Ejemplo n.º 1

  struct netif netif;
  struct test_tcp_txcounters txcounters;
  struct test_tcp_counters counters;
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb;
  struct pbuf* p;
  err_t err;
  size_t i;

  /* Setup data for four segments */
  for (i = 0; i < 4 * TCP_MSS; i++) {
    tx_data[i] = (u8_t)i;

  /* initialize local vars */
  test_tcp_init_netif(&netif, &txcounters, &test_local_ip, &test_netmask);
  memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));

  /* create and initialize the pcb */
  tcp_ticks = SEQNO1 - ISS;
  pcb = test_tcp_new_counters_pcb(&counters);
  EXPECT_RET(pcb != NULL);
  tcp_set_state(pcb, ESTABLISHED, &test_local_ip, &test_remote_ip, TEST_LOCAL_PORT, TEST_REMOTE_PORT);
  pcb->mss = TCP_MSS;
  /* set window to three segments */
  pcb->cwnd = 3 * TCP_MSS;
  pcb->snd_wnd = 3 * TCP_MSS;
  pcb->snd_wnd_max = 3 * TCP_MSS;

  /* send three segments */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[0], 3 * TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);

  /* verify segments are in-flight */
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked != NULL);
  check_seqnos(pcb->unacked, 3, seqnos);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 3);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 3 * (TCP_MSS + 40U));
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));

  /* ACK the segments and update the window to only 1/2 TCP_MSS */
  p = tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, 3 * TCP_MSS, TCP_ACK, TCP_MSS / 2);
  test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);
  EXPECT(pcb->snd_wnd == TCP_MSS / 2);

  /* send fourth segment, which is larger than snd_wnd */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[3 * TCP_MSS], TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);

  /* ensure it is buffered and persist timer started */
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent != NULL);
  check_seqnos(pcb->unsent, 1, &seqnos[3]);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 1);

  /* ensure no errors have been recorded */
  EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(counters.last_err == ERR_OK);

  /* call tcp_timer some more times to let persist timer count up */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
      EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);

  /* this should be the first timer shot, which should split the
   * segment and send a runt (of the remaining window size) */
  txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 1;
  txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 0;
  /* persist will be disabled as RTO timer takes over */
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == ((TCP_MSS /2) + 40U));
  /* verify half segment sent, half still buffered */
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent != NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent->len == TCP_MSS / 2);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked != NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked->len == TCP_MSS / 2);

  /* verify first half segment */
  EXPECT(txcounters.tx_packets != NULL);
  if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
    u8_t sent[TCP_MSS / 2];
    u16_t ret;
    ret = pbuf_copy_partial(txcounters.tx_packets, &sent, TCP_MSS / 2, 40U);
    EXPECT(ret == TCP_MSS / 2);
    EXPECT(memcmp(sent, &tx_data[3 * TCP_MSS], TCP_MSS / 2) == 0);
  if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
    txcounters.tx_packets = NULL;
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));

  /* ACK the half segment, leave window at half segment */
  p = tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, TCP_MSS / 2, TCP_ACK, TCP_MSS / 2);
  txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 1;
  test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
  txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 0;
  /* ensure remaining half segment was sent */
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == ((TCP_MSS /2 ) + 40U));
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked != NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked->len == TCP_MSS / 2);
  EXPECT(pcb->snd_wnd == TCP_MSS / 2);

  /* verify second half segment */
  EXPECT(txcounters.tx_packets != NULL);
  if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
    u8_t sent[TCP_MSS / 2];
    u16_t ret;
    ret = pbuf_copy_partial(txcounters.tx_packets, &sent, TCP_MSS / 2, 40U);
    EXPECT(ret == TCP_MSS / 2);
    EXPECT(memcmp(sent, &tx_data[(3 * TCP_MSS) + TCP_MSS / 2], TCP_MSS / 2) == 0);
  if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
    txcounters.tx_packets = NULL;

  /* ensure no errors have been recorded */
  EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(counters.last_err == ERR_OK);

  /* make sure the pcb is freed */
Ejemplo n.º 2

/** Provoke fast retransmission by duplicate ACKs and then recover by ACKing all sent data.
 * At the end, send more data. */
static void test_tcp_tx_full_window_lost(u8_t zero_window_probe_from_unsent)
  struct netif netif;
  struct test_tcp_txcounters txcounters;
  struct test_tcp_counters counters;
  struct tcp_pcb* pcb;
  struct pbuf *p;
  ip_addr_t remote_ip, local_ip, netmask;
  u16_t remote_port = 0x100, local_port = 0x101;
  err_t err;
  u16_t sent_total, i;
  u8_t expected = 0xFE;

  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tx_data); i++) {
    u8_t d = (u8_t)i;
    if (d == 0xFE) {
      d = 0xF0;
    tx_data[i] = d;
  if (zero_window_probe_from_unsent) {
    tx_data[TCP_WND] = expected;
  } else {
    tx_data[0] = expected;

  /* initialize local vars */
  IP_ADDR4(&local_ip,  192, 168,   1, 1);
  IP_ADDR4(&remote_ip, 192, 168,   1, 2);
  IP_ADDR4(&netmask,   255, 255, 255, 0);
  test_tcp_init_netif(&netif, &txcounters, &local_ip, &netmask);
  memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));

  /* create and initialize the pcb */
  pcb = test_tcp_new_counters_pcb(&counters);
  EXPECT_RET(pcb != NULL);
  tcp_set_state(pcb, ESTABLISHED, &local_ip, &remote_ip, local_port, remote_port);
  pcb->mss = TCP_MSS;
  /* disable initial congestion window (we don't send a SYN here...) */
  pcb->cwnd = pcb->snd_wnd;

