Ejemplo n.º 1
tb_size_t tb_wcslcpy(tb_wchar_t* s1, tb_wchar_t const* s2, tb_size_t n)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(s1 && s2, 0);

    // no size or same? 
    tb_check_return_val(n && s1 != s2, tb_wcslen(s1));

    // copy
#if 0
    tb_wchar_t const* s = s2; --n;
    while (*s1 = *s2) 
        if (n) 
    return s2 - s;
    tb_size_t sn = tb_wcslen(s2);
    tb_memcpy(s1, s2, tb_min(sn + 1, n) * sizeof(tb_wchar_t));
    return tb_min(sn, n);
Ejemplo n.º 2
tb_wchar_t* tb_wcsncpy(tb_wchar_t* s1, tb_wchar_t const* s2, tb_size_t n)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(s1 && s2, s1);

    // no size or same? 
    tb_check_return_val(n && s1 != s2, s1);

    // copy
#if 0
    tb_wchar_t* s = s1;
    while (n) 
        if (*s = *s2) s2++;
    return s1;
    tb_size_t sn = tb_wcslen(s2);
    tb_size_t cn = tb_min(sn, n);
    tb_size_t fn = sn < n? n - sn : 0;
    tb_memcpy(s1, s2, cn * sizeof(tb_wchar_t));
    if (fn) tb_memset(s1 + cn, 0, fn * sizeof(tb_wchar_t));
    return s1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
tb_size_t tb_backtrace_frames(tb_pointer_t* frames, tb_size_t nframe, tb_size_t nskip)
    // note: cannot use assert
    tb_check_return_val(frames && nframe, 0);

    // skip some frames?
    if (nskip)
        // init temp frames
        tb_pointer_t    temp[256] = {0};
        tb_check_return_val(nframe + nskip < 256, 0);

        // done backtrace
        tb_size_t       size = backtrace(temp, nframe + nskip);
        tb_check_return_val(nskip < size, 0);

        // update nframe
        nframe = tb_min(nframe, size - nskip);

        // save to frames
        tb_memcpy_(frames, temp + nskip, nframe * sizeof(tb_pointer_t));
    // backtrace
    else nframe = backtrace(frames, nframe);

    // ok?
    return nframe;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static tb_bool_t tb_directory_walk_impl(tb_char_t const* path, tb_bool_t recursion, tb_bool_t prefix, tb_directory_walk_func_t func, tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && func, tb_false);

    // last
    tb_long_t       last = tb_strlen(path) - 1;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(last >= 0, tb_false);

    // done 
    tb_bool_t       ok = tb_true;
    tb_char_t       temp[4096] = {0};
    DIR*            directory = tb_null;
    if ((directory = opendir(path)))
        // walk
        struct dirent* item = tb_null;
        while ((item = readdir(directory)))
            // check

            // the item name
            tb_char_t name[1024] = {0};
            tb_strncpy(name, item->d_name, tb_min(item->d_reclen, sizeof(name) - 1));
            if (tb_strcmp(name, ".") && tb_strcmp(name, ".."))
                // the temp path
                tb_long_t n = tb_snprintf(temp, 4095, "%s%s%s", path, path[last] == '/'? "" : "/", name);
                if (n >= 0) temp[n] = '\0';

                // the file info
                tb_file_info_t info = {0};
                if (tb_file_info(temp, &info))
                    // do callback
                    if (prefix) ok = func(temp, &info, priv);

                    // walk to the next directory
                    if (info.type == TB_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && recursion) ok = tb_directory_walk_impl(temp, recursion, prefix, func, priv);
                    // do callback
                    if (!prefix) ok = func(temp, &info, priv);

        // exit directory

    // continue ?
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * interfaces 
tb_size_t tb_strlcpy(tb_char_t* s1, tb_char_t const* s2, tb_size_t n)
    // check
#ifdef __tb_debug__
        // overflow dst? 
        tb_size_t n2 = tb_strlen(s2);

        // strlcpy overflow? 
        tb_size_t n1 = tb_pool_data_size(s1);
        if (n1 && tb_min(n2, n) + 1 > n1)
            tb_trace_i("[strlcpy]: [overflow]: [%p, %lu] => [%p, %lu]", s2, tb_min(n2, n), s1, n1);
            tb_backtrace_dump("[strlcpy]: [overflow]: ", tb_null, 10);
            tb_pool_data_dump(s2, tb_true, "\t[malloc]: [from]: ");

    // done
    return tb_strlcpy_impl(s1, s2, n);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static tb_long_t tb_lo_scheduler_io_timer_delay(tb_lo_scheduler_io_ref_t scheduler_io)
    // check
    tb_assert(scheduler_io && scheduler_io->timer && scheduler_io->ltimer);

    // the delay
    tb_size_t delay = tb_timer_delay(scheduler_io->timer);

    // the ldelay
    tb_size_t ldelay = tb_ltimer_delay(scheduler_io->ltimer);

    // return the timer delay
    return tb_min(delay, ldelay);
void tb_printf(void)
	int j, pos;
	unsigned long saved_options=tb_control->options;

	WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Trace Dump:\n"));
	if (tb_control->count < TB_NUM_ENTRIES) {
		pos = 0;
	} else {
		pos = (tb_control->pos + 1) % TB_NUM_ENTRIES;
	for (j=0; (unsigned int)j < tb_min((unsigned int)TB_NUM_ENTRIES,(unsigned int)tb_control->count); j++) {
		WLAN_OS_REPORT(("%4i id=0x%8x %s \n", j,
		                tb_control->entry[pos].loc, tb_control->entry[pos].msg));
		pos = (pos+1) % TB_NUM_ENTRIES;
	tb_control->options = saved_options;
void tb_dump(void)
	int j, pos;

	WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Trace Dump:\n"));
	if (tb_control->count < TB_NUM_ENTRIES) {
		pos = 0;
	} else {
		pos = (tb_control->pos + 1) % TB_NUM_ENTRIES;
	for (j=0; (unsigned int)j < tb_min((unsigned int)TB_NUM_ENTRIES,(unsigned int)tb_control->count); j++) {
		WLAN_OS_REPORT(("%4i %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", j,
		pos = (pos+1) % TB_NUM_ENTRIES;

Ejemplo n.º 9
static tb_long_t tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_wait(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_ref_t list, tb_size_t maxn, tb_long_t timeout)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_epoll_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->epfd > 0, -1);

    // the aiop
    tb_aiop_impl_t* aiop = rtor->aiop;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aiop, -1);

    // init grow
    tb_size_t grow = tb_align8((rtor->aiop->maxn >> 3) + 1);

    // init events
    if (!impl->evts)
        impl->evtn = grow;
        impl->evts = tb_nalloc0(impl->evtn, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);
    // wait events
    tb_long_t evtn = epoll_wait(impl->epfd, impl->evts, impl->evtn, timeout);

    // interrupted?(for gdb?) continue it
    if (evtn < 0 && errno == EINTR) return 0;

