ATF_TC_BODY(alternate_form, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("1.250e+00", "%#.3e", 1.25); testfmt("123.000000", "%#f", 123.0); testfmt(" 12345.", "%#7.5g", 12345.0); testfmt(" 1.00000", "%#8g", 1.0); testfmt("0.0", "%#.2g", 0.0); }
ATF_TC_BODY(padding, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("0.000000e+00", "%e", 0.0); testfmt("0.000000", "%F", (double)0.0); testfmt("0", "%G", 0.0); testfmt(" 0", "%3.0Lg", 0.0L); testfmt(" 0", "%5.0f", 0.001); }
ATF_TC_BODY(int_limits, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* * Check that printing the largest negative number does not cause * overflow when it is negated. */ testfmt(S_INT32MIN, "%d", INT_MIN); testfmt(S_INT64MIN, "%jd", INTMAX_MIN); }
ATF_TC_BODY(signed_conversions, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("+2.500000e-01", "%+e", 0.25); testfmt("+0.000000", "%+F", 0.0); testfmt("-1", "%+g", -1.0); testfmt("-1.000000e+00", "% e", -1.0); testfmt("+1.000000", "% +f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "% g", 1.0); testfmt(" 0", "% g", 0.0); }
ATF_TC_BODY(precision_specifiers, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("1.0123e+00", "%.4e", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.0123", "%.4f", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.012", "%.4g", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.2346e-02", "%.4e", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.0123", "%.4f", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.01235", "%.4g", 0.0123456789); }
ATF_TC_BODY(hexadecimal_floating_point, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* * Hexadecimal floating point (%a, %A) tests. Some of these * are only valid if the implementation converts to hex digits * on nibble boundaries. */ testfmt("0x0p+0", "%a", 0x0.0p0); testfmt("0X0.P+0", "%#LA", 0x0.0p0L); testfmt("inf", "%La", (long double)INFINITY); testfmt("+INF", "%+A", INFINITY); testfmt("nan", "%La", (long double)NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%A", NAN); testfmt(" 0x1.23p+0", "%10a", 0x1.23p0); testfmt(" 0x1.23p-500", "%12a", 0x1.23p-500); testfmt(" 0x1.2p+40", "%10.1a", 0x1.23p40); testfmt(" 0X1.230000000000000000000000P-4", "%32.24A", 0x1.23p-4); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", 0x1p-1074); testfmt("0x1.2345p-1024", "%a", 0x1.2345p-1024); #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18468p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp0L); testfmt("0x1p-16445", "%La", 0x1p-16445L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-16381", "%La", 0x9.8765p-16384L); #elif (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p0L); testfmt("0x1p-16494", "%La", 0x1p-16494L); testfmt("0x1.2345p-16384", "%La", 0x1.2345p-16384L); #else testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a31p0L); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%La", 0x1p-1074L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-1021", "%La", 0x9.8765p-1024L); #endif }
ATF_TC_BODY(decimal_rounding, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); }
ATF_TC_BODY(padding_and_decimal_point_placement, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("03.2E+00", "%08.1E", 3.25); testfmt("003.25", "%06.2F", 3.25); testfmt("0003.25", "%07.4G", 3.25); testfmt("3.14159e-05", "%g", 3.14159e-5); testfmt("0.000314159", "%g", 3.14159e-4); testfmt("3.14159e+06", "%g", 3.14159e6); testfmt("314159", "%g", 3.14159e5); testfmt("314159.", "%#g", 3.14159e5); testfmt(" 9.000000e+03", "%13e", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000.000000", "%12f", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000", "%5g", 9000.0); testfmt(" 900000.", "%#8g", 900000.0); testfmt(" 9e+06", "%6g", 9000000.0); testfmt(" 9.000000e-04", "%13e", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.000900", "%9f", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.0009", "%7g", 0.0009); testfmt(" 9e-05", "%6g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.00000e-05", "%#12g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.e-05", "%#7.1g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 0.0", "%4.1f", 0.0); testfmt("90.0", "%4.1f", 90.0); testfmt(" 100", "%4.0f", 100.0); testfmt("9.0e+01", "%4.1e", 90.0); testfmt("1e+02", "%4.0e", 100.0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("1..2\n"); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* The test requires these to be true. */ assert(UINTMAX_MAX == UINT64_MAX); assert(UINT_MAX == UINT32_MAX); assert(USHRT_MAX == 0xffff); assert(UCHAR_MAX == 0xff); /* * Make sure we handle signed