Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Finds eigenvector s of T and returns residual norm. */
Tevec (
    double *alpha,		/* vector of Lanczos scalars */
    double *beta,			/* vector of Lanczos scalars */
    int j,			/* number of Lanczos iterations taken */
    double ritz,			/* approximate eigenvalue  of T */
    double *s			/* approximate eigenvector of T */
    extern double SRESTOL;      /* limit on relative residual tol for evec of T */
    extern double DOUBLE_MAX;	/* maximum double precision value */
    int       i;		/* index */
    double    residual=0.0;	/* how well recurrence gives eigenvector */
    double    temp;		/* used to compute residual */
    double   *work;		/* temporary work vector allocated within if used */
    double    w[MAXDIMS + 1];	/* holds eigenvalue for tinvit */
    long      index[MAXDIMS +1];/* index vector for tinvit */
    long      ierr;		/* error flag for tinvit */
    long      nevals;		/* number of evals sought */
    long      long_j;		/* long copy of j for tinvit interface */
    double    hurdle;		/* hurdle for local maximum in recurrence */
    double    prev_resid;	/* stores residual from previous computation */

    int       tinvit_();	/* eispack's tinvit for evecs of symmetric T */
    double   *mkvec();		/* allocates double vectors */
    void      frvec();		/* frees double vectors */
    double    bidir();		/* bidirectional recurrence for evec of T */
    void      cpvec();		/* vector copy routine */

	s[1] = 1.0;

	if (j == 1) {
	    residual = fabs(alpha[1] - ritz);

	if (j >= 2) { 
	    /*Bidirectional recurrence - corrected and modified from Parlett and Reid, 
              "Tracking the Progress of the Lanczos Algorithm ..., IMA JNA 1, 1981 */
	    hurdle = 1.0;
	    residual = bidir(alpha,beta,j,ritz,s,hurdle);

	if (residual > SRESTOL) {
	    /* Try again with Eispack's Tinvit iteration */
	    index[1] = 1;
	    work = mkvec(1, 7*j);	/* lump things to save mallocs */
	    w[1] = ritz;
	    work[1] = 0;
	    for (i = 2; i <= j; i++) {
	        work[i] = beta[i] * beta[i];
	    nevals = 1;
	    long_j = j;

	    /* save the previously computed evec in case it's better */ 
	    prev_resid = residual;

	    tinvit_(&long_j, &long_j, &(alpha[1]), &(beta[1]), &(work[1]), &nevals,
		&(w[1]), &(index[1]), &(s[1]), &ierr, &(work[j+1]), &(work[(2*j)+1]), 
	    	&(work[(3*j)+1]), &(work[(4*j)+1]), &(work[(5*j)+1]));

	    /* fix up sign if needed */
	    if (s[j] < 0) {
	        for(i=1; i<=j; i++) {
		    s[i] = - s[i];

	    if (ierr != 0) {
	        residual = DOUBLE_MAX;
	        /* ... don't want to use evec since it is set to zero */

	    else {
	        temp = (alpha[1] - ritz) * s[1] + beta[2] * s[2];
	        residual = temp * temp;
	        for (i = 2; i < j; i++) {
		    temp = beta[i] * s[i - 1] + (alpha[i] - ritz) * s[i] 
                         + beta[i + 1] * s[i + 1];
		    residual += temp * temp;
	        temp = beta[j] * s[j - 1] + (alpha[j] - ritz) * s[j];
	        residual += temp * temp;
	        residual = sqrt(residual);
	        /* tinvit normalizes, so we don't need to. */

	    /* restore previous evec if it had a better residual */
	    if (prev_resid < residual) {
	        residual = prev_resid;
	    	SRES_SWITCHES++; /* count since switching back as well */

	    frvec(work, 1);

    return (residual);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int mri_svd_shrink( MRI_IMAGE *fim , float tau , float *sv )
   int nn , n1 , mm , ii,jj,kk , kbot,mev ;
   MRI_IMAGE *aim ;
   double *asym,*sval,*eval, *fv1,*fv2,*fv3,*fv4,*fv5,*fv6,*fv7,*fv8,*vv ;
   register double sum ; register float *xk ; float *xx ;
   integer imm , imev , *iv1 , ierr ;
   double tcut ;

