int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default arguments autopilot_parms.bearing_noise=fixed(0); autopilot_parms.target_noise=fixed(0.1); autopilot_parms.turn_speed=fixed(5.0); output_skip = 5; if (!parse_args(argc,argv)) { return 0; } #define NUM_FLIGHT 2 plan_tests(NUM_FLIGHT*2); for (int i=0; i<NUM_FLIGHT; i++) { unsigned k = rand()%NUM_WIND; ok (test_aat(2,k), test_name("target ",2,k),0); } for (int i=0; i<NUM_FLIGHT; i++) { unsigned k = rand()%NUM_WIND; ok (test_aat(0,k), test_name("target ",0,k),0); } return exit_status(); }
static bool test_speed_factor(int test_num, int n_wind) { // flying at opt speed should be minimum time flight! double te0, te1, te2; TestFlightResult result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 1.0); te0 = result.time_elapsed; result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 0.7); te1 = result.time_elapsed; // time of this should be higher than nominal ok(te0 < te1, test_name("vopt slow or", test_num, n_wind), 0); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 1.5); te2 = result.time_elapsed; // time of this should be higher than nominal ok(te0 < te2, test_name("vopt fast or", test_num, n_wind), 0); bool retval = (te0 < te1) && (te0 < te2); if (verbose || !retval) { printf("# sf 0.8 time_elapsed_rat %g\n", te1 / te0); printf("# sf 1.2 time_elapsed_rat %g\n", te2 / te0); } return retval; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { hx509_context context; int ret = 0; ret = hx509_context_init(&context); if (ret) errx(1, "hx509_context_init failed with %d", ret); ret += test_name(context, "CN=foo,C=SE"); ret += test_name(context, "CN=foo,CN=kaka,CN=FOO,DC=ad1,C=SE"); ret += test_name(context, ",C=SE"); ret += test_name_fail(context, "="); ret += test_name_fail(context, "CN=foo,=foo"); ret += test_name_fail(context, "CN=foo,really-unknown-type=foo"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=${uid},C=SE", "UID=lha,C=SE"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=foo${uid},C=SE", "UID=foolha,C=SE"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=${uid}bar,C=SE", "UID=lhabar,C=SE"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=f${uid}b,C=SE", "UID=flhab,C=SE"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=${uid}${uid},C=SE", "UID=lhalha,C=SE"); ret += test_expand(context, "UID=${uid}{uid},C=SE", "UID=lha{uid},C=SE"); ret += test_compare(context); hx509_context_free(&context); return ret; }
static int test_basic_totp(void) { struct r2fa_totp_cfg cfg; char code[] = "qwerty", key[] = "12345678901234567890"; int ret; test_name("totp: test_basic_totp"); ret = r2fa_totp_init(&cfg); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); assert(cfg.key == NULL); assert(cfg.key_len == 0); assert(cfg.timestamp != 0); assert(cfg.period == 30); assert(cfg.initial_time == 0); assert(cfg.output_len == 6); assert(cfg.output_base == NULL); assert(cfg.output_base_len == 0); assert(cfg.hash_function == R2FA_OATH_SHA_1); cfg.key = key; cfg.key_len = sizeof(key); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); assert(strlen(code) == 6); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(NULL, "755224")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "4755224")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "!@#$%^")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, NULL)); return 1; }
void EquivalenceTest::generate(DexClass* cls) { setup(cls); auto ret = DexType::make_type("I"); auto args = DexTypeList::make_type_list({}); auto proto = DexProto::make_proto(ret, args); // I() DexMethod* before = static_cast<DexMethod*>(DexMethod::make_method( cls->get_type(), DexString::make_string("before_" + test_name()), proto)); before->make_concrete(ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, false); before->set_code(std::make_unique<IRCode>(before, 0)); build_method(before); cls->add_method(before); auto after = DexMethod::make_method_from( before, cls->get_type(), DexString::make_string("after_" + test_name())); cls->add_method(after); transform_method(after); }
