Ejemplo n.º 1
static PyObject* astrology_swe_houses_ex(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	double tjd_ut, geolat, geolon;
	int hsys;
	int iflag;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "diddi", &tjd_ut, &iflag, &geolat, &geolon, &hsys))
		return NULL;

	double cusps[13], ascmc[10];
	int ret = swe_houses_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, geolat, geolon, hsys, cusps, ascmc);

	return Py_BuildValue("(i)(ddddddddddddd)(dddddddddd)", ret, cusps[0], cusps[1], cusps[2], cusps[3], cusps[4], cusps[5], cusps[6], cusps[7], cusps[8], cusps[9], cusps[10], cusps[11], cusps[12], ascmc[0], ascmc[1], ascmc[2], ascmc[3], ascmc[4], ascmc[5], ascmc[6], ascmc[7], ascmc[8], ascmc[9]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int swisseph(char *buf)
  char serr[AS_MAXCH*2], serr_save[AS_MAXCH], serr_warn[AS_MAXCH];
  char s[AS_MAXCH]; 
  char s1[AS_MAXCH], s2[AS_MAXCH];
  char star[AS_MAXCH];
  char *sp, *sp2;
  char se_pname[AS_MAXCH];
  char *spnam, *spnam2 = "";
  char *fmt = "PZBRS";
  char *plsel, *psp;
  char *gap = " ";
  double jut = 0.0, y_frac;
  int i, j;
  double hpos;
  int jday, jmon, jyear, jhour, jmin, jsec;
  int ipl, ipldiff = SE_SUN;
  double x[6], xequ[6], xcart[6], xcartq[6];
  double cusp[12+1];    /* cusp[0] + 12 houses */
  double ascmc[10];		/* asc, mc, vertex ...*/
  double ar, sinp;
  double a, sidt, armc, lon, lat;
  double eps_true, eps_mean, nutl, nuto;
  char ephepath[AS_MAXCH];
  char fname[AS_MAXCH];
  char splan[100], sast[AS_MAXCH];
  int nast, iast;
  long astno[100];
  long iflag = 0, iflag2;              /* external flag: helio, geo... */
  long iflgret;
  long whicheph = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
  AS_BOOL universal_time = FALSE;
  AS_BOOL calc_house_pos = FALSE;
  short gregflag;
  AS_BOOL diff_mode = FALSE;
  int round_flag = 0;
  double tjd_ut = 2415020.5;
  double tjd_et, t2;
  double delt;
  char bc[20];
  char *jul;
  int hsys = (int) *pd.hsysname;
  *serr = *serr_save = *serr_warn = '\0';
  strcpy(ephepath, SE_EPHE_PATH);
  if (strcmp(pd.ephe, ephe[1]) == 0) {
    whicheph = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
    strcpy(fname, SE_FNAME_DE406);
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ephe, ephe[0]) == 0) 
    whicheph = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
    whicheph = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
  if (strcmp(pd.etut, "UT") == 0)
    universal_time = TRUE;
  if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[0]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_D;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[1]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_P;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[2]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_A;
  if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[0]) == 0)
    calc_house_pos = TRUE;
  else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[1]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
    calc_house_pos = TRUE;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[2]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[3]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_BARYCTR;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[4]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
	swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[5]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
	swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_LAHIRI, 0, 0);
#if 0
  } else {
  lon = pd.lon_deg + pd.lon_min / 60.0 + pd.lon_sec / 3600.0;
  if (*pd.lon_e_w == 'W')
    lon = -lon;
  lat = pd.lat_deg + pd.lat_min / 60.0 + pd.lat_sec / 3600.0;
  if (*pd.lat_n_s == 'S')
    lat = -lat;
  sprintf(s, "Planet Positions from %s \n\n", pd.ephe);
  do_print(buf, s);                               
  if (whicheph & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK) | whicheph;
  iflag |= SEFLG_SPEED;
#if 0
  if (pd.helio) iflag |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
  if ((long) pd.year * 10000L + (long) pd.mon * 100L + (long) pd.mday < 15821015L) 
    gregflag = FALSE;
    gregflag = TRUE;
  jday = pd.mday;
  jmon = pd.mon;
  jyear = pd.year;
  jhour = pd.hour;
  jmin = pd.min;
  jsec = pd.sec;
  jut = jhour + jmin / 60.0 + jsec / 3600.0;
  tjd_ut = swe_julday(jyear,jmon,jday,jut,gregflag);
