 * \brief Filter a block of Luma/Chroma samples (vertical)
 * \param  compID     Colour component ID
 * \param  src        Pointer to source samples
 * \param  srcStride  Stride of source samples
 * \param  dst        Pointer to destination samples
 * \param  dstStride  Stride of destination samples
 * \param  width      Width of block
 * \param  height     Height of block
 * \param  frac       Fractional sample offset
 * \param  isFirst    Flag indicating whether it is the first filtering operation
 * \param  isLast     Flag indicating whether it is the last filtering operation
 * \param  fmt        Chroma format
Void TComInterpolationFilter::filterVer(const ComponentID compID, Pel *src, Int srcStride, Pel *dst, Int dstStride, Int width, Int height, Int frac, Bool isFirst, Bool isLast, const ChromaFormat fmt )
  if ( frac == 0 )
    filterCopy(g_bitDepth[toChannelType(compID)], src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, isFirst, isLast );
  else if (isLuma(compID))
    filterVer<NTAPS_LUMA>(g_bitDepth[toChannelType(compID)], src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, isFirst, isLast, m_lumaFilter[frac]);
    const UInt csy = getComponentScaleY(compID, fmt);
    assert(frac >=0 && csy<2 && (frac<<(1-csy)) < CHROMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS);
    filterVer<NTAPS_CHROMA>(g_bitDepth[toChannelType(compID)], src, srcStride, dst, dstStride, width, height, isFirst, isLast, m_chromaFilter[frac<<(1-csy)]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//! weighted averaging for bi-pred
Void TComWeightPrediction::addWeightBi( const TComYuv              *pcYuvSrc0,
                                        const TComYuv              *pcYuvSrc1,
                                        const BitDepths            &bitDepths,
                                        const UInt                  iPartUnitIdx,
                                        const UInt                  uiWidth,
                                        const UInt                  uiHeight,
                                        const WPScalingParam *const wp0,
                                        const WPScalingParam *const wp1,
                                              TComYuv        *const rpcYuvDst,
                                        const Bool                  bRoundLuma)

  const Bool enableRounding[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]={ bRoundLuma, true, true };

  const UInt numValidComponent = pcYuvSrc0->getNumberValidComponents();

  for(Int componentIndex=0; componentIndex<numValidComponent; componentIndex++)
    const ComponentID compID=ComponentID(componentIndex);

    const Pel* pSrc0       = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr( compID,  iPartUnitIdx );
    const Pel* pSrc1       = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr( compID,  iPartUnitIdx );
          Pel* pDst        = rpcYuvDst->getAddr( compID,  iPartUnitIdx );

    // Luma : --------------------------------------------
    const Int  w0          = wp0[compID].w;
    const Int  offset      = wp0[compID].offset;
    const Int  clipBD      = bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)];
    const Int  shiftNum    = std::max<Int>(2, (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipBD));
    const Int  shift       = wp0[compID].shift + shiftNum;
    const Int  round       = (enableRounding[compID] && (shift > 0)) ? (1<<(shift-1)) : 0;
    const Int  w1          = wp1[compID].w;
    const UInt csx         = pcYuvSrc0->getComponentScaleX(compID);
    const UInt csy         = pcYuvSrc0->getComponentScaleY(compID);
    const Int  iHeight     = uiHeight>>csy;
    const Int  iWidth      = uiWidth>>csx;

    const UInt iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(compID);
    const UInt iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(compID);
    const UInt iDstStride  = rpcYuvDst->getStride(compID);

    for ( Int y = iHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
      // do it in batches of 4 (partial unroll)
      Int x = iWidth-1;
      for ( ; x >= 3; )
        pDst[x] = weightBidir(w0,pSrc0[x], w1,pSrc1[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
        pDst[x] = weightBidir(w0,pSrc0[x], w1,pSrc1[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
        pDst[x] = weightBidir(w0,pSrc0[x], w1,pSrc1[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
        pDst[x] = weightBidir(w0,pSrc0[x], w1,pSrc1[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
      for( ; x >= 0; x-- )
        pDst[x] = weightBidir(w0,pSrc0[x], w1,pSrc1[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD);

      pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
      pSrc1 += iSrc1Stride;
      pDst  += iDstStride;
    } // y loop
  } // compID loop
Ejemplo n.º 3
//  getWpScaling()
//! derivation of wp tables
Void TComWeightPrediction::getWpScaling(       TComDataCU *const pcCU,
                                         const Int               iRefIdx0,
                                         const Int               iRefIdx1,
                                               WPScalingParam  *&wp0,
                                               WPScalingParam  *&wp1)
  assert(iRefIdx0 >= 0 || iRefIdx1 >= 0);

