Ejemplo n.º 1
ControlView::ControlView( QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent ),
      m_mapThemeManager( new MapThemeManager( this ) ),
      m_searchDock( 0 ),
      m_locationWidget( 0 ),
      m_conflictDialog( 0 ),
      m_togglePanelVisibilityAction( 0 ),
      m_isPanelVisible( true ),
      m_tourWidget( 0 ),
      m_annotationDock( 0 ),
      m_annotationPlugin( 0 )
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Marble - Virtual Globe" ) );

    resize( 680, 640 );

    m_marbleWidget = new MarbleWidget( this );
    m_marbleWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,
                                   QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ) );

    QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->addWidget( m_marbleWidget );
    layout->setMargin( 0 );
    setLayout( layout );

    m_cloudSyncManager = new CloudSyncManager( this );
    m_cloudSyncManager->routeSyncManager()->setRoutingManager( m_marbleWidget->model()->routingManager() );
    BookmarkSyncManager* bookmarkSyncManager = m_cloudSyncManager->bookmarkSyncManager();
    bookmarkSyncManager->setBookmarkManager( m_marbleWidget->model()->bookmarkManager() );
    m_conflictDialog = new ConflictDialog( m_marbleWidget );
    connect( bookmarkSyncManager, SIGNAL(mergeConflict(MergeItem*)), this, SLOT(showConflictDialog(MergeItem*)) );
    connect( bookmarkSyncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()), m_conflictDialog, SLOT(stopAutoResolve()) );
    connect( m_conflictDialog, SIGNAL(resolveConflict(MergeItem*)), bookmarkSyncManager, SLOT(resolveConflict(MergeItem*)) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void SyncRunner::synchronize() {
    QLOG_DEBUG() << "Starting SyncRunner.synchronize()";
    if (!init) {
        init = true;
        consumerKey = "";
        secret = "";
        apiRateLimitExceeded = false;

        // Setup the user agent
        userAgent = NN_APP_CLIENT_NAME;

        userStoreUrl = QString("http://" + global.server + "/edam/user").toStdString();
        updateSequenceNumber = 0;

        defaultMsgTimeout = 150000;
        db = new DatabaseConnection("syncrunner");
        comm = new CommunicationManager(db);
        if (global.guiAvailable)
            connect(global.application, SIGNAL(stdException(QString)), this, SLOT(applicationException(QString)));

    // If we are already connected, we are already synchronizing so there is nothing more to do
    if (global.connected) {

    error = false;

    if (!comm->enConnect()) {
        error = true;
        emit syncComplete();

    global.connected = true;
    keepRunning = true;
    emit syncComplete();
    global.connected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void QtMarbleConfigDialog::disableSyncNow()
    if ( !d->m_syncManager ) {


    QTimer *timeoutTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(timeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
            timeoutTimer, SLOT(stop()));
    connect(timeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
            this, SLOT(enableSyncNow()));

    connect(d->m_syncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()),
            this, SLOT(enableSyncNow()));
    connect(d->m_syncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()),
            timeoutTimer, SLOT(stop()));
    connect(d->m_syncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()),
            timeoutTimer, SLOT(deleteLater()));

    timeoutTimer->start(30*1000); // 30 sec
Ejemplo n.º 4
ControlView::ControlView( QWidget *parent )
   : QWidget( parent ),
     m_mapThemeManager( new MapThemeManager( this ) ),
     m_searchDock( 0 ),
     m_locationWidget( 0 ),
     m_conflictDialog( 0 ),
     m_togglePanelVisibilityAction( 0 ),
     m_isPanelVisible( true ),
     m_tourWidget( 0 ),
     m_annotationDock( 0 ),
     m_annotationPlugin( 0 )
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Marble - Virtual Globe" ) );

    resize( 680, 640 );

    m_marbleWidget = new MarbleWidget( this );
    m_marbleWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,
                                                QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding ) );
    new MarbleDBusInterface( m_marbleWidget );
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject( "/Marble", m_marbleWidget );
    if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService( "org.kde.marble" )) {
        QString const urlWithPid = QString("org.kde.marble-%1").arg( QCoreApplication::applicationPid() );
        if ( !QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService( urlWithPid ) ) {
            mDebug() << "Failed to register service org.kde.marble and " << urlWithPid << " with the DBus session bus.";

    QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->addWidget( m_marbleWidget );
    layout->setMargin( 0 );
    setLayout( layout );

    m_cloudSyncManager = new CloudSyncManager( this );
    m_cloudSyncManager->routeSyncManager()->setRoutingManager( m_marbleWidget->model()->routingManager() );
    BookmarkSyncManager* bookmarkSyncManager = m_cloudSyncManager->bookmarkSyncManager();
    bookmarkSyncManager->setBookmarkManager( m_marbleWidget->model()->bookmarkManager() );
    m_conflictDialog = new ConflictDialog( m_marbleWidget );
    connect( bookmarkSyncManager, SIGNAL(mergeConflict(MergeItem*)), this, SLOT(showConflictDialog(MergeItem*)) );
    connect( bookmarkSyncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()), m_conflictDialog, SLOT(stopAutoResolve()) );
    connect( m_conflictDialog, SIGNAL(resolveConflict(MergeItem*)), bookmarkSyncManager, SLOT(resolveConflict(MergeItem*)) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
QtMarbleConfigDialog::QtMarbleConfigDialog(MarbleWidget *marbleWidget, CloudSyncManager *cloudSyncManager,
                                           QWidget *parent )
    : QDialog( parent ),
      d( new QtMarbleConfigDialogPrivate( marbleWidget, cloudSyncManager ) )
    QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget( this );
    QDialogButtonBox *buttons = 
    new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok
                        | QDialogButtonBox::Apply
                        | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel,
                          this );

    // Connect the signals of the ButtonBox
    // to the corresponding slots of the dialog.
    connect( buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) ); // Ok
    connect( buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) ); // Cancel
    connect( buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ),SIGNAL(clicked()),
             this, SLOT(writeSettings()) );                         // Apply
    // If the dialog is accepted. Save the settings.
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(writeSettings()) );

    // view page
    QWidget *w_viewSettings = new QWidget( this );

    d->ui_viewSettings.setupUi( w_viewSettings );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_viewSettings, tr( "View" ) );

    // It's experimental -- so we remove it for now.
    // FIXME: Delete the following  line once OpenGL support is officially supported.
    d->ui_viewSettings.kcfg_graphicsSystem->removeItem( Marble::OpenGLGraphics );

    QString nativeString ( tr("Native") );

    #ifdef Q_WS_X11
    nativeString = tr( "Native (X11)" );
    #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    nativeString = tr( "Native (Mac OS X Core Graphics)" );

    d->ui_viewSettings.kcfg_graphicsSystem->setItemText( Marble::NativeGraphics, nativeString );

    // navigation page
    QWidget *w_navigationSettings = new QWidget( this );

    d->ui_navigationSettings.setupUi( w_navigationSettings );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_navigationSettings, tr( "Navigation" ) );

    // cache page
    QWidget *w_cacheSettings = new QWidget( this );

    d->ui_cacheSettings.setupUi( w_cacheSettings );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_cacheSettings, tr( "Cache and Proxy" ) );
    // Forwarding clear button signals
    connect( d->ui_cacheSettings.button_clearVolatileCache, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(clearVolatileCacheClicked()) );
    connect( d->ui_cacheSettings.button_clearPersistentCache, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(clearPersistentCacheClicked()) );

    // time page
    QWidget *w_timeSettings = new QWidget( this );
    d->ui_timeSettings.setupUi( w_timeSettings );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_timeSettings, tr( "Date and Time" ) );

    // routing page
    QWidget *w_routingSettings = new RoutingProfilesWidget( marbleWidget->model() );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_routingSettings, tr( "Routing" ) );

    // plugin page
    d->m_pluginModel.setRenderPlugins( d->m_marbleWidget->renderPlugins() );
    d->w_pluginSettings = new MarblePluginSettingsWidget( this );
    d->w_pluginSettings->setModel( &d->m_pluginModel );
    d->w_pluginSettings->setObjectName( "plugin_page" );
    tabWidget->addTab( d->w_pluginSettings, tr( "Plugins" ) );

    // Setting the icons for the plugin dialog.
    d->w_pluginSettings->setAboutIcon( QIcon(":/icons/help-about.png") );
    d->w_pluginSettings->setConfigIcon(  QIcon(":/icons/settings-configure.png") );

    connect( this, SIGNAL(rejected()), &d->m_pluginModel, SLOT(retrievePluginState()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), &d->m_pluginModel, SLOT(applyPluginState()) );
    QWidget *w_cloudSyncSettings = new QWidget( this );
    d->ui_cloudSyncSettings.setupUi( w_cloudSyncSettings );
    tabWidget->addTab( w_cloudSyncSettings, tr( "Synchronization" ) );
    d->ui_cloudSyncSettings.button_syncNow->setEnabled( syncBookmarks() );
    d->m_cloudSyncStatusLabel = d->ui_cloudSyncSettings.cloudSyncStatus;
    connect( d->ui_cloudSyncSettings.button_syncNow, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(syncNowClicked()) );
    connect( d->ui_cloudSyncSettings.testLoginButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateCloudSyncCredentials()) );

    if ( d->m_syncManager ) {
        connect(d->m_syncManager, SIGNAL(syncComplete()), this, SLOT(updateLastSync()));
    if ( d->m_cloudSyncManager ) {
        connect( d->m_cloudSyncManager, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QString)),
                 this, SLOT(updateCloudSyncStatus(QString)));

    // Layout
    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    layout->addWidget( tabWidget );
    layout->addWidget( buttons );
    this->setLayout( layout );

    // When the settings have been changed, write to disk.
    connect( this, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(syncSettings()) );