  swe_revjul(tjd_ut, gregflag, &jyear, &jmon, &jday, &jut);
  jut += 0.5 / 3600;
  jhour = (int) jut;
  jmin = (int) fmod(jut * 60, 60);
  jsec = (int) fmod(jut * 3600, 60);
  *bc = '\0';
  if (pd.year <= 0)
    sprintf(bc, "(%d B.C.)", 1 - jyear);
  if (jyear * 10000L + jmon * 100L + jday <= 15821004)
    jul = "jul.";
    jul = "";
  sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d %s %s    %#02d:%#02d:%#02d %s\n",
    jday, jmon, jyear, bc, jul,
    jhour, jmin, jsec, pd.etut);
  do_print(buf, s);
  jut = jhour + jmin / 60.0 + jsec / 3600.0;
  if (universal_time) {
    delt = swe_deltat(tjd_ut);
    sprintf(s, " delta t: %f sec", delt * 86400.0);
    do_print(buf, s);
    tjd_et = tjd_ut + delt;
  } else
    tjd_et = tjd_ut;
  sprintf(s, " jd (ET) = %f\n", tjd_et);
  do_print(buf, s);
  iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, SE_ECL_NUT, iflag, x, serr);
  eps_true = x[0];
  eps_mean = x[1];
  strcpy(s1, dms(eps_true, round_flag));
  strcpy(s2, dms(eps_mean, round_flag));
  sprintf(s, "\n%-15s %s%s%s    (true, mean)", "Ecl. obl.", s1, gap, s2);
  do_print(buf, s);
  nutl = x[2];
  nuto = x[3];
  strcpy(s1, dms(nutl, round_flag));
  strcpy(s2, dms(nuto, round_flag));
  sprintf(s, "\n%-15s %s%s%s    (dpsi, deps)", "Nutation", s1, gap, s2);
  do_print(buf, s);
  do_print(buf, "\n\n");
  do_print(buf, "               ecl. long.       ecl. lat.   ");
  do_print(buf, "    dist.          speed");
  if (calc_house_pos)
    do_print(buf, "          house");
  do_print(buf, "\n");
  if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR)
    swe_set_topo(lon, lat, pd.alt);
  sidt = swe_sidtime(tjd_ut) + lon / 15;
  if (sidt >= 24)
    sidt -= 24;
  if (sidt < 0)
    sidt += 24;
  armc = sidt * 15;
  /* additional asteroids */
  strcpy(splan, plsel);
  if (strcmp(plsel,PLSEL_P) == 0) {
    char *cpos[40];
    strcpy(sast, pd.sast);
    j = cut_str_any(sast, ",;. \t", cpos, 40);
    for (i = 0, nast = 0; i < j; i++) {
      if ((astno[nast] = atol(cpos[i])) > 0) {
	strcat(splan, "+");
  for (psp = splan, iast = 0; *psp != '\0'; psp++) {
    if (*psp == '+') {
      ipl = SE_AST_OFFSET + (int) astno[iast];
    } else
      ipl = letter_to_ipl(*psp);
    if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
      if (ipl == SE_SUN
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG)
    } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
      if (ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG)
    } else          /* geocentric */
      if (ipl == SE_EARTH)
    /* ecliptic position */
    if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR) {
      iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag, x, serr);
      strcpy(se_pname, star);
    } else {
      iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag, x, serr);
      swe_get_planet_name(ipl, se_pname);
	  if (ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
   	    sprintf(s, "#%d", (int) astno[iast-1]);
		strcat(se_pname, "            ");
		strcpy(se_pname + 11 - strlen(s), s);
    if (iflgret >= 0) {
      if (calc_house_pos) {
        hpos = swe_house_pos(armc, lat, eps_true, hsys, x, serr);
        if (hpos == 0)
          iflgret = ERR;
    if (iflgret < 0) {
      if (*serr != '\0' && strcmp(serr, serr_save) != 0) {
        strcpy (serr_save, serr);
        do_print(buf, "error: ");
        do_print(buf, serr);
        do_print(buf, "\n");
    } else if (*serr != '\0' && *serr_warn == '\0')
      strcpy(serr_warn, serr);
    /* equator position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "aADdQ") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xequ, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xequ, serr);
    /* ecliptic cartesian position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "XU") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_XYZ;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcart, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcart, serr);
    /* equator cartesian position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "xu") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_XYZ | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcartq, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcartq, serr);
    spnam = se_pname;
     * The string fmt contains a sequence of format specifiers;
     * each character in fmt creates a column, the columns are
     * sparated by the gap string.