        TComSlice *const pcSlice  = pcCU->getSlice();
  const Bool             wpBiPred = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getWPBiPred();
  const Bool             bBiPred  = (iRefIdx0>=0 && iRefIdx1>=0);
  const Bool             bUniPred = !bBiPred;

  if ( bUniPred || wpBiPred )
  { // explicit --------------------
    if ( iRefIdx0 >= 0 )
      pcSlice->getWpScaling(REF_PIC_LIST_0, iRefIdx0, wp0);
    if ( iRefIdx1 >= 0 )
      pcSlice->getWpScaling(REF_PIC_LIST_1, iRefIdx1, wp1);

  if ( iRefIdx0 < 0 )
    wp0 = NULL;
  if ( iRefIdx1 < 0 )
    wp1 = NULL;

  const UInt numValidComponent                    = pcCU->getPic()->getNumberValidComponents();
  const Bool bUseHighPrecisionPredictionWeighting = pcSlice->getSPS()->getSpsRangeExtension().getHighPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag();

  if ( bBiPred )
  { // Bi-predictive case
    for ( Int yuv=0 ; yuv<numValidComponent ; yuv++ )
      const Int bitDepth            = pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(ComponentID(yuv)));
      const Int offsetScalingFactor = bUseHighPrecisionPredictionWeighting ? 1 : (1 << (bitDepth-8));

      wp0[yuv].w      = wp0[yuv].iWeight;
      wp1[yuv].w      = wp1[yuv].iWeight;
      wp0[yuv].o      = wp0[yuv].iOffset * offsetScalingFactor;
      wp1[yuv].o      = wp1[yuv].iOffset * offsetScalingFactor;
      wp0[yuv].offset = wp0[yuv].o + wp1[yuv].o;
      wp0[yuv].shift  = wp0[yuv].uiLog2WeightDenom + 1;
      wp0[yuv].round  = (1 << wp0[yuv].uiLog2WeightDenom);
      wp1[yuv].offset = wp0[yuv].offset;
      wp1[yuv].shift  = wp0[yuv].shift;
      wp1[yuv].round  = wp0[yuv].round;
  {  // UniPred
    WPScalingParam *const pwp = (iRefIdx0>=0) ? wp0 : wp1 ;

    for ( Int yuv=0 ; yuv<numValidComponent ; yuv++ )
      const Int bitDepth            = pcSlice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(ComponentID(yuv)));
      const Int offsetScalingFactor = bUseHighPrecisionPredictionWeighting ? 1 : (1 << (bitDepth-8));

      pwp[yuv].w      = pwp[yuv].iWeight;
      pwp[yuv].offset = pwp[yuv].iOffset * offsetScalingFactor;
      pwp[yuv].shift  = pwp[yuv].uiLog2WeightDenom;
      pwp[yuv].round  = (pwp[yuv].uiLog2WeightDenom>=1) ? (1 << (pwp[yuv].uiLog2WeightDenom-1)) : (0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
//! weighted averaging for uni-pred
Void TComWeightPrediction::addWeightUni( const TComYuv        *const pcYuvSrc0,
                                         const BitDepths            &bitDepths,
                                         const UInt                  iPartUnitIdx,
                                         const UInt                  uiWidth,
                                         const UInt                  uiHeight,
                                         const WPScalingParam *const wp0,
                                               TComYuv        *const pcYuvDst )
  const UInt numValidComponent = pcYuvSrc0->getNumberValidComponents();

  for(Int componentIndex=0; componentIndex<numValidComponent; componentIndex++)
    const ComponentID compID=ComponentID(componentIndex);

    const Pel* pSrc0       = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr( compID,  iPartUnitIdx );
          Pel* pDst        = pcYuvDst->getAddr( compID,  iPartUnitIdx );