static int test_advanced_totp(void) { struct r2fa_totp_cfg cfg; char code[9], key[] = "12345678901234567890123456789012"; int ret; test_name("totp: test_advanced_totp"); ret = r2fa_totp_init(&cfg); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); cfg.key = key; cfg.key_len = sizeof(key); cfg.timestamp = 1111111109; cfg.output_len = 8; cfg.hash_function = R2FA_OATH_SHA_256; ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); assert(strlen(code) == 8); assert(strncmp(code, "68084774", 9) == 0); assert(r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "68084774")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(NULL, "68084774")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "68084775")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "46808477")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "!@#$%^&*")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, "")); assert(!r2fa_totp_is_valid(&cfg, NULL)); return 1; }
std::pair<HRESULT, std::string> UnicodeStringStructToString(const ExtRemoteTyped &unicode_string) { std::string output_string = ""; try { ExtRemoteTyped loc_unicode_string = unicode_string; ExtRemoteTyped buffer = *loc_unicode_string.Field("Buffer"); uint16_t len = loc_unicode_string.Field("Length").GetUshort(); uint16_t maxlen = loc_unicode_string.Field("MaximumLength").GetUshort(); if ( len == 0 && maxlen == 1 ) { return std::make_pair(S_OK, output_string); } if ( maxlen >= sizeof(wchar_t) && (maxlen % sizeof(wchar_t) == 0) ) { uint16_t max_len_wide = maxlen / sizeof(wchar_t) + 1; std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> test_name(new wchar_t[max_len_wide]); std::memset(test_name.get(), 0, max_len_wide * sizeof(wchar_t)); uint32_t read = buffer.ReadBuffer(test_name.get(), maxlen, true); if ( read == maxlen ) output_string = wstring_to_string(test_name.get()); return std::make_pair(S_OK, output_string); } } catch ( const ExtRemoteException &Ex ) { std::stringstream locerr; locerr << wa::showminus << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << Ex.GetMessage() << wa::endlerr; return std::make_pair(Ex.GetStatus(), output_string); } return std::make_pair(E_INVALIDARG, output_string); }
static int test_generate_null_ptr(void) { struct r2fa_totp_cfg cfg; char code[] = "qwerty", key[] = "12345678901234567890"; int ret; test_name("totp: test_generate_null_ptr"); r2fa_totp_init(&cfg); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(NULL, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_CFG_NULL_PTR); assert(strcmp(code, "qwerty") == 0); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_KEY_NULL_PTR); cfg.key = key; ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_INVALID_KEY_LEN); cfg.key_len = sizeof(key); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, NULL); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_CODE_NULL_PTR); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); return 1; }
BOOL CALLBACK WDbgArkColorHack::EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { bool* found = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(lParam); unsigned __int32 pid = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, reinterpret_cast<LPDWORD>(&pid)); if ( pid == GetCurrentProcessId() ) { HWND top_window = GetTopWindow(hwnd); if ( top_window ) { size_t window_text_len = static_cast<size_t>(GetWindowTextLength(top_window)); if ( window_text_len ) { std::unique_ptr<char[]> test_name(new char[window_text_len]); if ( GetWindowText(top_window, test_name.get(), static_cast<int>(window_text_len)) ) { std::string window_text_name = test_name.get(); if ( window_text_name.find("WinDbg:") != std::string::npos ) { *found = true; return FALSE; // stop enumeration } } } } } return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default arguments autopilot_parms.bearing_noise=fixed(0); autopilot_parms.target_noise=fixed(0.1); autopilot_parms.turn_speed=fixed(5.0); output_skip = 5; if (!parse_args(argc,argv)) { return 0; } #define NUM_TESTS 2 plan_tests(NUM_TESTS); for (int j=0; j<NUM_TESTS; j++) { unsigned i = rand()%NUM_WIND; if (j+1==NUM_TESTS) { verbose=1; } ok (test_flight_times(7,i), test_name("flight times",7,i),0); } return exit_status(); }
static int test_invalid_base(void) { struct r2fa_totp_cfg cfg; char code[] = "qwerty", key[] = "12345678901234567890", base[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int ret; test_name("totp: test_invalid_base"); r2fa_totp_init(&cfg); cfg.key = key; cfg.key_len = sizeof(key); cfg.output_base = base; ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_INVALID_BASE_LEN); cfg.output_base_len = 1; ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_INVALID_BASE_LEN); cfg.output_base_len = sizeof(base); ret = r2fa_totp_generate(&cfg, code); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_SUCCESS); return 1; }