vs. unsigned args correctly. */ testfmt("-1", "%jd", (intmax_t)-1); testfmt(S_UINT64MAX, "%ju", UINT64_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%td", (ptrdiff_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%tu", (size_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%zd", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%zu", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%ld", (long)-1); testfmt(S_ULONGMAX, "%lu", ULONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%lld", (long long)-1); testfmt(S_ULONGMAX, "%lu", ULLONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%d", -1); testfmt(S_UINT32MAX, "%lu", UINT32_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hd", -1); testfmt("65535", "%hu", USHRT_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hhd", -1); testfmt("255", "%hhu", UCHAR_MAX); printf("ok 1 - printbasic signed/unsigned\n"); /* * Check that printing the largest negative number does not cause * overflow when it is negated. */ testfmt(S_INT32MIN, "%d", INT_MIN); testfmt(S_INT64MIN, "%jd", INTMAX_MIN); printf("ok 2 - printbasic INT_MIN\n"); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); printf("1..11\n"); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); #if __ANDROID__ && __x86_64__ && __clang__ /* Print of long double values broken on Android/x86_64 when being built by clang. * See for details. */ #define LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN 1 #else #define LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN 0 #endif /* * Basic tests of decimal output functionality. */ testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13E", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "%13G", 1.0); #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13LE", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13Lf", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1", "%13LG", 1.0L); #endif /* !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN */ testfmt("2.718282", "%.*f", -2, 2.7182818); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%e", 1234567.8); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%f", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%G", 1234567.8); #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%Le", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%Lf", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%LG", 1234567.8L); #endif /* !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN */ #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt("123456789.864210", "%Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("-1.23457E+08", "%LG", -123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("123456789.8642097531", "%.10Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); #if !__gnu_linux__ testfmt(" 3.141592653589793238e-4000", "%L27.18Le", 3.14159265358979323846e-4000L); #endif #endif /* !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN */ #endif printf("ok 1 - printfloat\n"); /* * Infinities and NaNs */ testfmt("nan", "%e", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%F", NAN); testfmt("nan", "%g", NAN); #if !__ANDROID__ /* Temporarily disable this test since it's broken. * See */ testfmt("NAN", "%LE", (long double)NAN); #endif #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt(" nan", "%05e", NAN); #endif testfmt("INF", "%E", HUGE_VAL); testfmt("-inf", "%f", -HUGE_VAL); testfmt("+inf", "%+g", HUGE_VAL); #if !__ANDROID__ /* Temporarily disable these tests since they are broken. * See */ testfmt(" inf", "%4.2Le", HUGE_VALL); testfmt("-inf", "%Lf", -HUGE_VALL); #endif #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt(" inf", "%05e", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" -inf", "%05e", -HUGE_VAL); #endif printf("ok 2 - printfloat\n"); /* * Padding */ testfmt("0.000000e+00", "%e", 0.0); testfmt("0.000000", "%F", (double)0.0); testfmt("0", "%G", 0.0); testfmt(" 0", "%3.0Lg", 0.0L); testfmt(" 0", "%5.0f", 0.001); printf("ok 3 - printfloat\n"); /* * Precision specifiers */ testfmt("1.0123e+00", "%.4e", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.0123", "%.4f", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.012", "%.4g", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.2346e-02", "%.4e", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.0123", "%.4f", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.01235", "%.4g", 0.0123456789); printf("ok 4 - printfloat\n"); /* * Thousands' separators and other locale fun */ testfmt("12345678.0625", "%'.04f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("0012345678.0625", "%'015.4F", 12345678.0625); #if !