Ejemplo n.º 1
void Board::tilt_array(BoardPosition** pos_array, int size, bool& state_changed)
    // set all positions to not merged status
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = size - 2; i >= 0; --i)
        if (pos_array[i]->get_value() != 0)
            // move tile until first occupied position is found
            j = i;
            while ((j < size - 1) && (pos_array[j + 1]->get_value() == 0))
                swap_positions(pos_array[j], pos_array[j + 1]);
                state_changed = true;

            // determine if the next position has same value and if so, merge tiles
            if ((j < size - 1) && 
                (pos_array[j]->get_value() == pos_array[j + 1]->get_value()) &&
                merge_positions(pos_array[j], pos_array[j + 1]);
                m_score = m_score + pos_array[j + 1]->get_value();
                state_changed = true;
        // else do nothing with the current position
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SwappedSystem::reinitialize_phibetas (const Wavefunction<amplitude_t>::Amplitude &phialpha1, const Wavefunction<amplitude_t>::Amplitude &phialpha2)

    for (unsigned int species = 0; species < copy1_subsystem_indices.size(); ++species)
        std::cerr << "swapping " << copy1_subsystem_indices[species].size() << " particles of species " << species << std::endl;
    std::cerr << std::endl;

    PositionArguments swapped_r1(phialpha1.get_positions()), swapped_r2(phialpha2.get_positions());
    swap_positions(swapped_r1, swapped_r2);

    phibeta1 = phialpha1.clone();
    phibeta1_dirty = false;

    phibeta2 = phialpha2.clone();
    phibeta2_dirty = false;

    verify_phibetas(phialpha1, phialpha2);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SwappedSystem::verify_phibetas (const Wavefunction<amplitude_t>::Amplitude &phialpha1, const Wavefunction<amplitude_t>::Amplitude &phialpha2) const
#ifdef NDEBUG
    (void) phialpha1;
    (void) phialpha2;
    const PositionArguments &r1 = phialpha1.get_positions();
    const PositionArguments &r2 = phialpha2.get_positions();

    assert(r1.get_N_species() == r2.get_N_species());
    assert(r1.get_N_sites() == r2.get_N_sites());

    assert(copy1_subsystem_indices.size() == r1.get_N_species());
    assert(copy2_subsystem_indices.size() == r1.get_N_species());

    const Lattice &lattice = phialpha1.get_lattice();

    for (unsigned int species = 0; species < r1.get_N_species(); ++species) {
        const unsigned int N = r1.get_N_filled(species);
        assert(N == r2.get_N_filled(species));

        // verify that the subsystem index arrays have everything they need (and no duplicates!)
        unsigned int c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
            const Particle particle(i, species);
            const bool b1 = vector_find(copy1_subsystem_indices[species], i) != -1;
            const bool b2 = vector_find(copy2_subsystem_indices[species], i) != -1;
            if (b1)
            if (b2)
            assert(b1 == subsystem->position_is_within(r1[particle], lattice));
            assert(b2 == subsystem->position_is_within(r2[particle], lattice));
        assert(c1 == c2);
        assert(c1 == copy1_subsystem_indices[species].size());
        assert(c2 == copy2_subsystem_indices[species].size());

    assert(phibeta1 != 0);
    assert(phibeta2 != 0);

    // verify that the positions in the phibeta's are correct
    PositionArguments swapped_r1(phialpha1.get_positions()), swapped_r2(phialpha2.get_positions());
    swap_positions(swapped_r1, swapped_r2);

    for (unsigned int species = 0; species < r1.get_N_species(); ++species) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r1.get_N_filled(species); ++i) {
            const Particle particle(i, species);
            assert(swapped_r1[particle] == phibeta1->get_positions()[particle]);
            assert(swapped_r2[particle] == phibeta2->get_positions()[particle]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void AGENT::update_normal(void)
	int tx, ty;

	state = AGENT::NORMAL;

	// Logic
	if (!is_dest() && !at_unreachable_dest()) {
		// move faster if out of position
		if (within_dist_dest(unitData->radius * 2)) move_mult(1.0);
		else if (within_dist_dest(unitData->radius * 4)) move_mult(1.1);
		else move_mult(1.8);
		// animation
		setAnimation(ANIMATION_DATA::MOVE, true);
	} else {
		// clear last swap memory
		last_swap = -1;
		// don't move
		if (!is_dest_angle() && group->task_type() == TASK::MOVE) rotate_towards((int)group->get_angle_dest()); // rotate towards target
		else if (rotate_to_group) {
			if (!is_angle(group->get_rotation())) rotate_towards((int)group->get_rotation()); // rotate to group direction
			else end_rotate_to_group();
		if (!is_moving()) setAnimation(ANIMATION_DATA::STAND, true);

	// Movement
	if (group->is_single_unit()) sync_to(group);
	else {
		if (!collision) move((int)get_dest_x(), (int)get_dest_y(), !group->is_moving()); // no collision
		else if (!is_dest() && (!agent_collided || agent_collided->getGroup() != getGroup()) && dist_dest() < group->get_radius()) {
		    if (agent_collided) shorten_dest(2 * getRadius());
		    else {
		        set_dest(group->get_x(), group->get_y());
		} else if (agent_collided && !is_dest() && group->is_dest_angle() && agent_collided->is_near_dest_angle(35) && agent_collided->is_near_dest() && is_near_angle(agent_collided->get_rotation(), 35) && agent_collided->getGroup() == getGroup() && ((!is_last_swap(agent_collided->get_sort_id()) && !agent_collided->is_last_swap(sort_id)) || swap_count < 0)) { // swap group positions
			swap_positions(agent_collided); // in same group, do it
		else collision_avoid(); // collision

	// generic update