    // check error?
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(evtn >= 0 && evtn <= impl->evtn, -1);
    // timeout?
    tb_check_return_val(evtn, 0);

    // grow it if events is full
    if (evtn == impl->evtn)
        // grow size
        impl->evtn += grow;
        if (impl->evtn > rtor->aiop->maxn) impl->evtn = rtor->aiop->maxn;

        // grow data
        impl->evts = tb_ralloc(impl->evts, impl->evtn * sizeof(struct epoll_event));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);
    tb_assert(evtn <= impl->evtn);

    // limit 
    evtn = tb_min(evtn, maxn);

    // sync
    tb_size_t i = 0;
    tb_size_t wait = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < evtn; i++)
        // the aioo
        tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)tb_u2p(impl->evts[i].data.u64);
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo, -1);

        // the sock 
        tb_socket_ref_t sock = aioo->sock;
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(sock, -1);

        // the events
        tb_size_t events = impl->evts[i].events;

        // spak?
        if (sock == aiop->spak[1] && (events & EPOLLIN)) 
            // read spak
            tb_char_t spak = '\0';
            if (1 != tb_socket_recv(aiop->spak[1], (tb_byte_t*)&spak, 1)) return -1;

            // killed?
            if (spak == 'k') return -1;

            // continue it
            continue ;

        // skip spak
        tb_check_continue(sock != aiop->spak[1]);

        // save aioe
        tb_aioe_ref_t aioe = &list[wait++];
        aioe->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
        aioe->priv = aioo->priv;
        aioe->aioo = (tb_aioo_ref_t)aioo;
        if (events & EPOLLIN) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT;
        if (events & EPOLLOUT) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN;
        if (events & (EPOLLHUP | EPOLLERR) && !(aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND))) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;

        // oneshot? clear it
        if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT)
            // clear code
            aioo->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
            aioo->priv = tb_null;

            // clear events manually if no epoll oneshot
            struct epoll_event e = {0};
            if (epoll_ctl(impl->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, tb_sock2fd(aioo->sock), &e) < 0) 
                // trace
                tb_trace_e("clear aioo[%p] failed manually for oneshot, error: %d", aioo, errno);

    // ok
    return wait;
Ejemplo n.º 10
tb_bool_t tb_environment_add(tb_char_t const* name, tb_char_t const* values, tb_bool_t to_head)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(name && values, tb_false);

    // find the first separator position
    tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
    tb_char_t const* p = values? tb_strchr(values, TM_ENVIRONMENT_SEP) : tb_null;
    if (p)
        // init filter
        tb_hash_set_ref_t filter = tb_hash_set_init(8, tb_element_str(tb_true));

        // init environment 
        tb_char_t               data[TB_PATH_MAXN];
        tb_environment_ref_t    environment = tb_environment_init();
        if (environment)
            // load the previous values
            tb_environment_load(environment, name);

            // make environment
            tb_char_t const* b = values;
            tb_char_t const* e = b + tb_strlen(values);
                // not empty?
                if (b < p)
                    // the size
                    tb_size_t size = tb_min(p - b, sizeof(data) - 1);

                    // copy it
                    tb_strncpy(data, b, size);
                    data[size] = '\0';

                    // have been not inserted?
                    if (!filter || !tb_hash_set_get(filter, data)) 
                        // append the environment 
                        tb_environment_insert(environment, data, to_head);

                        // save it to the filter
                        tb_hash_set_insert(filter, data);

                // end?
                tb_check_break(p + 1 < e);

                // find the next separator position
                b = p + 1;
                p = tb_strchr(b, TM_ENVIRONMENT_SEP);
                if (!p) p = e;

            } while (1);

            // set environment variables
            ok = tb_environment_save(environment, name);

            // exit environment

        // exit filter
        if (filter) tb_hash_set_exit(filter);
        filter = tb_null;
    // only one?
        // set environment variables
        tb_environment_ref_t environment = tb_environment_init();
        if (environment)
            // load the previous values
            tb_environment_load(environment, name);

            // append the environment 
            tb_environment_insert(environment, values, to_head);

            // set environment variables
            ok = tb_environment_save(environment, name);

            // exit environment

    // ok?
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
tb_size_t tb_directory_temporary(tb_char_t* path, tb_size_t maxn)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && maxn > 4, 0);

    // the jvm
    JavaVM* jvm = tb_android_jvm();
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(jvm, 0);

    // attempt to get jni environment first
    JNIEnv*     jenv = tb_null; 
    tb_bool_t   jattached = tb_false;
    if ((*jvm)->GetEnv(jvm, (tb_pointer_t*)&jenv, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) 
        // bind jni environment
        if ((*jvm)->AttachCurrentThread(jvm, &jenv, tb_null) != JNI_OK) return 0;

        // attach ok
        jattached = tb_true;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(jenv, 0);

    // enter
    if ((*jenv)->PushLocalFrame(jenv, 10) < 0) return 0;

    // done
    tb_size_t   size = 0;
    jboolean    error = tb_false;
        // get the environment class
        jclass environment = (*jenv)->FindClass(jenv, "android/os/Environment");
        tb_assert_and_check_break(!(error = (*jenv)->ExceptionCheck(jenv)) && environment);

        // get the getDownloadCacheDirectory func
        jmethodID getDownloadCacheDirectory_func = (*jenv)->GetStaticMethodID(jenv, environment, "getDownloadCacheDirectory", "()Ljava/io/File;");

        // get the download cache directory 
        jobject directory = (*jenv)->CallStaticObjectMethod(jenv, environment, getDownloadCacheDirectory_func);
        tb_assert_and_check_break(!(error = (*jenv)->ExceptionCheck(jenv)) && directory);

        // get file class
        jclass file_class = (*jenv)->GetObjectClass(jenv, directory);
        tb_assert_and_check_break(!(error = (*jenv)->ExceptionCheck(jenv)) && file_class);

        // get the getPath func
        jmethodID getPath_func = (*jenv)->GetMethodID(jenv, file_class, "getPath", "()Ljava/lang/String;");

        // get the directory path
        jstring path_jstr = (jstring)(*jenv)->CallObjectMethod(jenv, directory, getPath_func);
        tb_assert_and_check_break(!(error = (*jenv)->ExceptionCheck(jenv)) && path_jstr);

        // get the path string length
        size = (tb_size_t)(*jenv)->GetStringLength(jenv, path_jstr);

        // get the path string
        tb_char_t const* path_cstr = (*jenv)->GetStringUTFChars(jenv, path_jstr, tb_null);

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("temp: %s", path_cstr);

        // copy it
        tb_size_t need = tb_min(size + 1, maxn);
        tb_strlcpy(path, path_cstr, need);

        // exit the path string
        (*jenv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jenv, path_jstr, path_cstr);

    } while (0);

    // exception? clear it
    if (error) (*jenv)->ExceptionClear(jenv);

    // leave
    (*jenv)->PopLocalFrame(jenv, tb_null);

    // detach it?
    if (jattached)
        // detach jni environment
        if ((*jvm)->DetachCurrentThread(jvm) == JNI_OK)
            jattached = tb_false;