void s_test_var( struct semantic* semantic, struct var* var ) { if ( test_spec( semantic, var ) ) { test_name( semantic, var ); if ( test_dim( semantic, var ) ) { var->object.resolved = test_initz( semantic, var ); } } }
static void print_tests(void) { const struct test_suite *test; int i = 0; test_foreach(test) { printf("%3d. %s\n", ++i, test_name(test)); } printf("\nTotal tests: %d\n", i); }
inline void run_test(const char* name) { test_name() = name; long errors_before = boost::asio::detail::test_errors(); Test(); if (test_errors() == errors_before) BOOST_ASIO_TEST_IOSTREAM << name << " passed" << std::endl; else BOOST_ASIO_TEST_IOSTREAM << name << " failed" << std::endl; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void DefinitionReader::readFixtureDefinitions( LPCSTR directory ) { CFileFind finder; CString directory_search( directory ); directory_search.Append( "\\*" ); BOOL working = finder.FindFile( directory_search ); if ( !working ) throw StudioException( "Unable to find fixture definition directory '%s'", directory ); while ( working ) { working = finder.FindNextFile(); if ( finder.IsDots() ) continue; CString file_name = finder.GetFilePath(); if ( finder.IsDirectory() ) readFixtureDefinitions( file_name ); CString test_name( file_name ); if ( test_name.MakeLower().Find( ".xml" ) == -1 ) continue; // Check for definition file TiXmlDocument doc; if ( !doc.LoadFile( file_name ) ) throw StudioException( "Error reading fixture definition '%s'", file_name ); try { TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement( "fixture_definitions" ); LPCSTR author = read_text_element( root, "author" ); LPCSTR version = read_text_element( root, "version" ); FixtureDefinitionPtrArray fixture_definitions = read_xml_list<FixtureDefinition>( root, "fixture" ); //DefinitionWriter writer; //writer.writeFixtureDefinition( file_name, author, version, fixture_definitions ); for ( FixtureDefinition* definition : fixture_definitions ) { definition->setSourceFile( file_name ); definition->m_author = author; definition->m_version = version; FixtureDefinition::addFixtureDefinition( definition ); delete definition; } } catch ( StudioException e ) { throw StudioException( "%s: %s", file_name, e.what() ); } } finder.Close(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (!parse_args(argc,argv)) { return 0; } #define NUM_RANDOM 50 #define NUM_TYPE_MANIPS 50 plan_tests(NUM_TASKS+2+NUM_RANDOM+8+NUM_TYPE_MANIPS); GlidePolar glide_polar(fixed_two); Waypoints waypoints; setup_waypoints(waypoints); { TaskManager task_manager(waypoints); task_manager.SetGlidePolar(glide_polar); test_task_bad(task_manager,waypoints); } { for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_TYPE_MANIPS; i++) { TaskManager task_manager(waypoints); ok(test_task_type_manip(task_manager,waypoints, i+2), "construction: task type manip", 0); } } for (int i=0; i<NUM_TASKS+2; i++) { TaskManager task_manager(waypoints); task_manager.SetGlidePolar(glide_polar); ok(test_task(task_manager, waypoints, i),test_name("construction",i,0),0); } for (int i=0; i<NUM_RANDOM; i++) { TaskManager task_manager(waypoints); task_manager.SetGlidePolar(glide_polar); ok(test_task(task_manager, waypoints, 7),test_name("construction",7,0),0); } return exit_status(); }
const struct test_suite *test_lookup(const char *name) { const struct test_suite *test = NULL; test_foreach(test) { if (strcmp(test_name(test), name) == 0) { return test; } } return NULL; }
