Ejemplo n.º 1
int examineExample(int i, F2D* a, float* b, float C, F2D* e, F2D* X, F2D* Y, float tolerance, int N, float eps, int dim)
    int  ret, j, k, m, n;
    float E, r1, randVal;
    float maxDiff, temp;

    if( ( asubsref(a,i) > 0) && ( asubsref(a,i) <C) )
        E = asubsref(e,i);
        E = cal_learned_func(i, a, b, N, Y, X, dim) - asubsref(Y,i);

    r1 = subsref(Y,i,0) * E;
    if( ((r1 < (-1*tolerance)) && ( asubsref(a,i) < C)) || ((r1 >tolerance) && ( asubsref(a,i) > 0)) )
        maxDiff = 0;
        j = i;

        for(k=0; k<N; k++)
            if( ( asubsref(a,k) > 0) && ( asubsref(a,k) < C) )
                temp = fabsf( E - asubsref(e,k));
                if (temp > maxDiff)
                    j = k;

        if ( i!=j)
            ret = takeStep(i, j, a, C, e, Y, X, eps, b, N, dim);
            if(ret == 1)
                return ret;

        randVal = 1.0;
        for( k= (randVal*(N-2)); k<N; k++)
            if( ( asubsref(a,k) > 0) && ( asubsref(a,k) <C) )
                ret = takeStep(i, k, a, C, e, Y, X, eps, b, N, dim);
                if (ret == 1)
                    return ret;

        for(k=0; k<N; k++)
            ret = takeStep(i, k, a, C, e, Y, X, eps, b, N, dim);
            if(ret == 1)
                return ret;

    ret = 0;
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void takeNextSteps(gridNode *steppingPoint, gridNodeStack *toSolve) {
    moveConstraints allowedMoves = calculateMoveConstraints(
    if (allowedMoves.allowDown) {
        gridNodeStack_push(toSolve, takeStep(steppingPoint, -1));
    if (allowedMoves.allowFlat) {
        gridNodeStack_push(toSolve, takeStep(steppingPoint, 0));
    if (allowedMoves.allowUp) {
        gridNodeStack_push(toSolve, takeStep(steppingPoint, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3

  // NOTE: if you remove this line, you will see a subset of tests failing. Those tests might have a wrong answer and might need to be regolded.
  // The reason is that we actually move the solution back in time before we actually start solving (which I think is wrong).  So this call here
  // is to maintain backward compatibility and so that MOOSE is giving the same answer.  However, we might remove this call and regold the test
  // in the future eventually.
  if (!_app.isRecovering())

  // Start time loop...
  while (true)
    if (_first != true)

    _first = false;

    if (!keepGoing())



Ejemplo n.º 4
double evaluate(Plan& P) {
	//Compute Phase One
	ADDvector xPhase1(P.getNumStepsWithUnknownDurration() + P.getNumSteps() + P.getNumSlackVars() + 1);
	for(int i = 0; i < xPhase1.count(); i++) {
		xPhase1[i] = mgr.addZero();
	xPhase1[xPhase1.count()-1] = mgr.constant(10000); //inital value for s
	ADDvector lambda(P.getNumFunctions());
	for(int i = 0; i < lambda.count(); i++) {
		lambda[i] = mgr.addZero();
	ADDvector nu(P.getNumFunctions());
	for(int i = 0; i < nu.count(); i++) {
		nu[i] = mgr.addZero();
	while(checkTeminationConditions(P, xPhase1, lambda, nu, true)) {
		ADDvector DxPhase1(xPhase1.count());
		ADDvector Dlambda(lambda.count());
		ADDvector Dnu(nu.count());
		calcStepDirection( xPhase1,  lambda,  nu,
				          DxPhase1, Dlambda, Dnu,
						   P, true);
		takeStep( xPhase1,  lambda,  nu,
				 DxPhase1, Dlambda, Dnu);
	//Compute Phase two
	ADDvector x(xPhase1.count() -1);
	for(int i = 0; i < x.count(); i++) {
		x[i] = xPhase1[i];
	while(checkTeminationConditions(P, x, lambda, nu, false)) {
		ADDvector Dx(x.count());
		ADDvector Dlambda(lambda.count());
		ADDvector Dnu(nu.count());
		calcStepDirection( x,  lambda,  nu,
				          Dx, Dlambda, Dnu,
						   P, false);
		takeStep( x,  lambda,  nu,
				 Dx, Dlambda, Dnu);

	//Really I need to do some max's and sum's here but that can be added later.
	//Right now I need to add something to test all of this code.
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5


Ejemplo n.º 6
  if (_app.isRecovering())



Ejemplo n.º 7
  if (_app.isRecovering())



Ejemplo n.º 8
int SmoTutor::examineFirstChoice(int i2, double e2)
   if (minimum > -1)
      if (fabs(e2 - error[minimum]) > fabs(e2 - error[maximum]))
         if (takeStep(minimum, i2, e2))
            return 1;
         if (takeStep(maximum, i2, e2))
            return 1;

