Ejemplo n.º 1
/* render a list of agents if available */
load_agent_list (WINDOW * main_win, char *addr)
  char buf[256];
  char *ptr_value;
  GAgents *agents = NULL;
  GMenu *menu;
  int c, quit = 1, delims = 0;
  int i, n = 0, alloc = 0;
  int y, x, list_h, list_w, menu_w, menu_h;
  void *value_ptr = NULL;
  WINDOW *win;

  if (!conf.list_agents)

  getmaxyx (stdscr, y, x);
  list_h = y / 2;       /* list window - height */
  list_w = x - 4;       /* list window - width */
  menu_h = list_h - AGENTS_MENU_Y - 1;  /* menu window - height */
  menu_w = list_w - AGENTS_MENU_X - AGENTS_MENU_X;      /* menu window - width */

  value_ptr = tc_db_get_str (ht_hosts_agents, addr);
  value_ptr = g_hash_table_lookup (ht_hosts_agents, addr);

  if (value_ptr != NULL) {
    ptr_value = (char *) value_ptr;
    delims = count_matches (ptr_value, '|');

    n = ((strlen (ptr_value) + menu_w - 1) / menu_w) + delims + 1;
    agents = new_gagents (n);
    alloc = split_agent_str (ptr_value, agents, menu_w);
    free (value_ptr);

  win = newwin (list_h, list_w, (y - list_h) / 2, (x - list_w) / 2);
  keypad (win, TRUE);
  wborder (win, '|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+');

  /* create a new instance of GMenu and make it selectable */
  menu = new_gmenu (win, menu_h, menu_w, AGENTS_MENU_Y, AGENTS_MENU_X);

  /* add items to GMenu */
  menu->items = (GItem *) xcalloc (alloc, sizeof (GItem));
  for (i = 0; i < alloc; ++i) {
    menu->items[i].name = alloc_string (agents[i].agents);
    menu->items[i].checked = 0;
  post_gmenu (menu);

  snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "User Agents for %s", addr);
  draw_header (win, buf, " %s", 1, 1, list_w - 2, 1, 0);
  mvwprintw (win, 2, 2, "[UP/DOWN] to scroll - [q] to close window");

  wrefresh (win);
  while (quit) {
    c = wgetch (stdscr);
    switch (c) {
     case KEY_DOWN:
       gmenu_driver (menu, REQ_DOWN);
       draw_header (win, "", "%s", 3, 2, CONF_MENU_W, 0, 0);
     case KEY_UP:
       gmenu_driver (menu, REQ_UP);
       draw_header (win, "", "%s", 3, 2, CONF_MENU_W, 0, 0);
     case KEY_RESIZE:
     case 'q':
       quit = 0;
    wrefresh (win);
  /* clean stuff up */
  for (i = 0; i < alloc; ++i)
    free (menu->items[i].name);
  free (menu->items);
  free (menu);

  for (i = 0; i < alloc; ++i)
    free (agents[i].agents);
  if (agents)
    free (agents);

  touchwin (main_win);
  close_win (win);
  wrefresh (main_win);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
print_html_hosts (FILE * fp, GHolder * h, int process)
  GAgents *agents;

  char *data, *bandwidth, *usecs, *ag, *ptr_value, *host;
  float percent, l;
  int hits;
  int i, j, max, until = 0, delims = 0, colspan = 6;
  size_t alloc = 0;

  const char *location = NULL;

  if (h->idx == 0)

  print_html_h2 (fp, HOSTS_HEAD, HOSTS_ID);
  print_p (fp, HOSTS_DESC);
  print_html_begin_table (fp);
  print_html_begin_thead (fp);

  fprintf (fp, "<tr>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th></th>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th>Hits</th>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th>%%</th>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th>Bandwidth</th>");
  if (conf.serve_usecs) {
    fprintf (fp, "<th>Time&nbsp;served</th>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th>IP</th>");
  fprintf (fp, "<th>Country</th>");
  if (conf.enable_html_resolver) {
    fprintf (fp, "<th>Hostname</th>");