    for (sp = fmt; *sp != '\0'; sp++) {
      if (sp != fmt) 
        do_print(buf, gap);
      switch(*sp) {
      case 'y':
          sprintf(s, "%d", jyear);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Y':
          jut = 0;
          t2 = swe_julday(jyear,1,1,jut,gregflag);
          y_frac = (tjd_ut - t2) / 365.0;
          sprintf(s, "%.2lf", jyear + y_frac);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'p':
          if (diff_mode)
            sprintf(s, "%d-%d", ipl, ipldiff);
            sprintf(s, "%d", ipl);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'P':
          if (diff_mode)
            sprintf(s, "%.3s-%.3s", spnam, spnam2);
            sprintf(s, "%-11s", spnam);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'J':
      case 'j':
          sprintf(s, "%.2f", tjd_ut);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'T':
          sprintf(s, "%02d.%02d.%d", jday, jmon, jyear);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 't':
          sprintf(s, "%02d%02d%02d", jyear % 100, jmon, jday);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'L':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag));
      case 'l':
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", x[0]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Z':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
      case 'S':
      case 's':
          if (*(sp+1) == 'S' || *(sp+1) == 's' || strpbrk(fmt, "XUxu") != NULL) {
            for (sp2 = fmt; *sp2 != '\0'; sp2++) {
              if (sp2 != fmt) 
                do_print(buf, gap);
              switch(*sp2) {
                case 'L':       /* speed! */
                case 'Z':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
                case 'l':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", x[3]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'B':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(x[4], round_flag));
                case 'b':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", x[4]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'A':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(xequ[3]/15, round_flag|SEFLG_EQUATORIAL));
                case 'a':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", xequ[3]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'D':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(xequ[4], round_flag));
                case 'd':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", xequ[4]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'R':       /* speed! */
                case 'r':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[5]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'U':       /* speed! */
                case 'X':       /* speed! */
                  if (*sp =='U') 
                    ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcart));
                    ar = 1;
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[3]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[4]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcart[5]/ar);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'u':       /* speed! */
                case 'x':       /* speed! */
                  if (*sp =='u') 
                    ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcartq));
                    ar = 1;
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[3]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[4]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcartq[5]/ar);
                  do_print(buf, s);
            if (*(sp+1) == 'S' || *(sp+1) == 's')
          } else {
            do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
      case 'B':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[1], round_flag));
      case 'b':
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", x[1]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'A': /* rectascensio */
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[0]/15, round_flag|SEFLG_EQUATORIAL));
      case 'a': /* rectascensio */
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", xequ[0]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'D': /* declination */
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[1], round_flag));
      case 'd': /* declination */
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", xequ[1]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'R':
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'r':
          if ( ipl == SE_MOON ) { /* for moon print parallax */
            sinp = 8.794 / x[2];        /* in seconds of arc */
            ar = sinp * (1 + sinp * sinp * 3.917402e-12);
            /* the factor is 1 / (3600^2 * (180/pi)^2 * 6) */
            sprintf(s, "%# 13.5f\"", ar);       
          } else {
            sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'U':
      case 'X':
          if (*sp =='U') 
            ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcart));
            ar = 1;
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[0]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[1]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcart[2]/ar);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'u':
      case 'x':
          if (*sp =='u') 
            ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcartq));
            ar = 1;
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[0]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[1]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcartq[2]/ar);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Q':
          sprintf(s, "%-15s", spnam);
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, dms(x[1], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "  %# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, dms(x[4], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "  %# 14.9f\n", x[5]);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "               %s", dms(xequ[0], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[1], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "                %s", dms(xequ[3], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[4], round_flag));
      } /* switch */
    }   /* for sp */
    if (calc_house_pos) {
      sprintf(s, "  %# 6.4f", hpos);
          sprintf(s, "%# 9.4f", hpos);
      do_print(buf, s);
    do_print(buf, "\n");
  }     /* for psp */
  if (*serr_warn != '\0') {
    do_print(buf, "\nwarning: ");
    do_print(buf, serr_warn);
    do_print(buf, "\n");
  /* houses */
  sprintf(s, "\nHouse Cusps (%s)\n\n", pd.hsysname);
  do_print(buf, s);
  a = sidt + 0.5 / 3600;
  sprintf(s, "sid. time : %4d:%#02d:%#02d  ",
        (int) a, (int) fmod(a * 60, 60), (int) fmod(a * 3600, 60));
  do_print(buf, s);
  a = armc + 0.5 / 3600;
  sprintf(s, "armc      : %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\"\n",
        (int) armc, ODEGREE_CHAR, (int) fmod(armc * 60, 60),
        (int) fmod(a * 3600, 60));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "geo. lat. : %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\" ",
        pd.lat_deg, *pd.lat_n_s, pd.lat_min, pd.lat_sec);
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "geo. long.: %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\"\n\n",
        pd.lon_deg, *pd.lon_e_w, pd.lon_min, pd.lon_sec);
  do_print(buf, s);
  swe_houses_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, lat, lon, hsys, cusp, ascmc);
  round_flag |= BIT_ROUND_SEC;
  sprintf(s, "AC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[0], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "MC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[1], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
	sprintf(s, "house   %2d: %s\n", i, dms(cusp[i], round_flag));
    do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "Vertex    : %s\n", dms(ascmc[3], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "AC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[0], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "MC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[1], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
	sprintf(s, "house   %2d: %s\n", i, dms(cusp[i], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
    do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "Vertex    : %s\n", dms(ascmc[3], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** @brief Find next aspect to a house cusp