void test_aux (void) { dbg_printf ("Auxiliary functions "); if (trace) fflush (stdout); test_ee (); test_constr (); test_name (); test_sched (); test_err (); dbg_printf (" - success!\r\n"); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* run tests in legacy (pre-session support) mode */ setenv ("UPSTART_NO_SESSIONS", "1", 1); test_new (); test_name (); test_from_name (); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { printf (" PLUGINS TESTS\n"); printf ("====================\n\n"); init (argc, argv); test_process (); test_simple (); test_name (); printf ("\ntest_plugin RESULTS: %d test(s) done. %d error(s).\n", nbTest, nbError); return nbError; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default arguments autopilot_parms.ideal(); if (!parse_args(argc,argv)) { return 0; } plan_tests(NUM_TASKS); for (int j=0; j<NUM_TASKS; j++) { unsigned k = rand()%NUM_WIND; ok (test_flight_times(j,k), test_name("flight times",j,k),0); } return exit_status(); }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { printf (" RESOLVER TESTS\n"); printf ("====================\n\n"); init (argc, argv); test_resolve (); test_name (); test_lockname (); test_tempname (); test_checkfile (); printf ("\ntest_backendhelpers RESULTS: %d test(s) done. %d error(s).\n", nbTest, nbError); return nbError; }
void mm_run_tests() { test_id(); test_object_id(); test_init(); test_spatial(); test_object_add_remove_properties(); test_name(); test_social_meet(); test_som(); test_communicate_social_categorisation(); test_episodic(); test_tale(); test_narratives(); test_confabulation_with_narratives(); test_confabulation_with_episodic(); printf("All tests passed\n"); }
static bool test_automc(int test_num, int n_wind) { // test whether flying by automc (starting above final glide) // arrives home faster than without TestFlightResult result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 1.0, false); double t0 = result.time_elapsed; result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 1.0, true); double t1 = result.time_elapsed; bool fine = (t1 / t0 < 1.015); if (!fine || verbose) printf("# time ratio %g\n", t1 / t0); ok(fine, test_name("faster with auto mc on", test_num, n_wind), 0); return fine; }
static int ims_test(FILE *f, char *t, const int start) { int i; int smp_size, pat; struct ims_header ih; smp_size = 0; fread(&ih.title, 20, 1, f); for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) { if (fread(&ih.ins[i].name, 1, 20, f) < 20) return -1; ih.ins[i].finetune = (int16)read16b(f); ih.ins[i].size = read16b(f); ih.ins[i].unknown = read8(f); ih.ins[i].volume = read8(f); ih.ins[i].loop_start = read16b(f); ih.ins[i].loop_size = read16b(f); smp_size += ih.ins[i].size * 2; if (test_name(ih.ins[i].name, 20) < 0) return -1; if (ih.ins[i].volume > 0x40) return -1; if (ih.ins[i].size > 0x8000) return -1; if (ih.ins[i].loop_start > ih.ins[i].size) return -1; if (ih.ins[i].size && ih.ins[i].loop_size > 2 * ih.ins[i].size) return -1; } if (smp_size < 8) return -1; ih.len = read8(f); = read8(f); fread (&ih.orders, 128, 1, f); fread (&ih.magic, 4, 1, f); if ( > 1) /* not sure what this is */ return -1; if (ih.magic[3] != 0x3c) return -1; if (ih.len > 0x7f) return -1; for (pat = i = 0; i < ih.len; i++) if (ih.orders[i] > pat) pat = ih.orders[i]; pat++; if (pat > 0x7f || ih.len == 0 || ih.len > 0x7f) return -1; fseek(f, start + 0, SEEK_SET); read_title(f, t, 20); return 0; }
static bool test_cruise_efficiency(int test_num, int n_wind) { // tests functionality of cruise efficiency calculations double ce0, ce1, ce2, ce3, ce4, ce5, ce6; autopilot_parms.ideal(); TestFlightResult result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind); ce0 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; // wandering autopilot_parms.realistic(); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind); ce1 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; // cruise efficiency of this should be lower than nominal if (ce0 <= ce1 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 > ce1, test_name("ce wandering", test_num, n_wind), 0); // flying too slow autopilot_parms.ideal(); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 0.8); ce2 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; // cruise efficiency of this should be lower than nominal if (ce0 <= ce2 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 > ce2, test_name("ce speed slow", test_num, n_wind), 0); // flying too fast autopilot_parms.ideal(); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind, 1.2); ce3 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; // cruise efficiency of this should be lower than nominal if (ce0 <= ce3 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 > ce3, test_name("ce speed fast", test_num, n_wind), 0); // higher than expected cruise sink autopilot_parms.sink_factor = fixed(1.2); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind); ce4 