Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
_getdns_cancel_reply(getdns_context *context, connection *conn)
	struct mem_funcs *mf;

	if (!conn)

	if (context && context->server &&
	    _getdns_rbtree_search(&context->server->connections_set, conn)
	    != &conn->super)

	if (conn->l->transport == GETDNS_TRANSPORT_TCP) {
		tcp_connection *tcp_conn = (tcp_connection *)conn;

		if (tcp_conn->to_answer > 0 && --tcp_conn->to_answer == 0 &&
		    tcp_conn->fd == -1)

	} else if (conn->l->transport == GETDNS_TRANSPORT_UDP &&
	    (mf = &conn->l->set->context->mf)) {
		listen_set *set = conn->l->set;

		/* Unlink this connection */
		(void) _getdns_rbtree_delete(
		    &set->connections_set, conn);
		DEBUG_SERVER("[connection del] count: %d\n",
		if ((*conn->prev_next = conn->next))
			conn->next->prev_next = conn->prev_next;
		GETDNS_FREE(*mf, conn);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void server_onclose(tcp_connection_t* connection, void* userdata)
    /* 需要使用者在on_connection()中自行将close callback修改为自己的处理函数 */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void tcp_write_cb(void *userarg)
	tcp_connection *conn = (tcp_connection *)userarg;
	struct mem_funcs *mf;
	getdns_eventloop *loop;

	tcp_to_write *to_write;
	ssize_t written;


	if (!(mf = &conn->super.l->set->context->mf))

	if (getdns_context_get_eventloop(conn->super.l->set->context, &loop))

	/* Reset tcp_connection idle timeout */
	loop->vmt->clear(loop, &conn->event);

	if (!conn->to_write) {
		conn->event.write_cb = NULL;
		(void) loop->vmt->schedule(loop, conn->fd,
		    DOWNSTREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT, &conn->event);
	to_write = conn->to_write;
	if (conn->fd == -1 || 
	    (written = send(conn->fd,
	    (const void *)&to_write->write_buf[to_write->written],
	    to_write->write_buf_len - to_write->written, 0)) == -1) {

		if (conn->fd != -1) {
			if (_getdns_socketerror_wants_retry()) {
				(void) loop->vmt->schedule(loop, conn->fd,
				    DOWNSTREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT, &conn->event);
			DEBUG_SERVER("I/O error from send(): %s\n",
		/* IO error, close connection */
	to_write->written += written;
	if (to_write->written == to_write->write_buf_len) {
		conn->to_write = to_write->next;
		GETDNS_FREE(*mf, to_write);
	if (!conn->to_write)
		conn->event.write_cb = NULL;

	(void) loop->vmt->schedule(loop, conn->fd,
	    DOWNSTREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT, &conn->event);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Main program.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    CvCapture *video;
    CvVideoWriter *writer;
    IplImage *frame;
    IplImage *hsv;
    char *win_name = "Source Frame";
    char key = 0;
    tcp_connection *con;
    int frame_count = 0, result;
    int i;
    max_frames = 5000;
    unsigned char *byte_stream;
    // register signal handler for SIGINT und SIGPIPE
    // the latter occurs if the server terminates the connection
    DEBUG_PRINT( DEBUG_NOTE, "registering signal" )
        if ( signal( SIGINT, sig_handler ) == SIG_ERR ||
             signal( SIGPIPE, sig_handler ) == SIG_ERR ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "failed to register signal handler.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    parse_args( argc, argv );

    // open the capture source
    switch ( source ) {
    case SOURCE_FILE:
        video = cvCreateFileCapture( infilename );
    case SOURCE_CAM:
        video = cvCreateCameraCapture( camera );
        fprintf( stderr, "strange source\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if ( !video ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to capture source\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    // connect to remote host
    con = tcp_connection_create( host, port );
    if ( !con ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to connect to %s, port %d\n", host,
                 port );
        exit( 1 );
    printf( "Connected to %s, port %d.\n", host, port );

    frame = cvQueryFrame( video );
    if ( !frame ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to capture video.\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if ( netimage_send_header( con, frame ) <= 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to send header information.\n" );
        exit( 1 );