__gnu_linux__ assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "hi_IN.ISCII-DEV")); /* grouping == 2;3 */ testfmt("123,456,78.0625", "%'.4f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("00123,456,78.0625", "%'017.4F", 12345678.0625); testfmt(" 90,00", "%'6.0f", 9000.0); testfmt("90,00.0", "%'.1f", 9000.0); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "ru_RU.ISO8859-5")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("3,1415", "%g", 3.1415); /* thousands=. decimalpoint=, grouping=3;3 */ assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "el_GR.ISO8859-7")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("1.234,00", "%'.2f", 1234.00); testfmt("123.456,789", "%'.3f", 123456.789); #endif /* !__gnu_linux__ */ assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("12345678.062500", "%'f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("9000.000000", "%'f", 9000.0); printf("ok 5 - printfloat\n"); /* * Signed conversions */ testfmt("+2.500000e-01", "%+e", 0.25); testfmt("+0.000000", "%+F", 0.0); testfmt("-1", "%+g", -1.0); testfmt("-1.000000e+00", "% e", -1.0); testfmt("+1.000000", "% +f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "% g", 1.0); testfmt(" 0", "% g", 0.0); printf("ok 6 - printfloat\n"); /* * ``Alternate form'' */ testfmt("1.250e+00", "%#.3e", 1.25); testfmt("123.000000", "%#f", 123.0); testfmt(" 12345.", "%#7.5g", 12345.0); testfmt(" 1.00000", "%#8g", 1.0); testfmt("0.0", "%#.2g", 0.0); printf("ok 7 - printfloat\n"); /* * Padding and decimal point placement */ testfmt("03.2E+00", "%08.1E", 3.25); testfmt("003.25", "%06.2F", 3.25); testfmt("0003.25", "%07.4G", 3.25); testfmt("3.14159e-05", "%g", 3.14159e-5); testfmt("0.000314159", "%g", 3.14159e-4); testfmt("3.14159e+06", "%g", 3.14159e6); testfmt("314159", "%g", 3.14159e5); testfmt("314159.", "%#g", 3.14159e5); testfmt(" 9.000000e+03", "%13e", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000.000000", "%12f", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000", "%5g", 9000.0); testfmt(" 900000.", "%#8g", 900000.0); testfmt(" 9e+06", "%6g", 9000000.0); testfmt(" 9.000000e-04", "%13e", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.000900", "%9f", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.0009", "%7g", 0.0009); testfmt(" 9e-05", "%6g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.00000e-05", "%#12g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.e-05", "%#7.1g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 0.0", "%4.1f", 0.0); testfmt("90.0", "%4.1f", 90.0); testfmt(" 100", "%4.0f", 100.0); testfmt("9.0e+01", "%4.1e", 90.0); testfmt("1e+02", "%4.0e", 100.0); printf("ok 8 - printfloat\n"); #if __ANDROID__ /* Temporarily disable some tests since they are broken. * See for details. */ #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_DOWNWARD_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_UPWARD_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TOWARDZERO_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TONEAREST_BROKEN 0 #elif defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ <= 15 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_DOWNWARD_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_UPWARD_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TOWARDZERO_BROKEN 1 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TONEAREST_BROKEN 0 #else #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_DOWNWARD_BROKEN 0 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_UPWARD_BROKEN 0 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TOWARDZERO_BROKEN 0 #define FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TONEAREST_BROKEN 0 #endif #if !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_DOWNWARD_BROKEN /* * Decimal rounding */ fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); #endif #endif /* !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_DOWNWARD_BROKEN */ #if !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_UPWARD_BROKEN fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); #endif #endif /* !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_UPWARD_BROKEN */ #if !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TOWARDZERO_BROKEN fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); #endif /* !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TOWARDZERO_BROKEN */ #if !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TONEAREST_BROKEN fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); #endif /* !