Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Ball::isCollided(Paddle &paddle) {
    const sf::Vector2f polarPos = toPolar(getPosition() - Settings::getScreenCenter());
    const float ballRad = ((sf::CircleShape*)shape)->getRadius();
    const float closeRad = 0.01 * Settings::getZoneRadius();
    if ((polarPos.x + ballRad) > (paddle.getRadius() - closeRad)) {
        const float ballRadAngle = toPolar(sf::Vector2f(-ballRad, polarPos.x)).y;
        const float closeAngle = 1.0;
        const float paddleCenter = paddle.getCenterAngle();
        if ( ((polarPos.y + ballRadAngle) > (paddleCenter - paddle.getAngularLength() - closeAngle)) &&
            ((polarPos.y - ballRadAngle) < (paddleCenter + paddle.getAngularLength() + closeAngle)) ) {
            // ball is close to paddle, so bother to do checks
            const int NUM_POINTS = ((sf::CircleShape*)shape)->getPointCount();
            for (int i = 0; i<NUM_POINTS; i++) {
                // check for every point on the circle shape, in global coords
                sf::Vector2f localPoint = ((sf::CircleShape*)shape)->getPoint(i);
                sf::Transform transform = shape->getTransform();
                sf::Vector2f globalPoint = transform.transformPoint(localPoint);
                if (paddle.isWithin(globalPoint)) {
                    return true;
    return false;
void PuzzleApp::update()
	if (_hands[LEFT]->state != Hand::NORMAL && _hands[RIGHT]->state != Hand::NORMAL)
		Vec2f diff = _hands[RIGHT]->pos - _hands[LEFT]->pos;
		Vec2f polar = toPolar(diff);
		console()<<polar.x<<" "<<polar.y<<endl;
		float theta = polar.y;//[0, PI_two) clockwise
		float sign = 0.0f;
		if (theta > Pi)
			theta -= Pi;
		if (theta < Pi_half)
			sign = theta*0.5f;
		else if (theta > Pi_half)
			theta = Pi - theta;
			sign = -theta*0.5f;
		_rotate = sign;
		float loBound = 150;
		float hiBound = getWindowWidth();
		_scale = lmap(polar.x, loBound, hiBound, minScale, maxScale);
		_scale = constrain(_scale, minScale, maxScale);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Ball::bounce(float offset, sf::Vector2f polarCollisionPoint) {
    // move ball outside paddle, to where it would be if
    // bounce happened immediately
    sf::Vector2f polarPos = toPolar(getPosition() - Settings::getScreenCenter());
    const float ballRad = ((sf::CircleShape*)shape)->getRadius();
    const float paddleRad = polarCollisionPoint.x;
    sf::Vector2f bouncedPos( 2*paddleRad - polarPos.x - 2 * ballRad,
    shape->setPosition(toCartesian(bouncedPos) + Settings::getScreenCenter());
    // invert direction, then modify according to skew
    // factor and offset
    sf::Vector2f polarVel = toPolar(velocity);
    float angleOfIncidence = polarCollisionPoint.y - polarVel.y;
    if (angleOfIncidence > 90) {
        angleOfIncidence = angleOfIncidence - 180;
    } else if (angleOfIncidence < -90) {
        angleOfIncidence = angleOfIncidence + 180;
    float reflectionAngle = 180 - 2*angleOfIncidence;
    float skewReflectionAngle = reflectionAngle + skewFactor * offset;
    if ((reflectionAngle <=180 &&skewReflectionAngle < reflectionAngle/2) || (reflectionAngle > 180 && (180 -skewReflectionAngle) > (180 -reflectionAngle/2)) ) {
        skewReflectionAngle = reflectionAngle/2;
    // reflect and skew
    polarVel.y -= skewReflectionAngle;
    velocity = toCartesian(polarVel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Ball::hasScored() {
    sf::Vector2i center (Settings::getScreenResolution()/2);
    sf::Vector2f pos = shape->getPosition();
    int courtRadius = Settings::getZoneRadius();
    float ballRadius = toPolar(sf::Vector2f(pos.x - center.x,
                                            pos.y - center.y)).x;
    return ballRadius > courtRadius;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool Sprite::isPointInside( const Vec2f& pt )
	Vec2f polar = toPolar(pt - _center);
	polar.y -= toRadians(_degree);
	Vec2f local = fromPolar(polar);
	if (local.x > -_size.x/2 && local.x < _size.x/2 && 
		local.y > -_size.y/2 && local.y < _size.y/2)
		return true;
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    StationKeep::getRange(const IMC::EstimatedState* state) const
      double lat = state->lat;
      double lon = state->lon;

      Coordinates::toWGS84(*state, lat, lon);

      double x;
      double y;
      WGS84::displacement(lat, lon, 0, m_lat, m_lon, 0, &x, &y);

      // dummy variable
      double bearing;
      double range;

      toPolar(x, y, &bearing, &range);

      return range;