        ( "Sending image stream (%d x %d, depth %u, %d channels (size: %d bytes)).\n"
          "Press 'q' to abort.\n", frame->width, frame->height,
          frame->depth, frame->nChannels, frame->imageSize );

    // open capture file, if desired
    if ( output ) {

        strncat( outfilename, ".mpg", MAX_FILENAMELEN );

        writer =
            cvCreateVideoWriter( outfilename, atofourcc( fourcc ), fps,
                                 cvSize( frame->width, frame->height ),
                                 frame->nChannels > 1 ? 1 : 0 );
        if ( writer == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "unable to create output file '%s'\n",
                     outfilename );
/*             exit (1);*/
        } else
            printf( "Writing to output file '%s'.\n", outfilename );

    // for fps measurement
    struct timeval current, last;
    unsigned int diff;	// time difference in usecs
    int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
    gettimeofday(&last, NULL);
    // show first frame for region selection   
    //frame = cvQueryFrame( video );
    //cvNamedWindow( win_name, 1 );
    //cvShowImage( win_name, frame );
    //if (output)
    //   cvWriteFrame( writer, frame );

    // get input region   
    char* win_name2 = "First frame";
    params p;
    CvRect* r;
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    int region[4];

  /* use mouse callback to allow user to define object regions */
  /*p.win_name = win_name2;
  p.orig_img = cvClone( frame );
  p.cur_img = NULL;
  p.n = 0;

  cvNamedWindow( win_name2, 1 );
  cvShowImage( win_name2, frame );
  cvSetMouseCallback( win_name2, &mouse, &p );
  printf("\nSelect Object and press [ENTER] !\n");
  cvWaitKey( 0 );

  cvDestroyWindow( win_name2 );
  cvReleaseImage( &p.orig_img );
  if( p.cur_img )
      cvReleaseImage( &(p.cur_img) );*/

  /* extract regions defined by user; store as an array of rectangles */
  if( p.n > 0 ){
      p.loc1[0].x = 0;
      p.loc1[0].y = 0;
      p.loc2[0].x = 0;
      p.loc2[0].y = 0;

      r = malloc(  sizeof( CvRect ) );
      x1 = MIN( p.loc1[0].x, p.loc2[0].x );
      x2 = MAX( p.loc1[0].x, p.loc2[0].x );
      y1 = MIN( p.loc1[0].y, p.loc2[0].y );
      y2 = MAX( p.loc1[0].y, p.loc2[0].y );
      width = x2 - x1;
      height = y2 - y1;

      /* ensure odd width and height */
      width = ( width % 2 )? width : width+1;
      height = ( height % 2 )? height : height+1;
      r[0] = cvRect( x1, y1, width, height );
      x0 = x1 + width/2;
      y0 = y1 + height/2;

      region[0] = x0;
      region[1] = y0;
      region[2] = width;
      region[3] = height;

    //printf("\nx = %d\ny = %d\nwidth = %d\nheight = %d\n\n\n", x0, y0, width, height);

    // 1) convert bgr frame to hsv frame
    hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
    bgr2hsv(frame, hsv);  
    result = tcp_send( con, hsv->imageData, hsv->imageSize);
    int counter = 1;
    //result = tcp_send( con, frame->imageData, frame->imageSize );

    result = tcp_send( con, (char *) region, 4 * sizeof(int));

    // confirm input with enter
    //printf("\nPress [ENTER]\n");
    //cvWaitKey( 0 );

    // TODO: send first frame + region data 
    //result = tcp_send( con, frame->imageData, frame->imageSize);
    number_of_particles = 100;

    // create particles data array
    particles_data = (particle_data *) malloc ((number_of_particles+1) * sizeof(particle_data));

    // quiet mode: no video output
    if (quiet){

         cvDestroyWindow( win_name );

