *speciesOffHash = NULL;
    char *speciesOrder = NULL;
    char *speciesTarget = trackDbSetting(tdb, SPECIES_TARGET_VAR);
    char buffer[1024];
    int useTarg = FALSE;
    int useIrowChains = FALSE;

    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", tdb->track, MAF_CHAIN_VAR);
    if (cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, option, FALSE) &&
	trackDbSetting(tdb, "irows") != NULL)
	    useIrowChains = TRUE;

    safef(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.vis",tdb->track);
    if (useIrowChains)
	if (!cartVarExists(cart, buffer) && (speciesTarget != NULL))
	    useTarg = TRUE;
	    char *val;

	    val = cartUsualString(cart, buffer, "useCheck");
            useTarg = sameString("useTarg",val);

    if (sameString(tdb->type, "bigMaf"))
        char *fileName = trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl");
        struct bbiFile *bbi = bigBedFileOpen(fileName);
        mafList = bigMafLoadInRegion(bbi, seqName, winStart, winEnd);
        mafList = mafOrAxtLoadInRegion2(conn,conn2, tdb, seqName, winStart, winEnd,
                                        axtOtherDb, fileName);
    safef(dbChrom, sizeof(dbChrom), "%s.%s", hubConnectSkipHubPrefix(database), seqName);

    safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.speciesOrder", tdb->track);
    speciesOrder = cartUsualString(cart, option, NULL);
    if (speciesOrder == NULL)
	speciesOrder = trackDbSetting(tdb, "speciesOrder");

    for (maf = mafList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
        int mcCount = 0;
        struct mafComp *mc;
        struct mafAli *subset;
        struct mafComp *nextMc;

        /* remove empty components and configured off components
         * from MAF, and ignore
         * the entire MAF if all components are empty
         * (solely for gap annotation) */

        if (!useTarg)
            for (mc = maf->components->next; mc != NULL; mc = nextMc)
		char buf[64];
                char *organism;
		mafSrcDb(mc->src, buf, sizeof buf);
                organism = hOrganism(buf);
                if (!organism)
                    organism = buf;
		nextMc = mc->next;
		safef(option, sizeof(option), "%s.%s", tdb->track, buf);
		if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE))
		    if (speciesOffHash == NULL)
			speciesOffHash = newHash(4);
		    hashStoreName(speciesOffHash, organism);
		if (!cartUsualBoolean(cart, option, TRUE))
		    slRemoveEl(&maf->components, mc);
        if (mcCount == 0)

	if (speciesOrder)
	    int speciesCt;
	    char *species[2048];
	    struct mafComp **newOrder, *mcThis;
	    int i;

	    mcCount = 0;
	    speciesCt = chopLine(cloneString(speciesOrder), species);
	    newOrder = needMem((speciesCt + 1) * sizeof (struct mafComp *));
	    newOrder[mcCount++] = maf->components;

	    for (i = 0; i < speciesCt; i++)
		if ((mcThis = mafMayFindCompSpecies(maf, species[i], '.')) == NULL)
		newOrder[mcCount++] = mcThis;

	    maf->components = NULL;
	    for (i = 0; i < mcCount; i++)
		newOrder[i]->next = 0;
		slAddHead(&maf->components, newOrder[i]);

	subset = mafSubsetE(maf, dbChrom, winStart, winEnd, TRUE);
	if (subset != NULL)
	    /* Reformat MAF if needed so that sequence from current
	     * database is the first component and on the
	     * plus strand. */
	    mafMoveComponentToTop(subset, dbChrom);
	    if (subset->components->strand == '-')
	    subset->score = mafScoreMultiz(subset);
	    slAddHead(&subList, subset);
    if (subList != NULL)
	char *showVarName = "hgc.showMultiBase";
	char *showVarVal = cartUsualString(cart, showVarName, "all");
	boolean onlyDiff = sameWord(showVarVal, "diff");
	char *codeVarName = "hgc.multiCapCoding";
	char *codeVarVal = cartUsualString(cart, codeVarName, "coding");
	boolean onlyCds = sameWord(codeVarVal, "coding");
        /* add links for conservation score statistics */
        consWiggles = wigMafWiggles(database, tdb);
        int wigCount = slCount(consWiggles);
        if (wigCount == 1)
            conservationStatsLink(tdb, "Conservation score statistics", consWiggles->table);
        else if (wigCount > 1)
            /* multiple wiggles. List all that have been turned on with
             * checkboxes */

