Ejemplo n.º 1
void ProcessFolder(xr_vector<char*>& list, LPCSTR path)
	xr_vector<char*>*	i_list	= FS.file_list_open	("$target_folder$",path,FS_ListFiles|FS_RootOnly);
	if (!i_list){
		Log				("ERROR: Unable to open file list:", path);
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator it	= i_list->begin();
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE	= i_list->end();
	for (;it!=itE;++it){ 
		xr_string		tmp_path	= xr_string(path)+xr_string(*it);
		if (!testSKIP(tmp_path.c_str())){
			list.push_back	(xr_strdup(tmp_path.c_str()));
//.			Msg				("+f: %s",tmp_path.c_str());
			Msg				("-f: %s",tmp_path.c_str());
	FS.file_list_close	(i_list);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void xrCompressor::GatherFiles(LPCSTR path)
	xr_vector<char*>*	i_list	= FS.file_list_open	("$target_folder$",path,FS_ListFiles|FS_RootOnly);
	if (!i_list){
		Msg				("! ERROR: Unable to open file list:%s", path);
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator it	= i_list->begin();
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE	= i_list->end();
	for (;it!=itE;++it)
		xr_string		tmp_path	= xr_string(path)+xr_string(*it);
		if (!testSKIP(tmp_path.c_str()))
			files_list->push_back	(xr_strdup(tmp_path.c_str()));
			Msg				("* -f: %s",tmp_path.c_str());
	FS.file_list_close	(i_list);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void xrCompressor::CompressOne(LPCSTR path)
	filesTOTAL		++;

	if (testSKIP(path))	
		filesSKIP	++;
		printf		(" - a SKIP");
		Msg			("%-80s   - SKIP",path);

	string_path		fn;				
	strconcat		(sizeof(fn), fn, target_name.c_str(), "\\", path);

	if (::GetFileAttributes(fn)==u32(-1))
		filesSKIP	++;
		printf		(" - CAN'T OPEN");
		Msg			("%-80s   - CAN'T OPEN",path);

	IReader*		src				=	FS.r_open	(fn);
	if (0==src)
		filesSKIP	++;
		printf		(" - CAN'T OPEN");
		Msg			("%-80s   - CAN'T OPEN",path);

	bytesSRC						+=	src->length	();
	u32			c_crc32				=	crc32		(src->pointer(),src->length());
	u32			c_ptr				=	0;
	u32			c_size_real			=	0;
	u32			c_size_compressed	=	0;
	u32			a_tests				=	0;

	ALIAS*		A					=	testALIAS	(src,c_crc32,a_tests);
	printf							("%3da ",a_tests);
		filesALIAS			++;
		printf				("ALIAS");
		Msg					("%-80s   - ALIAS (%s)",path,A->path);

		// Alias found
		c_ptr				= A->c_ptr;
		c_size_real			= A->c_size_real;
		c_size_compressed	= A->c_size_compressed;
	} else 
		if (testVFS(path))	
			filesVFS			++;

			// Write into BaseFS
			c_ptr				= fs_pack_writer->tell	();
			c_size_real			= src->length();
			c_size_compressed	= src->length();
			fs_pack_writer->w	(src->pointer(),c_size_real);
			printf				("VFS");
			Msg					("%-80s   - VFS",path);
		} else 
		{ //if(testVFS(path))
			// Compress into BaseFS
			c_ptr				=	fs_pack_writer->tell();
			c_size_real			=	src->length();
			if (0!=c_size_real)
				u32 c_size_max		=	rtc_csize		(src->length());
				u8*	c_data			=	xr_alloc<u8>	(c_size_max);

				t_compress.Begin	();

				c_size_compressed	= c_size_max;
				if (bFast)
					R_ASSERT(LZO_E_OK == lzo1x_1_compress	((u8*)src->pointer(),c_size_real,c_data,&c_size_compressed,c_heap));
					R_ASSERT(LZO_E_OK == lzo1x_999_compress	((u8*)src->pointer(),c_size_real,c_data,&c_size_compressed,c_heap));

				t_compress.End		();

				if ((c_size_compressed+16) >= c_size_real)
					// Failed to compress - revert to VFS
					filesVFS			++;
					c_size_compressed	= c_size_real;
					fs_pack_writer->w	(src->pointer(),c_size_real);
					printf				("VFS (R)");
					Msg					("%-80s   - VFS (R)",path);
				} else 
					// Compressed OK - optimize
					if (!bFast)
						u8*		c_out	= xr_alloc<u8>	(c_size_real);
						u32		c_orig	= c_size_real;
						R_ASSERT		(LZO_E_OK	== lzo1x_optimize	(c_data,c_size_compressed,c_out,&c_orig, NULL));
						R_ASSERT		(c_orig		== c_size_real		);
						xr_free			(c_out);
					fs_pack_writer->w	(c_data,c_size_compressed);
					printf				("%3.1f%%",	100.f*float(c_size_compressed)/float(src->length()));
					Msg					("%-80s   - OK (%3.1f%%)",path,100.f*float(c_size_compressed)/float(src->length()));

				// cleanup
				xr_free		(c_data);
			{ //0!=c_size_real
				filesVFS				++;
				c_size_compressed		= c_size_real;
				printf					("VFS (R)");
				Msg						("%-80s   - EMPTY FILE",path);
		}//test VFS
	} //(A)

	// Write description
	write_file_header		(path,c_crc32,c_ptr,c_size_real,c_size_compressed);

	if (0==A)	
		// Register for future aliasing
		ALIAS				R;
		R.path				= xr_strdup	(fn);
		R.crc				= c_crc32;
		R.c_ptr				= c_ptr;
		R.c_size_real		= c_size_real;
		R.c_size_compressed	= c_size_compressed;
		aliases.insert		(mk_pair(R.c_size_real,R));

	FS.r_close	(src);