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9

  // Start time loop...
  while (keepGoing())
    if (lastSolveConverged())
Ejemplo n.º 10
int SmoTutor::examineBound(int i2, double e2)
   int start = rand() % ntp;

   for (int i = 0; i < ntp; i++)
      int i1 = (i + start) % ntp;

      if (alpha[i1] == 0.0 || alpha[i1] == C[i1])
         if (takeStep(i1, i2, e2))
            return 1;

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 Finds the second Lagrange multiplayer to be optimize.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
long examineExample( long i1 )
   double y1, alpha1, E1, r1;
   double tmax;
   double E2, temp;
   long k, i2;
   long k0;

   y1 = target[i1];
   alpha1 = alpha[i1];

   E1 = w*data[i1] - *b - y1;

   r1 = y1 * E1;
   if(( r1 < -tolerance && alpha1 < C )
      || (r1 > tolerance && alpha1 > 0)) {
    /* Try i2 by three ways; if successful, then immediately return 1; */

      for( i2 = (-1), tmax = 0, k = 0; k < num_data; k++ ) {
         if( alpha[k] > 0 && alpha[k] < C ) {
            E2 = w*data[k] - *b - target[k];

            temp = fabs(E1 - E2);
            if( temp > tmax ) {
               tmax = temp;
               i2 = k;
      if( i2 >= 0 ) {
         if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
            return( 1 );

#ifdef RANDOM
      for( k0 = rand(), k = k0; k < num_data + k0; k++ ) {
         i2 = k % num_data;
      for( k = 0; k < num_data; k++) {
         i2 = k;
         if( alpha[i2] > 0 && alpha[i2] < C ) {
            if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
               return( 1 );

#ifdef RANDOM
      for( k0 = rand(), k = k0; k < num_data + k0; k++ ) {
         i2 = k % num_data;
      for( k = 0; k < num_data; k++) {
         i2 = k;
         if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
            return( 1 );

   } /* if( ... ) */

   return( 0 );

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 Main SMO optimization cycle.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
void runSMO( void )
   long numChanged = 0;
   long examineAll = 1;
   long k;

   while( numChanged > 0 || examineAll ) {
      numChanged = 0;

      if( examineAll ) {
         for( k = 0; k < num_data; k++ ) {
            numChanged += examineExample( k );
      else {
         for( k = 0; k < num_data; k++ ) {
            if( alpha[k] != 0 && alpha[k] != C )
               numChanged += examineExample( k );

      if( examineAll == 1 )
         examineAll = 0;
      else if( numChanged == 0 )
         examineAll = 1;

/* ==============================================================
 Main MEX function - interface to Matlab.
============================================================== */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
		  int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )
   long i,j ;
   double *labels12, *nsv, *trn_err, *margin;
   double nerr;

   /* ---- check number of input arguments  ------------- */

   if(nrhs != 5 )
      mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input arguments.");
   if(nlhs < 2)
      mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough output arguments.");

   /* ---- get input arguments  ----------------------- */
   labels12 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);    /* labels (1,2) */
   data = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);  /* pointer at data */
   dim = mxGetM(prhs[0]);     /* data dimension */
   num_data = mxGetN(prhs[0]);       /* number of data */
   C = mxGetScalar( prhs[2] );
   eps = mxGetScalar( prhs[3] );
   tolerance = mxGetScalar( prhs[4] );

   /* ---- init variables ------------------------------- */   
   ker_cnt=0;      /* num of dot product evaluations  */

   /* allocate memory for targets (labels) (1,-1) */
   if( (target = (double*)mxCalloc(num_data, sizeof(double) )) == NULL) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");

   /* transform labels12 (1,2) from to targets (1,-1) */
   for( i = 0; i < num_data; i++ ) {
      target[i] = - labels12[i]*2 + 3;

   /* create output variable for bias */
   plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
   b = mxGetPr(plhs[1]); *b= 0;

   /* create vector for Lagrangeians */
   plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_data,1,mxREAL);
   alpha = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

   /* inicialize alpha  */
   for( i = 0; i < num_data; i++ ) {
     alpha[i] = 0;

   /* ---- run SMO ------------------------------------------- */

   /* ---- outputs ---------------------------------- */
   if( nlhs >= 3 ) {

      /* count number of support vectors */
      plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      nsv = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
      *nsv = 0;

      for( i = 0; i < num_data; i++ ) {
         if( alpha[i] > 0) (*nsv)++; 

   if( nlhs >= 4 ) {
     /* number of used iterations */
     plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
     (*mxGetPr(plhs[3])) = (double)ker_cnt;

   if( nlhs >= 5) {

     /* evaluates classification error on traning patterns */
     plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
     trn_err = mxGetPr(plhs[4]);
     *trn_err = 0;

     for( i = 0; i < num_data; i++ ) {
       if( target[i]*(w*data[i]-*b) < 0) (*trn_err)++;