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN */ #endif /* !FLOAT_DECIMAL_ROUNDING_TONEAREST_BROKEN */ printf("ok 9 - printfloat\n"); /* * Hexadecimal floating point (%a, %A) tests. Some of these * are only valid if the implementation converts to hex digits * on nibble boundaries. */ testfmt("0x0p+0", "%a", 0x0.0p0); testfmt("0X0.P+0", "%#LA", 0x0.0p0L); #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt("inf", "%La", (long double)INFINITY); #endif testfmt("+INF", "%+A", INFINITY); #if !LONG_DOUBLE_PRINT_BROKEN testfmt("nan", "%La", (long double)NAN); #endif testfmt("NAN", "%A", NAN); testfmt(" 0x1.23p+0", "%10a", 0x1.23p0); testfmt(" 0x1.23p-500", "%12a", 0x1.23p-500); testfmt(" 0x1.2p+40", "%10.1a", 0x1.23p40); testfmt(" 0X1.230000000000000000000000P-4", "%32.24A", 0x1.23p-4); #if !__gnu_linux__ testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", 0x1p-1074); testfmt("0x1.2345p-1024", "%a", 0x1.2345p-1024); #endif /* !__gnu_linux__ */ #if !__APPLE__ && !__gnu_linux__ #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64) && !defined(__i386__) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18468p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp0L); testfmt("0x1p-16445", "%La", 0x1p-16445L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-16381", "%La", 0x9.8765p-16384L); #elif (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p0L); testfmt("0x1p-16494", "%La", 0x1p-16494L); testfmt("0x1.2345p-16384", "%La", 0x1.2345p-16384L); #else testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a31p0L); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%La", 0x1p-1074L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-1021", "%La", 0x9.8765p-1024L); #endif #endif /* !__APPLE__ && !__gnu_linux__ */ printf("ok 10 - printfloat\n"); #if __ANDROID__ && __arm__ && __SOFTFP__ /* Temporarily disable this test for ARM soft float since it's broken. * See for details. */ #define FLOAT_HEX_ROUNDING_BROKEN 1 #elif defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ <= 15 #define FLOAT_HEX_ROUNDING_BROKEN 1 #else #define FLOAT_HEX_ROUNDING_BROKEN 0 #endif #if __CRYSTAX__ && __i386__ /* This test fails on x86 emulator so temporarily disable it for such case. * See for details. */ if (crystax_device_type() != CRYSTAX_DEVICE_TYPE_EMULATOR) { #endif #if !FLOAT_HEX_ROUNDING_BROKEN /* * Hexadecimal rounding */ fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); #endif /* !FLOAT_HEX_ROUNDING_BROKEN */ #if __CRYSTAX__ && __i386__ } #endif fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("0x1.23456789abcdep+4", "%a", 0x1.23456789abcdep4); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); #endif #if !__APPLE__ && !__gnu_linux__ testfmt("0x1.00p-1029", "%.2a", 0x1.fffp-1030); testfmt("0x1.00p-1026", "%.2a", 0xf.fffp-1030); #endif /* !__APPLE__ && !__gnu_linux__ */ #if !__APPLE__ || defined(__MAC_10_7) testfmt("0x1.83p+0", "%.2a", 1.51); #endif printf("ok 11 - printfloat\n"); return (0); }
ATF_TC_BODY(infinities_and_nans, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("nan", "%e", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%F", NAN); testfmt("nan", "%g", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%LE", (long double)NAN); testfmt(" nan", "%05e", NAN); testfmt("INF", "%E", HUGE_VAL); testfmt("-inf", "%f", -HUGE_VAL); testfmt("+inf", "%+g", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" inf", "%4.2Le", HUGE_VALL); testfmt("-inf", "%Lf", -HUGE_VALL); testfmt(" inf", "%05e", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" -inf", "%05e", -HUGE_VAL); }
ATF_TC_BODY(int_within_limits, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* The test requires these to be true. */ ATF_REQUIRE(UINTMAX_MAX == UINT64_MAX); ATF_REQUIRE(UINT_MAX == UINT32_MAX); ATF_REQUIRE(USHRT_MAX == 0xffff); ATF_REQUIRE(UCHAR_MAX == 0xff); /* Make sure we handle signed vs. unsigned args correctly. */ testfmt("-1", "%jd", (intmax_t)-1); testfmt(S_UINT64MAX, "%ju", UINT64_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%td", (ptrdiff_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%tu", (size_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%zd", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%zu", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%ld", (long)-1); testfmt(S_ULONGMAX, "%lu", ULONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%lld", (long long)-1); testfmt(S_ULONGMAX, "%lu", ULLONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%d", -1); testfmt(S_UINT32MAX, "%lu", UINT32_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hd", -1); testfmt("65535", "%hu", USHRT_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hhd", -1); testfmt("255", "%hhu", UCHAR_MAX); }
