bool ejson::internal::Document::load(const std::string& _file) { // Start loading the XML : EJSON_VERBOSE("open file (xml) \"" << _file << "\""); clear(); etk::FSNode tmpFile(_file); if (false == tmpFile.exist()) { EJSON_ERROR("File Does not exist : " << _file); return false; } int64_t fileSize = tmpFile.fileSize(); if (0 == fileSize) { EJSON_ERROR("This file is empty : " << _file); return false; } if (false == tmpFile.fileOpenRead()) { EJSON_ERROR("Can not open (r) the file : " << _file); return false; } // allocate data std::vector<char> fileBuffer; fileBuffer.resize(fileSize+5, 0); // load data from the file : tmpFile.fileRead(&fileBuffer[0], 1, fileSize); // close the file: tmpFile.fileClose(); std::string tmpDataUnicode(&fileBuffer[0]); // parse the data : bool ret = parse(tmpDataUnicode); //Display(); return ret; }
bool HelpViewer::launchedWithExternalApp(const QUrl &url) { bool isPdf = url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf")); if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("http") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("ftp") || url.scheme() == QLatin1String("mailto") || isPdf) { bool launched = false; if (isPdf && url.scheme() == QLatin1String("qthelp")) { const QString& path = url.path(); const int lastDash = path.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')); QString fileName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator(); if (lastDash < 0) fileName += path; else fileName += path.mid(lastDash + 1, path.length()); QFile tmpFile(QDir::cleanPath(fileName)); if ( { tmpFile.write(helpEngine->fileData(url)); tmpFile.close(); } launched = QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tmpFile.fileName())); } else { launched = QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } if (!launched) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Help"), tr("Unable to launch external application.\n"), tr("OK")); } return true; } return false; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Function definitions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Logger::setFileLocation(const std::string& path) { ///////////////////////////////////////// // The following is a hack. // It's necessary because gcc won't support // move semantics for streams until // version 5 ///////////////////////////////////////// // Attempt to open new log file std::ofstream tmpFile(path); // Bail if file open failed if(!tmpFile) { logMessage("Logger couldn't set file location to ", path); return; } tmpFile.close(); // On success, check if a log file is already open and close it if(file) { file.close(); } // Set new log file; }
static bool removeDirectory(QString dirName) { QDir dir(dirName); QString tmpdir =""; if(!dir.exists()){ return false; } QFileInfoList fileInfoList = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach(QFileInfo fileInfo, fileInfoList) { if(fileInfo.fileName()=="."|| fileInfo.fileName()=="..") continue; if(fileInfo.isDir()){ tmpdir = dirName +("/")+ fileInfo.fileName(); removeDirectory(tmpdir); dir.rmdir(fileInfo.fileName());/**< 移除子目录 */ } else if(fileInfo.isFile()){ QFile tmpFile(fileInfo.fileName()); dir.remove(tmpFile.fileName());/**< 删除临时文件 */ } else{ ; } } dir.cdUp(); /**< 返回上级目录,因为只有返回上级目录,才可以删除这个目录 */ if(dir.exists(dirName)){ if(!dir.rmdir(dirName)) return false; } return true; }
static BaseEngine *psgz2pdf(const WCHAR *fileName) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> tmpFile(path::GetTempPath(L"PsE")); ScopedFile tmpFileScope(tmpFile); if (!tmpFile) return NULL; gzFile inFile = gzopen_w(fileName, "rb"); if (!inFile) return NULL; FILE *outFile = NULL; errno_t err = _wfopen_s(&outFile, tmpFile, L"wb"); if (err != 0 || !outFile) { gzclose(inFile); return NULL; } char buffer[12*1024]; for (;;) { int len = gzread(inFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len <= 0) break; fwrite(buffer, 1, len, outFile); } fclose(outFile); gzclose(inFile); return ps2pdf(tmpFile); }
GdbCoreEngine::~GdbCoreEngine() { if (false && !m_tempCoreName.isEmpty()) { QFile tmpFile(m_tempCoreName); tmpFile.remove(); } }