  fprintf (fp, "<th style=\"width:100%%;text-align:right;\">");
  fprintf (fp, "<span class=\"r\" onclick=\"t(this)\">◀</span>");
  fprintf (fp, "</th>");
  fprintf (fp, "</tr>");

  print_html_end_thead (fp);
  print_html_begin_tbody (fp);

  until = h->idx < MAX_CHOICES ? h->idx : MAX_CHOICES;
  max = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < until; i++) {
    if (h->items[i].hits > max)
      max = h->items[i].hits;

  for (i = 0; i < until; i++) {
    hits = h->items[i].hits;
    data = h->items[i].data;
    percent = get_percentage (process, hits);
    percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent;
    bandwidth = filesize_str (h->items[i].bw);
    l = get_percentage (max, hits);
    l = l < 1 ? 1 : l;

    ag = tc_db_get_str (ht_hosts_agents, data);
    ag = g_hash_table_lookup (ht_hosts_agents, data);

    print_html_begin_tr (fp, i > OUTPUT_N ? 1 : 0);
    fprintf (fp, "<td>");
    if (ag != NULL)
      fprintf (fp, "<span class=\"s\" onclick=\"a(this)\">▶</span>");
      fprintf (fp, "<span class=\"s\">-</span>");
    fprintf (fp, "</td>");

    fprintf (fp, "<td>%d</td>", hits);
    fprintf (fp, "<td>%4.2f%%</td>", percent);

    fprintf (fp, "<td>");
    clean_output (fp, bandwidth);
    fprintf (fp, "</td>");

    /* usecs */
    if (conf.serve_usecs) {
      usecs = usecs_to_str (h->items[i].usecs);
      fprintf (fp, "<td>");
      clean_output (fp, usecs);
      fprintf (fp, "</td>");
      free (usecs);

    fprintf (fp, "<td>%s</td>", data);

    location = get_geoip_data (data);
    fprintf (fp, "<td style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">%s</td>", location);

    if (conf.enable_html_resolver) {
      host = reverse_ip (data);
      fprintf (fp, "<td style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">%s</td>", host);
      free (host);

    fprintf (fp, "<td class=\"graph\">");
    fprintf (fp, "<div class=\"bar\" style=\"width:%f%%\"></div>", l);
    fprintf (fp, "</td>");
    print_html_end_tr (fp);

    /* render agents for each host */
    if (ag != NULL) {
      ptr_value = (char *) ag;

      delims = count_occurrences (ptr_value, '|');
      /* round-up + padding */
      alloc = ((strlen (ptr_value) + 300 - 1) / 300) + delims + 1;
      agents = xmalloc (alloc * sizeof (GAgents));
      memset (agents, 0, alloc * sizeof (GAgents));

      /* split agents into struct */
      split_agent_str (ptr_value, agents, 300);

      fprintf (fp, "<tr class=\"agent-hide\">\n");
      fprintf (fp, "<td colspan=\"%d\">\n", colspan);
      fprintf (fp, "<div>");
      fprintf (fp, "<table class=\"pure-table-striped\">");

      /* output agents from struct */
      for (j = 0; (j < 10) && (agents[j].agents != NULL); j++) {
        print_html_begin_tr (fp, 0);
        fprintf (fp, "<td>");
        clean_output (fp, agents[j].agents);
        fprintf (fp, "</td>");
        print_html_end_tr (fp);

      fprintf (fp, "</table>\n");
      fprintf (fp, "</div>\n");
      fprintf (fp, "</td>\n");
      print_html_end_tr (fp);

      for (j = 0; (agents[j].agents != NULL); j++)
        free (agents[j].agents);
      free (agents);
      if (ag)
        free (ag);

    free (bandwidth);

  print_html_end_tbody (fp);
  print_html_end_table (fp);