  /* send a full window (minus 1 packets) of TCP data in MSS-sized chunks */
  sent_total = 0;
  if ((TCP_WND - TCP_MSS) % TCP_MSS != 0) {
    u16_t initial_data_len = (TCP_WND - TCP_MSS) % TCP_MSS;
    err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[sent_total], initial_data_len, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
    EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
    err = tcp_output(pcb);
    EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == initial_data_len + 40U);
    memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));
    sent_total += initial_data_len;
  for (; sent_total < (TCP_WND - TCP_MSS); sent_total += TCP_MSS) {
    err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[sent_total], TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
    EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
    err = tcp_output(pcb);
    EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == TCP_MSS + 40U);
    memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));
  EXPECT(sent_total == (TCP_WND - TCP_MSS));

  /* now ACK the packet before the first */
  p = tcp_create_rx_segment(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, 0, TCP_ACK);
  test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
  /* ensure this didn't trigger a retransmission */
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);

  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);
  /* send the last packet, now a complete window has been sent */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[sent_total], TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  sent_total += TCP_MSS;
  EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == TCP_MSS + 40U);
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);

  if (zero_window_probe_from_unsent) {
    /* ACK all data but close the TX window */
    p = tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, TCP_WND, TCP_ACK, 0);
    test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
    /* ensure this didn't trigger any transmission */
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);
    EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 1);

  /* send one byte more (out of window) -> persist timer starts */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[sent_total], 1, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT_RET(err == ERR_OK);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));
  if (!zero_window_probe_from_unsent) {
    /* no persist timer unless a zero window announcement has been received */
    EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);
  } else {
    EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 1);

    /* call tcp_timer some more times to let persist timer count up */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
      EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);

    /* this should trigger the zero-window-probe */
    txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 1;
    txcounters.copy_tx_packets = 0;
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
    EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 1 + 40U);
    EXPECT(txcounters.tx_packets != NULL);
    if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
      u8_t sent;
      u16_t ret;
      ret = pbuf_copy_partial(txcounters.tx_packets, &sent, 1, 40U);
      EXPECT(ret == 1);
      EXPECT(sent == expected);
    if (txcounters.tx_packets != NULL) {
      txcounters.tx_packets = NULL;

  /* make sure the pcb is freed */
  EXPECT_RET(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB].used == 1);
  EXPECT_RET(lwip_stats.memp[MEMP_TCP_PCB].used == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3

  struct netif netif;
  struct test_tcp_txcounters txcounters;
  struct test_tcp_counters counters;
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb, *cur;
  struct pbuf* p;
  err_t err;
  size_t i;

  /* Setup data for two segments */
  for (i = 0; i < 2*TCP_MSS; i++) {
    tx_data[i] = (u8_t)i;

  /* initialize local vars */
  test_tcp_init_netif(&netif, &txcounters, &test_local_ip, &test_netmask);
  memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters));

  /* create and initialize the pcb */
  tcp_ticks = SEQNO1 - ISS;
  pcb = test_tcp_new_counters_pcb(&counters);
  EXPECT_RET(pcb != NULL);
  tcp_set_state(pcb, ESTABLISHED, &test_local_ip, &test_remote_ip, TEST_LOCAL_PORT, TEST_REMOTE_PORT);
  pcb->mss = TCP_MSS;
  pcb->cwnd = TCP_MSS;

  /* send first segment */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[0], TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  /* verify segment is in-flight */
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent == NULL);
  check_seqnos(pcb->unacked, 1, seqnos);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 1 * (TCP_MSS + 40U));
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));

  /* ACK the segment and close the TX window */
  p = tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, TCP_MSS, TCP_ACK, 0);
  test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked == NULL);
  EXPECT(pcb->unsent == NULL);
  /* send buffer empty, persist should be off */
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 0);
  EXPECT(pcb->snd_wnd == 0);

  /* send second segment, should be buffered */
  err = tcp_write(pcb, &tx_data[TCP_MSS], TCP_MSS, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);
  err = tcp_output(pcb);
  EXPECT(err == ERR_OK);

  /* ensure it is buffered and persist timer started */
  EXPECT(pcb->unacked == NULL);
  check_seqnos(pcb->unsent, 1, &seqnos[1]);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == 0);
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff == 1);

  /* ensure no errors have been recorded */
  EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(counters.last_err == ERR_OK);

  /* run timer till first probe */
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_probe == 0);
  while (pcb->persist_probe == 0) {
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == (1 + 40U));
  memset(&txcounters, 0, sizeof(txcounters));

  /* respond to probe with remote's current SEQ, ACK, and zero-window */
  p = tcp_create_rx_segment_wnd(pcb, NULL, 0, 0, 0, TCP_ACK, 0);
  test_tcp_input(p, &netif);
  /* ensure zero-window is still active, but probe count reset */
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_backoff > 1);
  EXPECT(pcb->persist_probe == 0);
  EXPECT(pcb->snd_wnd == 0);

  /* ensure no errors have been recorded */
  EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 0);
  EXPECT(counters.last_err == ERR_OK);

  /* now run the timer till we hit our maximum probe count */
  while (counters.last_err == ERR_OK) {

  /* check maximum number of 1 byte probes were sent */
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_calls == TCP_MAXRTX);
  EXPECT(txcounters.num_tx_bytes == TCP_MAXRTX * (1 + 40U));

  /* check the connection (pcb) has been aborted */
  EXPECT(counters.err_calls == 1);
  EXPECT(counters.last_err == ERR_ABRT);
  /* check our pcb is no longer active */
  for (cur = tcp_active_pcbs; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
    EXPECT(cur != pcb);