    // ok?
    return size;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static tb_pointer_t tb_aiop_spak_loop(tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // check
    tb_aiop_ptor_impl_t*    impl = (tb_aiop_ptor_impl_t*)priv;
    tb_aicp_impl_t*         aicp = impl? impl->base.aicp : tb_null;

    // done
        // check
        tb_assert_and_check_break(impl && impl->aiop && impl->list && impl->timer && impl->ltimer && aicp);

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("loop: init");

        // loop
        while (!tb_atomic_get(&aicp->kill))
            // the delay
            tb_size_t delay = tb_timer_delay(impl->timer);

            // the ldelay
            tb_size_t ldelay = tb_ltimer_delay(impl->ltimer);
            tb_assert_and_check_break(ldelay != -1);

            // trace
            tb_trace_d("loop: wait: ..");

            // wait aioe
            tb_long_t real = tb_aiop_wait(impl->aiop, impl->list, impl->maxn, tb_min(delay, ldelay));

            // trace
            tb_trace_d("loop: wait: %ld", real);

            // spak ctime

            // spak timer
            if (!tb_timer_spak(impl->timer)) break;

            // spak ltimer
            if (!tb_ltimer_spak(impl->ltimer)) break;

            // killed?
            tb_check_break(real >= 0);

            // error? out of range
            tb_assert_and_check_break(real <= impl->maxn);

            // timeout?

            // grow it if aioe is full
            if (real == impl->maxn)
                // grow size
                impl->maxn += (aicp->maxn >> 4) + 16;
                if (impl->maxn > aicp->maxn) impl->maxn = aicp->maxn;

                // grow list
                impl->list = tb_ralloc(impl->list, impl->maxn * sizeof(tb_aioe_t));

            // walk aioe list
            tb_size_t i = 0;
            tb_bool_t end = tb_false;
            for (i = 0; i < real && !end; i++)
                // the aioe
                tb_aioe_ref_t aioe = &impl->list[i];
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(aioe, end, tb_true);

                // the aice
                tb_aice_ref_t aice = (tb_aice_ref_t)aioe->priv;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(aice, end, tb_true);

                // the aico
                tb_aiop_aico_t* aico = (tb_aiop_aico_t*)aice->aico;
                tb_assert_and_check_break_state(aico, end, tb_true);

                // have wait?

                // have been waited ok for the timer timeout/killed func? need not spak it repeatly

                // sock?
                if (aico->base.type == TB_AICO_TYPE_SOCK)
                    // push the acpt aice
                    if (aice->code == TB_AICE_CODE_ACPT) end = tb_aiop_push_acpt(impl, aice)? tb_false : tb_true;
                    // push the sock aice
                    else end = tb_aiop_push_sock(impl, aice)? tb_false : tb_true;
                else if (aico->base.type == TB_AICO_TYPE_FILE)
                    // poll file
                else tb_assert(0);

            // end?

            // work it

    } while (0);

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("loop: exit");

    // kill

    // exit
    return tb_null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * main
tb_int_t tb_demo_asio_aiopd_main(tb_int_t argc, tb_char_t** argv)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(argv[1], 0);

    // done
    tb_socket_ref_t sock = tb_null;
    tb_aiop_ref_t   aiop = tb_null;
        // init sock
        sock = tb_socket_init(TB_SOCKET_TYPE_TCP);

        // init aiop
        aiop = tb_aiop_init(16);

        // bind 
        if (!tb_socket_bind(sock, tb_null, 9090)) break;

        // listen sock
        if (!tb_socket_listen(sock, 20)) break;

        // addo sock
        if (!tb_aiop_addo(aiop, sock, TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT, tb_null)) break;

        // accept
        tb_aioe_t list[16];
        while (1)
            // wait
            tb_long_t objn = tb_aiop_wait(aiop, list, 16, -1);
            tb_assert_and_check_break(objn >= 0);

            // walk list
            tb_size_t i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < objn; i++)
                // the aioo 
                tb_aioo_ref_t aioo = list[i].aioo;

                // check
                tb_assert_and_check_break(aioo && tb_aioo_sock(aioo));

                // acpt?
                if (list[i].code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT)
                    // done acpt
                    tb_bool_t           ok = tb_false;
                    tb_demo_context_t*  context = tb_null;
                        // make context
                        context = tb_malloc0_type(tb_demo_context_t);

                        // init sock
                        context->sock = tb_socket_accept(tb_aioo_sock(aioo), tb_null, tb_null);

                        // init file
                        context->file = tb_file_init(argv[1], TB_FILE_MODE_RO);

                        // init data
                        context->data = tb_malloc_bytes(TB_DEMO_FILE_READ_MAXN);

                        // addo sock
                        context->aioo = tb_aiop_addo(aiop, context->sock, TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND, context);

                        // trace
                        tb_trace_i("acpt[%p]: ok", context->sock);

                        // init left
                        context->left = tb_file_size(context->file);

                        // done read
                        tb_long_t real = tb_file_read(context->file, context->data, tb_min((tb_size_t)context->left, TB_DEMO_FILE_READ_MAXN));
                        tb_assert_and_check_break(real > 0);

                        // save size
                        context->left -= real;

                        // trace
    //                  tb_trace_i("read[%p]: real: %ld", context->file, real);

                        // done send
                        context->send = real;
                        real = tb_socket_send(context->sock, context->data + context->real, context->send - context->real);
                        if (real >= 0)
                            // save real
                            context->real += real;

                            // trace
    //                      tb_trace_i("send[%p]: real: %ld", context->sock, real);
                            // trace
                            tb_trace_i("send[%p]: closed", context->sock);

                        // ok
                        ok = tb_true;

                    } while (0);

                    // failed or closed?
                    if (!ok)
                        // exit context
                        tb_demo_context_exit(aiop, context);
                // writ?
                else if (list[i].code & TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND)
                    // the context
                    tb_demo_context_t* context = (tb_demo_context_t*)list[i].priv;

                    // continue to send it if not finished
                    if (context->real < context->send)
                        // done send
                        tb_long_t real = tb_socket_send(tb_aioo_sock(aioo), context->data + context->real, context->send - context->real);
                        if (real > 0)
                            // save real
                            context->real += real;

                            // trace
    //                      tb_trace_i("send[%p]: real: %ld", tb_aioo_sock(aioo), real);
                            // trace
                            tb_trace_i("send[%p]: closed", tb_aioo_sock(aioo));

                            // exit context
                            tb_demo_context_exit(aiop, context);
                    // finished? read file
                    else if (context->left)
                        // init
                        context->real = 0;
                        context->send = 0;

                        // done read
                        tb_size_t tryn = 1;
                        tb_long_t real = 0;
                        while (!(real = tb_file_read(context->file, context->data, tb_min((tb_size_t)context->left, TB_DEMO_FILE_READ_MAXN))) && tryn--);
                        if (real > 0)
                            // save left
                            context->left -= real;

                            // trace
    //                      tb_trace_i("read[%p]: real: %ld", context->file, real);