void PluginBase::writeTempFile( XMP_IORef srcFileRef, XMP_IORef tmpFileRef, XMP_StringPtr xmpStr ) { IOAdapter srcFile( srcFileRef ); IOAdapter tmpFile( tmpFileRef ); std::string buffer( xmpStr ); this->writeTempFile( srcFile, tmpFile, buffer ); }
bool SubversionBackend::AppendText(const QString path, const QString text) { QString repoPath(path); QString fileName = QFileInfo(path).baseName(); repoPath.replace(QRegExp("\\/[^\\/]+$"), ""); QTemporaryFile tmpFile("changelogger"); QString tmpPath; if (! { return false; } tmpPath = tmpFile.fileName(); tmpFile.remove(); QDir(QDir::tempPath()).mkdir(tmpPath); tmpPath.prepend(QDir::separator()); tmpPath.prepend(QDir::tempPath()); if (QProcess::execute("svn", QStringList() << "co" << "--depth" << "files" << repoPath << tmpPath) != 0) { qDebug() << "Fehler beim auschecken nach: " << tmpPath; SubversionBackend::RecursiveRemove(tmpPath); return false; } qDebug() << "Checkout liegt in: " << tmpPath; qDebug() << "Filename ist: " << fileName; QString localChangeLogPath = tmpPath + QDir::separator() + fileName; QFile file(localChangeLogPath); if (! { qDebug() << localChangeLogPath + " kann nicht zum lesen geöffnet werden!"; SubversionBackend::RecursiveRemove(tmpPath); return false; } QString oldContent = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()); file.close(); if (! | QFile::Truncate)) { qDebug() << localChangeLogPath + " kann nicht zum schreiben geöffnet werden!"; SubversionBackend::RecursiveRemove(tmpPath); return false; } file.write(text.trimmed().toUtf8()); file.write("\n\n"); file.write(oldContent.trimmed().toUtf8()); file.write("\n"); file.close(); qDebug() << localChangeLogPath + " geschrieben!"; if (QProcess::execute("svn", QStringList() << "ci" << localChangeLogPath << "-m" << "Update via ChangeLogger") != 0) { qDebug() << "Fehler beim Check-In: " + tmpPath; return false; } SubversionBackend::RecursiveRemove(tmpPath); return true; }
void TwitterAdapter::getHisJson(string type, string hisID, Json::Value& theJson){ cleanTmpFile(); char cmd[500]; sprintf(cmd, "php ./fetch_TWdata.php %s %s %s %s %s", accessToken.c_str(), accessTokenSecret.c_str(),type.c_str(), hisID.c_str(), tmpFileName); system(cmd); ifstream tmpFile(tmpFileName); tmpFile>> theJson; }
void TestQgsOpenClUtils::testProgramSource() { QgsOpenClUtils::setSourcePath( QDir::tempPath() ); QTemporaryFile tmpFile( QDir::tempPath() + "/" ); ); tmpFile.write( QByteArray::fromStdString( source( ) ) ); tmpFile.flush(); QString baseName = tmpFile.fileName().replace( ".cl", "" ).replace( QDir::tempPath(), "" ); QVERIFY( ! QgsOpenClUtils::sourceFromBaseName( baseName ).isEmpty() ); }
//??? void Photos::deleteImage() { if( 0 == imageList.size()) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Warn"), tr("No picture"),QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QMessageBox::StandardButton select = QMessageBox::question(NULL,"Warning", tr("Delete is?"),QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); if(QMessageBox::Yes == select) { imageList.takeAt(position); QDir dir(dirPath); QFileInfoList fileList; QFileInfo curFile; QStringList filters; filters << "*.jpg" << "*.JPG"; //??их? fileList = dir.entryInfoList(filters, QDir::Dirs|QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::Writable | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot , QDir::Name); if(fileList.size()>0) { curFile = fileList[position]; QFile tmpFile(curFile.filePath()); tmpFile.remove(); fileList.removeAt(position); } if(0 == imageList.size()) { QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Warn"), tr("No more"),QMessageBox::Ok); return; } //???? ???■?????ш???????? imagePath =; setPixmap(imagePath); } }
void FacebookAdapter::getNextJson(string url, Json::Value& theJson){//move up to static and resued by twitter? ofstream output(tmpFileName, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc); output << url; output.close(); //php char cmd[500]; sprintf(cmd, "php ./myWget.php %s %s", tmpFileName, tmpFileName); system(cmd); ifstream tmpFile(tmpFileName); tmpFile >> theJson; }