    // Luma : --------------------------------------------
    const Int  w0          = wp0[compID].w;
    const Int  offset      = wp0[compID].offset;
    const Int  clipBD      = bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)];
    const Int  shiftNum    = std::max<Int>(2, (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipBD));
    const Int  shift       = wp0[compID].shift + shiftNum;
    const UInt iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(compID);
    const UInt iDstStride  = pcYuvDst->getStride(compID);
    const UInt csx         = pcYuvSrc0->getComponentScaleX(compID);
    const UInt csy         = pcYuvSrc0->getComponentScaleY(compID);
    const Int  iHeight     = uiHeight>>csy;
    const Int  iWidth      = uiWidth>>csx;

    if (w0 != 1 << wp0[compID].shift)
      const Int  round       = (shift > 0) ? (1<<(shift-1)) : 0;
      for (Int y = iHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
        Int x = iWidth-1;
        for ( ; x >= 3; )
          pDst[x] = weightUnidir(w0, pSrc0[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
          pDst[x] = weightUnidir(w0, pSrc0[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
          pDst[x] = weightUnidir(w0, pSrc0[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
          pDst[x] = weightUnidir(w0, pSrc0[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD); x--;
        for( ; x >= 0; x--)
          pDst[x] = weightUnidir(w0, pSrc0[x], round, shift, offset, clipBD);
        pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
        pDst  += iDstStride;
      const Int  round       = (shiftNum > 0) ? (1<<(shiftNum-1)) : 0;
      if (offset == 0)
        for (Int y = iHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
          Int x = iWidth-1;
          for ( ; x >= 3; )
            pDst[x] = noWeightOffsetUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightOffsetUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightOffsetUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightOffsetUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, clipBD); x--;
          for( ; x >= 0; x--)
            pDst[x] = noWeightOffsetUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, clipBD);
          pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
          pDst  += iDstStride;
        for (Int y = iHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
          Int x = iWidth-1;
          for ( ; x >= 3; )
            pDst[x] = noWeightUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, offset, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, offset, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, offset, clipBD); x--;
            pDst[x] = noWeightUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, offset, clipBD); x--;
          for( ; x >= 0; x--)
            pDst[x] = noWeightUnidir(pSrc0[x], round, shiftNum, offset, clipBD);
          pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
          pDst  += iDstStride;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Void TDecSlice::decompressSlice(TComInputBitstream** ppcSubstreams, TComPic* pcPic, TDecSbac* pcSbacDecoder)
  TComSlice* pcSlice                 = pcPic->getSlice(pcPic->getCurrSliceIdx());

  const Int  startCtuTsAddr          = pcSlice->getSliceSegmentCurStartCtuTsAddr();
  const Int  startCtuRsAddr          = pcPic->getPicSym()->getCtuTsToRsAddrMap(startCtuTsAddr);
  const UInt numCtusInFrame          = pcPic->getNumberOfCtusInFrame();

  const UInt frameWidthInCtus        = pcPic->getPicSym()->getFrameWidthInCtus();
  const Bool depSliceSegmentsEnabled = pcSlice->getPPS()->getDependentSliceSegmentsEnabledFlag();
  const Bool wavefrontsEnabled       = pcSlice->getPPS()->getEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag();

  m_pcEntropyDecoder->setEntropyDecoder ( pcSbacDecoder  );
  m_pcEntropyDecoder->setBitstream      ( ppcSubstreams[0] );
  m_pcEntropyDecoder->resetEntropy      (pcSlice);

  // decoder doesn't need prediction & residual frame buffer
  pcPic->setPicYuvPred( 0 );
  pcPic->setPicYuvResi( 0 );

  g_bJustDoIt = g_bEncDecTraceEnable;
  DTRACE_CABAC_VL( g_nSymbolCounter++ );
  DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tPOC: " );
  DTRACE_CABAC_V( pcPic->getPOC() );
  DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\n" );

  g_bJustDoIt = g_bEncDecTraceDisable;