ATF_TC_BODY(int_within_limits, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* The test requires these to be true. */ ATF_REQUIRE(UINTMAX_MAX == UINT64_MAX); ATF_REQUIRE(UINT_MAX == UINT32_MAX); ATF_REQUIRE(USHRT_MAX == 0xffff); ATF_REQUIRE(UCHAR_MAX == 0xff); /* Make sure we handle signed vs. unsigned args correctly. */ testfmt("-1", "%jd", (intmax_t)-1); testfmt(S_UINT64MAX, "%ju", UINT64_MAX); if (sizeof(ptrdiff_t) != sizeof(uintmax_t)) atf_tc_expect_fail("the %%t qualifier is broken on 32-bit " "platforms where there's a mismatch between ptrdiff_t and " "uintmax_t's type width; bug # 191674"); testfmt("-1", "%td", (ptrdiff_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%tu", (size_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%zd", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt(S_SIZEMAX, "%zu", (ssize_t)-1); testfmt("-1", "%ld", (long)-1); testfmt(S_ULONGMAX, "%lu", ULONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%lld", (long long)-1); testfmt(S_ULLONGMAX, "%llu", ULLONG_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%d", -1); testfmt(S_UINT32MAX, "%u", UINT32_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hd", -1); testfmt("65535", "%hu", USHRT_MAX); testfmt("-1", "%hhd", -1); testfmt("255", "%hhu", UCHAR_MAX); }
void IntlTestRBNFParse::TestParse() { // Try various rule parsing errors. Shouldn't crash. logln("RBNF Parse test starting"); // these rules make no sense but behave rationally const char* okrules[] = { "", "random text", "%foo:bar", "%foo: bar", "0:", "0::", ";", ";;", "%%foo:;", ":", "::", ":1", ":;", ":;:;", "-", "-1", "-:", ".", ".1", "[", "]", "[]", "[foo]", "[[]", "[]]", "[[]]", "[][]", "<", "<<", "<<<", "10:;9:;", ">", ">>", ">>>", "=", "==", "===", "=foo=", NULL, }; // these rules would throw exceptions when formatting, if we could throw exceptions const char* exceptrules[] = { "10:", // formatting any value with a one's digit will fail "11: << x", // formating a multiple of 10 causes rollback rule to fail "%%foo: 0 foo; 10: =%%bar=; %%bar: 0: bar; 10: =%%foo=;", NULL, }; // none of these rules should crash the formatter const char** allrules[] = { okrules, exceptrules, NULL, }; for (int j = 0; allrules[j]; ++j) { const char** rules = allrules[j]; for (int i = 0; rules[i]; ++i) { const char* rule = rules[i]; logln("rule[%d] \"%s\"", i, rule); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UParseError perr; RuleBasedNumberFormat* formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(rule, Locale::getUS(), perr, status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { // format some values testfmt(formatter, 20, status); testfmt(formatter, 1.23, status); testfmt(formatter, -123, status); testfmt(formatter, .123, status); testfmt(formatter, 123, status); } else if (status == U_PARSE_ERROR) { logln("perror line: %x offset: %x context: %s|%s", perr.line, perr.offset, perr.preContext, perr.postContext); } delete formatter; } } }
ATF_TC_BODY(hexadecimal_rounding, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("0x1.23456789abcdep+4", "%a", 0x1.23456789abcdep4); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.00p-1029", "%.2a", 0x1.fffp-1030); testfmt("0x1.00p-1026", "%.2a", 0xf.fffp-1030); testfmt("0x1.83p+0", "%.2a", 1.51); }
ATF_TC_BODY(float_within_limits, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* Basic tests of decimal output functionality. */ testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13E", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "%13G", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13LE", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13Lf", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1", "%13LG", 1.0L); testfmt("2.718282", "%.*f", -2, 2.7182818); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%e", 1234567.8); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%f", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%G", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%Le", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%Lf", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%LG", 1234567.8L); #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) testfmt("123456789.864210", "%Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("-1.23457E+08", "%LG", -123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("123456789.8642097531", "%.10Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt(" 3.141592653589793238e-4000", "%L27.18Le", 3.14159265358979323846e-4000L); #endif }