     *trn_err = (*trn_err)/(double)num_data;

   if( nlhs >= 6) {
      /* compute margin */
      plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      margin = mxGetPr(plhs[5]);
      *margin = 1/sqrt(w*w);

   /* decision function of type <w,x>+b is used */
   *b = -*b;

   /* ----- free memory --------------------------------------- */
   mxFree( target );
Ejemplo n.º 12
  bool svm::examineExample(const int& i2) {

    //debug("Examining sample " << i2 << ":\n");

    double r2=e2*y2;

    //debug("i2=" << i2 << ", y2=" << y2 << ", alpha2=" << alph2 << ", e2=" << e2 << ", r2=" << r2 << "\n");
    // check KKT condition for example i2
    if ((r2 < -tolerance && alph2 < C) || (r2 > tolerance && alph2 > 0)) {
      // example violates KKT condition, choose it for optimization
      // init array of non-zero and non-C alphas
      int* tmpAlpha=new int[currentAlpha->size()];
      int j=0,i=0;
      for (i=0; i<currentAlpha->size(); i++) {
        if (currentAlpha->at(i) != 0.0 && currentAlpha->at(i) != C) {
      // is there more than one non-bound alpha?
      if (j > 1) {
        // yes, then choose one that is expected to
        // maximize the optimization step size
        double emax=std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
        int k=0;
        for (int i=0; i<errorCache.size(); i++) {
          if (errorCache.at(i) > emax) {
        if (takeStep(k,i2)) {
          delete[] tmpAlpha;
          return true;
      // iterate over all non-zero and non-C alphas
      // start at random index
      int start;
      if (j > 0) {
        for (int i=start,count=0; count<j; count++, i=(i+1)%j) {
          if (takeStep(tmpAlpha[i],i2)) {
            delete[] tmpAlpha;
            return true;
      // iterate over all possible i
      int count;
      for (count=0,i=start; count<currentAlpha->size(); count++, i=(i+1)%currentAlpha->size()) {
        if (takeStep(i,i2)) {
          delete[] tmpAlpha;
          return true;
      delete[] tmpAlpha;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
//Apply physics from key presses and set animation
void Player::ApplyPhysics(Tile *tiles[], std::list <LevelObject> levelObjects, std::list <DestroyableObject> objects)
	//Set frames for animations
	if (60 / frameTime <= 6)
		frameTime = 0;
		currentFrame += 1;
		if (currentFrame >= 4)
			currentFrame = 0;

	//Reduce hit cooldown so player can take damage again
	if (hitCooldown <= 0)
		hitCooldown = 0;
	if (flashTimer <= 0)
		flashTimer = 0;
	if (landingTimer <= 0)
		landingTimer = 0;

	if (!attacking)
		attackBox = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

	if (whipLevel == 1 || whipLevel == 2)
		whipLength = 44;
	else if (whipLevel == 3)
		whipLength = 76;

	//Set flip for animations
	if (!onStairs && hitCooldown <= 60)
		if (velX > 0)
			flip = false;
		if (velX < 0)
			flip = true;

	//Apply physics and set animations for when not on stairs
	if (!goToStairs && !onStairs)
		if (jumping)

			if (jumpTime <= 30)
				velY += 0.7f;

				if (!attacking && !damaged)
					currentAnimation = IDLE;

				else if (!attacking && damaged)
					currentAnimation = DAMAGED;

		if (attacking && !throwing)
			if (attackTimer <= 36)
				attacking = false;
				currentAnimation = IDLE;

			if (attackTimer <= 48)
				if (!flip)
					if (!crouching || jumping)
						attackBox.x = playerBox.x + PLAYER_WIDTH + 12;
						attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
						attackBox.w = whipLength;
						attackBox.h = 16;
						attackBox.x = playerBox.x + PLAYER_WIDTH + 12;
						attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2);
						attackBox.w = whipLength;
						attackBox.h = 16;
					if (!crouching || jumping)
						attackBox.x = playerBox.x - (12 + whipLength);
						attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
						attackBox.w = whipLength;
						attackBox.h = 16;
						attackBox.x = playerBox.x - (12 + whipLength);
						attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2);
						attackBox.w = whipLength;
						attackBox.h = 16;
		else if (throwing && attacking)
			if (attackTimer <= 30)
				throwing = false;
				attacking = false;
				currentAnimation = IDLE;

		if (!jumping && !attacking && !crouching)
			velY += 0.7f;

			if (rightPress && !leftPress)
				velX = MoveSpeed;
				currentAnimation = MOVING;

			if (!rightPress && leftPress)
				velX = 0 - MoveSpeed;
				currentAnimation = MOVING;

			if (!rightPress && !leftPress)
				velX = 0;
				currentAnimation = IDLE;

			if (rightPress && leftPress)
				velX = 0;
				currentAnimation = IDLE;

		if (crouching && !attacking && !jumping)
			velX = 0;
			currentAnimation = CROUCHING;
		velY += 0.3f;

		if (autoWalk)
			velX = 0;
			playerBox.x += 1;
			currentAnimation = MOVING;

		playerBox.x += velX;	