    // 1) send other frames
    // get video data and send/store it
    //while ( ( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) && ( char ) key != 'q' && !quit && number_of_frames <= 221 ) {
    while ( ( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) && ( char ) key != 'q' && counter < max_frames) {
    while ( ( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) && ( char ) key != 'q' && counter < max_frames) {
        // 1) convert bgr frame to hsv frame
        bgr2hsv(frame, hsv); 
        result = tcp_send( con, hsv->imageData, hsv->imageSize );
        //fprintf(stderr, "\n///////////////////      number of frames %d     //////////////////////////////////////", number_of_frames);
        counter ++;
        //result = tcp_send( con, frame->imageData, frame->imageSize );

        if ( result > 0 ) {
            if ( !quiet ) {
                cvNamedWindow( win_name, 1 );

#ifndef STORE_VIDEO          
	  if (number_of_frames > 2){
 	  if (number_of_frames > 2 && number_of_frames % MAX_FRAMES == 0){
            // receive tcp package with particle data and display them in video
            // 1) receive tcp package with particles data
            //printf("\nreceive particles...");
            result = tcp_receive( con, (unsigned char*)particles_data, ((number_of_particles+1) * sizeof(particle_data)));
            if ( result > 0 ) {

               // 2) draw particles data         
               for (i=0; i<number_of_particles+1; i++){
	         // set OpenCV location points for bounding boxes
	         loc1.x = ntohl(particles_data[i].x1);
                 loc1.y = ntohl(particles_data[i].y1);
                 loc2.x = ntohl(particles_data[i].x2);
                 loc2.y = ntohl(particles_data[i].y2);
                 particles_data[i].best_particle = ntohl(particles_data[i].best_particle);

                 if (particles_data[i].best_particle > 0 ) particles_data[i].best_particle = TRUE;
                 if (loc1.x <640 && loc2.x < 640 && loc1.y < 480 && loc2.y < 480)
                   // draw bounding box (red for best particle, blue else)
                   if (particles_data[i].best_particle == FALSE){
                     cvRectangle( frame, loc1, loc2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 8, 0 ); 
                    } else {
                      cvRectangle( frame, loc1, loc2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );   
                if (!quiet){
                  cvShowImage( win_name, frame );
                  //export_frame( frame, number_of_frames);
                  key = cvWaitKey( 2 );
            if ( output )
                cvWriteFrame( writer, frame );
        } else {
            printf( "connection lost.\n" );
        //gettimeofday(&current, NULL);
        //diff = (current.tv_sec - last.tv_sec) * 1000000;
        //diff += (current.tv_usec - last.tv_usec);
        //fprintf(stderr, "FPS: %.2f\r", 1000000.0 / diff);
        //last.tv_sec = current.tv_sec;
        //last.tv_usec = current.tv_usec;

#ifdef STORE_VIDEO   
    cvReleaseCapture( &video );

    // 2) receive particle data and display particle data as Bounding Boxes
    switch ( source ) {
    case SOURCE_FILE:
        video = cvCreateFileCapture( infilename );
    case SOURCE_CAM:
        fprintf( stderr, "This part is only possible if video is stored into a file\n" );
        exit( 1 );
        fprintf( stderr, "strange source\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    particles_data = malloc ((number_of_particles+1) * sizeof(particle_data));

    // get frames
    while ( ( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) && ( char ) key != 'q' && !quit && number_of_frames <= 221 ) {

         // 1) receive tcp package with particles data
         // TODO
         result = tcp_receive( con, (char *)particles_data, ((number_of_particles+1) * sizeof(particle_data)));
         if ( result > 0 ) {

            // 2) draw particles data         
            for (i=0; i<number_of_particles+1; i++){
	         // set OpenCV location points for bounding boxes
	         loc1.x = particles_data[i].x1;
                 loc1.y = particles_data[i].y1;
                 loc2.x = particles_data[i].x2;
                 loc2.y = particles_data[i].y2;
                 // draw bounding box (red for best particle, blue else)
                 if (particles_data[i].best_particle == TRUE){
                    cvRectangle( frame, loc1, loc2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, 8, 0 ); 
                 } else {
                    cvRectangle( frame, loc1, loc2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, 8, 0 );   