ATF_TC_BODY(thousands_separator_and_other_locale_tests, tc) { ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("12345678.0625", "%'.04f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("0012345678.0625", "%'015.4F", 12345678.0625); ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "hi_IN.ISCII-DEV")); /* grouping == 2;3 */ testfmt("1,23,45,678.0625", "%'.4f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("01,23,45,678.0625", "%'017.4F", 12345678.0625); testfmt(" 9,000", "%'6.0f", 9000.0); testfmt("9,000.0", "%'.1f", 9000.0); ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "ru_RU.ISO8859-5")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("3,1415", "%g", 3.1415); /* thousands=. decimalpoint=, grouping=3;3 */ ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "el_GR.ISO8859-7")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("1.234,00", "%'.2f", 1234.00); testfmt("123.456,789", "%'.3f", 123456.789); ATF_REQUIRE(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("12345678.062500", "%'f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("9000.000000", "%'f", 9000.0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("1..11\n"); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); /* * Basic tests of decimal output functionality. */ testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13E", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "%13G", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13LE", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13Lf", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1", "%13LG", 1.0L); testfmt("2.718282", "%.*f", -2, 2.7182818); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%e", 1234567.8); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%f", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%G", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%Le", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%Lf", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%LG", 1234567.8L); #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) testfmt("123456789.864210", "%Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("-1.23457E+08", "%LG", -123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("123456789.8642097531", "%.10Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt(" 3.141592653589793238e-4000", "%L27.18Le", 3.14159265358979323846e-4000L); #endif printf("ok 1 - printfloat\n"); /* * Infinities and NaNs */ testfmt("nan", "%e", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%F", NAN); testfmt("nan", "%g", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%LE", (long double)NAN); testfmt(" nan", "%05e", NAN); testfmt("INF", "%E", HUGE_VAL); testfmt("-inf", "%f", -HUGE_VAL); testfmt("+inf", "%+g", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" inf", "%4.2Le", HUGE_VALL); testfmt("-inf", "%Lf", -HUGE_VALL); testfmt(" inf", "%05e", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" -inf", "%05e", -HUGE_VAL); printf("ok 2 - printfloat\n"); /* * Padding */ testfmt("0.000000e+00", "%e", 0.0); testfmt("0.000000", "%F", (double)0.0); testfmt("0", "%G", 0.0); testfmt(" 0", "%3.0Lg", 0.0L); testfmt(" 0", "%5.0f", 0.001); printf("ok 3 - printfloat\n"); /* * Precision specifiers */ testfmt("1.0123e+00", "%.4e", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.0123", "%.4f", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.012", "%.4g", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.2346e-02", "%.4e", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.0123", "%.4f", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.01235", "%.4g", 0.0123456789); printf("ok 4 - printfloat\n"); /* * Thousands' separators and other locale fun */ testfmt("12345678.0625", "%'.04f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("0012345678.0625", "%'015.4F", 12345678.0625); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "hi_IN.ISCII-DEV")); /* grouping == 2;3 */ testfmt("123,456,78.0625", "%'.4f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("00123,456,78.0625", "%'017.4F", 12345678.0625); testfmt(" 90,00", "%'6.0f", 9000.0); testfmt("90,00.0", "%'.1f", 9000.0); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "ru_RU.ISO8859-5")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("3,1415", "%g", 3.1415); /* thousands=. decimalpoint=, grouping=3;3 */ assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "el_GR.ISO8859-7")); /* decimalpoint==, */ testfmt("1.234,00", "%'.2f", 1234.00); testfmt("123.456,789", "%'.3f", 