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; if (ce0 <= ce4 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 > ce4, test_name("ce high sink", test_num, n_wind), 0); // cruise efficiency of this should be lower than nominal autopilot_parms.sink_factor = fixed(1.0); // slower than expected climb autopilot_parms.climb_factor = fixed(0.8); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind); ce5 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; if (ce0 <= ce5 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 > ce5, test_name("ce slow climb", test_num, n_wind), 0); // cruise efficiency of this should be lower than nominal autopilot_parms.climb_factor = fixed(1.0); // lower than expected cruise sink; autopilot_parms.sink_factor = fixed(0.8); result = test_flight(test_num, n_wind); ce6 = result.calc_cruise_efficiency; if (ce0 >= ce6 || verbose) printf("# calc cruise efficiency %g\n", result.calc_cruise_efficiency); ok(ce0 < ce6, test_name("ce low sink", test_num, n_wind), 0); // cruise efficiency of this should be greater than nominal autopilot_parms.sink_factor = fixed(1.0); bool retval = (ce0 > ce1) && (ce0 > ce2) && (ce0 > ce3) && (ce0 > ce4) && (ce0 > ce5) && (ce0 < ce6); if (verbose || !retval) { printf("# ce nominal %g\n", ce0); printf("# ce wandering %g\n", ce1); printf("# ce speed slow %g\n", ce2); printf("# ce speed fast %g\n", ce3); printf("# ce high sink %g\n", ce4); printf("# ce slow climb %g\n", ce5); printf("# ce low sink %g\n", ce6); } return retval; }
int Tree_Test::execute (TAO_Naming_Client &root_context) { try { // Create a tree of contexts: root->level1->level2. Bind object // foo under context level2. // Bind level1 context under root. CosNaming::Name level1; level1.length (1); level1[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("level1_context"); CosNaming::NamingContext_var level1_context; level1_context = root_context->bind_new_context (level1); // Create a new context. CosNaming::NamingContext_var level2_context; level2_context = root_context->new_context (); // Instantiate a dummy object and bind it under the new context. My_Test_Object *impl1 = new My_Test_Object (CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID); Test_Object_var obj1 = impl1->_this (); impl1->_remove_ref (); CosNaming::Name obj_name; obj_name.length (1); obj_name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("foo"); level2_context->bind (obj_name, ()); // Bind the context we just created under level1. CosNaming::Name level2 (level1); level2.length (2); level2[1].id = CORBA::string_dup ("level2_context"); root_context->bind_context (level2, ()); // Resolve and unbind level1/level2/foo, and bind it back. CosNaming::Name test_name (level2); test_name.length (3); test_name[2].id = obj_name[0].id; CORBA::Object_var result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); Test_Object_var result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with resolving foo in Tree Test - nil object ref.\n"), -1); CORBA::Short id = result_object->id (); if (id != CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with resolving foo in Tree Test - wrong id.\n"), -1); // Unbind the object from the Naming Context and bind it back // in. root_context->unbind (test_name); root_context->bind (test_name, ()); // Create new context and rebind under the name level1/level2. CosNaming::NamingContext_var new_level2_context; new_level2_context = root_context->new_context (); root_context->rebind_context (level2, ()); // Bind, resolve, rebind, and resolve foo under level1/level2. root_context->bind (test_name, ()); result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); CORBA::Short obj_id = result_object->id (); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()) || !(obj_id == CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID)) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems in the Tree Test\n"), -1); My_Test_Object *impl2 = new My_Test_Object (CosNaming_Client::OBJ2_ID); Test_Object_var obj2 = impl2->_this (); impl2->_remove_ref (); root_context->rebind (test_name, ()); result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); obj_id = result_object->id (); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()) || !( obj_id == CosNaming_Client::OBJ2_ID)) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with rebind in Tree Test\n"), -1); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ( "Unexpected exception in Tree test"); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "All functions work properly\n")); return 0; }