         // display video frame
         if (!quiet){
              cvNamedWindow( win_name, 1 );
              cvShowImage( win_name, frame );
              key = cvWaitKey( 2 );
    // clean up
    if (!quiet){

         cvDestroyWindow( win_name );
    cvReleaseCapture( &video );
    if ( output )
        cvReleaseVideoWriter( &writer );
    tcp_connection_destroy( con );

    return 0;

  Mouse callback function that allows user to specify the initial object
  regions.  Parameters are as specified in OpenCV documentation.
void mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
  params* p = (params*)param;
  CvPoint* loc;
  int n;
  IplImage* tmp;
  static int pressed = 0;
  /* on left button press, remember first corner of rectangle around object */
  if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN )
      n = p->n;
      if( n == 1 )
      loc = p->loc1;
      loc[n].x = x;
      loc[n].y = y;
      pressed = 1;

  /* on left button up, finalize the rectangle and draw it in black */
  else if( event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP )
      n = p->n;
      if( n == 1 )
      loc = p->loc2;
      loc[n].x = x;
      loc[n].y = y;
      cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
      p->cur_img = NULL;
      cvRectangle( p->orig_img, p->loc1[n], loc[n], CV_RGB(0,0,0), 1, 8, 0 );
      cvShowImage( p->win_name, p->orig_img );
      pressed = 0;

  /* on mouse move with left button down, draw rectangle as defined in white */
  else if( event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE  &&  flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON )
      n = p->n;
      if( n == 1 )
      tmp = cvClone( p->orig_img );
      loc = p->loc1;
      cvRectangle( tmp, loc[n], cvPoint(x, y), CV_RGB(255,255,255), 1, 8, 0 );
      cvShowImage( p->win_name, tmp );
      if( p->cur_img )
	cvReleaseImage( &(p->cur_img) );
      p->cur_img = tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
getdns_reply(getdns_context *context,
    const getdns_dict *reply, getdns_transaction_t request_id)
	/* TODO: Check request_id at context->outbound_requests */
	connection *conn = (connection *)(intptr_t)request_id;
	struct mem_funcs *mf;
	getdns_eventloop *loop;
	uint8_t buf[65536];
	size_t len;
	getdns_return_t r;

	if (!conn)

	if (!context || !context->server) {
		if (!context)
			context = conn->l->set->context;

	} else if (_getdns_rbtree_search(&context->server->connections_set, conn)
	    != &conn->super)

	if (!reply) {
		_getdns_cancel_reply(context, conn);
	if (!(mf = &conn->l->set->context->mf))

	if ((r = getdns_context_get_eventloop(conn->l->set->context, &loop)))
		return r;

	len = sizeof(buf);
	if ((r = getdns_msg_dict2wire_buf(reply, buf, &len)))
		return r;

	else if (conn->l->transport == GETDNS_TRANSPORT_UDP) {
		listener *l = conn->l;

		if (conn->l->fd >= 0 && sendto(conn->l->fd, (void *)buf, len, 0,
		    (struct sockaddr *)&conn->remote_in, conn->addrlen) == -1) {
			/* TODO: handle _getdns_socketerror_wants_retry() */

			/* IO error, never cleanup a listener because of I/O error */
			DEBUG_SERVER("I/O error from sendto(): %s\n",
		/* Unlink this connection */
		(void) _getdns_rbtree_delete(
		    &l->set->connections_set, conn);
		DEBUG_SERVER("[connection del] count: %d\n",
		if ((*conn->prev_next = conn->next))
			conn->next->prev_next = conn->prev_next;

		GETDNS_FREE(*mf, conn);
		if (l->fd < 0)

	} else if (conn->l->transport == GETDNS_TRANSPORT_TCP) {
		tcp_connection *conn = (tcp_connection *)(intptr_t)request_id;
		tcp_to_write **to_write_p;
		tcp_to_write *to_write;

		if (conn->fd == -1) {
			if (conn->to_answer > 0)
		if (!(to_write = (tcp_to_write *)GETDNS_XMALLOC(
		    *mf, uint8_t, sizeof(tcp_to_write) + len + 2))) {

		to_write->write_buf_len = len + 2;
		to_write->write_buf[0] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF;
		to_write->write_buf[1] = len & 0xFF;
		to_write->written = 0;
		to_write->next = NULL;
		(void) memcpy(to_write->write_buf + 2, buf, len);

