Ejemplo n.º 1
newbaseline (
    char *buf			/* whatever followed "x X NewBaseline" */


    char	*p;			/* for eliminating white space etc. */

 * Called from devcntrl() whenever an "x X NewBaseline" command is recognized. We
 * assume whatever is in *buf is a set of parametric equations that describe the
 * new baseline. Equations for x(t), y(t), dx/dt, and dy/dt must be written in
 * PostScript, bracketed by { and } characters, and supplied in exactly that order.
 * In particular the equation for x must come first in *buf and it ends up as the
 * last one on the stack, while the equation for dy/dt comes last (in *buf) and
 * ends up on the top of the PostScript stack. For example if *buf is given by,
 *	{} {180 mul 3.1416 div cos} {pop 1} {180 mul 3.1416 div sin neg}
 * text will be printed along the curve y = cos(x).
 * Angles given in radians must be converted to degrees for the PostScript trig
 * functions, and things are scaled so that 1 unit maps into 1 inch. In the last
 * example the cosine curve that describes the baseline has an amplitude of 1 inch.
 * As another example of this rather confusing syntax if *buf is,
 *	{} {} {pop 1} {pop 1}
 * the baseline will be the 45 degree line y = x.
 * When any of the four functions is used they're called with a single number on
 * the stack that's equal to the current value of the parameter t. The coordinate
 * system axes run parallel to the PostScript coordinate system that's currently
 * being used.

    for ( p = buf; *p; p++ )		/* eliminate trailing '\n' */
	if ( *p == '\n' )  {
	    *p = '\0';
	}   /* End if */

    for ( p = buf; *p && (*p == ' ' || *p == ':'); p++ ) ;

    if ( *p != '\0' )  {		/* something's there */
	fprintf(tf, "mark resolution %s newbaseline\n", p);
    }	/* End if */

}   /* End of newbaseline */
    void NextStep::
    nextStep( const int & timeCurr )

      const unsigned& sfoot = contactFootSIN( timeCurr );
      const MatrixHomogeneous& wMlf = twoHandObserver.leftFootPositionSIN.access( timeCurr );
      const MatrixHomogeneous& wMrf = twoHandObserver.rightFootPositionSIN.access( timeCurr );

      // actual and reference position of reference frame in fly foot,
      // position of fly foot in support foot.

      MatrixHomogeneous ffMref, ffMref0;
      MatrixHomogeneous sfMff;
      if( sfoot != 1 ) // --- left foot support ---
	  ffMref = referencePositionRightSIN.access( timeCurr );
	  ffMref0 = rfMref0;
	  MatrixHomogeneous sfMw; sfMw = wMlf.inverse(); sfMff = sfMw*wMrf;
      else // -- right foot support ---
	  ffMref = referencePositionLeftSIN.access( timeCurr );
	  ffMref0 = lfMref0;
	  MatrixHomogeneous sfMw; sfMw = wMrf.inverse(); sfMff = sfMw*wMlf;

      // homogeneous transform from ref position of ref frame to
      // actual position of ref frame.

      MatrixHomogeneous ref0Mff; ref0Mff = ffMref0.inverse();
      MatrixHomogeneous ref0Mref; ref0Mref = ref0Mff * ffMref;

      // extract the translation part and express it in the support
      // foot frame.

      MatrixHomogeneous sfMref0; sfMref0 = sfMff * ffMref0;
      Vector t_ref0(3); t_ref0 = ref0Mref.translation();
      MatrixRotation sfRref0; sfRref0 = sfMref0.linear();
      Vector t_sf = sfRref0 * t_ref0;

      // add it to the position of the fly foot in support foot to
      // get the new position of fly foot in support foot.

      Vector pff_sf(3); pff_sf = sfMff.translation();
      t_sf += pff_sf;

      // compute the rotation that transforms ref0 into ref,
      // express it in the support foot frame. Then get the
      // associated yaw (rot around z).

      MatrixRotation ref0Rsf; ref0Rsf = sfRref0.transpose();
      MatrixRotation ref0Rref; ref0Rref = ref0Mref.linear();
      MatrixRotation tmp = ref0Rref * ref0Rsf;
      MatrixRotation Rref = sfRref0*tmp;

      VectorRollPitchYaw rpy; rpy = (Rref.eulerAngles(2,1,0)).reverse();

      // get the yaw of the current orientation of the ff wrt sf.
      // Add it to the previously computed rpy.

      MatrixRotation sfRff; sfRff = sfMff.linear();
      VectorRollPitchYaw rpy_ff; rpy_ff = (sfRff.eulerAngles(2,1,0)).reverse();
      rpy += rpy_ff;

      // Now we can compute and insert the new step (we just need
      // to express the coordinates of the vector that joins the
      // support foot to the new fly foot in the coordinate frame of the
      // new fly foot).
      // [dX;dY] = A^t [X;Y]
      // where A is the planar rotation matrix of angle theta, [X;Y]
      // is the planar column-vector joining the support foot to the new fly foot,
      // expressed in the support foot frame, and [dX;dY] is this same planar
      // column-vector expressed in the coordinates frame of the new fly foot.
      // See the technical report of Olivier Stasse for more details,
      // on top of page 79.