                            // done send
                            context->send = real;
                            real = tb_socket_send(tb_aioo_sock(aioo), context->data, context->send);
                            if (real >= 0)
                                // save real
                                context->real += real;

                                // trace
    //                          tb_trace_i("send[%p]: real: %ld", tb_aioo_sock(aioo), real);
                                // trace
                                tb_trace_i("send[%p]: closed", tb_aioo_sock(aioo));

                                // exit context
                                tb_demo_context_exit(aiop, context);
                            // trace
                            tb_trace_i("read[%p]: closed", tb_aioo_sock(aioo));

                            // exit context
                            tb_demo_context_exit(aiop, context);
                        // trace
                        tb_trace_i("read[%p]: closed", tb_aioo_sock(aioo));

                        // exit context
                        tb_demo_context_exit(aiop, context);
                // error?
                    tb_trace_i("aioe[%p]: unknown code: %lu", tb_aioo_sock(aioo), list[i].code);
    } while (0);

    // trace

    // exit socket
    if (sock) tb_socket_exit(sock);

    // exit aiop
    if (aiop) tb_aiop_exit(aiop);

    // end
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * implementation
static tb_bool_t tb_demo_spider_parser_open_html(tb_stream_ref_t stream, tb_char_t const* url)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(stream && url, tb_false);

    // done
    tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
        // find the .suffix
        tb_char_t const* p = tb_strrchr(url, '.');
        if (p)
            // not html?
            tb_check_break (    tb_stricmp(p, ".css")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".js")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".png")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".jpg")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".gif")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".ico")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".bmp")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".mp4")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".mp3")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".flv")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".avi")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".exe")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".msi")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".zip")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".rar")
                            &&  tb_stricmp(p, ".7z"));

        // ctrl stream
        if (!tb_stream_ctrl(stream, TB_STREAM_CTRL_SET_URL, url)) break;

        // open stream
        if (!tb_stream_open(stream)) break;

        // the stream size
        tb_hong_t size = tb_stream_size(stream);

        // prefetch some data
        tb_byte_t*  data = tb_null;
        tb_size_t   need = tb_min((tb_size_t)size, 256);
        if (!tb_stream_need(stream, &data, need)) break;

        // is html?
        if (tb_strnistr((tb_char_t const*)data, need, "<!DOCTYPE html>"))
            ok = tb_true;

        // is html?
        ok = tb_strnistr((tb_char_t const*)data, need, "<html")? tb_true : tb_false;

    } while (0);

    // failed?
    if (!ok) 
        // clos stream
        if (stream) tb_stream_clos(stream);

    // ok?
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static tb_thread_pool_job_t* tb_thread_pool_jobs_post_task(tb_thread_pool_impl_t* impl, tb_thread_pool_task_t const* task, tb_size_t* post_size)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && task && task->done && post_size, tb_null);

    // done
    tb_bool_t               ok = tb_false;
    tb_thread_pool_job_t*   job = tb_null;
        // check
        tb_assert_and_check_break(tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_waiting) + tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_urgent) + 1 < TB_THREAD_POOL_JOBS_WAITING_MAXN);

        // make job
        job = (tb_thread_pool_job_t*)tb_fixed_pool_malloc0(impl->jobs_pool);

        // init job
        job->refn   = 1;
        job->state  = TB_STATE_WAITING;
        job->task   = *task;

        // non-urgent job? 
        if (!task->urgent)
            // post to the waiting jobs
            tb_list_entry_insert_tail(&impl->jobs_waiting, &job->entry);
            // post to the urgent jobs
            tb_list_entry_insert_tail(&impl->jobs_urgent, &job->entry);

        // the waiting jobs count
        tb_size_t jobs_waiting_count = tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_waiting) + tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_urgent);

        // update the post size
        if (*post_size < impl->worker_size) (*post_size)++;

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("task[%p:%s]: post: %lu: ..", task->done, task->name, *post_size);

        // init them if the workers have been not inited
        if (impl->worker_size < jobs_waiting_count)
            tb_size_t i = impl->worker_size;
            tb_size_t n = tb_min(jobs_waiting_count, impl->worker_maxn);
            for (; i < n; i++)
                // the worker 
                tb_thread_pool_worker_t* worker = &impl->worker_list[i];

                // clear worker
                tb_memset(worker, 0, sizeof(tb_thread_pool_worker_t));

                // init worker
                worker->id          = i;
                worker->pool        = (tb_thread_pool_ref_t)impl;
                worker->loop        = tb_thread_init(__tb_lstring__("thread_pool"), tb_thread_pool_worker_loop, worker, impl->stack);

            // update the worker size
            impl->worker_size = i;

        // ok
        ok = tb_true;
    } while (0);

    // failed?
    if (!ok)
        // exit it
        tb_fixed_pool_free(impl->jobs_pool, job);
        job = tb_null;

    // ok?
    return job;
Ejemplo n.º 16
tb_pointer_t tb_pool_ralloc_(tb_pool_ref_t pool, tb_pointer_t data, tb_size_t size __tb_debug_decl__)
    // check
    tb_pool_impl_t* impl = (tb_pool_impl_t*)pool;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl, tb_null);
    // uses allocator?
    if (impl->allocator) return tb_allocator_ralloc_(impl->allocator, data, size __tb_debug_args__);

    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->large_pool && impl->small_pool && size, tb_null);

    // enter

    // done
    tb_pointer_t data_new = tb_null;
        // no data?
        if (!data)
            // malloc it directly
            data_new = size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN? tb_small_pool_malloc_(impl->small_pool, size __tb_debug_args__) : tb_large_pool_malloc_(impl->large_pool, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

        // the data head
        tb_pool_data_head_t* data_head = &(((tb_pool_data_head_t*)data)[-1]);
        tb_assertf_break(data_head->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_MAGIC, "ralloc invalid data: %p", data);

        // small => small
        if (data_head->size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN && size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN)
            data_new = tb_small_pool_ralloc_(impl->small_pool, data, size __tb_debug_args__);
        // small => large
        else if (data_head->size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN)
            // make the new data
            data_new = tb_large_pool_malloc_(impl->large_pool, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

            // copy the old data
            tb_memcpy_(data_new, data, tb_min(data_head->size, size));

            // free the old data
            tb_small_pool_free_(impl->small_pool, data __tb_debug_args__);
        // large => small
        else if (size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN)
            // make the new data
            data_new = tb_small_pool_malloc_(impl->small_pool, size __tb_debug_args__);

            // copy the old data
            tb_memcpy_(data_new, data, tb_min(data_head->size, size));

            // free the old data
            tb_large_pool_free_(impl->large_pool, data __tb_debug_args__);
        // large => large
        else data_new = tb_large_pool_ralloc_(impl->large_pool, data, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

    } while (0);

    // failed? dump it
#ifdef __tb_debug__
    if (!data_new) 
        // trace
        tb_trace_e("ralloc(%p, %lu) failed! at %s(): %lu, %s", data, size, func_, line_, file_);

