Ejemplo n.º 1
bool isSameDay(time_t t1, time_t t2)
	tm tm1 = timeToTm(t1);
	tm tm2 = timeToTm(t2);
	if ( tm1.tm_year == tm2.tm_year
		&& tm1.tm_yday == tm2.tm_yday)
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool LogerManager::openLogger(LogData * pLog)
	int id = pLog->_id;
	if (id < 0 || id >_lastId)
		showColorText("log4z: openLogger can not open, invalide logger id! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
		return false;

	LoggerInfo * pLogger = &_loggers[id];
	if (!pLogger->_enable || !pLogger->_outfile || pLog->_level < pLogger->_level)
		return false;

	bool sameday = isSameDay(pLog->_time, pLogger->_curFileCreateTime);
	bool needChageFile = pLogger->_curWriteLen > pLogger->_limitsize * 1024 * 1024;
	if (!sameday || needChageFile || pLogger->_hotChange)
		if (!sameday || pLogger->_hotChange)
			pLogger->_curFileIndex = 0;
		if (pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
	if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
		pLogger->_curFileCreateTime = pLog->_time;
		pLogger->_curWriteLen = 0;

		tm t = timeToTm(pLogger->_curFileCreateTime);
		std::string name;
		std::string path;
		name = pLogger->_name;
		path = pLogger->_path;
		pLogger->_hotChange = false;
		char buf[100] = { 0 };
		if (pLogger->_monthdir)
			sprintf(buf, "%04d_%02d/", t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1);
			path += buf;

		if (!isDirectory(path))

		sprintf(buf, "%s_%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d_%s_%03d.log",
			name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday,
			t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, _pid.c_str(), pLogger->_curFileIndex);
		path += buf;
		pLogger->_handle.open(path.c_str(), "ab");
		if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
			pLogger->_outfile = false;
			return false;
		return true;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool LogerManager::openLogger(LogData * pLog)
    int id = pLog->_id;
    if (id < 0 || id >_lastId)
        showColorText("log4z: openLogger can not open, invalide logger id! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
        return false;

    LoggerInfo * pLogger = &_loggers[id];
    if (!pLogger->_enable || !pLogger->_outfile || pLog->_level < pLogger->_level)
        return false;

    bool sameday = isSameDay(pLog->_time, pLogger->_curFileCreateTime);
    bool needChageFile = pLogger->_curWriteLen > pLogger->_limitsize * 1024 * 1024;
    if (!sameday || needChageFile)
        if (!sameday)
            pLogger->_curFileIndex = 0;
        if (pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
    if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
        pLogger->_curFileCreateTime = pLog->_time;
        pLogger->_curWriteLen = 0;

        tm t = timeToTm(pLogger->_curFileCreateTime);
        std::string name;
        std::string path;

        name = pLogger->_name;
        path = pLogger->_path;

        char buf[500] = { 0 };
        if (pLogger->_monthdir)
            sprintf(buf, "%04d_%02d/", t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1);
            path += buf;

        if (!isDirectory(path))

        sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d_%s_%03u.log",
            _proName.c_str(), name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday,
            t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, _pid.c_str(), pLogger->_curFileIndex);
        path += buf;
        pLogger->_handle.open(path.c_str(), "ab");
        if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen())
			sprintf(buf, "log4z: can not open log file %s. \r\n", path.c_str());
            showColorText("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
            showColorText(buf, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
            showColorText("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
            pLogger->_outfile = false;
            return false;
		if (pLogger->_logReserveTime > 0 )
			if (pLogger->_historyLogs.size() > LOG4Z_FORCE_RESERVE_FILE_COUNT)
				while (!pLogger->_historyLogs.empty() && pLogger->_historyLogs.front().first < time(NULL) - pLogger->_logReserveTime)
			pLogger->_historyLogs.push_back(std::make_pair(time(NULL), path));
        return true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool LogerManager::pushLog(LoggerId id, int level, const char * log, const char * file, int line)
	// discard log
	if (id < 0 || id > _lastId || !_runing || !_loggers[id]._enable)
		return false;

