int main(void) { test_ctz_clz(); test_count(); test_rotl_rotr(); test_bswap(); test_index(); }
void TestSeg_Run_IMP(TestSegment *self, TestBatchRunner *runner) { TestBatchRunner_Plan(runner, (TestBatch*)self, 21); test_fields(runner); test_metadata_storage(runner); test_seg_name_and_num(runner); test_count(runner); test_Compare_To(runner); test_Write_File_and_Read_File(runner); }
static bool addr_count_test(void) { bool success = true; success &= test_count(32, 1U); success &= test_count(31, 2U); success &= test_count(24, 0x100U); success &= test_count(16, 0x10000U); success &= test_count(8, 0x1000000U); success &= test_count(3, 0x20000000U); success &= test_count(2, 0x40000000U); success &= test_count(1, 0x80000000U); success &= test_count(0, 0x100000000U); return success; }
int main() { int i = 40; int j = 55; system("clear"); printf("begin run \n\n\n"); printf("\n###INVERSION TEST###\n\n"); run_test(0x00000001,4,3); run_test(0x01010101,5,4); run_test(0x00001000,4,3); printf("\n\n###SET BITS TEST###\n\n"); test_count(0x00000001); test_count(0x10011001); test_count(0x8FF); printf("###CLEAR BITS TEST###\n\n"); clear_test(0x1); clear_test(0x0); clear_test(0x85F); printf("####LOW BIT TEST#### \n\n"); run_low_bits(0x00000001,2); run_low_bits(0xAC15,8); run_low_bits(0x0,1); printf("##########LOCAL SWAP TEST BELOW##########\n"); swap(300000, 200000); printf("##########MAIN SWAP TEST BELOW##########\n"); swap(i,j); printf("#########GLOBAL SWAP TEST BELOW##########\n"); swap(i,j); printf("complete run \n\n\n"); return 0; }
void TestSeg_run_tests() { TestBatch *batch = TestBatch_new(21); TestBatch_Plan(batch); test_fields(batch); test_metadata_storage(batch); test_seg_name_and_num(batch); test_count(batch); test_Compare_To(batch); test_Write_File_and_Read_File(batch); DECREF(batch); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nerrors = 0; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* baseline: this tiny value should pose no problems */ nerrors += test_count(60); /* one with no next-to-high-bits set */ nerrors += test_count(0x3654321f71234567); /* masking after shift can help the count_high, but count_low is still * wrong */ nerrors += test_count(0x7654321f71234567); /* original problematic count reported by Artem Yalozo */ nerrors += test_count(0x7654321ff1234567); if (nerrors != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "found %d errors\n", nerrors); } else { printf(" No Errors\n"); } MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
int main () { test_slice_positive_sub_str(); test_slice_equal_offlim(); test_slice_negative_offset(); test_slice_negative_limit(); test_slice_both_negative(); test_slice_limit_oor(); test_slice_offset_oor(); test_slice_empty_string(); test_strcpy_no_alloc(); test_strcpy_pre_alloc(); test_strcpy_not_empty(); test_strcpy_empty_paras(); test_strcat(); test_strcat_empty_source(); test_strcat_empty_destination(); test_strcat_empty_params(); test_split(); test_split_multiple_delims(); test_split_delim_not_found(); test_split_empty_delim(); test_split_single_delim(); test_split_empty_paras(); test_startswith(); test_startwith_empy_string(); test_startwith_empy_prefix(); test_startwith_empty_params(); test_endswith(); test_endswith_empty_string(); test_endswith_empty_postfix(); test_endswith_empty_params(); test_strip_no_chars(); test_strip_with_chars(); test_strip_empty_params(); test_translate(); test_translate_empty_params(); test_splitlines(); test_splitlines_keepends(); test_splitlines_empty_params(); test_count(); test_count_empty_params(); test_expandtabs(); test_expandtabs_no_params(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { int n; struct test_t *w = test_create(n); //printf("test 1\n"); //test_print(w); //printf("%d\n",test_count(w)); //printf("\n\n"); //printf("test 2\n"); test_print(w+1); printf("%d\n",test_count(w+1)); return 0; }
inline bool test_ulp_tuple_eq( char const* x1 , char const* x2 , char const* x3 , int line , char const * fn , T const & t , U const & u , V const & v ) { boost::dispatch::ignore_unused(fn); \ test_count()++; volatile T tt(t); volatile U uu(u); volatile V vv(v); typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::upgrade<T>::type TT; typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::upgrade<U>::type UU; bool r = nt2::ulpdist(boost::fusion::at_c<0>(u), boost::fusion::at_c<0>(t)) <= v; r &= nt2::ulpdist(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(u), boost::fusion::at_c<1>(t)) <= v; if(r) { std::cout << " * Test `" << "ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") <= " << x3 << "` **passed**." << " (" << line << ")" << std::endl; return true; } else { // std::cout << " * Test `" // << "ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") <= " << x3 // << "` **failed** in function " // << fn << " (" << line << ")" // << "ulpdist(" << TT(t) << ", " << UU(u) << ") == " // << nt2::ulpdist(tt, uu ) // << std::endl; ++error_count(); return false; } }
inline bool test_ulp_eq( char const* x1 , char const* x2 , char const* x3 , int line , char const * fn , T const & t , U const & u , V const & v ) { test_count()++; /*volatile*/ T tt(t); /*volatile*/ U uu(u); /*volatile*/ V vv(v); // typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::upgrade<T>::type TT; // typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::upgrade<U>::type UU; typedef T TT; typedef U UU; typedef typename boost::dispatch::meta::call<nt2::tag::ulpdist_(T, U)>::type R; if( nt2::ulpdist(T(tt), U(uu) ) <= (R)vv) { std::cout << " * Test `" << "ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") ( == " << nt2::ulpdist(T(tt), U(uu) ) << ") <= " << x3 << "` **passed**." << " (" << line << ")" << std::endl; return true; } else { std::cout << " * Test `" << "ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") <= " << x3 << "` **failed** in function " << fn << " (" << line << ")" << "ulpdist(" << TT(tt) << ", " << UU(uu) << ") == " << nt2::ulpdist(T(tt), U(uu) ) << std::endl; ++error_count(); return false; } }
