Ejemplo n.º 1
void sort_four_numbers(_ulong a[])
	if(a[0]>a[1]) swap_values(a+0,a+1);
	if(a[2]>a[3]) swap_values(a+2,a+3);
	if(a[0]>a[2]) swap_values(a+0,a+2);
	if(a[1]>a[3]) swap_values(a+1,a+3);
	if(a[1]>a[2]) swap_values(a+1,a+2);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void iterate_node_2(node_t *node)
	int action;

	action = get_action_2(node);

	switch (action) {
		case 0:
			swap_values(node, node->link_0);
		case 1:
			swap_values(node, node->link_1);
		case 2:
			swap_values(node, node->link_2);
		case 3:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_0, node->link_1);
		case 4:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_1, node->link_2);
		case 5:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_2, node->link_0);
		case 6:
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_0);
		case 7:
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_1);
	  node->value = 0;
	  node->value = 1;
	  connect_nodes(node, node->link_0, node->link_1);
	  swap_values(node, node->link_0);
	  swap_values(node, node->link_1);
	  node->link_0->value = node->value;
	  node->link_0->value = 0;
	  node->link_0->value = 1;
	  node->link_0->value = inverted_value(node);
	  node->link_1->value = node->value;
	  node->link_1->value = 0;
	  node->link_1->value = 1;
	  node->link_1->value = inverted_value(node);
	  swap_nodes(node, node->link_0);
	  swap_nodes(node, node->link_1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// this function is called when we need to detect next option entry in argv
// return value:
//   true  - next option entry found, retval not used
//   false - no more options, retval - reason (-1 no more options, 1 - argument processed as default
//                                             option with code 1)
static bool detect_next_option(int argc, char* const argv[], const getopt_param& param, int& retval)
	if (!is_option(argv[optind])) {
		// if optind points to non-option - then check it...
		if (is_finish(argv[optind])) {
			// is it terminate sequence ('--')?
			if(!param.posix && !param.process_all)
				swap_values(argc, (char**)argv, optind);
			retval = -1;
			return false;
		else if (param.process_all) {// processing all elements
			optarg = (char*)argv[optind];
			retval = 1;
			return false;
		else if (param.posix) {
			retval = -1;
			return false;
		else {
			int next_ind = look_for_option(argc, argv, optind);
			assert(next_ind != optind); // should not be same
			if (next_ind > 0) {
				add_to_swap(optind, next_ind - optind); // marking elements for swap
						    /* NOTE: in swap_list stored indexes of elements which are not
						    detected as options and not detected as arguments
						    (if argv[x] is detected as option - stsrts with '-',
						    it doesn't added to this list). later, when no more
						    element may be detected, these stored elements are moved
						    to end of argv vector */
				optind = next_ind;
			else {// no more options found
				swap_values(argc, (char**)argv, optind);
				retval = -1;
				return false;

		if (is_finish(argv[optind])) {
			if (!param.posix && !param.process_all)
				swap_values(argc, (char**)argv, optind);
			retval = -1;
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
    int i {1};
    int j {2};
    std::cout << i << ", " << j << std::endl;
    swap_values(i, j);
    std::cout << i << ", " << j << std::endl;
    double a {3.1};
    double b {5.2};
    std::cout << a << ", " << b << std::endl;
    swap_values(a, b);
    std::cout << a << ", " << b << std::endl;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Given a heap and an index, sift_up checks to see if the value
 * at that index needs to be "sifted upward" in the heap, to
 * preserve the heap properties.  Specifically, a value needs to
 * be moved up in the heap if it is less than its parent value.
 * (This is just the "order" property; the "shape" property is
 * not affected by sifting a value up.)
void sift_up(float_heap *pHeap, int index)
  int parent_index = PARENT(index);

  /* If the index to sift up is the root, we are done. */
  if (index == 0)

  assert(parent_index >= 0);
  assert(parent_index != index);  /* Parent of index 0 = 0... that's bad. */

  /* If the specified value is smaller than its parent value then
   * we have to swap the value and its parent.
  if (pHeap->values[index] < pHeap->values[parent_index])
    /* Swap the value with its parent value. */
    swap_values(pHeap, index, parent_index);

    /* If we haven't gotten to the root, we might have to
     * sift up again.
    if (parent_index != 0)
      sift_up(pHeap, parent_index);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void main(void)
   int one = 1, two = 2;

   swap_values(&one, &two);

   printf("one contains %d two contains %d\n", one, two);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Destructive sort !!
int * insert_sort(int * arr, int size) {
  int i, j;
  for(i = 1; i < size; ++i)
    for(j = 0; j < i; ++j)
      if(arr[i] < arr[j])
	swap_values(arr, i, j);
  return arr;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void main(void)
   int a = 1, b = 2;

   printf("Original values a %d b %d\n", a, b);
   swap_values(a, b);

   printf("Swapped values a %d b %d\n", a, b);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void image_input_command_t::redo()
	node_.clips()[proxy_level_].swap( old_clip_);
	node_.create_reader( proxy_level_);
	node_.set_frame( app().document().composition().frame());

	if( proxy_level_ == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 10
int getopt_long_only(int argc, char * const argv[],
	const char *optstring,
	const struct option *longopts, int *longindex)
	if (!argc || !argv)
		return -1;