		//If the player reaches a wall
		if ((playerBox.x < 0) || (playerBox.x + PLAYER_WIDTH > levelWidth) || touchesWall(playerBox, tiles) || touchesDestroyableObject(playerBox, objects))
			//Move back
			playerBox.x -= velX;

		//Move the player up or down
		playerBox.y += (int)round(velY);

		//If the player touches floor or roof
		if ((playerBox.y < 0) || (playerBox.y + PLAYER_HEIGHT > levelHeight) || touchesWall(playerBox, tiles) || 
			touchesLevelObject(playerBox, levelObjects) || touchesDestroyableObject(playerBox, objects))

			//Move back
			playerBox.y -= (int)round(velY);			

			if (velY > 15 && !damaged && !attacking && !jumping)
				velX = 0;
				landingTimer = 20;

			jumping = false;
			onGround = true;

			if (landingTimer <= 18 && landingTimer > 0)
				crouching = true;

			velY = 0;
			if (attacking)
				velX = 0;

			if (damaged && !playerDead)
				crouching = true;
				flashTimer = 80;
				hitCooldown = 80;
				damaged = false;

			if (health <= 0)			
			if (flashTimer <= 60 && landingTimer <= 0)
				if (!downPress)
					crouching = false;			

			onGround = false;
	//Apply physics and set animatons for when on stairs
	if (onStairs)
		goToStairs = false;

	if (goToStairs)
		moveToStairs(playerBox, tiles);

	//Check to move into position to go down stairs
	if (crouching && touchesStairs(playerBox, tiles, true))
		currentAnimation = MOVING;
		moveToStairsDown(playerBox, tiles);

	//Movement for when on stairs, different for right and left stairs
	if (onStairs && !attacking)

		if (rightStair)
			if (secondStep == 0 && stepUp)
				takeStep(true, true);
				stepFrame = 0;				

			if (secondStep == 0 && !stepUp)
				takeStep(false, false);
				stepFrame = 0;				

			if (upPress && !downPress && !leftPress || rightPress && !leftPress && !downPress)
				currentAnimation = STAIRS_UP;
				flip = false;				

				if (stepTime % 16 == 0)
					secondStep = 8;
					stepUp = true;
					takeStep(true, true);
					stepFrame = 1;	
			if (!upPress && downPress && !rightPress || leftPress && !rightPress && !upPress)
				currentAnimation = STAIRS_DOWN;
				flip = true;

				if (stepTime % 16 == 0)
					secondStep = 8;
					stepUp = false;
					takeStep(false, false);
					stepFrame = 1;
		if (leftStair)
			if (secondStep == 0 && stepUp)
				takeStep(true, false);
				if (stepFrame >= 2)
					stepFrame = 0;

			if (secondStep == 0 && !stepUp)
				takeStep(false, true);
				if (stepFrame >= 2)
					stepFrame = 0;

			if (upPress && !downPress && !rightPress || leftPress && !rightPress && !downPress)
				currentAnimation = STAIRS_UP;
				flip = true;
				stepUp = true;

				if (stepTime % 16 == 0)
					secondStep = 8;
					takeStep(true, false);
					if (stepFrame >= 2)
						stepFrame = 0;
			if (!upPress && downPress && !leftPress || rightPress && !leftPress && !upPress)
				currentAnimation = STAIRS_DOWN;
				flip = false;
				stepUp = false;

				if (stepTime % 16 == 0)
					secondStep = 8;
					takeStep(false, true);
					if (stepFrame >= 2)
						stepFrame = 0;

	if (onStairs && attacking && !throwing)

		if (rightStair)
			if (attackTimer <= 36)
				attacking = false;
				if (!flip)
					currentAnimation = STAIRS_UP;
				else if (flip)
					currentAnimation = STAIRS_DOWN;

			if (attackTimer <= 48)
				if (!flip)
					attackBox.x = playerBox.x + PLAYER_WIDTH + 12;
					attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
					attackBox.w = 44;
					attackBox.h = 16;
				else if (flip)
					attackBox.x = playerBox.x - 56;
					attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
					attackBox.w = 44;
					attackBox.h = 16;
		if (leftStair)
			if (attackTimer <= 36)
				attacking = false;

				if (!flip)
					currentAnimation = STAIRS_DOWN;
				else if (flip)
					currentAnimation = STAIRS_UP;

			if (attackTimer <= 48)
				if (!flip)
					attackBox.x = playerBox.x + PLAYER_WIDTH + 12;
					attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
					attackBox.w = 44;
					attackBox.h = 16;
				else if (flip)
					attackBox.x = playerBox.x - 56;
					attackBox.y = playerBox.y + (PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2) - 16;
					attackBox.w = 44;
					attackBox.h = 16;
	else if (onStairs && throwing && attacking)
		if (attackTimer <= 36)
			throwing = false;
			attacking = false;
			currentAnimation = STAIRS_UP;
	//Stop stair movement if player reaches top of stairs
	if (onStairs && !touchesStairs(playerBox, tiles, false))
		if (rightStair)
			onStairs = false;				
			playerBox.x -= 8;
		if (leftStair)
			onStairs = false;				
			playerBox.x += 8;