void welcomeWizard::slotCheckDisabled() { QString username = QString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv("LOGNAME")); QString filename = "/home/" + username + "/.config/hide-welcome"; QFile tmpFile(filename); if ( checkDisableWelcome->isChecked() ) system("touch " + filename.toLatin1() ); else tmpFile.remove(); }
static BaseEngine *ps2pdf(const WCHAR *fileName) { // TODO: read from gswin32c's stdout instead of using a TEMP file ScopedMem<WCHAR> shortPath(path::ShortPath(fileName)); ScopedMem<WCHAR> tmpFile(path::GetTempPath(L"PsE")); ScopedFile tmpFileScope(tmpFile); ScopedMem<WCHAR> gswin32c(GetGhostscriptPath()); if (!shortPath || !tmpFile || !gswin32c) return NULL; // try to help Ghostscript determine the intended page size ScopedMem<WCHAR> psSetup; RectI page = ExtractDSCPageSize(fileName); if (!page.IsEmpty()) psSetup.Set(str::Format(L" << /PageSize [%i %i] >> setpagedevice", page.dx, page.dy)); ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdLine(str::Format( L"\"%s\" -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=\"%s\" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c \".setpdfwrite%s\" -f \"%s\"", gswin32c, tmpFile, psSetup ? psSetup : L"", shortPath)); fprintf(stderr, "- %s:%d: using '%ls' for creating '%%TEMP%%\\%ls'\n", path::GetBaseName(__FILE__), __LINE__, gswin32c.Get(), path::GetBaseName(tmpFile)); // TODO: the PS-to-PDF conversion can hang the UI for several seconds HANDLE process = LaunchProcess(cmdLine, NULL, CREATE_NO_WINDOW); if (!process) return NULL; DWORD timeout = 10000; #ifdef DEBUG // allow to disable the timeout for debugging purposes if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"SUMATRAPDF_NO_GHOSTSCRIPT_TIMEOUT", NULL, 0)) timeout = INFINITE; #endif DWORD exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; WaitForSingleObject(process, timeout); GetExitCodeProcess(process, &exitCode); TerminateProcess(process, 1); CloseHandle(process); if (exitCode != EXIT_SUCCESS) return NULL; size_t len; ScopedMem<char> pdfData(file::ReadAll(tmpFile, &len)); if (!pdfData) return NULL; ScopedComPtr<IStream> stream(CreateStreamFromData(pdfData, len)); if (!stream) return NULL; return PdfEngine::CreateFromStream(stream); }
void testLocalFile(const QString &filename) { QFile tmpFile(filename); // Yeah, I know, security risk blah blah. This is a test prog! if( { QCString fname = QFile::encodeName(; filter(fname, fname, KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE); tmpFile.close(); tmpFile.remove(); } else kdDebug() << "Couldn't create " << << ", skipping test" << endl; }
GdbCoreEngine::~GdbCoreEngine() { if (m_coreUnpackProcess) { m_coreUnpackProcess->blockSignals(true); m_coreUnpackProcess->terminate(); m_coreUnpackProcess->deleteLater(); m_coreUnpackProcess = 0; if (m_tempCoreFile.isOpen()) m_tempCoreFile.close(); } if (!m_tempCoreName.isEmpty()) { QFile tmpFile(m_tempCoreName); tmpFile.remove(); } }
bool TmpDirChecker::checkWritePermissions(const QString &dirPath) { QDir dir(dirPath); if (!dir.exists()) { return false; } QFile tmpFile(getNewFilePath(dir.absolutePath(), "checkWritePermissions")); if (! { return false; } tmpFile.close(); tmpFile.remove(); return true; }
// Sven Wiegand <*****@*****.**> -- eps output filter (from KSnapshot) KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_eps_write(QImageIO *imageio) { QPrinter psOut(QPrinter::PrinterResolution); QPainter p; // making some definitions (papersize, output to file, filename): psOut.setCreator("KDE " KDE_VERSION_STRING); psOut.setOutputToFile(true); // Extension must be .eps so that Qt generates EPS file KTempFile tmpFile(QString::null, ".eps"); tmpFile.setAutoDelete(true); if(tmpFile.status() != 0) return; tmpFile.close(); // Close the file, we just want the filename psOut.setOutputFileName(; psOut.setFullPage(true); // painting the pixmap to the "printer" which is a file p.begin(&psOut); // Qt uses the clip rect for the bounding box p.setClipRect(0, 0, imageio->image().width(), imageio->image().height(), QPainter::CoordPainter); p.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), imageio->image()); p.end(); // Copy file to imageio struct QFile inFile(;; QTextStream in(&inFile); in.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); QTextStream out(imageio->ioDevice()); out.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); QString szInLine = in.readLine(); out << szInLine << '\n'; while(!in.atEnd()) { szInLine = in.readLine(); out << szInLine << '\n'; } inFile.close(); imageio->setStatus(0); }