123456.789); assert(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C")); testfmt("12345678.062500", "%'f", 12345678.0625); testfmt("9000.000000", "%'f", 9000.0); printf("ok 5 - printfloat\n"); /* * Signed conversions */ testfmt("+2.500000e-01", "%+e", 0.25); testfmt("+0.000000", "%+F", 0.0); testfmt("-1", "%+g", -1.0); testfmt("-1.000000e+00", "% e", -1.0); testfmt("+1.000000", "% +f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "% g", 1.0); testfmt(" 0", "% g", 0.0); printf("ok 6 - printfloat\n"); /* * ``Alternate form'' */ testfmt("1.250e+00", "%#.3e", 1.25); testfmt("123.000000", "%#f", 123.0); testfmt(" 12345.", "%#7.5g", 12345.0); testfmt(" 1.00000", "%#8g", 1.0); testfmt("0.0", "%#.2g", 0.0); printf("ok 7 - printfloat\n"); /* * Padding and decimal point placement */ testfmt("03.2E+00", "%08.1E", 3.25); testfmt("003.25", "%06.2F", 3.25); testfmt("0003.25", "%07.4G", 3.25); testfmt("3.14159e-05", "%g", 3.14159e-5); testfmt("0.000314159", "%g", 3.14159e-4); testfmt("3.14159e+06", "%g", 3.14159e6); testfmt("314159", "%g", 3.14159e5); testfmt("314159.", "%#g", 3.14159e5); testfmt(" 9.000000e+03", "%13e", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000.000000", "%12f", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000", "%5g", 9000.0); testfmt(" 900000.", "%#8g", 900000.0); testfmt(" 9e+06", "%6g", 9000000.0); testfmt(" 9.000000e-04", "%13e", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.000900", "%9f", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.0009", "%7g", 0.0009); testfmt(" 9e-05", "%6g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.00000e-05", "%#12g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.e-05", "%#7.1g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 0.0", "%4.1f", 0.0); testfmt("90.0", "%4.1f", 90.0); testfmt(" 100", "%4.0f", 100.0); testfmt("9.0e+01", "%4.1e", 90.0); testfmt("1e+02", "%4.0e", 100.0); printf("ok 8 - printfloat\n"); /* * Decimal rounding */ fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("4.437", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.437", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.437", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("4.438", "%.3f", 4.4375); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3f", -4.4375); testfmt("4.438", "%.3Lf", 4.4375L); testfmt("-4.438", "%.3Lf", -4.4375L); printf("ok 9 - printfloat\n"); /* * Hexadecimal floating point (%a, %A) tests. Some of these * are only valid if the implementation converts to hex digits * on nibble boundaries. */ testfmt("0x0p+0", "%a", 0x0.0p0); testfmt("0X0.P+0", "%#LA", 0x0.0p0L); testfmt("inf", "%La", (long double)INFINITY); testfmt("+INF", "%+A", INFINITY); testfmt("nan", "%La", (long double)NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%A", NAN); testfmt(" 0x1.23p+0", "%10a", 0x1.23p0); testfmt(" 0x1.23p-500", "%12a", 0x1.23p-500); testfmt(" 0x1.2p+40", "%10.1a", 0x1.23p40); testfmt(" 0X1.230000000000000000000000P-4", "%32.24A", 0x1.23p-4); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", 0x1p-1074); testfmt("0x1.2345p-1024", "%a", 0x1.2345p-1024); #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64) && !defined(__i386__) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18468p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp0L); testfmt("0x1p-16445", "%La", 0x1p-16445L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-16381", "%La", 0x9.8765p-16384L); #elif (LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113) testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p0L); testfmt("0x1p-16494", "%La", 0x1p-16494L); testfmt("0x1.2345p-16384", "%La", 0x1.2345p-16384L); #else testfmt("0x1.921fb54442d18p+1", "%La", 0x3.243f6a8885a31p0L); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%La", 0x1p-1074L); testfmt("0x1.30ecap-1021", "%La", 0x9.8765p-1024L); #endif printf("ok 10 - printfloat\n"); /* * Hexadecimal rounding */ fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABCP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_UPWARD); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23457p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234566p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); testfmt("0x1.23456789abcdep+4", "%a", 0x1.23456789abcdep4); testfmt("0X1.23456789ABDP+0", "%.11A", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", -0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.23456p+0", "%.5a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.234568p+0", "%.6a", 0x1.23456789abcdep0); testfmt("-0x1.234567p+0", "%.6a", -0x1.23456689abcdep0); testfmt("0x1.00p-1029", "%.2a", 0x1.fffp-1030); testfmt("0x1.00p-1026", "%.2a", 0xf.fffp-1030); testfmt("0x1.83p+0", "%.2a", 1.51); printf("ok 11 - printfloat\n"); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * Basic tests of decimal output functionality. */ testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13E", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "%13G", 1.0); testfmt(" 1.000000E+00", "%13LE", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1.000000", "%13Lf", 1.0L); testfmt(" 1", "%13LG", 1.0L); testfmt("2.718282", "%.