	//Stop stair movement when player reaches floor
	if (onStairs && touchesWall(playerBox, tiles))
		if (rightStair)
			if (downPress || leftPress)
				onStairs = false;				
				playerBox.y -= 8;	
				playerBox.x += 8;				
		if (leftStair)
			if (downPress || rightPress)
				onStairs = false;				
				playerBox.y -= 8;	
				playerBox.x -= 8;				
	if (onStairs)
		if (cameraStart + cameraStep < playerBox.x)
		else if (cameraStart + cameraStep > playerBox.x)

		if (touchesExit(playerBox, tiles, true))
			reachedExitStair = true;

		if (touchesExit(playerBox, tiles, false))
			reachedExitStair2 = true;

		if (touchesEntrance(playerBox, tiles, true))
			reachedEntrance = true;

		if (touchesEntrance(playerBox, tiles, false))
			reachedEntrance2 = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Player::moveToStairsDown(SDL_Rect box, Tile* tiles[])
	int playerRight = box.x + box.w;
	int playerLeft = box.x;	

	for (int i = 0; i < totalTiles; ++i)
		if (tiles[i]->Type() == 'R')
			Tile* tempTile = new Tile(tiles[i]->Box().x + 32, tiles[i]->Box().y - 16, 'R');

			if (playerRight > tempTile->Box().x && playerRight < (tempTile->Box().x + tempTile->Box().w))
				//Not exactly sure why this works, I assume it needs to override a movement the other way
				playerBox.x += 2;
			if (playerLeft > tempTile->Box().x && playerLeft < (tempTile->Box().x + tempTile->Box().w))
				playerBox.x -= 1;
			if (playerLeft == tempTile->Box().x)
				onStairs = true;
				rightStair = true;
				leftStair = false;
				secondStep = 8;
				stepUp = false;
				takeStep(false, false);				
				crouching = false;
				stepFrame = 1;
				cameraStart = playerBox.x;
				cameraStep = 0;
		if (tiles[i]->Type() == 'L')
			Tile* tempTile = new Tile(tiles[i]->Box().x - 32, tiles[i]->Box().y - 16, 'L');

			if (playerRight > tempTile->Box().x && playerRight < (tempTile->Box().x + tempTile->Box().w))
				playerBox.x += 1;
			if (playerLeft > tempTile->Box().x && playerLeft < (tempTile->Box().x + tempTile->Box().w))
				playerBox.x -= 2;
			if (playerLeft == tempTile->Box().x)
				onStairs = true;
				leftStair = true;
				rightStair = false;
				secondStep = 8;
				stepUp = false;
				takeStep(false, true);
				crouching = false;
				stepFrame = 1;
				cameraStart = playerBox.x;
				cameraStep = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  /* Initialize *******************************/
//  long seed = 6781;
  int i;
  double nuRedScale;
  double nuBlueScale;

  /* Phase population distributions */
  double ****Red, ****Blue;

  Lx = 80; 
  Ly = 20;
  Lz = 20; 

  //Adds layers to ensure periodic BCs
 // Lx += (2 * layers);

  /* Allocate memory for global arrays. */
  Solid = create3DInt(Lz, Ly, Lx);
  Red = create4DDouble(Lz, Ly, Lx, b);
  Blue = create4DDouble(Lz, Ly, Lx, b);
  f = create4DDouble(Lz, Ly, Lx, b);
  N = new double[b];

  /* Initialization of solid matrix.                        */
  /*                                                        */
  /* Regular geometry for testing purposes                  */
  /*                                                        */


  // Scaled global constants 
  // If tau = 1 no scaling
  ExForceConst = tau*(double)Dim/(bm*c1*c1);
  nuRedScale = tau/(h*h)*nuRed;
  nuBlueScale = tau/(h*h)*nuBlue;
  // Relaxation parameters
  lambdaRed = (-2.0/(6*nuRedScale+1));
  lambdaBlue = (-2.0/(6*nuBlueScale+1));
  // Initial body-force

  // Initial volumetric flux
  Jfix = 0.0;

  startTime = 0;
  // timesteps
  ite = startTime;

  // Sets the initial phase populations

  // Calculates certain quantities and output to file
  // Not a part of the simulation