	getopt_param param = scan_param(optstring ? optstring : "");

	if (optind >= argc) {
		if (!param.posix && !param.process_all)
			swap_values(argc, (char**)argv, optind);
		return -1;

	optarg = 0;

	if (!nextchar) {// we are in begin of argument... no previous iterations on this arg
		int retval;
		if (!detect_next_option(argc, argv, param, retval))
			return retval;

		const char* str = argv[optind];
		if (is_long_option(str)) {
			int _longindex;
			if (!longindex) // if no longindex specified - create own temp...
				longindex = &_longindex;
			return get_long_option(argc, argv, param, longopts, longindex);
		else if (is_short_option(str)) {
			return get_long_short_option(argc, argv, param, longopts, longindex);

	return get_short_option(argc, argv, param);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int getopt(int argc, char* const argv[], const char *optstring)
	if (!argc || !argv || !optstring)
		return -1;

	getopt_param param = scan_param(optstring ? optstring : "");

	if (optind >= argc) {
		if (!param.posix && !param.process_all)
			swap_values(argc, (char**)argv, optind);
		return -1;

	optarg = 0;

	if (!nextchar) {// we are in begin of argument... no previous iterations on this arg
		int retval;
		if (!detect_next_option(argc, argv, param, retval))
			return retval;
		nextchar = short_option_begin(argv[optind]);

	return get_short_option(argc, argv, param);
void iterate_node_3(node_t *node)
	int action;

	action = get_action_3(node);

	switch (action) {
		case 0:
			node->link_1->value = node->value;
		case 9:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_0, node->link_1);
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_2);
		case 1:
			node->link_2->value = node->value;
		case 10:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_1, node->link_2);
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_0);
		case 2:
			node->link_0->value = node->value;
		case 11:
			connect_nodes(node, node->link_2, node->link_0);
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_1);

		case 3:
			disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_0);
		case 12:
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_0);
		case 4:
			disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_1);
		case 13:
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_1);
		case 5:
			disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_2);
		case 14:
			swap_nodes(node, node->link_2);

		case 6:
		case 15:
			swap_values(node, node->link_0);
		case 7:
			swap_values(node, node->link_1);
		case 8:
			swap_values(node, node->link_2);
	  node->value = 0;
	  node->value = 1;
	  disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_0);
	  disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_1);
	  disconnect_nodes(node, node->link_2);
	  connect_nodes(node, node->link_0, node->link_1);
	  connect_nodes(node, node->link_1, node->link_2);
	  connect_nodes(node, node->link_2, node->link_0);
	  swap_values(node, node->link_0);
	  swap_values(node, node->link_1);
	  swap_values(node, node->link_2);
	  node->link_0->value = node->value;
	  node->link_0->value = 0;
	  node->link_0->value = 1;
	  node->link_0->value = inverted_value(node);
	  node->link_1->value = node->value;
	  node->link_1->value = 0;
	  node->link_1->value = 1;
	  node->link_1->value = inverted_value(node);
	  node->link_2->value = node->value;
	  node->link_2->value = 0;
	  node->link_2->value = 1;
	  node->link_2->value = inverted_value(node);
	  swap_nodes(node, node->link_0);
	  swap_nodes(node, node->link_1);
	  swap_nodes(node, node->link_2);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Given a heap and an index, sift_down checks to see if the value
 * at that index needs to be "sifted downward" in the heap, to
 * preserve the heap properties.  Specifically, a value needs to
 * be moved down in the heap if it is greater than either of its
 * children's values.  (This is the "order" property.)  In order
 * to preserve the "shape" property of heaps, the value is swapped
 * with the *smaller* of its two child values.
 * If a value only has a left child, then only the left child is
 * examined for the swap.
 * If a value has both left and right children, it is possible
 * that one child may be larger than the value, while the other is
 * smaller than the value.  Since we swap with the smallest child
 * value, we preserve the heap properties even in that situation.
void sift_down(float_heap *pHeap, int index)
  assert(pHeap != NULL);
  assert(index < pHeap->num_values);

  int left_child = LEFT_CHILD(index);
  int right_child = RIGHT_CHILD(index);

  if (left_child >= pHeap->num_values)
    /* If the left child's index is past the end of the heap
     * then this value has no children.  We're done.

  if (right_child >= pHeap->num_values)
    /* Only have a left child. */

    if (pHeap->values[left_child] < pHeap->values[index])
      /* Left child value is smaller.  Swap this value and the
       * left child value.
      swap_values(pHeap, index, left_child);

      /* Don't need to call sift_down again, because if this
       * node only has a left child, we are at the bottom of
       * the heap.
    /* This value has a left and right child. */

    float left_val = pHeap->values[left_child];
    float right_val = pHeap->values[right_child];
    int swap_child;

    if (left_val < pHeap->values[index] ||
        right_val < pHeap->values[index])
      /* Need to swap this node with one of its children.  Pick
       * the smaller of the two children, since this is a min-heap
       * and that will preserve the heap properties.
      if (left_val < right_val)
        swap_child = left_child;
        swap_child = right_child;

      /* Do the swap, then call sift_down again, in case we aren't
       * at the bottom of the heap yet.
      swap_values(pHeap, index, swap_child);
      sift_down(pHeap, swap_child);