Ejemplo n.º 1
returnValue ShootingMethod::differentiateBackward( const int    &idx ,
                                                   const Matrix &seed,
                                                         Matrix &Gx  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gp  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gu  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gw    ){

    uint run1;

    Gx.init( seed.getNumRows(), nx );
    Gp.init( seed.getNumRows(), np );
    Gu.init( seed.getNumRows(), nu );
    Gw.init( seed.getNumRows(), nw );

    for( run1 = 0; run1 < seed.getNumRows(); run1++ ){

         Vector tmp = seed.getRow( run1 );
         Vector tmpX( nx );
         Vector tmpP( np );
         Vector tmpU( nu );
         Vector tmpW( nw );

         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->setBackwardSeed( 1, tmp )                              );
         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->integrateSensitivities( )                              );
         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->getBackwardSensitivities( tmpX, tmpP, tmpU, tmpW , 1 ) );

         Gx.setRow( run1, tmpX );
         Gp.setRow( run1, tmpP );
         Gu.setRow( run1, tmpU );
         Gw.setRow( run1, tmpW );

Ejemplo n.º 2
	float SelectorLearner::run()
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
		const int numExamples = _pTrainingData->getNumExamples();
		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (float)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );
		vector<sRates> vMu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<float> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
		float tmpAlpha, tmpEnergy;
		float bestEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::max();
		int numOfDimensions = _maxNumOfDimensions;
		for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
			// Tricky way to select numOfDimensions columns randomly out of numColumns
			int rest = numColumns - j;
			float r = rand()/static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX);
			if ( static_cast<float>(numOfDimensions) / rest > r ) 
				 if (_verbose > 2)
				 cout << "    --> trying attribute = "
				 << endl << flush;
				const int numIdxs = _pTrainingData->getEnumMap(j).getNumNames();
				// Create and initialize the numIdxs x numClasses gamma matrix
				vector<vector<float> > tmpGammasPls(numIdxs);
				vector<vector<float> > tmpGammasMin(numIdxs);
				for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
					vector<float> tmpGammaPls(numClasses);
					vector<float> tmpGammaMin(numClasses);
					fill(tmpGammaPls.begin(), tmpGammaPls.end(), 0.0);
					fill(tmpGammaMin.begin(), tmpGammaMin.end(), 0.0);
					tmpGammasPls[io] = tmpGammaPls;
					tmpGammasMin[io] = tmpGammaMin;
				// Compute the elements of the gamma plus and minus matrices
				float entry;
				for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i) {
					const vector<Label>& labels = _pTrainingData->getLabels(i);
					int io = static_cast<int>(_pTrainingData->getValue(i,j));	    
					for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l) {
						entry = labels[l].weight * labels[l].y;
						if (entry > 0)
							tmpGammasPls[io][l] += entry;
						else if (entry < 0)
							tmpGammasMin[io][l] += -entry;
				// Initialize the u vector to random +-1
				vector<sRates> uMu(numIdxs); // The idx-wise rates
				vector<float> tmpU(numIdxs);// The idx-wise votes/abstentions
				vector<float> previousTmpU(numIdxs);// The idx-wise votes/abstentions
				for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
					uMu[io].classIdx = io;	
				for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {					
					// initializing u as it has only one positive element
					fill( tmpU.begin(), tmpU.end(), -1 );
					tmpU[io] = +1;
					vector<sRates> vMu(numClasses); // The label-wise rates
					for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l)
						vMu[l].classIdx = l;
					vector<float> tmpV(numClasses); // The label-wise votes/abstentions
					float tmpVal;
					tmpAlpha = 0.0;
					//filling out tmpV and vMu
					for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l) {
						vMu[l].rPls = vMu[l].rMin = vMu[l].rZero = 0; 
						for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
							if (tmpU[io] > 0) {
								vMu[l].rPls += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
								vMu[l].rMin += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
							else if (tmpU[io] < 0) {
								vMu[l].rPls += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
								vMu[l].rMin += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
						if (vMu[l].rPls >= vMu[l].rMin) {
							tmpV[l] = +1;
						else {
							tmpV[l] = -1;
							tmpVal = vMu[l].rPls;
							vMu[l].rPls = vMu[l].rMin;
							vMu[l].rMin = tmpVal;
					tmpEnergy = AbstainableLearner::getEnergy(vMu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);
					if ( tmpEnergy < bestEnergy && tmpAlpha > 0 ) {
						_alpha = tmpAlpha;
						_v = tmpV;
						//_u = tmpU;
						_positiveIdxOfArrayU = io;
						_selectedColumn = j;
						bestEnergy = tmpEnergy;
		if (_selectedColumn>-1)
			_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn);
			return bestEnergy;
		} else {
			return bestEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
Ejemplo n.º 3
		float EnumLearner::run( int colIdx )
		const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
		const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
		const int numExamples = _pTrainingData->getNumExamples();

		// set the smoothing value to avoid numerical problem
		// when theta=0.
		setSmoothingVal( 1.0 / (float)_pTrainingData->getNumExamples() * 0.01 );

		vector<sRates> vMu(numClasses); // The class-wise rates. See BaseLearner::sRates for more info.
		vector<float> tmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions
		vector<float> previousTmpV(numClasses); // The class-wise votes/abstentions

		float tmpAlpha,previousTmpAlpha, previousEnergy;
		float bestEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::max();

		int numOfDimensions = _maxNumOfDimensions;