  // Starts simulation
  // Cleaning up
  delete4DDouble(Red, Lz, Ly, Lx);
  delete4DDouble(Blue, Lz, Ly, Lx);
  delete4DDouble(f, Lz, Ly, Lx);
  delete3DInt(Solid, Lz, Ly);

  return 0;
int SMO::examineExample(int i1)
    double y1, alpha1, E1, r1;
    y1 = target[i1];
    alpha1 = alpha[i1];
    // Check E1 in error cache, if not present then E1 = SVM output on point[i1] - y1.
    if (alpha1 > 0 && alpha1 < C)
        E1 = errorCache[i1];
        E1 = predict(points[i1]) - y1;

    r1 = y1 * E1;
    // Check if alpha1 violated KKT condition by more than tolerance, if it does then look for alpha2 and optimise them by calling takeStep(i1,i2)
    if ((r1 < -tolerance && alpha1 < C)
        || (r1 > tolerance && alpha1 > 0))
        unsigned int k;
        int i2;
        double dEmax = 0.0;
        i2 = -1;
        // Try i2 using second choice heuristic as described in section 2.2 by choosing an error to maximize step size.
        // The i2 is taken which maximize dE.
        for (k = 0; k < points.size(); k++)
            if (alpha[k] > 0 && alpha[k] < C)
                double E2, dE;
                E2 = errorCache[k];
                dE = fabs(E1 - E2);
                if (dE > dEmax)
                    dEmax = dE;
                    i2 = k;
            if (i2 >= 0) 
                if (takeStep (i1, i2))
                    return 1;
            // Loop over all non-zero and non-C alpha, starting at a random point.  
            i2 = (int)(rand() % points.size());
            for (k = 0; k < points.size(); k++)
                if (alpha[i2] > 0 && alpha[i2] < C) 
                    if (takeStep(i1, i2))
                        return 1;
                i2 = (i2 + 1)%points.size();

            // Loop over all possible i2, starting at a random point.
            i2 = (int)(rand() % points.size());
            for (k = 0; k < points.size(); k++) 
                if (takeStep(i1, i2))
                    return 1;
                i2 = (i2 + 1)%points.size();

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* Convenience function to do a full simulation at once.
 * Simply does takeStep() the required number of times.
void MCMC::run(){
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++){
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 Finds the second Lagrange multiplayer to be optimize.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
long examineExample( long i1 )
   double y1, alpha1, E1, r1;
   double tmax;
   double E2, temp;
   long k, i2;
   long k0;

   y1 = target[i1];
   alpha1 = alpha[i1];

   if( alpha1 > 0 && alpha1 < C(i1) )
      E1 = error_cache[i1];
      E1 = learned_func(i1) - y1;

   r1 = y1 * E1;
   if(( r1 < -tolerance && alpha1 < C(i1) )
      || (r1 > tolerance && alpha1 > 0)) {
    /* Try i2 by three ways; if successful, then immediately return 1; */

      for( i2 = (-1), tmax = 0, k = 0; k < N; k++ ) {
         if( alpha[k] > 0 && alpha[k] < C(k) ) {
            E2 = error_cache[k];
            temp = fabs(E1 - E2);
            if( temp > tmax ) {
               tmax = temp;
               i2 = k;
      if( i2 >= 0 ) {
         if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
            return( 1 );

#ifdef RANDOM
      for( k0 = rand(), k = k0; k < N + k0; k++ ) {
         i2 = k % N;
      for( k = 0; k < N; k++) {
         i2 = k;
         if( alpha[i2] > 0 && alpha[i2] < C(i2) ) {
            if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
               return( 1 );

#ifdef RANDOM
      for( k0 = rand(), k = k0; k < N + k0; k++ ) {
         i2 = k % N;
      for( k = 0; k < N; k++) {
         i2 = k;
         if( takeStep(i1,i2) )
            return( 1 );

   } /* if( ... ) */

   return( 0 );

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 Main SMO optimization cycle.
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
void runSMO( void )
   long numChanged = 0;
   long examineAll = 1;
   long k;

   while( numChanged > 0 || examineAll ) {
      numChanged = 0;

      if( examineAll ) {
         for( k = 0; k < N; k++ ) {
            numChanged += examineExample( k );
      else {
         for( k = 0; k < N; k++ ) {
            if( alpha[k] != 0 && alpha[k] != C(k) )
               numChanged += examineExample( k );

      if( examineAll == 1 )
         examineAll = 0;
      else if( numChanged == 0 )
         examineAll = 1;

/* ==============================================================
 Main MEX function - interface to Matlab.
============================================================== */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
		  int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )
   long i,j ;
   double *labels12, *initAlpha, *nsv, *tmp, *trn_err, *margin;
   double nerr;
   double C1, C2;

   /* ---- get input arguments  ----------------------- */
   if(nrhs < 5)
      mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough input arguments.");

   /* data matrix [dim x N ] */
   if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) ||
       mxIsEmpty(prhs[0])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[0]) )
      mexErrMsgTxt("Input X must be a real matrix.");

   /* vector of labels (1,2) */
   if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) ||
       mxIsEmpty(prhs[1])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) ||
       (mxGetN(prhs[1]) != 1 && mxGetM(prhs[1]) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Input I must be a real vector.");

   labels12 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);    /* labels (1,2) */
   dataA = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);  /* pointer at patterns */
   dataB = dataA;
   dim = mxGetM(prhs[0]);     /* data dimension */
   N = mxGetN(prhs[0]);       /* number of data */