*f", -2, 2.7182818); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%e", 1234567.8); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%f", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%G", 1234567.8); testfmt("1.234568e+06", "%Le", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1234567.800000", "%Lf", 1234567.8L); testfmt("1.23457E+06", "%LG", 1234567.8L); #if (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) testfmt("123456789.864210", "%Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("-1.23457E+08", "%LG", -123456789.8642097531L); testfmt("123456789.8642097531", "%.10Lf", 123456789.8642097531L); testfmt(" 3.141592653589793238e-4000", "%L27.18Le", 3.14159265358979323846e-4000L); #endif /* (LDBL_MANT_DIG > DBL_MANT_DIG) && !defined(__i386__) */ /* * Infinities and NaNs */ #ifdef NAN testfmt("nan", "%e", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%F", NAN); testfmt("nan", "%g", NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%LE", (long double)NAN); testfmt(" nan", "%05e", NAN); #endif /* NAN */ testfmt("INF", "%E", HUGE_VAL); testfmt("-inf", "%f", -HUGE_VAL); testfmt("+inf", "%+g", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" inf", "%4.2Le", HUGE_VALL); testfmt("-inf", "%Lf", -HUGE_VALL); testfmt(" inf", "%05e", HUGE_VAL); testfmt(" -inf", "%05e", -HUGE_VAL); /* * Padding */ testfmt("0.000000e+00", "%e", 0.0); testfmt("0.000000", "%F", (double)0.0); testfmt("0", "%G", 0.0); testfmt(" 0", "%3.0Lg", 0.0L); testfmt(" 0", "%5.0f", 0.001); /* * Precision specifiers */ testfmt("1.0123e+00", "%.4e", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.0123", "%.4f", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.012", "%.4g", 1.0123456789); testfmt("1.2346e-02", "%.4e", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.0123", "%.4f", 0.0123456789); testfmt("0.01235", "%.4g", 0.0123456789); /* * Signed conversions */ testfmt("+2.500000e-01", "%+e", 0.25); testfmt("+0.000000", "%+F", 0.0); testfmt("-1", "%+g", -1.0); testfmt("-1.000000e+00", "% e", -1.0); testfmt("+1.000000", "% +f", 1.0); testfmt(" 1", "% g", 1.0); testfmt(" 0", "% g", 0.0); /* * ``Alternate form'' */ testfmt("1.250e+00", "%#.3e", 1.25); testfmt("123.000000", "%#f", 123.0); testfmt(" 12345.", "%#7.5g", 12345.0); testfmt(" 1.00000", "%#8g", 1.0); testfmt("0.0", "%#.2g", 0.0); /* * Padding and decimal point placement */ testfmt("03.2E+00", "%08.1E", 3.25); testfmt("003.25", "%06.2F", 3.25); testfmt("0003.25", "%07.4G", 3.25); testfmt("3.14159e-05", "%g", 3.14159e-5); testfmt("0.000314159", "%g", 3.14159e-4); testfmt("3.14159e+06", "%g", 3.14159e6); testfmt("314159", "%g", 3.14159e5); testfmt("314159.", "%#g", 3.14159e5); testfmt(" 9.000000e+03", "%13e", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000.000000", "%12f", 9000.0); testfmt(" 9000", "%5g", 9000.0); testfmt(" 900000.", "%#8g", 900000.0); testfmt(" 9e+06", "%6g", 9000000.0); testfmt(" 9.000000e-04", "%13e", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.000900", "%9f", 0.0009); testfmt(" 0.0009", "%7g", 0.0009); testfmt(" 9e-05", "%6g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.00000e-05", "%#12g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 9.e-05", "%#7.1g", 0.00009); testfmt(" 0.0", "%4.1f", 0.0); testfmt("90.0", "%4.1f", 90.0); testfmt(" 100", "%4.0f", 100.0); testfmt("9.0e+01", "%4.1e", 90.0); testfmt("1e+02", "%4.0e", 100.0); /* * Hexadecimal floating point (%a, %A) tests. Some of these * are only valid if the implementation converts to hex digits * on nibble boundaries. */ testfmt("0x0p+0", "%a", 0x0.0p0); testfmt("0X0.P+0", "%#LA", 0x0.0p0L); #ifdef NAN testfmt("inf", "%La", (long double)INFINITY); testfmt("+INF", "%+A", INFINITY); testfmt("nan", "%La", (long double)NAN); testfmt("NAN", "%A", NAN); #endif /* NAN */ testfmt(" 0x1.23p+0", "%10a", 0x1.23p0); testfmt(" 0x1.23p-500", "%12a", 0x1.23p-500); testfmt(" 0x1.2p+40", "%10.1a", 0x1.23p40); testfmt(" 0X1.230000000000000000000000P-4", "%32.24A", 0x1.23p-4); testfmt("0x1p-1074", "%a", 0x1p-1074); testfmt("0x1.2345p-1024", "%a", 0x1.2345p-1024); return (0); }