            /* Scan for cart variables -- do any exist, are any turned on ? */
            boolean wigSet = FALSE;
            boolean wigOn = FALSE;
            for (consWig = consWiggles; consWig != NULL;
                        consWig = consWig->next)
                char *wigVarSuffix = NULL;
                (void)wigMafWiggleVar(tdb->track, consWig, &wigVarSuffix);
                if (cartVarExistsAnyLevel(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix))
                    wigSet = TRUE;
                    if (cartBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix))
                        wigOn = TRUE;
            /* If there are no cart vars, turn on the first (default) wig */
            if (!wigSet)
                char *prefix = tdb->track; // use when setting things to the cart
                if (tdbIsContainerChild(tdb))
                    prefix = tdbGetContainer(tdb)->track;

                cartSetBoolean(cart, wigMafWiggleVar(prefix, consWiggles, NULL), TRUE);
                wigOn = TRUE;
            if (wigOn)
                boolean first = TRUE;
                for (consWig = consWiggles; consWig != NULL;
                            consWig = consWig->next)
                    if (first)
                        printf("Conservation score statistics:");
                        first = FALSE;
                    char *wigVarSuffix = NULL;
                    (void)wigMafWiggleVar(tdb->track, consWig, &wigVarSuffix);
                    if (cartUsualBooleanClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, wigVarSuffix,FALSE))
                        subChar(consWig->uiLabel, '_', ' ');
                            consWig->uiLabel, consWig->table);

        /* no alignment to display when in visibilities where only wiggle is shown */
        char *vis = cartOptionalString(cart, tdb->track);
        if (vis)
            enum trackVisibility tv = hTvFromStringNoAbort(vis);
            if (tv == tvSquish || tv == tvDense)

	puts("<FORM ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/hgc\" NAME=\"gpForm\" METHOD=\"GET\">");
	printf("Capitalize ");
        cgiMakeDropListFull(codeVarName, codeAll, codeAll,
	    ArraySize(codeAll), codeVarVal, autoSubmit);
	printf("exons based on ");
        capTrack = genePredDropDown(cart, trackHash,
                                       "gpForm", "hgc.multiCapTrack");
	printf("show ");
        cgiMakeDropListFull(showVarName, showAll, showAll,
	    ArraySize(showAll), showVarVal, autoSubmit);

        /* notify if bases are complemented (hgTracks is on reverse strand) */
        if (cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, COMPLEMENT_BASES_VAR, FALSE))
            puts("<EM>Alignment displayed on reverse strand</EM><BR>");
	puts("Place cursor over species for alignment detail. Click on 'B' to link to browser ");
	puts("for aligned species, click on 'D' to get DNA for aligned species.<BR>");


        /* notify if species removed from alignment */
        if (speciesOffHash) 
            char *species;
            struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(speciesOffHash);
            puts("<B>Components not displayed:</B> ");
            while ((species = hashNextName(&hc)) != NULL)
                printf("%s ", species);

	for (maf = subList; maf != NULL; maf = maf->next)
	    if (capTrack != NULL)
                capMafOnTrack(maf, capTrack, onlyCds);
            printf("<B>Alignment block %d of %d in window, %d - %d, %d bps </B>\n",
                   ++aliIx,realCount,maf->components->start + 1,
                   maf->components->start + maf->components->size, maf->components->size);
            mafPrettyOut(stdout, maf, 70,onlyDiff, aliIx);
        printf("No multiple alignment in browser window");
Ejemplo n.º 28
void blatSeq(char *userSeq, char *organism)
/* Blat sequence user pasted in. */
FILE *f;
struct dnaSeq *seqList = NULL, *seq;
struct tempName pslTn, faTn;
int maxSingleSize, maxTotalSize, maxSeqCount;
int minSingleSize = minMatchShown;
char *genome, *db;
char *type = cgiString("type");
char *seqLetters = cloneString(userSeq);
struct serverTable *serve;
int conn;
int oneSize, totalSize = 0, seqCount = 0;
boolean isTx = FALSE;
boolean isTxTx = FALSE;
boolean txTxBoth = FALSE;
struct gfOutput *gvo;
boolean qIsProt = FALSE;
enum gfType qType, tType;
struct hash *tFileCache = gfFileCacheNew();
boolean feelingLucky = cgiBoolean("Lucky");

getDbAndGenome(cart, &db, &genome, oldVars);
    cartWebStart(cart, db, "%s BLAT Results",  trackHubSkipHubName(organism));
/* Load user sequence and figure out if it is DNA or protein. */
if (sameWord(type, "DNA"))
    seqList = faSeqListFromMemText(seqLetters, TRUE);
    isTx = FALSE;
else if (sameWord(type, "translated RNA") || sameWord(type, "translated DNA"))
    seqList = faSeqListFromMemText(seqLetters, TRUE);
    isTx = TRUE;
    isTxTx = TRUE;
    txTxBoth = sameWord(type, "translated DNA");
else if (sameWord(type, "protein"))
    seqList = faSeqListFromMemText(seqLetters, FALSE);
    isTx = TRUE;
    qIsProt = TRUE;
    seqList = faSeqListFromMemTextRaw(seqLetters);
    isTx = !seqIsDna(seqList);
    if (!isTx)
	for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
	    seq->size = dnaFilteredSize(seq->dna);
	    dnaFilter(seq->dna, seq->dna);
	    toLowerN(seq->dna, seq->size);
	    subChar(seq->dna, 'u', 't');
	for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
	    seq->size = aaFilteredSize(seq->dna);
	    aaFilter(seq->dna, seq->dna);
	    toUpperN(seq->dna, seq->size);
	qIsProt = TRUE;
if (seqList != NULL && seqList->name[0] == 0)
    seqList->name = cloneString("YourSeq");