  // The first CTU of the slice is the first coded substream, but the global substream number, as calculated by getSubstreamForCtuAddr may be higher.
  // This calculates the common offset for all substreams in this slice.
  const UInt subStreamOffset=pcPic->getSubstreamForCtuAddr(startCtuRsAddr, true, pcSlice);

  if (depSliceSegmentsEnabled)
    // modify initial contexts with previous slice segment if this is a dependent slice.
    const UInt startTileIdx=pcPic->getPicSym()->getTileIdxMap(startCtuRsAddr);
    const TComTile *pCurrentTile=pcPic->getPicSym()->getTComTile(startTileIdx);
    const UInt firstCtuRsAddrOfTile = pCurrentTile->getFirstCtuRsAddr();

    if( pcSlice->getDependentSliceSegmentFlag() && startCtuRsAddr != firstCtuRsAddrOfTile)
      if ( pCurrentTile->getTileWidthInCtus() >= 2 || !wavefrontsEnabled)

  // for every CTU in the slice segment...

  Bool isLastCtuOfSliceSegment = false;
  for( UInt ctuTsAddr = startCtuTsAddr; !isLastCtuOfSliceSegment && ctuTsAddr < numCtusInFrame; ctuTsAddr++)
    const UInt ctuRsAddr = pcPic->getPicSym()->getCtuTsToRsAddrMap(ctuTsAddr);
    const TComTile &currentTile = *(pcPic->getPicSym()->getTComTile(pcPic->getPicSym()->getTileIdxMap(ctuRsAddr)));
    const UInt firstCtuRsAddrOfTile = currentTile.getFirstCtuRsAddr();
    const UInt tileXPosInCtus = firstCtuRsAddrOfTile % frameWidthInCtus;
    const UInt tileYPosInCtus = firstCtuRsAddrOfTile / frameWidthInCtus;
    const UInt ctuXPosInCtus  = ctuRsAddr % frameWidthInCtus;
    const UInt ctuYPosInCtus  = ctuRsAddr / frameWidthInCtus;
    const UInt uiSubStrm=pcPic->getSubstreamForCtuAddr(ctuRsAddr, true, pcSlice)-subStreamOffset;
    TComDataCU* pCtu = pcPic->getCtu( ctuRsAddr );
    pCtu->initCtu( pcPic, ctuRsAddr );

    m_pcEntropyDecoder->setBitstream( ppcSubstreams[uiSubStrm] );

    // set up CABAC contexts' state for this CTU
    if (ctuRsAddr == firstCtuRsAddrOfTile)
      if (ctuTsAddr != startCtuTsAddr) // if it is the first CTU, then the entropy coder has already been reset
    else if (ctuXPosInCtus == tileXPosInCtus && wavefrontsEnabled)
      // Synchronize cabac probabilities with upper-right CTU if it's available and at the start of a line.
      if (ctuTsAddr != startCtuTsAddr) // if it is the first CTU, then the entropy coder has already been reset
      TComDataCU *pCtuUp = pCtu->getCtuAbove();
      if ( pCtuUp && ((ctuRsAddr%frameWidthInCtus+1) < frameWidthInCtus)  )
        TComDataCU *pCtuTR = pcPic->getCtu( ctuRsAddr - frameWidthInCtus + 1 );
        if ( pCtu->CUIsFromSameSliceAndTile(pCtuTR) )
          // Top-right is available, so use it.
          pcSbacDecoder->loadContexts( &m_entropyCodingSyncContextState );

    g_bJustDoIt = g_bEncDecTraceEnable;

    if ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseSAO() )
      SAOBlkParam& saoblkParam = (pcPic->getPicSym()->getSAOBlkParam())[ctuRsAddr];
      Bool bIsSAOSliceEnabled = false;
      Bool sliceEnabled[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];
      for(Int comp=0; comp < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; comp++)
        ComponentID compId=ComponentID(comp);
        sliceEnabled[compId] = pcSlice->getSaoEnabledFlag(toChannelType(compId)) && (comp < pcPic->getNumberValidComponents());
        if (sliceEnabled[compId]) bIsSAOSliceEnabled=true;
        saoblkParam[compId].modeIdc = SAO_MODE_OFF;
      if (bIsSAOSliceEnabled)
        Bool leftMergeAvail = false;
        Bool aboveMergeAvail= false;