		/* Append to_write to conn->to_write list */
		for ( to_write_p = &conn->to_write
		    ; *to_write_p
		    ; to_write_p = &(*to_write_p)->next)
			; /* pass */
		*to_write_p = to_write;

		if (conn->to_answer > 0)

		/* When event is scheduled, and doesn't have tcp_write_cb:
		 * reschedule.
		if (conn->event.write_cb == NULL) {
			if (conn->event.ev)
				loop->vmt->clear(loop, &conn->event);
			conn->event.write_cb = tcp_write_cb;
			(void) loop->vmt->schedule(loop,
Ejemplo n.º 6
// MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// Main program.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    CvCapture *video;
    CvVideoWriter *writer;
    IplImage *frame;
    char *win_name = "Source Frame";
    char key = 0;
    tcp_connection *con;
    int frame_count = 0, result;

    // register signal handler for SIGINT und SIGPIPE
    // the latter occurs if the server terminates the connection
    DEBUG_PRINT( DEBUG_NOTE, "registering signal" )
        if ( signal( SIGINT, sig_handler ) == SIG_ERR ||
             signal( SIGPIPE, sig_handler ) == SIG_ERR ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "failed to register signal handler.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    parse_args( argc, argv );

    // open the capture source
    switch ( source ) {
    case SOURCE_FILE:
        video = cvCreateFileCapture( infilename );
    case SOURCE_CAM:
        video = cvCreateCameraCapture( camera );
        fprintf( stderr, "strange source\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if ( !video ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to capture source\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    // connect to remote host
    con = tcp_connection_create( host, port );
    if ( !con ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to connect to %s, port %d\n", host,
                 port );
        exit( 1 );
    printf( "Connected to %s, port %d.\n", host, port );

    frame = cvQueryFrame( video );
    if ( !frame ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to capture video.\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    if ( netimage_send_header( con, frame ) <= 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "unable to send header information.\n" );
        exit( 1 );

        ( "Sending image stream (%d x %d, depth %u, %d channels (size: %d bytes)).\n"
          "Press 'q' to abort.\n", frame->width, frame->height,
          frame->depth, frame->nChannels, frame->imageSize );

    // open capture file, if desired
    if ( output ) {

        strncat( outfilename, ".mpg", MAX_FILENAMELEN );

        writer =
            cvCreateVideoWriter( outfilename, atofourcc( fourcc ), fps,
                                 cvSize( frame->width, frame->height ),
                                 frame->nChannels > 1 ? 1 : 0 );
        if ( writer == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "unable to create output file '%s'\n",
                     outfilename );
/*             exit (1);*/
        } else
            printf( "Writing to output file '%s'.\n", outfilename );

    // for fps measurement
    struct timeval current, last;
    unsigned int diff;	// time difference in usecs
    gettimeofday(&last, NULL);
    // get video data and send/store it
    while ( ( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) && ( char ) key != 'q'
            && !quit ) {
        result = tcp_send( con, frame->imageData, frame->imageSize );

        if ( result > 0 ) {
            if ( !quiet ) {
                cvNamedWindow( win_name, 1 );
                cvShowImage( win_name, frame );
                key = cvWaitKey( 5 );
            if ( output )
                cvWriteFrame( writer, frame );
        } else {
            printf( "connection lost.\n" );
        gettimeofday(&current, NULL);
        diff = (current.tv_sec - last.tv_sec) * 1000000;
        diff += (current.tv_usec - last.tv_usec);
        fprintf(stderr, "FPS: %.2f\r", 1000000.0 / diff);
        last.tv_sec = current.tv_sec;
        last.tv_usec = current.tv_usec;

    // clean up
    cvDestroyWindow( win_name );
    cvReleaseCapture( &video );
    if ( output )
        cvReleaseVideoWriter( &writer );
    tcp_connection_destroy( con );

    return 0;