/* If feeling lucky only do the first on. */
if(feelingLucky && seqList != NULL)
    seqList->next = NULL;

/* Figure out size allowed. */
maxSingleSize = (isTx ? 10000 : 75000);
maxTotalSize = maxSingleSize * 2.5;
#ifdef LOWELAB
maxSeqCount = 200;
maxSeqCount = 25;

/* Create temporary file to store sequence. */
trashDirFile(&faTn, "hgSs", "hgSs", ".fa");
faWriteAll(faTn.forCgi, seqList);

/* Create a temporary .psl file with the alignments against genome. */
trashDirFile(&pslTn, "hgSs", "hgSs", ".pslx");
f = mustOpen(pslTn.forCgi, "w");
gvo = gfOutputPsl(0, qIsProt, FALSE, f, FALSE, TRUE);
serve = findServer(db, isTx);
/* Write header for extended (possibly protein) psl file. */
if (isTx)
    if (isTxTx)
	qType = gftDnaX;
	tType = gftDnaX;
	qType = gftProt;
	tType = gftDnaX;
    qType = gftDna;
    tType = gftDna;
pslxWriteHead(f, qType, tType);

if (qType == gftProt)
    minSingleSize = 14;
else if (qType == gftDnaX)
    minSingleSize = 36;

/* Loop through each sequence. */
for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
    printf(" "); fflush(stdout);  /* prevent apache cgi timeout by outputting something */
    oneSize = realSeqSize(seq, !isTx);
    if ((seqCount&1) == 0)	// Call bot delay every 2nd time starting with first time
    if (++seqCount > maxSeqCount)
	warn("More than 25 input sequences, stopping at %s.",
    if (oneSize > maxSingleSize)
	warn("Sequence %s is %d letters long (max is %d), skipping",
	    seq->name, oneSize, maxSingleSize);
    if (oneSize < minSingleSize)
	warn("Warning: Sequence %s is only %d letters long (%d is the recommended minimum)", 
		seq->name, oneSize, minSingleSize);
	// we could use "continue;" here to actually enforce skipping, 
	// but let's give the short sequence a chance, it might work.
	// minimum possible length = tileSize+stepSize, so mpl=16 for dna stepSize=5, mpl=10 for protein.
	if (qIsProt && oneSize < 1) // protein does not tolerate oneSize==0
    totalSize += oneSize;
    if (totalSize > maxTotalSize)
	warn("Sequence %s would take us over the %d letter limit, stopping here.",
	     seq->name, maxTotalSize);
    conn = gfConnect(serve->host, serve->port);
    if (isTx)
	gvo->reportTargetStrand = TRUE;
	if (isTxTx)
	    gfAlignTransTrans(&conn, serve->nibDir, seq, FALSE, 5, 
	    	tFileCache, gvo, !txTxBoth);
	    if (txTxBoth)
		reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
		conn = gfConnect(serve->host, serve->port);
		gfAlignTransTrans(&conn, serve->nibDir, seq, TRUE, 5, 
			tFileCache, gvo, FALSE);
	    gfAlignTrans(&conn, serve->nibDir, seq, 5, tFileCache, gvo);
	gfAlignStrand(&conn, serve->nibDir, seq, FALSE, minMatchShown, tFileCache, gvo);
	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
	conn = gfConnect(serve->host, serve->port);
	gfAlignStrand(&conn, serve->nibDir, seq, TRUE, minMatchShown, tFileCache, gvo);
    gfOutputQuery(gvo, f);
showAliPlaces(pslTn.forCgi, faTn.forCgi, serve->db, qType, tType, 
	      organism, feelingLucky);
void loadGeneToMotif(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table,
	struct hash *geneToModuleHash, struct hash *moduleAndMotifHash,
	struct hash *motifHash, struct hash *positionsHash,
	char *regionTable)
/* Load file which is a big matrix with genes for rows and motifs for
 * columns.  There is a semicolon-separated list of numbers in the matrix 
 * where a gene has the motif, and an empty (tab separated) field
 * where there is no motif.  The numbers are relative to the
 * region associated with the gene in the positionsHash. 
 * Only load bits of this where motif actually occurs in module associated 
 * with gene. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line;
FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, table);
char *motifNames[32*1024], *row[32*1024];
int motifCount, rowSize, i;
char *gene, *module;
int geneCount = 0, total = 0;
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512);
struct genomePos *motifPosList = NULL, *motifPosForGene;
struct genomePos *regionPosList = NULL, *regionPos;