        // dump data
        if (data) tb_pool_data_dump((tb_byte_t const*)data, tb_true, "[pool]: [error]: ");

        // abort

    // leave

    // ok?
    return data_new;
Ejemplo n.º 17
tb_pointer_t tb_small_pool_ralloc_(tb_small_pool_ref_t pool, tb_pointer_t data, tb_size_t size __tb_debug_decl__)
    // check
    tb_small_pool_impl_t* impl = (tb_small_pool_impl_t*)pool;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->large_pool && data && size, tb_null);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(size <= TB_SMALL_POOL_DATA_SIZE_MAXN, tb_null);

    // disable small pool for debug
    return tb_large_pool_ralloc(impl->large_pool, data, size, tb_null);

    // done
    tb_pointer_t data_new = tb_null;
        // the old data head
        tb_pool_data_head_t* data_head_old = &(((tb_pool_data_head_t*)data)[-1]);
        tb_assertf_break(data_head_old->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_MAGIC, "ralloc invalid data: %p", data);

        // the old fixed pool
        tb_fixed_pool_ref_t fixed_pool_old = tb_small_pool_find_fixed(impl, data_head_old->size);

        // the old data space
        tb_size_t space_old = tb_fixed_pool_item_size(fixed_pool_old);
        tb_assert_and_check_break(space_old >= data_head_old->size);

        // check underflow
        tb_assertf_break(space_old == data_head_old->size || ((tb_byte_t*)data)[data_head_old->size] == TB_POOL_DATA_PATCH, "data underflow");

        // the new fixed pool
        tb_fixed_pool_ref_t fixed_pool_new = tb_small_pool_find_fixed(impl, size);

        // same space?
        if (fixed_pool_old == fixed_pool_new) 
#ifdef __tb_debug__
            // fill the patch bytes
            if (data_head_old->size > size) tb_memset_((tb_byte_t*)data + size, TB_POOL_DATA_PATCH, data_head_old->size - size);
            // only update size
            data_head_old->size = size;

            // ok
            data_new = data;

        // make the new data
        data_new = tb_fixed_pool_malloc_(fixed_pool_new __tb_debug_args__);

        // the new data head
        tb_pool_data_head_t* data_head_new = &(((tb_pool_data_head_t*)data_new)[-1]);
        tb_assert_abort(data_head_new->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_MAGIC);

#ifdef __tb_debug__
        // fill the patch bytes
        if (data_head_new->size > size) tb_memset_((tb_byte_t*)data_new + size, TB_POOL_DATA_PATCH, data_head_new->size - size);

        // update size
        data_head_new->size = size;

        // copy the old data
        tb_memcpy_(data_new, data, tb_min(data_head_old->size, size));

        // free the old data
        tb_fixed_pool_free_(fixed_pool_old, data __tb_debug_args__);

    } while (0);

    // failed? dump it
#ifdef __tb_debug__
    if (!data_new) 
        // trace
        tb_trace_e("ralloc(%p, %lu) failed! at %s(): %lu, %s", data, size, func_, line_, file_);

        // dump data
        tb_pool_data_dump((tb_byte_t const*)data, tb_true, "[small_pool]: [error]: ");

        // abort

    // ok
    return data_new;
Ejemplo n.º 18
tb_long_t tb_filter_spak(tb_filter_ref_t self, tb_byte_t const* data, tb_size_t size, tb_byte_t const** pdata, tb_size_t need, tb_long_t sync)
    // check
    tb_filter_t* filter = (tb_filter_t*)self;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(filter && filter->spak && pdata, -1);

    // init odata
    *pdata = tb_null;

    // save the input offset
    filter->offset += size;

    // eof?
    if (filter->limit >= 0 && filter->offset == filter->limit)
        filter->beof = tb_true;

    // eof? sync it
    if (filter->beof) sync = -1;

    // the idata
    tb_byte_t const*    idata = tb_buffer_data(&filter->idata);
    tb_size_t           isize = tb_buffer_size(&filter->idata);
    if (data && size)
        // append data to cache if have the cache data
        if (idata && isize) 
            // trace
            tb_trace_d("[%p]: append idata: %lu", self, size);

            // append data
            idata = tb_buffer_memncat(&filter->idata, data, size);
            isize = tb_buffer_size(&filter->idata);
        // using the data directly if no cache data
            // trace
            tb_trace_d("[%p]: using idata directly: %lu", self, size);

            // using it directly
            idata = data;
            isize = size;
    // sync data if null
        // check sync
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(sync, 0);

    // the need
    if (!need) need = tb_max(size, tb_queue_buffer_maxn(&filter->odata));
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(need, -1);

    // init pull
    tb_size_t   omaxn = 0;
    tb_byte_t*  odata = tb_queue_buffer_pull_init(&filter->odata, &omaxn);
    if (odata)
        // the osize
        tb_long_t osize = omaxn >= need? need : 0;

        // exit pull
        if (odata) tb_queue_buffer_pull_exit(&filter->odata, osize > 0? osize : 0);

        // enough? 
        if (osize > 0)
            // append to the cache if idata is not belong to the cache
            if (size && idata == data) tb_buffer_memncat(&filter->idata, data, size);

            // return it directly 
            *pdata = odata;
            return osize;

    // grow odata maxn if not enough
    if (need > tb_queue_buffer_maxn(&filter->odata))
        tb_queue_buffer_resize(&filter->odata, need);

    // the odata
    omaxn = 0;
    odata = tb_queue_buffer_push_init(&filter->odata, &omaxn);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(odata && omaxn, -1);

    // init stream
    tb_static_stream_t istream = {0};
    tb_static_stream_t ostream = {0};
    if (idata && isize) 
        // @note istream maybe null for sync the end data
        if (!tb_static_stream_init(&istream, (tb_byte_t*)idata, isize)) return -1;
    if (!tb_static_stream_init(&ostream, (tb_byte_t*)odata, omaxn)) return -1;

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("[%p]: spak: ileft: %lu, oleft: %lu, offset: %llu, limit: %lld, beof: %d: ..", self, tb_buffer_size(&filter->idata), tb_queue_buffer_size(&filter->odata), filter->offset, filter->limit, filter->beof);

    // spak data
    tb_long_t osize = filter->spak(filter, &istream, &ostream, sync);

    // eof?
    if (osize < 0) filter->beof = tb_true;

    // no data and eof?
    if (!osize && !tb_static_stream_left(&istream) && filter->beof) osize = -1;

    // eof? sync it
    if (filter->beof) sync = -1;

    // exit odata
    tb_queue_buffer_push_exit(&filter->odata, osize > 0? osize : 0);

    // have the left idata? 
    tb_size_t left = tb_static_stream_left(&istream);
    if (left) 
        // move to the cache head if idata is belong to the cache
        if (idata != data) 
            // trace
            tb_trace_d("[%p]: move to the cache head: %lu", self, left);

            tb_buffer_memnmov(&filter->idata, tb_static_stream_offset(&istream), left);
        // append to the cache if idata is not belong to the cache
            // trace
            tb_trace_d("[%p]: append to the cache: %lu", self, left);

            tb_buffer_memncat(&filter->idata, tb_static_stream_pos(&istream), left);
    // clear the cache
    else tb_buffer_clear(&filter->idata);

