Exec_stat MCHandleAdGetTopLeft(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_ad; t_ad = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_ad); MCAdTopLeft t_top_left = {0,0}; if (t_success) t_success = MCAdGetTopLeftOfAd(t_ctxt, t_ad, t_top_left); if (t_success) { MCAutoRawCString t_top_left_string; t_success = MCCStringFormat(t_top_left_string, "%u,%u", t_top_left.x, t_top_left.y); if (t_success) if (t_top_left_string.Borrow() != nil) ep.copysvalue(t_top_left_string.Borrow()); } if (t_success) MCresult->store(ep, False); MCCStringFree(t_ad); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAdSetTopLeft(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_ad; t_ad = nil; char *t_top_left_string; t_top_left_string = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "ss", &t_ad, &t_top_left_string); MCAdTopLeft t_top_left = {0,0}; if (t_success) t_success = sscanf(t_top_left_string, "%u,%u", &t_top_left.x, &t_top_left.y); if (t_success) MCAdSetTopLeftOfAd(t_ctxt, t_ad, t_top_left); MCCStringFree(t_top_left_string); MCCStringFree(t_ad); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAdGetVisible(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_ad; t_ad = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_ad); bool t_visible; t_visible = false; if (t_success) t_success = MCAdGetVisibleOfAd(t_ctxt, t_ad, t_visible); if (t_success) MCresult->sets(MCU_btos(t_visible)); MCCStringFree(t_ad); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleStartActivityIndicator(void *p_context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { #ifdef /* MCHandleStartActivityIndicator */ LEGACY_EXEC MCActivityIndicatorType t_indicator_type; t_indicator_type = kMCActivityIndicatorWhite; char *t_style; t_style = nil; MCLocation t_location; t_location.x = -1; t_location.y = -1; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); if (p_parameters != nil) { p_parameters->eval(ep); // Provide backwards compatibility here for "whiteLarge" rather than "large white". if (MCCStringEqualCaseless (ep.getsvalue().getstring(), "whiteLarge")) MCCStringClone("large white", t_style); else t_style = ep.getsvalue().clone(); if (t_style != nil) p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext(); } if (p_parameters != nil) { p_parameters->eval(ep); if (ep.getformat() != VF_STRING || ep.ston() == ES_NORMAL) { t_location.x = ep.getint4(); p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext(); if (p_parameters != nil) { p_parameters->eval(ep); if (ep.getformat() != VF_STRING || ep.ston() == ES_NORMAL) { t_location.y = ep.getint4(); p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext(); } } } if (t_location.y == -1) t_location.x = -1; } MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); if (t_style != nil) t_indicator_type = MCActivityIndicatorTypeFromCString(t_style); MCActivityIndicatorExecStart(t_ctxt, t_indicator_type, t_location); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); #endif /* MCHandleStartActivityIndicator */ }
Exec_stat MCHandleCreateContact(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) // ABNewPersonViewController { int32_t r_result; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt.SetTheResultToEmpty(); // Call the Exec implementation MCCreateContactExec(t_ctxt); // Set return value return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleStopActivityIndicator(void *p_context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { #ifdef /* MCHandleStopActivityIndicator */ LEGACY_EXEC MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); MCActivityIndicatorExecStop(t_ctxt); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); #endif /* MCHandleStopActivityIndicator */ }
Exec_stat MCHandleAddContact(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); // Handle parameters. We are doing that in a dedicated call MCVariableValue *t_contact; /* UNCHECKED */ MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "a", &t_contact); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); // Call the Exec implementation MCAddContactExec(t_ctxt, t_contact); // Set return value return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAdCreate(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_ad; t_ad = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_ad); MCAdType t_type; t_type = kMCAdTypeUnknown; if (t_success) { char *t_type_string; t_type_string = nil; if (MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_type_string)) t_type = MCAdTypeFromCString(t_type_string); MCCStringFree(t_type_string); } MCAdTopLeft t_top_left = {0,0}; if (t_success) { char *t_top_left_string; t_top_left_string = nil; if (MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_top_left_string)) /* UNCHECKED */ sscanf(t_top_left_string, "%u,%u", &t_top_left.x, &t_top_left.y); MCCStringFree(t_top_left_string); } MCVariableValue *t_meta_data; t_meta_data = nil; if (t_success) MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "a", &t_meta_data); if (t_success) MCAdExecCreateAd(t_ctxt, t_ad, t_type, t_top_left, t_meta_data); MCCStringFree(t_ad); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleRemoveContact(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); ep . clear(); int32_t t_contact_id = 0; // Handle parameters. if (p_parameters) { p_parameters->eval(ep); t_contact_id = atoi (ep.getsvalue().getstring()); } MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt.SetTheResultToEmpty(); // Call the Exec implementation MCRemoveContactExec(t_ctxt, t_contact_id); // Set return value return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleFindContact(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { const char *t_contact_name = NULL; const char *r_result = NULL; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); ep . clear(); // Handle parameters. if (p_parameters) { p_parameters->eval(ep); t_contact_name = ep.getcstring(); } MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt.SetTheResultToEmpty(); // Call the Exec implementation MCFindContactExec(t_ctxt, t_contact_name); // Set return value return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleGetContactData(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); ep . clear(); int32_t t_contact_id = 0; // Handle parameters. if (p_parameters) { p_parameters->eval(ep); t_contact_id = atoi (ep.getsvalue().getstring()); } MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt.SetTheResultToEmpty(); // Call the Exec implementation MCGetContactDataExec(t_ctxt, t_contact_id); if (MCresult->isempty()) MCresult->store(ep, True); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAdDelete(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_ad; t_ad = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_ad); if (t_success) MCAdExecDeleteAd(t_ctxt, t_ad); MCCStringFree(t_ad); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAdRegister(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); char *t_key; t_key = nil; if (t_success) t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_key); if (t_success) MCAdExecRegisterWithInneractive(t_ctxt, t_key); MCCStringFree(t_key); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
Exec_stat MCHandleAds(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { bool t_success; t_success = true; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); if (t_success) { MCAutoRawCString t_ads; t_success = MCAdGetAds(t_ctxt, t_ads); if (t_success && t_ads.Borrow() != nil) ep.copysvalue(t_ads.Borrow()); } if (t_success) MCresult->store(ep, False); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); }
// MM-2013-02-04: [[ Bug 10642 ]] Added new optional opacity parameter to busy indicator. Exec_stat MCHandleStartBusyIndicator(void *p_context, MCParameter *p_parameters) { #ifdef /* MCHandleStartBusyIndicator */ LEGACY_EXEC MCBusyIndicatorType t_indicator_type; MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil); if (p_parameters) { p_parameters -> eval(ep); t_indicator_type = MCBusyIndicatorTypeFromCString(ep . getcstring()); p_parameters = p_parameters -> getnext(); } const char *t_label; t_label = nil; if (p_parameters) { p_parameters -> eval(ep); t_label = ep . getcstring(); p_parameters = p_parameters -> getnext(); } int32_t t_opacity; t_opacity = -1; if (p_parameters) { p_parameters -> eval(ep); t_opacity = ep . getint4(); if (t_opacity < 0 || t_opacity > 100) t_opacity = -1; } MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep); t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty(); MCBusyIndicatorExecStart(t_ctxt, kMCBusyIndicatorSquare, t_label, t_opacity); return t_ctxt.GetStat(); #endif /* MCHandleStartBusyIndicator */ }