        //merge left condition
        Int rx = (ctuRsAddr % frameWidthInCtus);
        if(rx > 0)
          leftMergeAvail = pcPic->getSAOMergeAvailability(ctuRsAddr, ctuRsAddr-1);
        //merge up condition
        Int ry = (ctuRsAddr / frameWidthInCtus);
        if(ry > 0)
          aboveMergeAvail = pcPic->getSAOMergeAvailability(ctuRsAddr, ctuRsAddr-frameWidthInCtus);
        pcSbacDecoder->parseSAOBlkParam( saoblkParam, m_saoMaxOffsetQVal, sliceEnabled, leftMergeAvail, aboveMergeAvail);
        pcSbacDecoder->parseSAOBlkParam( saoblkParam, sliceEnabled, leftMergeAvail, aboveMergeAvail);

    m_pcCuDecoder->decodeCtu     ( pCtu, isLastCtuOfSliceSegment );
    m_pcCuDecoder->decompressCtu ( pCtu );

    g_bJustDoIt = g_bEncDecTraceDisable;

    //Store probabilities of second CTU in line into buffer
    if ( ctuXPosInCtus == tileXPosInCtus+1 && wavefrontsEnabled)
      m_entropyCodingSyncContextState.loadContexts( pcSbacDecoder );

    // Should the sub-stream/stream be terminated after this CTU?
    // (end of slice-segment, end of tile, end of wavefront-CTU-row)
    if (isLastCtuOfSliceSegment ||
         (  ctuXPosInCtus + 1 == tileXPosInCtus + currentTile.getTileWidthInCtus() &&
          ( ctuYPosInCtus + 1 == tileYPosInCtus + currentTile.getTileHeightInCtus() || wavefrontsEnabled)
      UInt binVal;
      pcSbacDecoder->parseTerminatingBit( binVal );
      assert( binVal );

      if (isLastCtuOfSliceSegment)
          pcSlice->setSliceCurEndCtuTsAddr( ctuTsAddr+1 );
        pcSlice->setSliceSegmentCurEndCtuTsAddr( ctuTsAddr+1 );

  assert(isLastCtuOfSliceSegment == true);

  if( depSliceSegmentsEnabled )
    m_lastSliceSegmentEndContextState.loadContexts( pcSbacDecoder );//ctx end of dep.slice

Ejemplo n.º 6
Void getTUEntropyCodingParameters(      TUEntropyCodingParameters &result,
                                        TComTU                    &rTu,
                                        const ComponentID                component)

    //set the local parameters

    TComDataCU    *const pcCU            = rTu.getCU();
    const TComRectangle &      area            = rTu.getRect(component);
    const UInt                 uiAbsPartIdx    = rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU(component);
    const UInt                 log2BlockWidth  = g_aucConvertToBit[area.width]  + 2;
    const UInt                 log2BlockHeight = g_aucConvertToBit[area.height] + 2;
    const ChannelType          channelType     = toChannelType(component);

    result.scanType = COEFF_SCAN_TYPE(pcCU->getCoefScanIdx(uiAbsPartIdx, area.width, area.height, component));


    //set the group layout

    result.widthInGroups  = area.width  >> MLS_CG_LOG2_WIDTH;
    result.heightInGroups = area.height >> MLS_CG_LOG2_HEIGHT;


    //set the scan orders

    const UInt log2WidthInGroups  = g_aucConvertToBit[result.widthInGroups  * 4];
    const UInt log2HeightInGroups = g_aucConvertToBit[result.heightInGroups * 4];

    result.scan   = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_GROUPED_4x4 ][ result.scanType ][ log2BlockWidth    ][ log2BlockHeight    ];
    result.scanCG = g_scanOrder[ SCAN_UNGROUPED   ][ result.scanType ][ log2WidthInGroups ][ log2HeightInGroups ];


