Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** Checks if the quaternion is a valid navigation goal, i.e. has non-zero
    * length and is close to vertical. */
  bool isQuaternionValid(const geometry_msgs::Quaternion& q)
    // Ensure that the quaternion does not have NaN's or infinities
    if (!std::isfinite(q.x) || !std::isfinite(q.y) || !std::isfinite(q.z) || !std::isfinite(q.w))
      ROS_WARN("Quaternion has NaN's or infinities.");
      return false;

    // Ensure that the length of the quaternion is not close to zero
    tf::Quaternion tf_q(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
    if (tf_q.length2() < 1e-6)
      ROS_WARN("Quaternion has length close to zero.");
      return false;

    // Normalize the quaternion and check that it transforms the vertical
    // vector correctly
    tf::Vector3 up(0, 0, 1);
    double dot = up.dot(up.rotate(tf_q.getAxis(), tf_q.getAngle()));
    if (fabs(dot - 1) > 1e-3)
      ROS_WARN("The z-axis of the quaternion is not close to vertical.");
      return false;

    return true;
bool upo_RRT_ros::ValidityChecker2::isQuaternionValid(const geometry_msgs::Quaternion q) {
		//first we need to check if the quaternion has nan's or infs
		if(!std::isfinite(q.x) || !std::isfinite(q.y) || !std::isfinite(q.z) || !std::isfinite(q.w)){
			ROS_ERROR("Quaternion has infs!!!!");
			return false;
		if(std::isnan(q.x) || std::isnan(q.y) || std::isnan(q.z) || std::isnan(q.w)) {
			ROS_ERROR("Quaternion has nans !!!");
			return false;
		if(std::fabs(q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z + q.w*q.w - 1) > 0.01) {
			ROS_ERROR("Quaternion malformed, magnitude: %.3f should be 1.0", (q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z + q.w*q.w));
			return false;

		tf::Quaternion tf_q(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);

		//next, we need to check if the length of the quaternion is close to zero
		if(tf_q.length2() < 1e-6){
		  ROS_ERROR("Quaternion has length close to zero... discarding.");
		  return false;

		//next, we'll normalize the quaternion and check that it transforms the vertical vector correctly

		tf::Vector3 up(0, 0, 1);

		double dot = up.dot(up.rotate(tf_q.getAxis(), tf_q.getAngle()));

		if(fabs(dot - 1) > 1e-3){
		  ROS_ERROR("Quaternion is invalid... for navigation the z-axis of the quaternion must be close to vertical.");
		  return false;

		return true;
  // computes a stamped transform for each user joint
    getUserTransform(XnUserID const& user, XnSkeletonJoint joint, std::string const& frame_id, std::string const& child_frame_id)
      XnSkeletonJointPosition joint_position;
      g_UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointPosition(user, joint, joint_position);
      double x = -joint_position.position.X / 1000.0;
      double y = joint_position.position.Y / 1000.0;
      double z = joint_position.position.Z / 1000.0;

      XnSkeletonJointOrientation joint_orientation;
      g_UserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().GetSkeletonJointOrientation(user, joint, joint_orientation);

      XnFloat* m = joint_orientation.orientation.elements;
      btMatrix3x3 mat (m[0], m[1], m[2],
                       m[3], m[4], m[5],
                       m[6], m[7], m[8]);
      btQuaternion q;
      mat.getRotation (q);

      tf::Transform transform;
      transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(x, y, z));
      tf::Quaternion tf_q(q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());

      geometry_msgs::TransformStamped msg;
      // see openni_tracker ticket #4994
      tf::Transform change_frame;
      change_frame.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0, 0, 0));
      tf::Quaternion frame_rotation;
      frame_rotation.setRPY(1.5708, 0, 1.5708);

      transform = change_frame * transform;

      transformStampedTFToMsg (tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), frame_id, child_frame_id), msg);
      return msg;