    // init pull
    omaxn = 0;
    odata = tb_queue_buffer_pull_init(&filter->odata, &omaxn);

    // no sync? cache the output data
    if (!sync) osize = omaxn >= need? need : 0;
    // sync and has data? return it directly 
    else if (omaxn) osize = tb_min(omaxn, need);
    // sync, no data or end?
//  else osize = osize;

    // exit pull
    if (odata) tb_queue_buffer_pull_exit(&filter->odata, osize > 0? osize : 0);

    // return it if have the odata
    if (osize > 0) *pdata = odata;

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("[%p]: spak: ileft: %lu, oleft: %lu, offset: %llu, limit: %lld, beof: %d: %ld", self, tb_buffer_size(&filter->idata), tb_queue_buffer_size(&filter->odata), filter->offset, filter->limit, filter->beof, osize);

    // ok?
    return osize;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: path.c Proyecto: richwu/tbox
tb_char_t const* tb_path_relative_to(tb_char_t const* root, tb_char_t const* path, tb_char_t* data, tb_size_t maxn)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && data && maxn, tb_null);

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("path: %s", path);

    // the root is the current and the path is absolute? return path directly
    if (!root && !tb_path_is_absolute(path))
        // copy it
        tb_strlcpy(data, path, maxn);

        // translate it
        return tb_path_translate(data, 0, maxn)? data : tb_null;

    // get the absolute path
    tb_size_t path_size = 0;
    tb_char_t path_absolute[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    tb_size_t path_maxn = sizeof(path_absolute);
    path        = tb_path_absolute(path, path_absolute, path_maxn);
    path_size   = tb_strlen(path);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && path_size && path_size < path_maxn, tb_null);

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("path_absolute: %s", path);

    // get the absolute root
    tb_size_t root_size = 0;
    tb_char_t root_absolute[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    tb_size_t root_maxn = sizeof(root_absolute);
    if (root) 
        // get the absolute root
        root        = tb_path_absolute(root, root_absolute, root_maxn);
        root_size   = tb_strlen(root);
        // get the current directory
        if (!(root_size = tb_directory_current(root_absolute, root_maxn))) return tb_null;

        // translate it
        if (!(root_size = tb_path_translate(root_absolute, root_size, root_maxn))) return tb_null;
        root = root_absolute;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(root && root_size && root_size < root_maxn, tb_null);

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("root_absolute: %s", root);

    // same directory? return "."
    if (path_size == root_size && !tb_strncmp(path, root, root_size)) 
        // check
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(maxn >= 2, ".");

        // return "."
        data[0] = '.';
        data[1] = '\0';
        return data;

    // append separator
    if (path_size + 1 < path_maxn)
        path_absolute[path_size++] = TB_PATH_SEPARATOR;
        path_absolute[path_size] = '\0';
    if (root_size + 1 < root_maxn) 
        root_absolute[root_size++] = TB_PATH_SEPARATOR;
        root_absolute[root_size] = '\0';

    // find the common leading directory
    tb_char_t const*    p = path;
    tb_char_t const*    q = root;
    tb_long_t           last = -1;
    for (; *p && *q && *p == *q; q++, p++)
        // save the last separator
        if (*p == TB_PATH_SEPARATOR) last = q - root;

    // is different directory or outside the windows drive root? using the absolute path
    if (last <= 0 || (last == 2 && root[1] == ':'))
        // the path size
        tb_size_t size = tb_min(path_size - 1, maxn);

        // copy it
        tb_strncpy(data, path, size);
        data[size] = '\0';
    // exists same root?
        // count the remaining levels in root
        tb_size_t count = 0;
        tb_char_t const* l = root + last + 1;
        for (; *l; l++)
            if (*l == TB_PATH_SEPARATOR) count++;

        // append "../" or "..\\"
        tb_char_t* d = data;
        tb_char_t* e = data + maxn;
        while (count--)
            if (d + 3 < e)
                d[0] = '.';
                d[1] = '.';
                d[2] = TB_PATH_SEPARATOR;
                d += 3;

        // append the left path
        l = path + last + 1;
        while (*l && d < e) *d++ = *l++;

        // remove the last separator
        if (d > data) d--;

        // end
        *d = '\0';

    // trace    
    tb_trace_d("relative: %s", data);
    // ok?
    return data;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: file.c Proyecto: ljx0305/tbox
tb_bool_t tb_file_copy(tb_char_t const* path, tb_char_t const* dest)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path && dest, tb_false);


    // the full path
    tb_char_t full0[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    path = tb_path_absolute(path, full0, TB_PATH_MAXN);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(path, tb_false);

    // the dest path
    tb_char_t full1[TB_PATH_MAXN];
    dest = tb_path_absolute(dest, full1, TB_PATH_MAXN);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(dest, tb_false);

    // attempt to copy it directly
    if (!copyfile(path, dest, 0, COPYFILE_ALL)) return tb_true;
        // attempt to copy it again after creating directory
        tb_char_t dir[TB_PATH_MAXN];
        if (tb_directory_create(tb_path_directory(dest, dir, sizeof(dir))))
            return !copyfile(path, dest, 0, COPYFILE_ALL);

    // failed
    return tb_false;
    tb_int_t    ifd = -1;
    tb_int_t    ofd = -1;
    tb_bool_t   ok = tb_false;
        // get the absolute source path
        tb_char_t data[8192];
        path = tb_path_absolute(path, data, sizeof(data));

        // get stat.st_mode first
        struct stat64 st = {0};
        if (stat64(path, &st)) break;
        struct stat st = {0};
        if (stat(path, &st)) break;

        // open source file
        ifd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
        tb_check_break(ifd >= 0);

        // get the absolute source path
        dest = tb_path_absolute(dest, data, sizeof(data));

        // open destinate file and copy file mode
        ofd = open(dest, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO));
        if (ofd < 0)
            // attempt to open it again after creating directory
            tb_char_t dir[TB_PATH_MAXN];
            if (tb_directory_create(tb_path_directory(dest, dir, sizeof(dir))))
                ofd = open(dest, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO));
        tb_check_break(ofd >= 0);

        // get file size
        tb_hize_t size = tb_file_size(tb_fd2file(ifd));

        // init write size
        tb_hize_t writ = 0; 
        // attempt to copy file using `sendfile`
        while (writ < size)
            off_t seek = writ;
            tb_hong_t real = sendfile(ofd, ifd, &seek, (size_t)(size - writ));
            if (real > 0) writ += real;
            else break;

        /* attempt to copy file directly if sendfile failed 
         * sendfile() supports regular file only after "since Linux 2.6.33".
        if (writ != size) 
            lseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
            lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_SET);
            ok = tb_true;