/* Read first line, which is labels. */
if (!lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
    errAbort("Empty file %s", fileName);
subChar(line, ' ', '_');
motifCount = chopLine(line, motifNames);
if (motifCount >= ArraySize(motifNames))
    errAbort("Too many motifs line 1 of %s", fileName);
lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 2, motifCount);
motifNames[0] = NULL;
for (i=1; i<motifCount; ++i)
    char name[64];
    motifNames[i] = cloneString(fixMotifName(motifNames[i],name,sizeof(name)));
    if (!hashLookup(motifHash, motifNames[i]))
        errAbort("Motif %s is in %s but not modules_motifs.gxm",
		motifNames[i], fileName);

/* Read subsequent lines. */
while ((rowSize = lineFileChopTab(lf, row)) != 0)
    lineFileExpectWords(lf, motifCount, rowSize);
    gene = row[0];
    module = hashFindVal(geneToModuleHash, gene);
    if (module == NULL)
        warn("WARNING: Gene %s in line %d of %s but not", 
		gene, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    regionPos = NULL;
    for (i=1; i<rowSize; ++i)
	if (row[i][0] != 0)
	    if (hashLookup2(moduleAndMotifHash, module, motifNames[i]))
		regionPos = hashFindVal(positionsHash, gene);
		if (regionPos == NULL)
		    warn("WARNING: %s in %s but not",
		    	gene, fileName);
		    i = rowSize; continue;
		motifPosForGene = convertMotifPos(row[i], regionPos, 
			hashMustFindVal(motifHash, motifNames[i]), lf);
		motifPosList = slCat(motifPosForGene, motifPosList);
    if (regionPos != NULL)
	slAddHead(&regionPosList, regionPos);

/* Output sorted table of all motif hits. */
    struct genomePos *pos;
    slSort(&motifPosList, genomePosCmp);
    for (pos = motifPosList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
	int start = pos->start;
	int end = pos->end;
	if (start < 0) start = 0;
	fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(start, end));
	fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->chrom);
	fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", start, end);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->motif);
	fprintf(f, "%d\t", pos->score);
	fprintf(f, "%c\t", pos->strand);
	fprintf(f, "%s\n", pos->name);
    "CREATE TABLE  %s (\n"
    "    bin smallInt unsigned not null,\n"
    "    chrom varChar(255) not null,\n"
    "    chromStart int not null,\n"
    "    chromEnd int not null,\n"
    "    name varchar(255) not null,\n"
    "    score int not null,\n"
    "    strand char(1) not null,\n"
    "    gene varchar(255) not null,\n"
    "              #Indices\n"
    "    INDEX(gene(12)),\n"
    "    INDEX(name(16)),\n"
    "    INDEX(chrom(8),bin)\n"
    ")\n",  table);
    sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string);
    verbose(1, "%d genes, %d motifs, %d motifs in genes\n",
	    geneCount, motifCount-1, total);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, table, &f);
    // hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, table);
    verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table);

/* Now output sorted table of upstream regions. */
    FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, regionTable);
    struct genomePos *pos;
    "CREATE TABLE  %s (\n"
    "    bin smallInt unsigned not null,\n"
    "    chrom varChar(255) not null,\n"
    "    chromStart int not null,\n"
    "    chromEnd int not null,\n"
    "    name varchar(255) not null,\n"
    "    score int not null,\n"
    "    strand char(1) not null,\n"
    "              #Indices\n"
    "    INDEX(name(16)),\n"
    "    INDEX(chrom(8),bin)\n"
    ")\n",  regionTable);
    sqlRemakeTable(conn, regionTable, dy->string);
    slSort(&regionPosList, genomePosCmp);
    for (pos = regionPosList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
	int start = pos->start;
	int end = pos->end;
	if (start < 0) start = 0;
	fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(start, end));
	fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->chrom);
	fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", start, end);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->name);
	fprintf(f, "%d\t", pos->score);
	fprintf(f, "%c\n", pos->strand);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, regionTable, &f);
    // hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, regionTable);
Ejemplo n.º 30
void submitRefToFiles(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct sqlConnection *conn2, struct sqlConnection *connSp,
    char *ref, char *fileRoot, char *inJax)
/* Create a .ra and a .tab file for given reference. */
/* Initially the tab file will have some duplicate lines, so
 * write to temp file, and then filter. */
char raName[PATH_LEN], tabName[PATH_LEN], capName[PATH_LEN];
FILE *ra = NULL, *tab = NULL, *cap = NULL;
struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
char *pubMed;
struct slName *list, *el;
boolean gotAny = FALSE;
struct hash *uniqImageHash = newHash(0);
struct hash *captionHash = newHash(0);
int imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0;
char path[PATH_LEN];
struct dyString *caption = dyStringNew(0);
struct dyString *copyright = dyStringNew(0);
struct dyString *probeNotes = dyStringNew(0);
boolean lookedForCopyright = FALSE;
safef(raName, sizeof(raName), "%s.ra", fileRoot);
safef(tabName, sizeof(tabName), "", fileRoot);
safef(capName, sizeof(capName), "%s.txt", fileRoot);
tab = mustOpen(tabName, "w");
cap = mustOpen(capName, "w");

sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select authors,journal,title,year from BIB_Refs where ");
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "_Refs_key = '%s'", ref);
sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn, query->string);
row = sqlNextRow(sr);
if (row == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find _Refs_key %s in BIB_Refs", ref);

/* Make ra file with stuff common to whole submission set. */
ra = mustOpen(raName, "w");
fprintf(ra, "submissionSource MGI\n");
fprintf(ra, "acknowledgement Thanks to the Gene Expression Database group at "
            "Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) for collecting, annotating and sharing "
	    "this image. The MGI images were last updated in VisiGene on March 28, 2006. "
	    "Additional and more up to date annotations and images may be available "
	    "directly at <A HREF='' target='_blank'>MGI.</A>\n");
fprintf(ra, "submitSet jax%s\n", ref);
fprintf(ra, "taxon 10090\n");	/* Mus musculus taxon */
fprintf(ra, "fullDir\n");
fprintf(ra, "thumbDir\n");
fprintf(ra, "setUrl\n");
fprintf(ra, "itemUrl\n");
fprintf(ra, "abUrl\n");
fprintf(ra, "journal %s\n", row[1]);
fprintf(ra, "publication %s\n", row[2]);
fprintf(ra, "year %s\n", row[3]);

/* The contributor (author) list is in format Kent WJ; Haussler DH; format in
 * Jackson.  We convert it to Kent W.J.,Haussler D.H., format for visiGene. */
fprintf(ra, "contributor ");
list = charSepToSlNames(row[0], ';');
for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    char *lastName = skipLeadingSpaces(el->name);
    char *initials = strrchr(lastName, ' ');
    if (initials == NULL)
	initials = "";
	*initials++ = 0;
    fprintf(ra, "%s", lastName);
    if (initials[0] != 0)
	char c;
	fprintf(ra, " ");
	while ((c = *initials++) != 0)
	    fprintf(ra, "%c.", c);
    fprintf(ra, ",");
fprintf(ra, "\n");

/* Add in link to PubMed record on publication. */
   "select ACC_Accession.accID from ACC_Accession,ACC_LogicalDB "
   "where ACC_Accession._Object_key = %s "
   "and ACC_Accession._LogicalDB_key = ACC_LogicalDB._LogicalDB_key "
   "and = 'PubMed'", ref);
pubMed = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn, query->string);
if (pubMed != NULL)
    fprintf(ra, "pubUrl\n", pubMed);

	"select distinct MRK_Marker.symbol as gene,"
               " as sex,"
	       "GXD_Specimen.age as age,"
	       "GXD_Specimen.ageMin as ageMin,"
	       "GXD_Specimen.ageMax as ageMax,"
	       "IMG_ImagePane.paneLabel as paneLabel,"
	       "ACC_Accession.numericPart as fileKey,"
	       "IMG_Image._Image_key as imageKey,"
	       "GXD_Assay._ProbePrep_key as probePrepKey,"
	       "GXD_Assay._AntibodyPrep_key as antibodyPrepKey,"
	       "GXD_Assay._ReporterGene_key as reporterGeneKey,"
	       "GXD_FixationMethod.fixation as fixation,"
	       "GXD_EmbeddingMethod.embeddingMethod as embedding,"
	       "GXD_Assay._Assay_key as assayKey,"
	       "GXD_Specimen.hybridization as sliceType,"
	       "GXD_Specimen._Genotype_key as genotypeKey,"
	       "IMG_ImagePane._ImagePane_key as imagePaneKey\n"
	"from MRK_Marker,"
	"where MRK_Marker._Marker_key = GXD_Assay._Marker_key "
	  "and GXD_Assay._Assay_key = GXD_Specimen._Assay_key "
	  "and GXD_Specimen._Specimen_key = GXD_InSituResult._Specimen_key "
	  "and GXD_InSituResult._Result_key = GXD_InSituResultImage._Result_key "
	  "and GXD_InSituResultImage._ImagePane_key = IMG_ImagePane._ImagePane_key "
	  "and GXD_FixationMethod._Fixation_key = GXD_Specimen._Fixation_key "
	  "and GXD_EmbeddingMethod._Embedding_key = GXD_Specimen._Embedding_key "
	  "and IMG_ImagePane._Image_key = IMG_Image._Image_key "
	  "and IMG_Image._Image_key = ACC_Accession._Object_key "
	  "and ACC_Accession.prefixPart = 'PIX:' "
	  "and GXD_Assay._ImagePane_key is NULL "
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "and GXD_Assay._Refs_key = '%s'", ref);
sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn, query->string);