    //set the significance map context selection parameters

    if (pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseSingleSignificanceMapContext()
            && (pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx) || (pcCU->getTransformSkip(uiAbsPartIdx, component) != 0)))
        result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_SINGLE];
        if ((area.width == 4) && (area.height == 4))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_4x4];
        else if ((area.width == 8) && (area.height == 8))
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_8x8];
            if (result.scanType != SCAN_DIAG) result.firstSignificanceMapContext += nonDiagonalScan8x8ContextOffset[channelType];
            result.firstSignificanceMapContext = significanceMapContextSetStart[channelType][CONTEXT_TYPE_NxN];

Ejemplo n.º 7
//! update wp tables for explicit wp w.r.t range limitation
Bool WeightPredAnalysis::xUpdatingWPParameters(TComSlice *const slice, const Int log2Denom)
  const Int  numComp                    = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg()->getNumberValidComponents();
  const Bool bUseHighPrecisionWeighting = slice->getSPS()->getSpsRangeExtension().getHighPrecisionOffsetsEnabledFlag();
  const Int numPredDir                  = slice->isInterP() ? 1 : 2;

  assert (numPredDir <= Int(NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01));

  for ( Int refList = 0; refList < numPredDir; refList++ )
    const RefPicList eRefPicList = ( refList ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0 );

    for ( Int refIdxTemp = 0; refIdxTemp < slice->getNumRefIdx(eRefPicList); refIdxTemp++ )
      WPACDCParam *currWeightACDCParam, *refWeightACDCParam;
      slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, refIdxTemp)->getSlice(0)->getWpAcDcParam(refWeightACDCParam);

      for ( Int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++ )
        const ComponentID compID        = ComponentID(comp);
        const Int         bitDepth      = slice->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID));
        const Int         range         = bUseHighPrecisionWeighting ? (1<<bitDepth)/2 : 128;
        const Int         realLog2Denom = log2Denom + (bUseHighPrecisionWeighting ? RExt__PREDICTION_WEIGHTING_ANALYSIS_DC_PRECISION : (bitDepth - 8));
        const Int         realOffset    = ((Int)1<<(realLog2Denom-1));

        // current frame
        const Int64 currDC = currWeightACDCParam[comp].iDC;
        const Int64 currAC = currWeightACDCParam[comp].iAC;
        // reference frame
        const Int64 refDC  = refWeightACDCParam[comp].iDC;
        const Int64 refAC  = refWeightACDCParam[comp].iAC;

        // calculating iWeight and iOffset params
        const Double dWeight = (refAC==0) ? (Double)1.0 : Clip3( -16.0, 15.0, ((Double)currAC / (Double)refAC) );
        const Int weight     = (Int)( 0.5 + dWeight * (Double)(1<<log2Denom) );
        const Int offset     = (Int)( ((currDC<<log2Denom) - ((Int64)weight * refDC) + (Int64)realOffset) >> realLog2Denom );

        Int clippedOffset;
        if(isChroma(compID)) // Chroma offset range limination
          const Int pred        = ( range - ( ( range*weight)>>(log2Denom) ) );
          const Int deltaOffset = Clip3( -4*range, 4*range-1, (offset - pred) ); // signed 10bit

          clippedOffset = Clip3( -range, range-1, (deltaOffset + pred) );  // signed 8bit
        else // Luma offset range limitation
          clippedOffset = Clip3( -range, range-1, offset);

        // Weighting factor limitation
        const Int defaultWeight = (1<<log2Denom);
        const Int deltaWeight   = (defaultWeight - weight);

        if(deltaWeight >= range || deltaWeight < -range)
          return false;

        m_wp[refList][refIdxTemp][comp].bPresentFlag      = true;
        m_wp[refList][refIdxTemp][comp].iWeight           = weight;
        m_wp[refList][refIdxTemp][comp].iOffset           = clippedOffset;
        m_wp[refList][refIdxTemp][comp].uiLog2WeightDenom = log2Denom;