   /* kernel identifier */
   ker = kernel_id( prhs[2] );
   if( ker == -1 )
     mexErrMsgTxt("Improper kernel identifier.");

   /*  get pointer to arguments  */
   arg1 = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);

   /*  one or two real trade-off constant(s)  */
   if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[4]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[4]) ||
       mxIsEmpty(prhs[4])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[4]) ||
       (mxGetN(prhs[4]) != 1  && mxGetM(prhs[4]) != 1 ))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Improper input argument C.");
   else {
      /* allocate memory for constant C */
      if( (const_C = mxCalloc(N, sizeof(double) )) == NULL) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");

      if( MAX( mxGetN(prhs[4]), mxGetM(prhs[4])) == 1 ) {
        C1 = mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
        for( i=0; i < N; i++ ) const_C[i] = C1;
      } else
      if( MAX( mxGetN(prhs[4]), mxGetM(prhs[4])) == 2 ) {
         tmp = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
         C1 = tmp[0];
         C2 = tmp[1];
         for( i=0; i < N; i++ ) {
           if( labels12[i]==1) const_C[i] = C1; else const_C[i] = C2;
      } else
      if( MAX( mxGetN(prhs[4]), mxGetM(prhs[4])) == N ) {
         tmp = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
         for( i=0; i < N; i++ ) const_C[i] = tmp[i];
      } else {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Improper argument C.");

   /* real parameter eps */
   if( nrhs >= 6 ) {
      if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[5]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) ||
         mxIsEmpty(prhs[5])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) ||
         mxGetN(prhs[5]) != 1  || mxGetM(prhs[5]) != 1 )
         mexErrMsgTxt("Input eps must be a scalar.");
         eps = mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);   /* take eps argument */

   /* real parameter tol */
   if(nrhs >= 7) {
      if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[6]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) ||
         mxIsEmpty(prhs[6])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) ||
         mxGetN(prhs[6]) != 1  || mxGetM(prhs[6]) != 1 )
         mexErrMsgTxt("Input tol must be a scalar.");
         tolerance = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);  /* take tolerance argument */

   /* real vector of Lagrangeian multipliers */
   if(nrhs >= 8) {
      if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[7]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[7]) ||
          mxIsEmpty(prhs[7])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[7]) ||
          (mxGetN(prhs[7]) != 1  && mxGetM(prhs[7]) != 1 ))
          mexErrMsgTxt("Input Alpha must be a vector.");

   /* real scalar - bias */
   if( nrhs >= 9 ) {
      if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[8]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[8]) ||
         mxIsEmpty(prhs[8])    || mxIsComplex(prhs[8]) ||
         mxGetN(prhs[8]) != 1  || mxGetM(prhs[8]) != 1 )
         mexErrMsgTxt("Input bias must be a scalar.");

   /* ---- init variables ------------------------------- */

   ker_cnt = 0;

   /* allocate memory for targets (labels) (1,-1) */
   if( (target = mxCalloc(N, sizeof(double) )) == NULL) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");

   /* transform labels12 (1,2) from to targets (1,-1) */
   for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
      target[i] = - labels12[i]*2 + 3;

   /* create output variable for bias */
   plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
   b = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);

   /* take init value of bias if given */
   if( nrhs >= 9 ) {
      *b = -mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);

   /* allocate memory for error_cache */
   if( (error_cache = mxCalloc(N, sizeof(double) )) == NULL) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory for error cache.");

   /* create vector for Lagrangeians */
   plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N,1,mxREAL);
   alpha = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

   /* if Lagrangeians given then use them as initial values */
   if( nrhs >= 8 ) {
      initAlpha = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);
      for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
         alpha[i] = initAlpha[i];

      /* Init error cache for non-bound multipliers. */
      for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
         if( alpha[i] != 0 && alpha[i] != C(i) ) {
            error_cache[i] = learned_func(i) - target[i];

   /* ---- run SMO ------------------------------------------- */

   /* ---- outputs  --------------------------------- */
   if( nlhs >= 3 ) {

      /* count number of support vectors */
      plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      nsv = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
      *nsv = 0;

      for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
         if( alpha[i] > ZERO_LIM ) (*nsv)++; else alpha[i] = 0;

   if( nlhs >= 4 ) {
     plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
     (*mxGetPr(plhs[3])) = (double)ker_cnt;

   if( nlhs >= 5) {

     /* evaluates classification error on traning patterns */
     plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
     trn_err = mxGetPr(plhs[4]);
     nerr = 0;

     for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        if( target[i] == 1 ) {
           if( learned_func(i) < 0 ) nerr++;
           if( learned_func(i) >= 0 ) nerr++;

     *trn_err = nerr/N;

   if( nlhs >= 6) {

      /* compute margin */
      plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      margin = mxGetPr(plhs[5]);
      *margin = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        for( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {
           if( alpha[i] > 0 && alpha[j] > 0 )
              *margin += alpha[i]*alpha[j]*target[i]*target[j]*kernel(i,j);