fprintf(tab, "#");
fprintf(tab, "gene\t");
fprintf(tab, "probeColor\t");
fprintf(tab, "sex\t");
fprintf(tab, "age\t");
fprintf(tab, "ageMin\t");
fprintf(tab, "ageMax\t");
fprintf(tab, "paneLabel\t");
fprintf(tab, "fileName\t");
fprintf(tab, "submitId\t");
fprintf(tab, "fPrimer\t");
fprintf(tab, "rPrimer\t");
fprintf(tab, "abName\t");
fprintf(tab, "abTaxon\t");
fprintf(tab, "abSubmitId\t");
fprintf(tab, "fixation\t");
fprintf(tab, "embedding\t");
fprintf(tab, "bodyPart\t");
fprintf(tab, "sliceType\t");
fprintf(tab, "genotype\t");
fprintf(tab, "strain\t");
fprintf(tab, "priority\t");
fprintf(tab, "captionId\t");
fprintf(tab, "imageWidth\t");
fprintf(tab, "imageHeight\n");

while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    char *gene = row[0];
    char *sex = row[1];
    char *age = row[2];
    char *ageMin = row[3];
    char *ageMax = row[4];
    char *paneLabel = row[5];
    char *fileKey = row[6];
    char *imageKey = row[7];
    char *probePrepKey = row[8];
    char *antibodyPrepKey = row[9];
    char *reporterGeneKey = row[10];
    char *fixation = row[11];
    char *embedding = row[12];
    char *assayKey = row[13];
    char *sliceType = row[14];
    char *genotypeKey = row[15];
    char *imagePaneKey = row[16];
    double calcAge = -1;
    char *probeColor = "";
    char *bodyPart = "";
    char *abName = NULL;
    char *rPrimer = NULL, *fPrimer = NULL;
    char *genotype = NULL;
    char *strain = NULL;
    char *priority = NULL;
    char abTaxon[32];
    char *captionId = "";
    char *abSubmitId = NULL;

    verbose(3, "   "); dumpRow(row, 16);

    if (age == NULL)

    if (!lookedForCopyright)
	struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
	char **row;
	lookedForCopyright = TRUE;

	     "select note from MGI_NoteChunk,MGI_Note,MGI_NoteType,ACC_MGIType "
	     "where MGI_Note._Object_key = %s "
	     "and = 'Image' "
	     "and ACC_MGIType._MGIType_key = MGI_Note._MGIType_key "
	     "and MGI_NoteType.noteType='Copyright' "
	     "and MGI_Note._NoteType_key = MGI_NoteType._NoteType_key "
	     "and MGI_Note._Note_key = MGI_NoteChunk._Note_key "
	     "order by sequenceNum"
	     , imageKey);
	sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	   dyStringAppend(copyright, row[0]);


	if (copyright->stringSize != 0)
	    fprintf(ra, "copyright %s\n", copyright->string);

    /* Massage sex */
	if (sameString(sex, "Male"))
	    sex = "male";
	else if (sameString(sex, "Female"))
	    sex = "female";
	    sex = "";

    /* Massage age */
	char *embryoPat = "embryonic day ";
	char *newbornPat = "postnatal newborn";
	char *dayPat = "postnatal day ";
	char *weekPat = "postnatal week ";
	char *adultPat = "postnatal adult";
	double calcMinAge = atof(ageMin);
	double calcMaxAge = atof(ageMax);
	double mouseBirthAge = 21.0;
	//double mouseAdultAge = 63.0;	/* Relative to conception, not birth */