        // copy file using `read` and `write`
        writ = 0;
        while (writ < size)
            // read some data
            tb_int_t real = read(ifd, data, (size_t)tb_min(size - writ, sizeof(data)));
            if (real > 0)
                real = write(ofd, data, real);
                if (real > 0) writ += real;
                else break;
            else break;

        // ok?
        ok = (writ == size);

    } while (0);

    // close source file
    if (ifd >= 0) close(ifd);
    ifd = -1;

    // close destinate file
    if (ofd >= 0) close(ofd);
    ofd = -1;

    // ok?
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static tb_pointer_t tb_default_allocator_ralloc(tb_allocator_ref_t self, tb_pointer_t data, tb_size_t size __tb_debug_decl__)
    // check
    tb_default_allocator_ref_t allocator = (tb_default_allocator_ref_t)self;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(allocator, tb_null);

    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(allocator && allocator->large_allocator && allocator->small_allocator && size, tb_null);

    // done
    tb_pointer_t data_new = tb_null;
        // no data?
        if (!data)
            // malloc it directly
            data_new = size <= TB_SMALL_ALLOCATOR_DATA_MAXN? tb_allocator_malloc_(allocator->small_allocator, size __tb_debug_args__) : tb_allocator_large_malloc_(allocator->large_allocator, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

        // the data head
        tb_pool_data_head_t* data_head = &(((tb_pool_data_head_t*)data)[-1]);
        tb_assertf(data_head->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_MAGIC, "ralloc invalid data: %p", data);

        // small => small
        if (data_head->size <= TB_SMALL_ALLOCATOR_DATA_MAXN && size <= TB_SMALL_ALLOCATOR_DATA_MAXN)
            data_new = tb_allocator_ralloc_(allocator->small_allocator, data, size __tb_debug_args__);
        // small => large
        else if (data_head->size <= TB_SMALL_ALLOCATOR_DATA_MAXN)
            // make the new data
            data_new = tb_allocator_large_malloc_(allocator->large_allocator, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

            // copy the old data
            tb_memcpy_(data_new, data, tb_min(data_head->size, size));

            // free the old data
            tb_allocator_free_(allocator->small_allocator, data __tb_debug_args__);
        // large => small
        else if (size <= TB_SMALL_ALLOCATOR_DATA_MAXN)
            // make the new data
            data_new = tb_allocator_malloc_(allocator->small_allocator, size __tb_debug_args__);

            // copy the old data
            tb_memcpy_(data_new, data, tb_min(data_head->size, size));

            // free the old data
            tb_allocator_large_free_(allocator->large_allocator, data __tb_debug_args__);
        // large => large
        else data_new = tb_allocator_large_ralloc_(allocator->large_allocator, data, size, tb_null __tb_debug_args__);

    } while (0);

    // ok?
    return data_new;
Ejemplo n.º 22
tb_void_t tb_pool_data_dump(tb_cpointer_t data, tb_bool_t verbose, tb_char_t const* prefix)
    // done
    tb_pool_data_head_t* data_head = tb_null;
        // no data?

        // the data head
        data_head = &(((tb_pool_data_head_t*)data)[-1]);
        // dump the head info
        tb_size_t data_limit = 256;
        if (data_head->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_MAGIC)
            // the data size
            tb_size_t data_size = (tb_size_t)data_head->size;

            // format the backtrace prefix
            tb_char_t backtrace_prefix[256] = {0};
            tb_snprintf(backtrace_prefix, sizeof(backtrace_prefix), "%s    ", prefix? prefix : "");

            // dump backtrace
            tb_size_t nframe = 0;
            while (nframe < tb_arrayn(data_head->debug.backtrace) && data_head->debug.backtrace[nframe]) nframe++;
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: from: %s(): %u, %s", prefix? prefix : "", data_head->debug.func, data_head->debug.line, data_head->debug.file);
            tb_backtrace_dump(backtrace_prefix, data_head->debug.backtrace, nframe);

            // dump the data info
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: %p, size: %lu, patch: %x", prefix? prefix : "", data, data_size, ((tb_byte_t const*)data)[data_size]);

            // dump the first 256-bytes data 
            if (data_size && verbose) 
                // the dump size
                tb_size_t dump_size = tb_min(data_size, data_limit);

                // dump it
                tb_trace_i("%sdata: first %lu-bytes:", prefix? prefix : "", dump_size);
                tb_pool_data_dump_data((tb_byte_t const*)data, dump_size);

                // dump the last 256-bytes data 
                if (data_size > dump_size)
                    // the last data
                    tb_byte_t const* data_last = tb_max((tb_byte_t const*)data + data_size - data_limit, (tb_byte_t const*)data + dump_size);
                    // update the dump size
                    dump_size = (tb_byte_t const*)data + data_size - data_last;

                    // dump it
                    tb_trace_i("%sdata: last %lu-bytes:", prefix? prefix : "", dump_size);
                    tb_pool_data_dump_data(data_last, dump_size);
        // for the public fixed_pool
        else if (data_head->debug.magic == TB_POOL_DATA_EMPTY_MAGIC)
            // format the backtrace prefix
            tb_char_t backtrace_prefix[256] = {0};
            tb_snprintf(backtrace_prefix, sizeof(backtrace_prefix), "%s    ", prefix? prefix : "");

            // dump backtrace
            tb_size_t nframe = 0;
            while (nframe < tb_arrayn(data_head->debug.backtrace) && data_head->debug.backtrace[nframe]) nframe++;
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: from: %s(): %u, %s", prefix? prefix : "", data_head->debug.func, data_head->debug.line, data_head->debug.file);
            tb_backtrace_dump(backtrace_prefix, data_head->debug.backtrace, nframe);

            // dump the data info
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: %p, size: fixed", prefix? prefix : "", data);
            // dump the data head
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: invalid head:", prefix? prefix : "");
            tb_pool_data_dump_data((tb_byte_t const*)data_head, sizeof(tb_pool_data_head_t));

            // dump the first 256-bytes data 
            tb_trace_i("%sdata: first %lu-bytes:", prefix? prefix : "", data_limit);
            tb_pool_data_dump_data((tb_byte_t const*)data, data_limit);

    } while (0);
Ejemplo n.º 23
static tb_long_t tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_wait(tb_aiop_rtor_impl_t* rtor, tb_aioe_ref_t list, tb_size_t maxn, tb_long_t timeout)
    // check
    tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t* impl = (tb_aiop_rtor_kqueue_impl_t*)rtor;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl && impl->kqfd >= 0 && rtor->aiop && list && maxn, -1);

    // the aiop
    tb_aiop_impl_t* aiop = rtor->aiop;
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aiop, -1);

    // init time
    struct timespec t = {0};
    if (timeout > 0)
        t.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
        t.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000;

    // init grow
    tb_size_t grow = tb_align8((rtor->aiop->maxn >> 3) + 1);

    // init events
    if (!impl->evts)
        impl->evtn = grow;
        impl->evts = tb_nalloc0(impl->evtn, sizeof(struct kevent));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);