	//filter log
	if (level < _loggers[id]._level)
		return false;

	//create log data
	LogData * pLog = new LogData;
	pLog->_id =id;
	pLog->_level = level;
	//append precise time to log
#ifdef WIN32
		unsigned long long now = ft.dwHighDateTime;
		now <<= 32;
		now |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
		now /=10;
		now -=11644473600000000ULL;
		now /=1000;
		pLog->_time = now/1000;
		pLog->_precise = (unsigned int)(now%1000);
		struct timeval tm;
		gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
		pLog->_time = tm.tv_sec;
		pLog->_precise = tm.tv_usec/1000;

	//format log
		tm tt = timeToTm(pLog->_time);
		if (file == NULL || !_loggers[pLog->_id]._fileLine)
#ifdef WIN32
			int ret = _snprintf_s(pLog->_content, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE, _TRUNCATE, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %s \r\n",
				tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise,
				LOG_STRING[pLog->_level], log);
			if (ret == -1)
				ret = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - 1;
			pLog->_contentLen = ret;
			int ret = snprintf(pLog->_content, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %s \r\n",
				tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise,
				LOG_STRING[pLog->_level], log);
			if (ret == -1)
				ret = 0;
			if (ret >= LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE)
				ret = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE-1;

			pLog->_contentLen = ret;
			const char * pNameBegin = file+strlen(file);
				if (*pNameBegin == '\\' || *pNameBegin == '/'){ pNameBegin++; break;}
				if (pNameBegin == file){break;}
			} while (true);
#ifdef WIN32
			int ret = _snprintf_s(pLog->_content, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE, _TRUNCATE, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %s (%s):%d \r\n",
				tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise,
				LOG_STRING[pLog->_level], log, pNameBegin, line);
			if (ret == -1)
				ret = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - 1;
			pLog->_contentLen = ret;
			int ret = snprintf(pLog->_content, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %s (%s):%d \r\n",
				tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise,
				LOG_STRING[pLog->_level], log, pNameBegin, line);
			if (ret == -1)
				ret = 0;
			if (ret >= LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE)
				ret = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE-1;

			pLog->_contentLen = ret;
		if (pLog->_contentLen >= 2)
			pLog->_content[pLog->_contentLen - 2] = '\r';
			pLog->_content[pLog->_contentLen - 1] = '\n';

	if (_loggers[pLog->_id]._display && LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT)
		showColorText(pLog->_content, pLog->_level);

#ifdef WIN32

	if (_loggers[pLog->_id]._outfile && LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT)
		AutoLock l(_logLock);
		if (openLogger(pLog))
			_loggers[pLog->_id]._handle.write(pLog->_content, pLog->_contentLen);
			_ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes += pLog->_contentLen;

		delete pLog;
		return true;
	AutoLock l(_logLock);
	_ullStatusTotalPushLog ++;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
LogData * LogerManager::makeLogData(LoggerId id, int level)
    LogData * pLog = NULL;
    if (true)
        if (!_freeLogDatas.empty())
            AutoLock l(_logLock);
            if (!_freeLogDatas.empty())
                pLog = _freeLogDatas.back();
        if (pLog == NULL)
            pLog = new LogData();
    //append precise time to log
    if (true)
        pLog->_id = id;
        pLog->_level = level;
        pLog->_type = LDT_GENERAL;
        pLog->_typeval = 0;
        pLog->_contentLen = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
        FILETIME ft;
        unsigned long long now = ft.dwHighDateTime;
        now <<= 32;
        now |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
        now /= 10;
        now -= 11644473600000000ULL;
        now /= 1000;
        pLog->_time = now / 1000;
        pLog->_precise = (unsigned int)(now % 1000);
        struct timeval tm;
        gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
        pLog->_time = tm.tv_sec;
        pLog->_precise = tm.tv_usec / 1000;

    //format log
    if (true)
        tm tt = timeToTm(pLog->_time);

        pLog->_contentLen = sprintf(pLog->_content, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03u %s ",
            tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise,
        if (pLog->_contentLen < 0)
            pLog->_contentLen = 0;
    return pLog;