		// Tricky way to select numOfDimensions columns randomly out of numColumns
		int j = colIdx;

		if (_verbose > 2)
			cout << "    --> trying attribute = "
			<< endl << flush;

		const int numIdxs = _pTrainingData->getEnumMap(j).getNumNames();

		// Create and initialize the numIdxs x numClasses gamma matrix
		vector<vector<float> > tmpGammasPls(numIdxs);
		vector<vector<float> > tmpGammasMin(numIdxs);
		for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
			vector<float> tmpGammaPls(numClasses);
			vector<float> tmpGammaMin(numClasses);
			fill(tmpGammaPls.begin(), tmpGammaPls.end(), 0.0);
			fill(tmpGammaMin.begin(), tmpGammaMin.end(), 0.0);
			tmpGammasPls[io] = tmpGammaPls;
			tmpGammasMin[io] = tmpGammaMin;

		// Compute the elements of the gamma plus and minus matrices
		float entry;
		for (int i = 0; i < numExamples; ++i) {
			const vector<Label>& labels = _pTrainingData->getLabels(i);
			int io = static_cast<int>(_pTrainingData->getValue(i,j));	    
			for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l) {
				entry = labels[l].weight * labels[l].y;
				if (entry > 0)
					tmpGammasPls[io][l] += entry;
				else if (entry < 0)
					tmpGammasMin[io][l] += -entry;

		// Initialize the u vector to random +-1
		vector<sRates> uMu(numIdxs); // The idx-wise rates
		vector<float> tmpU(numIdxs);// The idx-wise votes/abstentions
		vector<float> previousTmpU(numIdxs);// The idx-wise votes/abstentions
		for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
			uMu[io].classIdx = io;	    
			if ( rand()/static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX) > 0.5 )
				tmpU[io] = +1;
				tmpU[io] = -1;

		//vector<sRates> vMu(numClasses); // The label-wise rates
		for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l)
			vMu[l].classIdx = l;
		//vector<float> tmpV(numClasses); // The label-wise votes/abstentions

		float tmpEnergy = numeric_limits<float>::max();
		float tmpVal;
		tmpAlpha = 0.0;

		while (1) {
			previousEnergy = tmpEnergy;
			previousTmpV = tmpV;
			previousTmpAlpha = tmpAlpha;

			//filling out tmpV and vMu
			for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l) {
				vMu[l].rPls = vMu[l].rMin = vMu[l].rZero = 0; 
				for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
					if (tmpU[io] > 0) {
						vMu[l].rPls += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
						vMu[l].rMin += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
					else if (tmpU[io] < 0) {
						vMu[l].rPls += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
						vMu[l].rMin += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
				if (vMu[l].rPls >= vMu[l].rMin) {
					tmpV[l] = +1;
				else {
					tmpV[l] = -1;
					tmpVal = vMu[l].rPls;
					vMu[l].rPls = vMu[l].rMin;
					vMu[l].rMin = tmpVal;

			tmpEnergy = AbstainableLearner::getEnergy(vMu, tmpAlpha, tmpV);

			if (_verbose > 2)
				cout << "        --> energy V = " << tmpEnergy << "\talpha = " << tmpAlpha << endl << flush;

			if (tmpEnergy >= previousEnergy) {
				tmpV = previousTmpV;

			previousEnergy = tmpEnergy;
			previousTmpU = tmpU;
			previousTmpAlpha = tmpAlpha;

			//filling out tmpU and uMu
			for (int io = 0; io < numIdxs; ++io) {
				uMu[io].rPls = uMu[io].rMin = uMu[io].rZero = 0; 
				for (int l = 0; l < numClasses; ++l) {
					if (tmpV[l] > 0) {
						uMu[io].rPls += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
						uMu[io].rMin += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
					else if (tmpV[l] < 0) {
						uMu[io].rPls += tmpGammasMin[io][l];
						uMu[io].rMin += tmpGammasPls[io][l];
				if (uMu[io].rPls >= uMu[io].rMin) {
					tmpU[io] = +1;
				else {
					tmpU[io] = -1;
					tmpVal = uMu[io].rPls;
					uMu[io].rPls = uMu[io].rMin;
					uMu[io].rMin = tmpVal;

			tmpEnergy = AbstainableLearner::getEnergy(uMu, tmpAlpha, tmpU);

			if (_verbose > 2)
				cout << "        --> energy U = " << tmpEnergy << "\talpha = " << tmpAlpha << endl << flush;

			if (tmpEnergy >= previousEnergy) {
				tmpU = previousTmpU;

			if ( previousEnergy < bestEnergy && previousTmpAlpha > 0 ) {
				_alpha = previousTmpAlpha;
				_v = tmpV;
				_u = tmpU;
				_selectedColumn = j;
				bestEnergy = previousEnergy;

		_id = _pTrainingData->getAttributeNameMap().getNameFromIdx(_selectedColumn);
		return bestEnergy;