	if (age[0] == 0)
	    warn("age null, ageMin %s, ageMax %s\n", ageMin, ageMax);
	    calcAge = (calcMinAge + calcMaxAge) * 0.5;
	else if (startsWith(embryoPat, age))
	    calcAge = atof(age+strlen(embryoPat));
	else if (sameString(newbornPat, age))
	    calcAge = mouseBirthAge;
	else if (startsWith(dayPat, age))
	    calcAge = atof(age+strlen(dayPat)) + mouseBirthAge;
        else if (startsWith(weekPat, age))
	    calcAge = 7.0 * atof(age+strlen(weekPat)) + mouseBirthAge;
	else if (sameString(adultPat, age) && calcMaxAge - calcMinAge > 1000 
		&& calcMinAge < 365)
	    calcAge = 365;	/* Most adult mice are relatively young */
	    warn("Calculating age from %s", age);
	    calcAge = (calcMinAge + calcMaxAge) * 0.5;
	if (calcAge < calcMinAge)
	    calcAge = calcMinAge;
	if (calcAge > calcMaxAge)
	    calcAge = calcMaxAge;
    /* Massage probeColor */
	if (!isStrNull(reporterGeneKey))
	    /* Fixme: make sure that reporterGene's end up in probeType table. */
	    char *name = NULL;
	    	"select term from VOC_Term where _Term_key = %s", 
	    name = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	    if (name == NULL)
	        warn("Can't find _ReporterGene_key %s in VOC_Term", 
	    else if (sameString(name, "GFP"))
	        probeColor = "green";
	    else if (sameString(name, "lacZ"))
	        probeColor = "blue";
	        warn("Don't know color of reporter gene %s", name);
	if (!isStrNull(probePrepKey))
	    char *name = NULL;
	      "select GXD_VisualizationMethod.visualization "
	      "from GXD_VisualizationMethod,GXD_ProbePrep "
	      "where GXD_ProbePrep._ProbePrep_key = %s "
	      "and GXD_ProbePrep._Visualization_key = GXD_VisualizationMethod._Visualization_key"
	      , probePrepKey);
	    name = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	    if (name == NULL)
	        warn("Can't find visualization from _ProbePrep_key %s", probePrepKey);
	    probeColor = colorFromLabel(name, gene);
	    if (probeColor[0] == 0)
			"select GXD_Label.label from GXD_Label,GXD_ProbePrep "
		        "where GXD_ProbePrep._ProbePrep_key = %s " 
			"and GXD_ProbePrep._Label_key = GXD_Label._Label_key"
		        , probePrepKey);
		name = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
		if (name == NULL)
		    warn("Can't find label from _ProbePrep_key %s", 
		probeColor = colorFromLabel(name, gene);
	if (!isStrNull(antibodyPrepKey) && probeColor[0] == 0 )
	    char *name = NULL;
		  "select GXD_Label.label from GXD_Label,GXD_AntibodyPrep "
		  "where GXD_AntibodyPrep._AntibodyPrep_key = %s "
		  "and GXD_AntibodyPrep._Label_key = GXD_Label._Label_key"
		  , antibodyPrepKey);
	    name = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	    if (name == NULL)
		warn("Can't find label from _AntibodyPrep_key %s", antibodyPrepKey);
	    probeColor = colorFromLabel(name, gene);

    /* Get abName, abTaxon, abSubmitId */
    abTaxon[0] = 0;
    if (!isStrNull(antibodyPrepKey))
	struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
	int orgKey = 0;
	char **row;
		"select antibodyName,_Organism_key,GXD_Antibody._Antibody_key "
		"from GXD_AntibodyPrep,GXD_Antibody "
		"where GXD_AntibodyPrep._AntibodyPrep_key = %s "
		"and GXD_AntibodyPrep._Antibody_key = GXD_Antibody._Antibody_key"
		, antibodyPrepKey);
	sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	row = sqlNextRow(sr);
	if (row != NULL)
	    abName = cloneString(row[0]);
	    orgKey = atoi(row[1]);
	    abSubmitId = cloneString(row[2]);

	if (orgKey > 0)
	    char *latinName = NULL, *commonName = NULL;
	    int spTaxon = 0;
	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select latinName from MGI_Organism "
	                          "where _Organism_key = %d", orgKey);
	    latinName = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	    if (latinName != NULL 
		&& !sameString(latinName, "Not Specified")
		&& !sameString(latinName, "Not Applicable"))
		char *e = strchr(latinName, '/');
		if (e != NULL) 
		   *e = 0;	/* Chop off / and after. */
		spTaxon = spBinomialToTaxon(connSp, latinName);
		sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select commonName from MGI_Organism "
	                          "where _Organism_key = %d", orgKey);
		commonName = sqlQuickStringVerbose(conn2, query->string);
		if (commonName != NULL 
		    && !sameString(commonName, "Not Applicable")
		    && !sameString(commonName, "Not Specified"))
		    spTaxon = spCommonToTaxon(connSp, commonName);
	    if (spTaxon != 0)
	        safef(abTaxon, sizeof(abTaxon), "%d", spTaxon);
    if (abName == NULL)
        abName = cloneString("");
    if (abSubmitId == NULL)
        abSubmitId = cloneString("");

    /* Get rPrimer, lPrimer */
    if (!isStrNull(probePrepKey))
	struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
	char **row;
	    "select primer1sequence,primer2sequence "
	    "from PRB_Probe,GXD_ProbePrep "
	    "where PRB_Probe._Probe_key = GXD_ProbePrep._Probe_key "
	    "and GXD_ProbePrep._ProbePrep_key = %s"
	    , probePrepKey);
	sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	row = sqlNextRow(sr);
	if (row != NULL)
	    fPrimer = cloneString(row[0]);
	    rPrimer = cloneString(row[1]);