    // wait events
    tb_long_t evtn = kevent(impl->kqfd, tb_null, 0, impl->evts, impl->evtn, timeout >= 0? &t : tb_null);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(evtn >= 0 && evtn <= impl->evtn, -1);
    // timeout?
    tb_check_return_val(evtn, 0);

    // grow it if events is full
    if (evtn == impl->evtn)
        // grow size
        impl->evtn += grow;
        if (impl->evtn > rtor->aiop->maxn) impl->evtn = rtor->aiop->maxn;

        // grow data
        impl->evts = tb_ralloc(impl->evts, impl->evtn * sizeof(struct kevent));
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(impl->evts, -1);
    tb_assert(evtn <= impl->evtn);

    // limit 
    evtn = tb_min(evtn, maxn);

    // sync
    tb_size_t i = 0;
    tb_size_t wait = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < evtn; i++)
        // the kevents 
        struct kevent* e = impl->evts + i;

        // the aioo
        tb_aioo_impl_t* aioo = (tb_aioo_impl_t*)e->udata;
        tb_assert_and_check_return_val(aioo && aioo->sock, -1);
        // the sock 
        tb_socket_ref_t sock = aioo->sock;

        // spak?
        if (sock == aiop->spak[1] && e->filter == EVFILT_READ) 
            // read spak
            tb_char_t spak = '\0';
            if (1 != tb_socket_recv(aiop->spak[1], (tb_byte_t*)&spak, 1)) return -1;

            // killed?
            if (spak == 'k') return -1;

            // continue it
            continue ;

        // skip spak
        tb_check_continue(sock != aiop->spak[1]);

        // init the aioe
        tb_aioe_ref_t aioe = &list[wait++];
        aioe->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
        aioe->aioo = (tb_aioo_ref_t)aioo;
        aioe->priv = aioo->priv;
        if (e->filter == EVFILT_READ) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_ACPT;
        if (e->filter == EVFILT_WRITE) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;
            if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN) aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_CONN;
        if ((e->flags & EV_ERROR) && !(aioe->code & (TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND))) 
            aioe->code |= TB_AIOE_CODE_RECV | TB_AIOE_CODE_SEND;

        // oneshot? clear it
        if (aioo->code & TB_AIOE_CODE_ONESHOT) 
            aioo->code = TB_AIOE_CODE_NONE;
            aioo->priv = tb_null;

    // ok
    return wait;
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: draw.c Proyecto: cosim/gbox2
static __tb_inline__ tb_void_t g2_gl_draw_style_fill_shader_radial(g2_gl_draw_t* draw, g2_gl_rect_t const* bounds)
	// enter texture state

	// enter texture matrix

	// init texcoords
	draw->texcoords[0] = 0.0f;
	draw->texcoords[1] = 0.0f;
	draw->texcoords[2] = 1.0f;
	draw->texcoords[3] = 0.0f;
	draw->texcoords[4] = 0.0f;
	draw->texcoords[5] = 1.0f;
	draw->texcoords[6] = 1.0f;
	draw->texcoords[7] = 1.0f;

	// apply texcoords

	// init radial variables
	tb_float_t smatrix[16];
	g2_gl_matrix_from(smatrix, &draw->shader->matrix);
	tb_float_t cx = g2_float_to_tb(draw->shader->u.radial.cp.c.x);
	tb_float_t cy = g2_float_to_tb(draw->shader->u.radial.cp.c.y);
	tb_float_t x0 = g2_gl_matrix_apply_x(smatrix, cx, cy);
	tb_float_t y0 = g2_gl_matrix_apply_y(smatrix, cx, cy);

	// init scale factor
	tb_float_t sx = tb_fabs(smatrix[0]);
	tb_float_t sy = tb_fabs(smatrix[5]);
	tb_float_t fs = tb_min(sx, sy);
	if (fs < 1e-9) fs = 1e-9;

	// init maximum radius 
	tb_float_t n1 = (x0 - bounds->x1) * (x0 - bounds->x1) + (y0 - bounds->y1) * (y0 - bounds->y1);
	tb_float_t n2 = (x0 - bounds->x2) * (x0 - bounds->x2) + (y0 - bounds->y1) * (y0 - bounds->y1);
	tb_float_t n3 = (x0 - bounds->x1) * (x0 - bounds->x1) + (y0 - bounds->y2) * (y0 - bounds->y2);
	tb_float_t n4 = (x0 - bounds->x2) * (x0 - bounds->x2) + (y0 - bounds->y2) * (y0 - bounds->y2);
	if (n2 > n1) n1 = n2;
	if (n3 > n1) n1 = n3; 
	if (n4 > n1) n1 = n4; 
	tb_float_t rm = (tb_float_t)(tb_isqrti(tb_ceil(n1)) + 1) / fs;

	// the radial factor
	static g2_gl_draw_radial_factor_t factors[] =
		{0.105396307f, 	12.0f, 	30} // rm * sin(6.05)
	,	{0.070626986f, 	8.0f, 	45} // rm * sin(4.05)
	,	{0.035771616f, 	4.0f, 	90} // rm * sin(2.05)
	tb_assert(g2_quality() < tb_arrayn(factors));
	g2_gl_draw_radial_factor_t const* factor = &factors[g2_quality()];

	/* init fragment vertices
	 *        fn
	 * *****|*****
	 *  *   |   *
	 *   *rm|  *
	 *    * | *
	 *     *|*
	 *      *
	tb_float_t fn = rm * factor->factor; // rm * sin(x.05)
	draw->vertices[0] = cx - fn;
	draw->vertices[1] = cy - rm;
	draw->vertices[2] = cx + fn;
	draw->vertices[3] = cy - rm;
	draw->vertices[4] = cx;
	draw->vertices[5] = cy;

	// init fragment bounds
	g2_gl_rect_t fbounds;
	g2_gl_bounds_init(&fbounds, draw->vertices[0], draw->vertices[1]);
	g2_gl_bounds_done(&fbounds, draw->vertices[2], draw->vertices[3]);
	g2_gl_bounds_done(&fbounds, draw->vertices[4], draw->vertices[5]);
	// apply vertices

	// apply texture matrix
	g2_gl_draw_apply_texture_matrix(draw, &fbounds);

	// save vetex matrix
	tb_float_t matrix0[16];
	g2_gl_matrix_copy(matrix0, draw->vmatrix);

	// apply shader matrix
	g2_gl_matrix_multiply(draw->vmatrix, smatrix);

	// init rotate matrix: rotate one degress
	tb_float_t matrix1[16];
	g2_gl_matrix_init_rotatep(matrix1, factor->rotation, cx, cy);

	// rotate for drawing all fragments
	tb_size_t n = factor->count;
	while (n--)
		// rotate one degress
		g2_gl_matrix_multiply(draw->vmatrix, matrix1);

		// apply vetex matrix

		// draw fragment
		g2_glDrawArrays(G2_GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 3);


	// restore vetex matrix
	g2_gl_matrix_copy(draw->vmatrix, matrix0);

	// apply vetex matrix

	// leave texture matrix

	// leave texture state