   if( fim == NULL || fim->kind != MRI_float || tau <= 0.0f ) return -1 ;

   nn = fim->nx ; mm = fim->ny ;      if( nn < mm || mm < 2 ) return -1 ;
   xx = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ;                 if( xx == NULL ) return -1 ;
   n1 = nn-1 ; tcut = (double)tau ;

   aim  = mri_make_xxt( fim ) ;             if( aim == NULL ) return -1 ;

   asym = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(aim) ;                  /* symmetric matrix */
   eval = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),mm) ;  /* its eigenvalues */
   sval = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*mm) ;  /* scaling values */

   /** reduction to tridiagonal form (stored in fv1..3) **/

   fv1 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;  /* workspaces */
   fv2 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv3 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv4 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv5 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv6 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv7 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   fv8 = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(mm+9)) ;
   iv1 = (integer *)malloc(sizeof(integer)*(mm+9)) ;
   imm = (integer)mm ;

   tred1_( &imm , &imm , asym , fv1,fv2,fv3 ) ;

   /** find all the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix **/

   (void)imtqlv_( &imm , fv1,fv2,fv3 , eval , iv1 , &ierr , fv4 ) ;

   /** convert to singular values [ascending order],
       and then to scaling values for eigenvectors  **/

   kbot = -1 ;  /* index of first nonzero scaling value */
   for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
     sval[ii] = (eval[ii] <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : sqrt(eval[ii]) ;
     if( sv != NULL ) sv[ii] = (float)sval[ii] ;  /* save singular values */
     if( sval[ii] <= tcut ){   /* too small ==> scaling value is zero */
       sval[ii] = 0.0 ;
     } else {                  /* scale factor for ii-th eigenvector (< 1) */
       sval[ii] = (sval[ii]-tcut) / sval[ii] ;
       if( kbot < 0 ) kbot = ii ;

   if( kbot < 0 ){  /*** all singular values are smaller than tau? ***/
     free(iv1) ;
     free(fv8) ; free(fv7) ; free(fv6) ; free(fv5) ;
     free(fv4) ; free(fv3) ; free(fv2) ; free(fv1) ;
     free(sval) ; mri_free(aim) ; return -1 ;

   /** find eigenvectors, starting at the kbot-th one **/

   mev = mm - kbot ;  /* number of eigenvectors to compute */
   vv  = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),mm*mev) ;

   if( kbot > 0 ){  /* shift scaling values down to start at index=0 */
     for( kk=0 ; kk < mev ; kk++ ) sval[kk] = sval[kk+kbot] ;

   imev = (integer)mev ;
   (void)tinvit_( &imm , &imm , fv1,fv2,fv3 , &imev , eval+kbot , iv1 ,
                  vv , &ierr , fv4,fv5,fv6,fv7,fv8 ) ;

   /** back transform eigenvectors to original space **/

   (void)trbak1_( &imm , &imm , asym , fv2 , &imev , vv ) ;

   free(iv1) ;
   free(fv8) ; free(fv7) ; free(fv6) ; free(fv5) ;
   free(fv4) ; free(fv3) ; free(fv2) ; free(fv1) ; free(eval) ;

   /** form m x m transformation matrix [V] diag[sval] [V]' into asym **/

   for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
     for( jj=0 ; jj <= ii ; jj++ ){
       sum = 0.0 ;
       for( kk=0 ; kk < mev ; kk++ )
         sum += vv[ii+kk*mm]*vv[jj+kk*mm]*sval[kk] ;
       A(ii,jj) = sum ; if( jj < ii ) A(jj,ii) = sum ;
   free(vv) ; free(sval) ;

   /** transform input matrix (in place) **/

   xk = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*mm) ;
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
     for( jj=0 ; jj < mm ; jj++ ){
       sum = 0.0 ;
       for( kk=0 ; kk < mm ; kk++ ) sum += xx[ii+kk*nn]*A(kk,jj) ;
       xk[jj] = (float)sum ;
     for( kk=0 ; kk < mm ; kk++ ) xx[ii+kk*nn] = xk[kk] ;

   /** vamoose the ranch **/

   free(xk) ; mri_free(aim) ;
   return mev ;