Ejemplo n.º 1
void LightMap::drawMarks(QPainter& painter)
  //    QList<QSharedPointer<DataMark> > marks = m_marks.values();
  double tdim=256.;
  QPointF center=tileForCoordinate(m_normalMap->latitude,m_normalMap->longitude,m_normalMap->zoom);
  QPointF pos,posOnMap,winCenter(m_normalMap->width/2,m_normalMap->height/2);
  //Add here time and count filter
  QSettings settings(QSettings::SystemScope,"osll","libs");
  int markAge=0;
  int maxAgeOfMark=settings.value("timeLimit").toInt();
  int marksCount=settings.value("marksCount").toInt();
  //Getting list of all channels, wich marks are in request
  QList<QSharedPointer<DataMark> > marks;
  QList<QSharedPointer<Channel> > channels=m_marks.uniqueKeys();
  for (int j=0;j<channels.size();j++)
    qSort(marks.begin(), marks.end(), qGreater<QSharedPointer<DataMark> >());
    for (int i=0; i < qMin(marksCount, marks.size()) ; i++)
      qDebug() << "current mark age "<< markAge;
      if( markAge<maxAgeOfMark)
        this->drawMarkIco(painter, posOnMap, marks.at(i),channels.at(j));

Ejemplo n.º 2
QPointF MapWidget::getMarkerScreenCoordinate(const MapMarker &marker) const
    QPointF center = tileForCoordinate(latitude, longitude, ZOOM);
    qreal hCenter = width()/2.0;
    qreal vCenter = height()/2.0;

    QPointF latLong = marker.getLatLong();
    QPointF tile = tileForCoordinate(latLong.x(), latLong.y(), ZOOM);
    qreal x = hCenter - ((center.x() - tile.x()) * TILES_SIZE);
    qreal y = vCenter - ((center.y() - tile.y()) * TILES_SIZE);
    return QPointF(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
QRectF MapWidget::computeMinimumRect(int zoom) const
    QPointF center = tileForCoordinate(latitude, longitude, zoom);
    QPointF min = tileForCoordinate(getMinimumLatLongInMarkers(), zoom);
    QPointF max = tileForCoordinate(getMaximumLatLongInMarkers(), zoom);
    qreal hCenter = width()/2.0;
    qreal vCenter = height()/2.0;
    qreal left = hCenter - ((center.x() - min.x()) * TILES_SIZE);
    qreal top = vCenter - ((center.y() - min.y()) * TILES_SIZE);
    qreal right = hCenter - ((center.x() - max.x()) * TILES_SIZE);
    qreal bottom = vCenter - ((center.y() - max.y()) * TILES_SIZE);
    return QRectF(QPointF(left, top), QPointF(right, bottom));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MapWidget::invalidate()
    if (width() <= 0 || height() <= 0)

    QPointF center = tileForCoordinate(latitude, longitude, ZOOM);
    qreal tileX = center.x();
    qreal tileY = center.y();

    // top-left corner of the center tile
    int xp = width() / 2 - (tileX - floor(tileX)) * TILES_SIZE;
    int yp = height() / 2 - (tileY - floor(tileY)) * TILES_SIZE;

    // first tile vertical and horizontal
    int xa = (xp + TILES_SIZE - 1) / TILES_SIZE;
    int ya = (yp + TILES_SIZE - 1) / TILES_SIZE;
    int xs = static_cast<int>(tileX) - xa;
    int ys = static_cast<int>(tileY) - ya;

    // offset for top-left tile
    offset = QPoint(xp - xa * TILES_SIZE, yp - ya * TILES_SIZE);

    // last tile vertical and horizontal
    int xe = static_cast<int>(tileX) + (width() - xp - 1) / TILES_SIZE;
    int ye = static_cast<int>(tileY) + (height() - yp - 1) / TILES_SIZE;

    // build a rect
    tilesRect = QRect(xs, ys, xe - xs + 1, ye - ys + 1);

Ejemplo n.º 5
void SlippyMap::invalidate()
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)

    const QPointF ct = tileForCoordinate(latitude, longitude, zoom);
    const qreal tx = ct.x();
    const qreal ty = ct.y();

    // top-left corner of the center tile
    const int xp = width / 2 - (tx - floor(tx)) * tdim;
    const int yp = height / 2 - (ty - floor(ty)) * tdim;

    // first tile vertical and horizontal
    const int xa = (xp + tdim - 1) / tdim;
    const int ya = (yp + tdim - 1) / tdim;
    const int xs = static_cast<int>(tx) - xa;
    const int ys = static_cast<int>(ty) - ya;

    // offset for top-left tile
    m_offset = QPoint(xp - xa * tdim, yp - ya * tdim);

    // last tile vertical and horizontal
    const int xe = static_cast<int>(tx) + (width - xp - 1) / tdim;
    const int ye = static_cast<int>(ty) + (height - yp - 1) / tdim;

    // build a rect
    m_tilesRect = QRect(xs, ys, xe - xs + 1, ye - ys + 1);

    if (m_url.isEmpty())

    emit updated(QRect(0, 0, width, height));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void SlippyMap::pan(const QPoint &delta)
    const QPointF dx = QPointF(delta) / qreal(tdim);
    const QPointF center = tileForCoordinate(latitude, longitude, zoom) - dx;
    latitude = latitudeFromTile(center.y(), zoom);
    longitude = longitudeFromTile(center.x(), zoom);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void TilesMap::calcTilesRect()
    QPointF ct = tileForCoordinate(m_center);
    qreal tx = ct.x();
    qreal ty = ct.y();

    m_tileCenter = QPoint(floor(tx), floor(ty));

    int xp = m_width / 2 - (tx - floor(tx)) * TILE_SIZE;
    int yp = m_height / 2 - (ty - floor(ty)) * TILE_SIZE;

    int xa = (xp + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
    int ya = (yp + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
    int xs = static_cast<int>(tx) - xa;
    int ys = static_cast<int>(ty) - ya;

    m_offset = QPoint(xp - xa * TILE_SIZE, yp - ya * TILE_SIZE);

    int xe = static_cast<int>(tx) + (m_width - xp - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
    int ye = static_cast<int>(ty) + (m_height - yp - 1) / TILE_SIZE;

    m_tilesRect = QRect(xs, ys, xe - xs + 1, ye - ys + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
QPointF tileForCoordinate(QPointF latLong, int zoom)
    return tileForCoordinate(latLong.x(), latLong.y(), zoom);