// Sven Wiegand <*****@*****.**> -- eps output filter (from KSnapshot) bool EPSHandler::write(const QImage &image) { QPrinter psOut(QPrinter::PrinterResolution); QPainter p; // making some definitions (papersize, output to file, filename): psOut.setCreator( "KDE " KDE_VERSION_STRING ); if ( psOut.outputFileName().isEmpty() ) psOut.setOutputFileName( "untitled_printer_document" ); // Extension must be .eps so that Qt generates EPS file QTemporaryFile tmpFile("XXXXXXXX.eps"); if ( ! ) return false; psOut.setOutputFileName(tmpFile.fileName()); psOut.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PostScriptFormat); psOut.setFullPage(true); psOut.setPaperSize(image.size(), QPrinter::DevicePixel); // painting the pixmap to the "printer" which is a file p.begin( &psOut ); p.drawImage( QPoint( 0, 0 ), image ); p.end(); // Copy file to imageio struct QFile inFile(tmpFile.fileName()); QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QTextStream in( &inFile ); in.setCodec( "ISO-8859-1" ); QTextStream out( device() ); out.setCodec( "ISO-8859-1" ); QString szInLine = in.readLine(); out << szInLine << '\n'; while( !in.atEnd() ){ szInLine = in.readLine(); out << szInLine << '\n'; } inFile.close(); return true; }
bool HelpPage::acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame *, const QNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType type) { const QUrl &url = request.url(); const bool closeNewTab = closeNewTabIfNeeded; closeNewTabIfNeeded = false; if (isLocalUrl(url)) { const QString& path = url.path(); if (path.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"))) { const int lastDash = path.lastIndexOf(QChar('/')); QString fileName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator(); if (lastDash < 0) fileName += path; else fileName += path.mid(lastDash + 1, path.length()); QFile tmpFile(QDir::cleanPath(fileName)); if ( { tmpFile.write(helpEngine->fileData(url)); tmpFile.close(); } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tmpFile.fileName())); if (closeNewTab) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(CentralWidget::instance(), "closeTab"); return false; } if (type == QWebPage::NavigationTypeLinkClicked && (m_keyboardModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier || m_pressedButtons == Qt::MidButton)) { HelpViewer* viewer = centralWidget->newEmptyTab(); if (viewer) CentralWidget::instance()->setSource(url); m_pressedButtons = Qt::NoButton; m_keyboardModifiers = Qt::NoModifier; return false; } return true; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); return false; }
bool ejson::internal::Document::store(const std::string& _file) { std::string createData; if (false == generate(createData)) { EJSON_ERROR("Error while creating the XML : " << _file); return false; } etk::FSNode tmpFile(_file); if (false == tmpFile.fileOpenWrite()) { EJSON_ERROR("Can not open (w) the file : " << _file); return false; } if (tmpFile.fileWrite((char*)createData.c_str(), sizeof(char), createData.size()) != (int32_t)createData.size()) { EJSON_ERROR("Error while writing output XML file : " << _file); tmpFile.fileClose(); return false; } tmpFile.fileClose(); return true; }
static PdfEngine *ps2pdf(const WCHAR *fileName) { // TODO: read from gswin32c's stdout instead of using a TEMP file ScopedMem<WCHAR> shortPath(path::ShortPath(fileName)); ScopedMem<WCHAR> tmpFile(path::GetTempPath(L"PsE")); ScopedFile tmpFileScope(tmpFile); ScopedMem<WCHAR> gswin32c(GetGhostscriptPath()); if (!shortPath || !tmpFile || !gswin32c) return NULL; ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdLine(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=\"%s\" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c .setpdfwrite -f \"%s\"", gswin32c, tmpFile, shortPath)); if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"MULOG", NULL, 