GpuTestTask::GpuTestTask(Reporter* reporter, TaskRunner* taskRunner, skiatest::TestRegistry::Factory factory) : GpuTask(reporter, taskRunner) , fTest(factory(NULL)) , fName(test_name(fTest->getName())) {}
static int test_init_null_ptr(void) { int ret = r2fa_totp_init(NULL); test_name("totp: test_init_null_ptr"); assert(ret == R2FA_OATH_CFG_NULL_PTR); return 1; }
// virtual BOOL LLChatBar::handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask ) { BOOL handled = FALSE; // ALT-RETURN is reserved for windowed/fullscreen toggle if( KEY_RETURN == key ) { if (mask == MASK_CONTROL) { // shout sendChat(CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT); handled = TRUE; } else if (mask == MASK_SHIFT) { // whisper sendChat( CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER ); handled = TRUE; } else if (mask == MASK_NONE) { // say sendChat( CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL ); handled = TRUE; } } // only do this in main chatbar else if (KEY_ESCAPE == key && mask == MASK_NONE && gChatBar == this) { stopChat(); handled = TRUE; } else if (key == KEY_TAB) { if (mInputEditor) { mInputEditor->deleteSelection(); // Clean up prev completion before attempting a new one std::string txt(mInputEditor->getText()); std::vector<LLUUID> avatar_ids; std::vector<LLVector3d> positions; LLWorld::getInstance()->getAvatars(&avatar_ids, &positions); if (!avatar_ids.empty() && !txt.empty()) { if (mCompletionHolder.cursorPos == -1) // Ele: cache cursor position mCompletionHolder.cursorPos = mInputEditor->getCursor(); if (mCompletionHolder.last_txt != mInputEditor->getText()) { mCompletionHolder.last_txt = std::string(mInputEditor->getText()); if (mCompletionHolder.cursorPos < (S32)txt.length()) { mCompletionHolder.right = txt.substr(mCompletionHolder.cursorPos); mCompletionHolder.left = txt.substr(0, mCompletionHolder.cursorPos); mCompletionHolder.match = std::string(mCompletionHolder.left); } else { mCompletionHolder.right = ""; mCompletionHolder.match = std::string(txt); mCompletionHolder.left = txt; } std::string pattern_s = "(^|.*[_=&\\|\\<\\>#@\\[\\]\\-\\+\"',\\.\\?!:;\\*\\(\\)\\s]+)([a-z0-9]+)$"; boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what; boost::regex expression(pattern_s, boost::regex::icase); if (boost::regex_search(mCompletionHolder.match, what, expression, boost::match_extra)) { mCompletionHolder.match = what[2]; if (mCompletionHolder.match.length() < 1) return handled; } else return handled; } mCompletionHolder.names.clear(); for (U32 i=0; i<avatar_ids.size(); i++) { if (avatar_ids[i] == gAgent.getID() || avatar_ids[i].isNull()) continue; std::string agent_name = " "; std::string agent_surname = " "; if(!gCacheName->getName(avatar_ids[i], agent_name, agent_surname) && (agent_name == " " || agent_surname == " ")) continue; std::string test_name(agent_name); std::transform(test_name.begin(), test_name.end(), test_name.begin(), tolower); std::transform(mCompletionHolder.match.begin(), mCompletionHolder.match.end(), mCompletionHolder.match.begin(), tolower); if (test_name.find(mCompletionHolder.match) == 0) mCompletionHolder.names.push_back(agent_name); } if (mCompletionHolder.current_index >= (S32)mCompletionHolder.names.size() || mCompletionHolder.match != mCompletionHolder.last_match) { mCompletionHolder.current_index = 0; mCompletionHolder.last_match = mCompletionHolder.match; } if (mCompletionHolder.names.size() > 0) { std::string current_name = mCompletionHolder.names[mCompletionHolder.current_index]; mInputEditor->setText(mCompletionHolder.left.substr(0, mCompletionHolder.left.length() - mCompletionHolder.match.length()) + current_name + mCompletionHolder.right); mInputEditor->setCursor(mCompletionHolder.cursorPos + (current_name.length() - mCompletionHolder.match.length())); mInputEditor->setSelection(mCompletionHolder.cursorPos, mCompletionHolder.cursorPos + (current_name.length() - mCompletionHolder.match.length())); mCompletionHolder.current_index++; mCompletionHolder.selected = TRUE; return TRUE; } } } } return handled; }