Ejemplo n.º 1
void QTemporaryDirPrivate::create(const QString &templateName)
    QTemporaryFileName tfn(templateName);
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        QFileSystemEntry fileSystemEntry(tfn.path, QFileSystemEntry::FromNativePath());
        if (QFileSystemEngine::createDirectory(fileSystemEntry, false)) {
            QSystemError error;
                                              QFile::ReadOwner |
                                              QFile::WriteOwner |
                                              QFile::ExeOwner, error);
            if (error.error() != 0) {
                if (!QFileSystemEngine::removeDirectory(fileSystemEntry, false))
                    qWarning() << "Unable to remove unused directory" << templateName;
            success = true;
            pathOrError = fileSystemEntry.filePath();
#  ifdef Q_OS_WIN
        const int exists = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        int code = GetLastError();
#  else
        const int exists = EEXIST;
        int code = errno;
#  endif
        if (code != exists)
    pathOrError = qt_error_string();
    success = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
double prncst ( double st, int idf, double d, int *ifault )


    PRNCST computes the lower tail of noncentral T distribution.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    23 October 2010


    Original FORTRAN77 version by BE Cooper.
    C version by John Burkardt.


    BE Cooper,
    Algorithm AS 5:
    The Integral of the Non-Central T-Distribution,
    Applied Statistics,
    Volume 17, Number 2, 1968, page 193.


    Input, double ST, the argument.

    Input, int IDF, the number of degrees of freedom.

    Input, double D, the noncentrality parameter.

    Output, int *IFAULT, error flag.
    0, no error occurred.
    nonzero, an error occurred.

    Output, double PRNCST, the value of the lower tail of
    the noncentral T distribution.

  Local Parameters:

    Local, double G1, 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * pi)

    Local, double G2, 1.0 / (2.0 * pi)

    Local, double G3, sqrt(2.0 * pi)
  double a;
  double ak;
  double b;
  double da;
  double drb;
  double emin = 12.5;
  double f;
  double fk;
  double fkm1;
  double fmkm1;
  double fmkm2;
  double g1 = 0.3989422804;
  double g2 = 0.1591549431;
  double g3 = 2.5066282746;
  int ioe;
  int k;
  double rb;
  double sum;
  double value;

  f = ( double ) ( idf );
  For very large IDF, use the normal approximation.
  if ( 100 < idf )
    *ifault = 1;

    a = sqrt ( 0.5 * f ) 
    * exp ( alngam ( 0.5 * ( f - 1.0 ), &k ) 
    - alngam ( 0.5 * f, &k ) ) * d;

    value = alnorm ( ( st - a ) / sqrt ( f * ( 1.0 + d * d ) 
    / ( f - 2.0 ) - a * a ), 0 );
    return value;

  *ifault = 0;
  ioe = ( idf % 2 );
  a = st / sqrt ( f );
  b = f / ( f + st * st );
  rb = sqrt ( b );
  da = d * a;
  drb = d * rb;

  if ( idf == 1 )
    value = alnorm ( drb, 1 ) + 2.0 * tfn ( drb, a );
    return value;

  sum = 0.0;

  if ( r8_abs ( drb ) < emin )
    fmkm2 = a * rb * exp ( - 0.5 * drb * drb ) 
    * alnorm ( a * drb, 0 ) * g1;
    fmkm2 = 0.0;

  fmkm1 = b * da * fmkm2;

  if ( r8_abs ( d ) < emin )
    fmkm1 = fmkm1 + b * a * g2 * exp ( - 0.5 * d * d );

  if ( ioe == 0 )
    sum = fmkm2;
    sum = fmkm1;

  ak = 1.0;
  fk = 2.0;

  for ( k = 2; k <= idf - 2; k = k + 2 )
    fkm1 = fk - 1.0;
    fmkm2 = b * ( da * ak * fmkm1 + fmkm2 ) * fkm1 / fk;
    ak = 1.0 / ( ak * fkm1 );
    fmkm1 = b * ( da * ak * fmkm2 + fmkm1 ) * fk / ( fk + 1.0 );

    if ( ioe == 0 )
      sum = sum + fmkm2;
      sum = sum + fmkm1;
    ak = 1.0 / ( ak * fk );
    fk = fk + 2.0;

  if ( ioe == 0 )
    value = alnorm ( d, 1 ) + sum * g3;
    value = alnorm ( drb, 1 ) + 2.0 * ( sum + tfn ( drb, a ) );

  return value;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CWedDoc::SaveBackup(const char *docname)

	CString	 num, filename = docname;

	if(access(docname, 0) < 0)
		num.Format("File %s does not exist, did make auto backup ", filename);

	// Save only if smaller then 2 Meg
	if(docstat.st_size > MAX_BACKUP)
		num.Format("File is too large for auto backup ", filename);

	// Truncate up tp the first backslash
	int idx; CString tfn(docname);

	idx = tfn.Find("\\\\");
	if(idx >= 0)
		tfn = tfn.Right(tfn.GetLength() - (idx + 1) );
		idx = tfn.Find('\\');
		if(idx >= 0)
			tfn = tfn.Right(tfn.GetLength() - (idx) );

	CString fbackup;
	//int hhh = HashString(docname);

	fbackup.Format("%sbackup%s", dataroot, tfn);

	CString fbdir(fbackup);
	fbdir += "history\\"; fbdir += filename;

	//P2N("Sent backup copy to: %s\r\n", fbackup);

	// See if backup file exists already
    struct _stat docstat_o, docstat_b;

	_stat(docname, &docstat_o);

	CTime ct(docstat_o.st_mtime);
	CString datestr = ct.Format(".%a_%b_%d_%Y--%H_%M");
	fbdir += datestr;

	//P2N("Sent backup history to: %s\r\n", fbdir);

	// If backup is less than ....
	if(_stat(fbackup, &docstat_b) >=0)
		//P2N("Document %s m_time=%d BackupFile m_time=%d \r\n",
        //              docname, docstat_o.st_mtime,  docstat_b.st_mtime );

		//if((docstat_o.st_mtime -  docstat_b.st_mtime) > 10)
			//P2N("***Backing up: %s\r\n", fbackup);
			rename(fbackup, fbdir);

 	CFile cf;
	if(cf.Open(fbackup, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ))
		num.Format("Saving backup copy %s ", filename);
		CArchive ar(&cf, CArchive::store);
		Serialize(ar, fbackup);
		num.Format("Could not create backup copy of %s ", filename);
		//P2N("Cannot create backup copy of: %s\r\n", droot);