0)) { wprintf(L"ps2pdf: using Ghostscript from '%s'\n", gswin32c.Get()); wprintf(L"ps2pdf: for creating '%s'\n", tmpFile.Get()); } // TODO: the PS-to-PDF conversion can hang the UI for several seconds HANDLE process = LaunchProcess(cmdLine, NULL, CREATE_NO_WINDOW); if (!process) return NULL; DWORD exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; WaitForSingleObject(process, 10000); GetExitCodeProcess(process, &exitCode); TerminateProcess(process, 1); CloseHandle(process); if (exitCode != EXIT_SUCCESS) return NULL; size_t len; ScopedMem<char> pdfData(file::ReadAll(tmpFile, &len)); if (!pdfData) return NULL; ScopedComPtr<IStream> stream(CreateStreamFromData(pdfData, len)); if (!stream) return NULL; if (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"MULOG", NULL, 0)) printf("ps2pdf: PDF conversion successful\n"); return PdfEngine::CreateFromStream(stream); }
int CompileWork::ResponseStaticPage(string &respMsg) { char bf; string tmp = ""; respMsg = ""; string path = requestHttp->GetPath(); if(path.empty() || path == "/") { path = "index.html"; } int dotpos = path.rfind("."); if(dotpos >= 0) { string suffix = string(path,dotpos+1); if(suffix == "css") responseHttp->SetMsgHead("Content-Type","text/css"); else if(suffix == "js") responseHttp->SetMsgHead("Content-Type","application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8"); } string compileworkdir = Config::GetInstance()->GetValue("COMPILEWOKRDIR"); if(compileworkdir.empty()) compileworkdir = COMPILEWOKRDIR; string dir = compileworkdir + path; fstream tmpFile(dir.c_str(),ios::in | ios::_Nocreate); if(tmpFile.is_open()) { while(tmpFile.get(bf)) { respMsg += bf; } tmpFile.close(); } else { ResponseNotFound(respMsg); } responseHttp->SetMsgBody(respMsg); respMsg = responseHttp->ResponseContent(); return RT_OK; }
void MainWindow::arduinoExec(const QString &action) { QStringList arguments; // Check if temp path exists QDir dir(settings->tmpDirName()); if (dir.exists() == false) { dir.mkdir(settings->tmpDirName()); } // Check if tmp file exists QFile tmpFile(settings->tmpFileName()); if (tmpFile.exists()) { tmpFile.remove(); }; // Read code QWebFrame *mainFrame = ui->webView->page()->mainFrame(); QVariant codeVariant = mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript( "Blockly.Arduino.workspaceToCode();"); QString codeString = codeVariant.toString(); // Write code to tmp file tmpFile.write(codeString.toLocal8Bit()); tmpFile.close(); // Verify code arguments << action; // Board parameter if (ui->boardBox->count() > 0) { arguments << "--board" << ui->boardBox->currentText(); } // Port parameter if (ui->serialPortBox->count() > 0) { arguments << "--port" << ui->serialPortBox->currentText(); } arguments << settings->tmpFileName(); process->start(settings->arduinoIdePath(), arguments); // Show messages ui->messagesWidget->show(); }
void ImageOpenThread::run() { if (FUrl.scheme()=="file") { int dot=FUrl.path().lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot>0) { QString ext=FUrl.path().mid(dot+1); if (!ext.isEmpty()) { QStringList validExtensions; validExtensions << "png" << "gif" << "jpg" << "jpeg" << "ico" << "bmp" << "tif" << "tiff" << "svg"; if (validExtensions.contains(ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(FUrl.path()); return; } } } QDir temp = QDir::temp(); if (temp.isReadable()) { QString fileName=FUrl.toLocalFile(); QImageReader reader(fileName); if (reader.canRead()) { QString type(reader.format()); QString tmpFileName(fileName); tmpFileName.append('.').append(type); QFile tmpFile(temp.filePath(tmpFileName)); if (!tmpFile.exists() || tmpFile.size()!=reader.device()->size()) // Exists already QFile::copy(fileName, tmpFileName); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(tmpFile.fileName())); } else LOG_WARNING("Reader can't' read!"); } } else QDesktopServices::openUrl(FUrl); }
