Ejemplo n.º 1
ocpCursor::ocpCursor( const char **xpm_data, long type, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY ) :
    wxCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW )

    wxImage cImage( xpm_data );

//      wxMSW Bug???
//      On Windows XP, conversion from wxImage to wxBitmap fails at the ::CreateDIBitmap() call
//      unless a "compatible" dc is provided.  Why??
//      As a workaround, just make a simple wxDC for temporary use

    wxBitmap tbmp( cImage.GetWidth(), cImage.GetHeight(), -1 );
    wxMemoryDC dwxdc;
    dwxdc.SelectObject( tbmp );

//        HCURSOR hcursor = wxBitmapToHCURSOR ( wxBitmap ( cImage, ( wxDC & ) dwxdc ),
//                                              hotSpotX, hotSpotY );

    HCURSOR hcursor = NULL;

    if( !hcursor ) {
        wxLogWarning( _T( "Failed to create ocpCursor." ) );

//  Replace the HANDLE created in the base class constructor
//  Probably leaks....
    GetGDIImageData()->m_handle = hcursor;
Ejemplo n.º 2
ocpCursor::ocpCursor ( const char **xpm_data, long type,
                       int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY ) : wxCursor ( wxCURSOR_ARROW )

    wxImage cImage ( xpm_data );

    wxBitmap tbmp ( cImage.GetWidth(),cImage.GetHeight(),-1 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ocpnDC::DrawText( const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
    if( dc ) dc->DrawText( text, x, y );
    else {
        wxCoord w = 0;
        wxCoord h = 0;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
        wxBitmap tbmp(200, 200);
        wxMemoryDC mac_dc(tbmp);
        mac_dc.GetTextExtent(text, &w, &h, NULL, NULL, &m_font);
        GetTextExtent( text, &w, &h );

        if( w && h ) {
            /* create bitmap of appropriate size and select it */
            wxBitmap bmp( w, h );
            wxMemoryDC temp_dc;
            temp_dc.SelectObject( bmp );

            /* fill bitmap with black */
            temp_dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );

            /* draw the text white */
            temp_dc.SetFont( m_font );
            temp_dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );
            temp_dc.DrawText( text, 0, 0 );
            temp_dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

            /* use the data in the bitmap for alpha channel,
             and set the color to text foreground */
            wxImage image = bmp.ConvertToImage();
            unsigned char *data = new unsigned char[image.GetWidth() * image.GetHeight()];
            unsigned char *im = image.GetData();
            for( int i = 0; i < w * h; i++ )
                data[i] = im[3 * i];

            glColor4ub( m_textforegroundcolour.Red(), m_textforegroundcolour.Green(),
                    m_textforegroundcolour.Blue(), 255 );
            GLDrawBlendData( x, y, w, h, GL_ALPHA, data );
            delete[] data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
ocpCursor::ocpCursor ( const wxString& cursorName, long type,
                       int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY ) : wxCursor ( wxCURSOR_ARROW )

    wxImage cImage;

    if ( !cImage.CanRead ( cursorName ) )

    cImage.LoadFile ( cursorName );

//      wxMSW Bug???
//      On Windows XP, conversion from wxImage to wxBitmap fails at the ::CreateDIBitmap() call
//      unless a "compatible" dc is provided.  Why??
//      As a workaround, just make a simple wxDC for temporary use

    wxBitmap tbmp ( cImage.GetWidth(),cImage.GetHeight(),-1 );
Ejemplo n.º 5
wxBitmap *PlugInManager::BuildDimmedToolBitmap(wxBitmap *pbmp_normal, unsigned char dim_ratio)
      wxImage img_dup = pbmp_normal->ConvertToImage();

      if(dim_ratio < 200)
              //  Create a dimmed version of the image/bitmap
            int gimg_width = img_dup.GetWidth();
            int gimg_height = img_dup.GetHeight();

            double factor = (double)(dim_ratio) / 256.0;

            for(int iy=0 ; iy < gimg_height ; iy++)
                  for(int ix=0 ; ix < gimg_width ; ix++)
                        if(!img_dup.IsTransparent(ix, iy))
                              wxImage::RGBValue rgb(img_dup.GetRed(ix, iy), img_dup.GetGreen(ix, iy), img_dup.GetBlue(ix, iy));
                              wxImage::HSVValue hsv = wxImage::RGBtoHSV(rgb);
                              hsv.value = hsv.value * factor;
                              wxImage::RGBValue nrgb = wxImage::HSVtoRGB(hsv);
                              img_dup.SetRGB(ix, iy, nrgb.red, nrgb.green, nrgb.blue);

        //  Make a bitmap
      wxBitmap *ptoolBarBitmap;

#ifdef __WXMSW__
      wxBitmap tbmp(img_dup.GetWidth(),img_dup.GetHeight(),-1);
      wxMemoryDC dwxdc;

      ptoolBarBitmap = new wxBitmap(img_dup, (wxDC &)dwxdc);
      ptoolBarBitmap = new wxBitmap(img_dup);

