Ejemplo n.º 1
/* returns
 * - success: 0
uint8_t teensy_init(void) {
	CPU_PRESCALE(CPU_16MHz);  // speed should match F_CPU in makefile

	// onboard LED
	DDRD  &= ~(1<<6);  // set D(6) as input
	PORTD &= ~(1<<6);  // set D(6) internal pull-up disabled

	// keyboard LEDs (see "PWM on ports OC1(A|B|C)" in "teensy-2-0.md")
	_led_all_off();  // (just to put the pins in a known state)
	TCCR1A  = 0b10101001;  // set and configure fast PWM
	TCCR1B  = 0b00001001;  // set and configure fast PWM

	// I2C (TWI)
	twi_init();  // on pins D(1,0)

	// unused pins
	teensypin_write_all_unused(DDR, CLEAR); // set as input
	teensypin_write_all_unused(PORT, SET);  // set internal pull-up enabled

	// rows
	teensypin_write_all_row(DDR, CLEAR); // set as input
	teensypin_write_all_row(PORT, SET);  // set internal pull-up enabled

	// columns
	teensypin_write_all_column(DDR, CLEAR);   // set as input (hi-Z)
	teensypin_write_all_column(PORT, CLEAR);  // set internal pull-up
	                                          //   disabled

	return 0;  // success
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* returns
 * - success: 0
uint8_t teensy_init(void)
	// CPU speed : should match F_CPU in makefile
	#if F_CPU != 16000000
		#error "Expecting different CPU frequency"

	// onboard LED
	// (tied to GND for hardware convenience)
	DDRD  &= ~(1<<6);  // set D(6) as input
	PORTD &= ~(1<<6);  // set D(6) internal pull-up disabled

	// (tied to Vcc for hardware convenience)
	DDRB  &= ~(1<<4);  // set B(4) as input
	PORTB &= ~(1<<4);  // set B(4) internal pull-up disabled

	// keyboard LEDs (see "PWM on ports OC1(A|B|C)" in "teensy-2-0.md")
	_kb_led_all_off();  // (just to put the pins in a known state)
	TCCR1A  = 0b10101001;  // set and configure fast PWM
	TCCR1B  = 0b00001001;  // set and configure fast PWM

	// I2C (TWI)
	twi_init();  // on pins D(1,0)

	// unused pins
	teensypin_write_all_unused(DDR, CLEAR); // set as input
	teensypin_write_all_unused(PORT, SET);  // set internal pull-up enabled

	// rows and columns
	teensypin_write_all_row(DDR, CLEAR);     // set as input (hi-Z)
	teensypin_write_all_column(DDR, CLEAR);  // set as input (hi-Z)
		teensypin_write_all_row(PORT, CLEAR);   // pull-up disabled
		teensypin_write_all_column(PORT, SET);  // pull-up enabled
		teensypin_write_all_row(PORT, SET);       // pull-up enabled
		teensypin_write_all_column(PORT, CLEAR);  // pull-up disabled

	return 0;  // success