** Get Julian day number and positions, and houses cusps, when a
** celestial object makes longitudinal aspect to a house cusp.
** @attention Here, step may not be too high, or 0. Setting it to 0.2 is enough.
** @remarks If star != "", the planet is ignored.
** @see For risings, settings, meridian transits, see swe_rise_trans.
** @param planet Planet number (SE_*, etc)
** @param star Fixed star
** @param aspect Aspect, in degrees [0;360[
** @param cusp House cusp number [1;12], or [1;36] for Gauquelin sectors
** @param jdstart Julian day number, when search is starting
** @param lat Latitude, in degrees (north is positive)
** @param lon Longitude, in degrees (east is positive)
** @param hsys House system, see swisseph docs
** @param step Number of days used in the dichotomic search process
** @param backw Search before jdstart [1], or after [0] (boolean)
** @param flag Calculation flags, see swisseph docs
** @param jdret Julian day number found
** @param posret Planet (or fixed star) positions found
** @param cuspsret House cusps positions found
** @param ascmcret Asc-Mc-etc found, see swisseph docs
** @param err Buffer for errors, declared as char[256]
** @return 0 on success, -1 on error
int swh_next_aspect_cusp(int planet, char *star, double aspect, int cusp,
    double jdstart, double lat, double lon, int hsys, double step, int backw,
    int flag, double *jdret, double *posret, double *cuspsret, double *ascmcret,
    char *err)
    int res, starflag;
    double diff[4];
    char starbuf[41];
    aspect = swe_degnorm(aspect);
    step = fabs(step);
    if (step == 0) { step = 0.2; }
    /* get start position */
    if (strcmp("", star) != 0)
        strcpy(starbuf, star); /* only first time */
        res = swe_fixstar_ut(starbuf, jdstart, flag, posret, err);
        if (res < 0) { return -1; }
        starflag = 1;
        res = swe_calc_ut(jdstart, planet, flag, posret, err);
        if (res < 0) { return -1; }
        starflag = 0;
    res = swe_houses_ex(jdstart, flag, lat, lon, hsys, cuspsret, ascmcret);
    if (res < 0) { return -1; }
    /* compare */
    diff[1] = swe_difdeg2n(posret[0], cuspsret[cusp] + aspect);
    diff[3] = swe_difdegn(posret[0], cuspsret[cusp] + aspect);
    *jdret = jdstart;
    while (step > swh_precision)
        *jdret = (backw) ? *jdret-step : *jdret+step;
        /* get positions */
        if (starflag)
            res = swe_fixstar_ut(starbuf, *jdret, flag, posret, err);
            if (res < 0) { return -1; }
            res = swe_calc_ut(*jdret, planet, flag, posret, err);
            if (res < 0) { return -1; }
        res = swe_houses_ex(*jdret, flag, lat, lon, hsys, cuspsret, ascmcret);
        if (res < 0) { return -1; }
        /* compare */
        diff[0] = swe_difdeg2n(posret[0], cuspsret[cusp] + aspect);
        diff[2] = swe_difdegn(posret[0], cuspsret[cusp] + aspect);
        if (ISPOSITIVE(diff[1]) != ISPOSITIVE(diff[0])
            && fabs(diff[3]-diff[2]) > 180)
            backw = (backw) ? 0 : 1;
            step = step/2;
        diff[1] = diff[0];
        diff[3] = diff[2];
    return 0;