inline bool test_ulp_eq( char const* x1 , char const* x2 , char const* x3 , int line , char const * fn , T const & t , U const & u , V const & v ) { test_count()++; volatile T tt(t); volatile U uu(u); volatile V vv(v); typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<T>::type TT; typedef typename nt2::meta::upgrade<U>::type UU; typedef typename boost::common_type<TT, UU>::type R; if( nt2::details::ulpdist(tt, uu ) <= (R)vv) { std::cout << " * Test `" << "details::ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") <= " << x3 << "` **passed**." << " (" << line << ")" << std::endl; return true; } else { std::cout << " * Test `" << "details::ulpdist(" << x1 << ", " << x2 << ") <= " << x3 << "` **failed** in function " << fn << " (" << line << ")" << "details::ulpdist(" << TT(tt) << ", " << UU(uu) << ") == " << nt2::details::ulpdist(tt, uu ) << std::endl; ++error_count(); return false; } }
/*=========================================================================== * Main routine */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int short_count = 0x1000; unsigned int long_count = 0x9000; int long_fd, short_fd, nfds, tics, expected_interrupts, c; int rate = 1000; int result; fd_set fds; while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:l:"))) { switch (c) { case 's': short_count = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'l': long_count = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'h': default: fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: tmr_read_test [-h]" "[-s short interval timer count]" "[-l long interval timer count]"); return -1; } } nfds = long_fd = open("/dev/timer3", O_RDWR); write(long_fd, &long_count, sizeof (long_count)); ioctl(long_fd, TIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE); short_fd = open("/dev/timer1", O_RDWR); if (short_fd > nfds) nfds = short_fd; write(short_fd, &short_count, sizeof (short_count)); ioctl(short_fd, TIMER_INTERRUPT_ENABLE); ioctl(long_fd, TIMER_RATE_SET, &rate); ioctl(short_fd, TIMER_RATE_SET, &rate); ioctl(long_fd, TIMER_START); ioctl(short_fd, TIMER_START); tics = 0; expected_interrupts = long_count / (short_count + 1); while (1) { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(long_fd, &fds); FD_SET(short_fd, &fds); select(nfds + 1, NULL, NULL, &fds, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(long_fd, &fds)) { break; } if (FD_ISSET(short_fd, &fds)) { ++tics; result = test_count(long_fd, &long_count); if (result) { goto error; } } } if (tics != expected_interrupts) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d interrupts, received %d interrupts\n", expected_interrupts, tics); result = -1; } error: printf("Test for correct timer readback: %s\n", (result) ? "FAIL" : "PASS"); ioctl(short_fd, TIMER_INTERRUPT_DISABLE); ioctl(short_fd, TIMER_STOP); close(short_fd); ioctl(long_fd, TIMER_INTERRUPT_DISABLE); ioctl(long_fd, TIMER_STOP); close(long_fd); return result; }
TEST(Counter_symbol, test_input) { std::string file_name("test//test_input.txt"); counter test_count(file_name); EXPECT_EQ (43, test_count.symbol()); }
TEST(Counter_line, test_input) { std::string file_name("test//test_input.txt"); counter test_count(file_name); EXPECT_EQ (4, test_count.line()); }
TEST(Counter_word, test_input) { std::string file_name("test//test_input.txt"); counter test_count(file_name); EXPECT_EQ (10,test_count.word()); }
int t_map() { c_map map; c_map_create(&map, int_comparer); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("0. test create with insert unique\n"); create_with_insert_unique(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n1. test clear\n"); test_clear(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n2. test size and empty\n"); test_size_empty(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n3. test create with insert equal\n"); c_map_clear(&map); create_with_insert_equal(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n4. test swap\n"); create_with_insert_unique(&map); test_swap(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n5. test create with insert unique1\n"); create_with_insert_unique1(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n6. test create with insert equal1\n"); c_map_clear(&map); create_with_insert_equal1(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n7. test create with insert unique2\n"); c_map_clear(&map); create_with_insert_unique2(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n8. test create with insert equal2\n"); c_map_clear(&map); create_with_insert_equal2(&map); print_map(&map); rprint_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n9. test erase\n"); c_map_clear(&map); create_with_insert_unique(&map); test_erase(&map); create_with_insert_unique(&map); test_reverse_erase(&map); print_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n10. test find and erase\n"); c_map_clear(&map); printf("* test_find_erase:\n"); create_with_insert_unique(&map); print_map(&map); test_find_erase(&map); print_map(&map); printf("* test_reverse_find_erase:\n"); create_with_insert_unique(&map); print_map(&map); test_reverse_find_erase(&map); print_map(&map); assert(__c_rb_tree_verify(map._l)); printf("\n\n11. test count:\n"); // 'lower_bound' 'upper_bound' 'equal_range' used create_with_insert_unique(&map); test_count(&map); printf("\n\n12. test less:\n"); test_less(); printf("\n\n13. test equal:\n"); test_equal(); printf("\n\n14. test at:\n"); test_at(); c_map_destroy(&map); printf("\n\nfinish testing map!\n"); return 0; }