        // store it
      return ptoolBarBitmap;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void TexFont::Build( wxFont &font, bool blur )
    /* avoid rebuilding if the parameters are the same */
    if(font == m_font && blur == m_blur)
    m_font = font;
    m_blur = blur;

    m_maxglyphw = 0;
    m_maxglyphh = 0;

    wxScreenDC sdc;

    sdc.SetFont( font );

    for( int i = MIN_GLYPH; i < MAX_GLYPH; i++ ) {
        wxCoord gw, gh;
        wxString text;
        if(i == DEGREE_GLYPH)
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), 0x00B0); //_T("°");
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), i);
        wxCoord descent, exlead;
        sdc.GetTextExtent( text, &gw, &gh, &descent, &exlead, &font ); // measure the text

        tgi[i].width = gw;
        tgi[i].height = gh;

        tgi[i].advance = gw;

        m_maxglyphw = wxMax(tgi[i].width,  m_maxglyphw);
        m_maxglyphh = wxMax(tgi[i].height, m_maxglyphh);

    /* add extra pixel to give a border between rows of characters
       without this, in some cases a faint line can be see on the edge
       from the character above */
    int w = COLS_GLYPHS * m_maxglyphw;
    int h = ROWS_GLYPHS * m_maxglyphh;

    wxASSERT(w < 2048 && h < 2048);

    /* make power of 2 */
    for(tex_w = 1; tex_w < w; tex_w *= 2);
    for(tex_h = 1; tex_h < h; tex_h *= 2);

    wxBitmap tbmp(tex_w, tex_h);
    wxMemoryDC dc;
    dc.SetFont( font );

    /* fill bitmap with black */
    dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );
    /* draw the text white */
    dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );

    /*    wxPen pen(wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ));
     wxBrush brush(wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ), wxTRANSPARENT);
    int row = 0, col = 0;
    for( int i = MIN_GLYPH; i < MAX_GLYPH; i++ ) {
        if(col == COLS_GLYPHS) {
            col = 0;

        tgi[i].x = col * m_maxglyphw;
        tgi[i].y = row * m_maxglyphh;

        wxString text;
        if(i == DEGREE_GLYPH)
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), 0x00B0); //_T("°");
            text = wxString::Format(_T("%c"), i);

        dc.DrawText(text, tgi[i].x, tgi[i].y );

//        dc.DrawRectangle(tgi[i].x, tgi[i].y, tgi[i].advance, tgi[i].height);


    wxImage image = tbmp.ConvertToImage();

    GLuint format, internalformat;
    int stride;

    format = GL_ALPHA;
    internalformat = format;
    stride = 1;

    if( m_blur )
        image = image.Blur(1);

    unsigned char *imgdata = image.GetData();
        unsigned char *teximage = (unsigned char *) malloc( stride * tex_w * tex_h );

        for( int j = 0; j < tex_w*tex_h; j++ )
            for( int k = 0; k < stride; k++ )
                teximage[j * stride + k] = imgdata[3*j];


        glGenTextures( 1, &texobj );
        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj );

        glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT );
        glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT );

        glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalformat, tex_w, tex_h, 0,
                    format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, teximage );


    m_built = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ocpnDC::DrawText( const wxString &text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
    if( dc )
        dc->DrawText( text, x, y );
#ifdef ocpnUSE_GL
    else {
# ifdef ocpnUSE_GLES
# endif
        wxCoord w = 0;
        wxCoord h = 0;
#ifdef __WXMAC__
        wxBitmap tbmp(200, 200);
        wxMemoryDC mac_dc(tbmp);
        mac_dc.GetTextExtent(text, &w, &h, NULL, NULL, &m_font);
        GetTextExtent( text, &w, &h );

        if( w && h ) {
            /* create bitmap of appropriate size and select it */
            wxBitmap bmp( w, h );
            wxMemoryDC temp_dc;
            temp_dc.SelectObject( bmp );

            /* fill bitmap with black */
            temp_dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );

            /* draw the text white */
            temp_dc.SetFont( m_font );
            temp_dc.SetTextForeground( wxColour( 255, 255, 255 ) );
            temp_dc.DrawText( text, 0, 0 );
            temp_dc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );

            /* use the data in the bitmap for alpha channel,
             and set the color to text foreground */
            wxImage image = bmp.ConvertToImage();
            if( x < 0 || y < 0 ) { // Allow Drawing text which is offset to start off screen
                int dx = ( x < 0 ? -x : 0 );
                int dy = ( y < 0 ? -y : 0 );
                w = bmp.GetWidth() - dx;
                h = bmp.GetHeight() - dy;
                /* picture is out of viewport */
                if( w <= 0 || h <= 0 ) return;
                image = image.GetSubImage( wxRect( dx, dy, w, h ) );
                x += dx;
                y += dy;

            unsigned char *data = new unsigned char[w * h];
           unsigned char *im = image.GetData();
                for( int i = 0; i < w * h; i++ )
                    data[i] = im[3 * i];

            glColor4ub( m_textforegroundcolour.Red(), m_textforegroundcolour.Green(),
                    m_textforegroundcolour.Blue(), 255 );
            GLDrawBlendData( x, y, w, h, GL_ALPHA, data );
            delete[] data;