void appl::TextPluginCtags::jumpTo(const std::string& _name) { if (m_ctagFile == nullptr) { APPL_WARNING("No ctags file open"); return; } tagEntry entry; APPL_INFO("try to find the tag : " << _name); if (tagsFind (m_ctagFile, &entry, _name.c_str(), 0) != TagSuccess) { APPL_INFO("no tag find ..."); return; } tagEntry entrySave = entry; int32_t numberOfTags = 0; // For all tags : Save in an internal Structure : std::string tmpFile(m_tagFolderBase + "/" + entry.file); etk::FSNode myfile(tmpFile); int32_t lineID = entry.address.lineNumber; printTag(&entry); if (tagsFindNext (m_ctagFile, &entry) == TagSuccess) { APPL_INFO("Multiple file destination ..."); ememory::SharedPtr<appl::TagFileSelection> tmpWidget = appl::TagFileSelection::create(); if (tmpWidget == nullptr) { APPL_ERROR("Can not allocate widget == > display might be in error"); } else { tmpWidget->addCtagsNewItem(myfile.getFileSystemName(), lineID); do { tmpFile = m_tagFolderBase + "/" + entry.file; myfile = tmpFile; lineID = entry.address.lineNumber; printTag(&entry); tmpWidget->addCtagsNewItem(myfile.getFileSystemName(), lineID); } while (tagsFindNext (m_ctagFile, &entry) == TagSuccess); ewol::getContext().getWindows()->popUpWidgetPush(tmpWidget); tmpWidget->signalSelect.connect(sharedFromThis(), &appl::TextPluginCtags::onCallbackOpenCtagsSelectReturn); } } else { jumpFile(myfile.getName(), lineID - 1); } }
int main() { /* const char *macs[4] = { "00-21-29-96-31-e7", "00-25-9c-57-de-a2", "00-21-91-51-58-6d", "00-17-9a-02-4e-05" }; */ std::string file("../pics/IMG_0024.JPG.log"); std::string imageName("IMG_0024.JPG"); LogFileResult result = parseLogFile(file, imageName); std::cout << "result found " << result.image_found << " at " << result.image_time << std::endl; std::cout << result.aps.size() << " aps." << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < result.aps.size(); i++) { AccessPoint point = result.aps[i]; std::cout << "ap " << point.mac_address << " with signal " << point.signal << " at " << point.time << std::endl; } GeoLocateResult gresult = geolocate_locate(result.aps); std::cout << "lat " << << " lon " << gresult.lon << " accuracy " << gresult.accuracy << " succeeded " << gresult.success << std::endl; std::string imgFile("photo.jpg"); dumpAllExif(imgFile); ExifGPS gps = readGPS(imgFile); std::cout << "gps lat " << << " gps lon " << gps.lon << std::endl; std::string tmpFile("test.jpg"); writeGPS(tmpFile, gps); dumpAllExif(tmpFile); return 0; }
int CompileWork::ResponseNotFound(string &respMsg) { char bf; string compileworkdir = Config::GetInstance()->GetValue("COMPILEWOKRDIR"); if(compileworkdir.empty()) compileworkdir = COMPILEWOKRDIR; string dir = compileworkdir + "404.html"; responseHttp->SetStatus("404 Not Found"); respMsg = "404 not Found"; fstream tmpFile(dir.c_str(),ios::in | ios::_Nocreate); if(tmpFile.is_open()) { respMsg = ""; while(tmpFile.get(bf)) { respMsg += bf; } } tmpFile.close(); return RT_OK; }
QUrl ExportManager::tempSave(const QString &mimetype) { // if we already have a temp file saved, use that if (mTempFile.isValid()) { if (QFile(mTempFile.toLocalFile()).exists()) { return mTempFile; } } QTemporaryFile tmpFile(QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + "Spectacle.XXXXXX." + mimetype); tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); tmpFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadUser | QFile::WriteUser); if ( { if(!writeImage(&tmpFile, mimetype.toLatin1())) { emit errorMessage(i18n("Cannot save screenshot. Error while writing temporary local file.")); return QUrl(); } mTempFile = QUrl::fromLocalFile(tmpFile.fileName()); return mTempFile; } return QUrl(); }
bool HelpPage::acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame *, const QNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType) { const QUrl &url = request.url(); if (isLocalUrl(url)) { if (url.path().endsWith(QLatin1String("pdf"))) { QString fileName = url.toString(); fileName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + fileName.right (fileName.length() - fileName.lastIndexOf(QChar('/'))); QFile tmpFile(QDir::cleanPath(fileName)); if ( { tmpFile.write(helpEngine->fileData(url)); tmpFile.close(); } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tmpFile.fileName())); return false; } return true; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); return false; }