      double ns_x = 0, ns_y = 0, ns_theta = 0;
      if(mode != MODE_1D) {
	ns_theta = rpy(2) * 180 / 3.14159265;
	if(fabs(ns_theta) < 10) {
	  ns_theta = 0;
	  rpy(2) = 0;

	double x = t_sf(0);
	double y = t_sf(1);

	double ctheta = cos(rpy(2));
	double stheta = sin(rpy(2));

	ns_x = x * ctheta + y * stheta;
	ns_y = -x * stheta + y * ctheta;

	ns_theta = rpy(2) * 180 / 3.14159265;
	if(fabs(ns_theta) < 10){ ns_theta = 0; }
      else {
	ns_x = t_sf(0);
	if(sfoot != 1){ ns_y = -ZERO_STEP_POSITION_DEFAULT; }
	ns_theta = 0.;

      FootPrint newStep;

      if(sfoot != 1){ newStep.contact = CONTACT_LEFT_FOOT; }
      else{ newStep.contact = CONTACT_RIGHT_FOOT; }

      newStep.x = ns_x;
      newStep.y = ns_y;
      newStep.theta = ns_theta;

      newStep.introductionTime = timeCurr;

      footPrintList.push_back( newStep );

Ejemplo n.º 3
picture (
    char *buf		/* stuff following 'x X PI' command */


    int		poffset;	/* page offset */
    int		indent;		/* indent */
    int		length;		/* line length  */
    int		totrap;		/* distance to next trap */
    char	name[4096];	/* picture file and page string */
    char	hwo[4096], *p;	/* height, width and offset strings */
    char	flags[4096];	/* miscellaneous stuff */
    int		page = 1;	/* page number pulled from name[] */
    double	frame[4];	/* height, width, y, and x offsets from hwo[] */
    char	units;		/* scale indicator for frame dimensions */
    int		whiteout = 0;	/* white out the box? */
    int		outline = 0;	/* draw a box around the picture? */
    int		scaleboth = 0;	/* scale both dimensions? */
    double	adjx = 0.5;	/* left-right adjustment */
    double	adjy = 0.5;	/* top-bottom adjustment */
    double	rot = 0;	/* rotation in clockwise degrees */
    FILE	*fp_in;		/* for *name */
    int		i;		/* loop index */

 * Called from devcntrl() after an 'x X PI' command is found. The syntax of that
 * command is:
 *	x X PI:args
 * with args separated by colons and given by:
 *	poffset
 *	indent
 *	length
 *	totrap
 *	file[(page)]
 *	height[,width[,yoffset[,xoffset]]]
 *	[flags]
 * poffset, indent, length, and totrap are given in machine units. height, width,
 * and offset refer to the picture frame in inches, unless they're followed by
 * the u scale indicator. flags is a string that provides a little bit of control
 * over the placement of the picture in the frame. Rotation of the picture, in
 * clockwise degrees, is set by the a flag. If it's not followed by an angle
 * the current rotation angle is incremented by 90 degrees, otherwise the angle
 * is set by the number that immediately follows the a.

    if ( picflag == OFF )		/* skip it */


    flags[0] = '\0';			/* just to be safe */
    if ( sscanf(buf, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:]", &poffset, &indent,
		&length, &totrap, name, hwo, flags) < 6 )  {
	    error(NON_FATAL, "too few arguments to specify picture");
    }	/* End if */

    if ( sscanf(name, "%*[^(](%d", &page) == 1 )	/* grab the page number */
	strtok(name, "(");			/* and separate it from the name */

    if ( (fp_in = picopen(name)) == NULL ) {
	error(NON_FATAL, "can't open picture file %s", name);
    }	/* End if */

    frame[0] = frame[1] = -1;		/* default frame height, width */
    frame[2] = frame[3] = 0;		/* and y and x offsets */

    for ( i = 0, p = hwo-1; i < 4 && p != NULL; i++, p = strchr(p, ',') )
	if ( sscanf(++p, "%lf%c", &frame[i], &units) == 2 )
	    if ( units == 'i' || units == ',' || units == '\0' )
		frame[i] *= res;

    if ( frame[0] <= 0 )		/* check what we got for height */
	frame[0] = totrap;

    if ( frame[1] <= 0 )		/* and width - check too big?? */
	frame[1] = length - indent;

    frame[3] += poffset + indent;	/* real x offset */

    for ( i = 0; flags[i]; i++ )
	switch ( flags[i] )  {
	    case 'c': adjx = adjy = 0.5; break;	/* move to the center */
	    case 'l': adjx = 0; break;		/* left */
	    case 'r': adjx = 1; break;		/* right */
	    case 't': adjy = 1; break;		/* top */
	    case 'b': adjy = 0; break;		/* or bottom justify */
	    case 'o': outline = 1; break;	/* outline the picture */
	    case 'w': whiteout = 1; break;	/* white out the box */
	    case 's': scaleboth = 1; break;	/* scale both dimensions */
	    case 'a': if ( sscanf(&flags[i+1], "%lf", &rot) != 1 )
			  rot += 90;
	}   /* End switch */

    fprintf(tf, "save mark\n");
    fprintf(tf, "[ /NamespacePush pdfmark\n");

    ps_include(name, fp_in, tf, page, whiteout, outline, scaleboth,
		frame[3]+frame[1]/2, -vpos-frame[2]-frame[0]/2, frame[1], frame[0], adjx, adjy, -rot);

    fprintf(tf, "[ /NamespacePop pdfmark\n");
    fprintf(tf, "cleartomark restore\n");
    xymove(hpos, vpos);


}   /* End of picture */