    /* Note Jackson database actually stores the primers very
     * erratically.  In all the cases I can find for in situs
     * the primers are actually stored in free text in the PRB_Notes
    if (fPrimer == NULL || fPrimer[0]==0)
	struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
	char **row;
	    "select PRB_Notes.note from GXD_ProbePrep, PRB_Notes"
	    " where GXD_ProbePrep._ProbePrep_key = %s"
	    "  and GXD_ProbePrep._Probe_key = PRB_Notes._Probe_key"
	    " order by PRB_Notes.sequenceNum"
	    , probePrepKey);
	sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	   dyStringAppend(probeNotes, row[0]);

	if (probeNotes->stringSize > 0)
	    char f[256];
	    char r[256];
	    int i = 0;
	    char *s = strstr(probeNotes->string," primers ");
	    if (s)
		s += strlen(" primers ");
		i = 0;
		while (strchr("ACGT",*s) && (i<sizeof(f)))
		    f[i++] = *s++;
		if (strstr(s," and ")==s)
		    s += strlen(" and ");
		    i = 0;
    		    while (strchr("ACGT",*s) && (i<sizeof(r)))
    			r[i++] = *s++;
		    if (strlen(f) >= 10 && strlen(r) >= 10)
			fPrimer = cloneString(f);
			rPrimer = cloneString(r);
			verbose(1, "bad primer parse:_ProbePrep_key=%s fPrimer=[%s], rPrimer=[%s]\n",
    if (fPrimer == NULL)
        fPrimer = cloneString("");
    if (rPrimer == NULL)
        rPrimer = cloneString("");

    fixation = blankOutUnknown(fixation);
    embedding = blankOutUnknown(embedding);

    /* Massage body part and slice type.  We only handle whole mounts. */
    if (sameString(sliceType, "whole mount"))
	bodyPart = "whole";
	priority = "100";
        sliceType = "";
	priority = "1000";

    genotypeAndStrainFromKey(genotypeKey, conn2, &genotype, &strain);

    if (isStrNull(paneLabel))
	paneLabel = cloneString("");	  /* trying to suppress nulls in output */
    stripChar(paneLabel, '"');	/* Get rid of a difficult quote to process. */
    /* Fetch image dimensions from file. */
    safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.jpg", inJax, fileKey);
    if (fileExists(path))
    	jpegSize(path,&imageWidth,&imageHeight);  /* will errAbort if no valid .jpeg exists */
	warn("Picture Missing! %s ",path);
    /* Deal caption if any.  Most of the work only happens the
     * first time see the image. */
    if (!hashLookup(uniqImageHash, imageKey))
	struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
	char **row;
	hashAdd(uniqImageHash, imageKey, NULL);
	     "select note from MGI_NoteChunk,MGI_Note,MGI_NoteType,ACC_MGIType "
	     "where MGI_Note._Object_key = %s "
	     "and = 'Image' "
	     "and ACC_MGIType._MGIType_key = MGI_Note._MGIType_key "
	     "and MGI_NoteType.noteType='Caption' "
	     "and MGI_Note._NoteType_key = MGI_NoteType._NoteType_key "
	     "and MGI_Note._Note_key = MGI_NoteChunk._Note_key "
	     "order by sequenceNum"
	     , imageKey);
	sr = sqlGetResultVerbose(conn2, query->string);
	while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	   dyStringAppend(caption, row[0]);

	if (caption->stringSize > 0)
	    subChar(caption->string, '\t', ' ');
	    subChar(caption->string, '\n', ' ');
	    fprintf(cap, "%s\t%s\n", imageKey, caption->string);
	    hashAdd(captionHash, imageKey, imageKey);
    if (hashLookup(captionHash, imageKey))
        captionId = imageKey;
        captionId = "";

    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", gene);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", probeColor);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", sex);
    fprintf(tab, "%3.2f\t", calcAge);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", ageMin);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", ageMax);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", paneLabel);   /* may have to change NULL to empty string or "0" ? */
    fprintf(tab, "%s.jpg\t", fileKey);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", imageKey);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", fPrimer);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", rPrimer);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", abName);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", abTaxon);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", abSubmitId);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", fixation);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", embedding);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", bodyPart);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", sliceType);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", genotype);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", strain);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", priority);
    fprintf(tab, "%s\t", captionId);
    fprintf(tab, "%d\t", imageWidth);
    fprintf(tab, "%d\n", imageHeight);

    printExpression(tab,  conn2,  imagePaneKey, assayKey);
    gotAny = TRUE;


if (!gotAny)