      *margin = 1/sqrt(*margin);

   /* decision function of type <w,x>+b is used */
   *b = -*b;

   /* ----- free memory --------------------------------------- */
   mxFree( error_cache );
   mxFree( target );
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * 			Main-function
int main(void) {

	 * 	Set the clock to run at 80 MHz

	 * 	Enable the floating-point-unit
	// We also want Lazystacking, so enable that too
	// We also want to put numbers close to zero to zero

	 * 	Init variables
	uint16_t mapData[MAP_DATA_SIZE];
	uint8_t stepDir = 0;

	 * 	Init peripherals used
	init_stepper();							// Init the GPIOs used for the stepper and loading LED
	InitI2C1();								// Init the communication with the lidar-unit through I2C

	 * 	State 2
	// Disable the timers that are used

	// Enable all interrupts
	 * 	State 3
	// Indicate we should start with a scan regardless of what other things we have already got
	// from UART-interrupt
	// This means setting the appropriate bit in the status vector
	stat_vec |= TAKE_MEAS;

	 * 	State 4
	// Contains main-loop where decisions should be made
	for ( ; ; ) {
		 * 	Decision tree
		// Highest priority case first

		// Check both interrupts at each iteration in the loop
		if ( int_vec & UART_INT ) {
			// Reset the indication
			int_vec &= ~UART_INT;

			// Remove drive-stop flag to enable movement
			stat_vec &= ~DRIVE_STOP;

			// Init data array
			uint8_t dataArr[MAX_UART_MSG_SIZE];

			// Collect the message
			if ( readUARTMessage(dataArr, MAX_UART_MSG_SIZE) < SUCCESS ) {
				// If we have recieved more data than fits in the vector we should simply
				// go in here again and grab data
				int_vec |= UART_INT;
			// We have gathered a message
			// and now need to determine what the message is
			parseMsg(dataArr, MAX_UART_MSG_SIZE);
		// Checking drive (movement) interrupt
		if ( int_vec & TIMER2_INT ) {
			int_vec &= ~TIMER2_INT;
			// Disable TIMER2
			// Set drive-stop in status vector
			stat_vec |= DRIVE_STOP;
		// Checking measure interrupt
		if ( int_vec & TIMER1_INT ) {
			int_vec &= ~TIMER1_INT;
			// Disable TIMER1

			// Take reading from LIDAR
			mapData[stepCount++] = readLidar();

			// Take step
			// Note: We need to take double meas at randvillkor (100) !!!!!
			if ( stepCount > 0 && stepCount < 100 ) {
				stepDir = 1;
			else if ( stepCount >= 100 && stepCount < 200) {
				stepDir = 0;
			else {
				stepDir = 1;
				stepCount = 0;

				// Reset busy-flag
				stat_vec &= ~TAKE_MEAS;
			step = takeStep(step, stepDir);

			// Request reading from LIDAR

			if ( stat_vec & TAKE_MEAS ) {
				// Restart TIMER1
			else {
				sendUARTDataVector(mapData, MAP_DATA_SIZE);
				stat_vec &= ~BUSY;

		// Check the drive_stop flag, which always should be set unless we should move
		if ( stat_vec & DRIVE_STOP ) {
			// Stop all movement

			// MAKE SURE all drive-flags are not set
			stat_vec &= ~(DRIVE_F | DRIVE_L | DRIVE_R | DRIVE_LL | BUSY);
		// Should we drive?
		else if ( stat_vec & DRIVE ) {
			// Remove drive flag
			stat_vec &= ~DRIVE;
			// Increase PWM
			if ( stat_vec & DRIVE_F ) {
			else if ( stat_vec & DRIVE_LL ) {
				enableTimer(TIMER2_BASE, DRIVE_TURN_180_TIME);
			else {
				enableTimer(TIMER2_BASE, DRIVE_TURN_TIME);
		if ( !(stat_vec & BUSY) ) {
			// Tasks
			switch ( stat_vec ) {
				case ((uint8_t)DRIVE_F) :
					// Call drive function
					// Set the drive flag & BUSY
					stat_vec |= DRIVE | BUSY;
				case ((uint8_t)DRIVE_L) :
					// Call drive-left function
					// Set the drive flag
					stat_vec |= DRIVE | BUSY;
				case ((uint8_t)DRIVE_R) :
					// Call drive-right function
					// Set the drive flag
					stat_vec |= DRIVE | BUSY;
				case ((uint8_t)DRIVE_LL) :
					// Call turn 180-degrees function
					// Set the drive flag
					stat_vec |= DRIVE | BUSY;
				case ((uint8_t)TAKE_MEAS) :
					// Request reading from LIDAR
					// Start TIMER1
					enableTimer(TIMER1_BASE, (SYSCLOCK / MEASUREMENT_DELAY)); // if sysclock = 1 s, 1/120 = 8.3 ms
					// We are busy
					stat_vec |= BUSY;
