Ejemplo n.º 1
//                       CALC EQUIVALENT JOINT FORCES
// To be called from tip to base.
// Temps do not need to be initialized.
// (sherm 060727) In spatial operators, this calculates ~H*Phi*(F-(MA+b))
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcEquivalentJointForces(
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
    const SBDynamicsCache&      dc,
    const SpatialVec*           bodyForces,
    SpatialVec*                 allZ,
    Real*                       jointForces) const 
    const SpatialVec& myBodyForce  = bodyForces[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       z            = allZ[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         eps          = toU(jointForces);

    // Centrifugal forces are MA+b where M is body spatial inertia,
    // A is total coriolis acceleration, and b is gyroscopic force.
    z = myBodyForce - getTotalCentrifugalForces(dc);

    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const SpatialVec& zChild    = allZ[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);

        z += phiChild * zChild; 

    eps  = ~getH(pc) * z;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//                            CALC INVERSE DYNAMICS
// This algorithm calculates 
//      f = M*udot + C(u) - f_applied 
// in O(N) time, where C(u) are the velocity-dependent coriolis, centrifugal and 
// gyroscopic forces, f_applied are the applied body and joint forces, and udot 
// is given.
// Pass 1 is base to tip and is just a calculation of body accelerations arising
// from udot and the coriolis accelerations. It is embodied in the reusable
// calcBodyAccelerationsFromUdotOutward() method above.
// Pass 2 is tip to base. It takes body accelerations from pass 1 (including coriolis
// accelerations as well as hinge accelerations), and the applied forces,
// and calculates the additional hinge forces that would be necessary to produce 
// the observed accelerations.
// Costs for inverse dynamics include both passes:
//      pass1: 12*dof + 18 flops
//      pass2: 12*dof + 75 flops
//             -----------------
//      total: 24*dof + 93 flops
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
    const SBTreeVelocityCache&  vc,
    const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
    const Real*                 jointForces,
    const SpatialVec*           bodyForces,
    SpatialVec*                 allF,   // temp
    Real*                       allTau) const 
    const Vec<dof>&   myJointForce  = fromU(jointForces);
    const SpatialVec& myBodyForce   = bodyForces[nodeNum];
    const SpatialVec& A_GB          = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       F             = allF[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         tau           = toU(allTau);

    // Start with rigid body force from desired body acceleration and
    // gyroscopic forces due to angular velocity, minus external forces
    // applied directly to this body.
    F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB + getGyroscopicForce(vc) - myBodyForce; // 57 flops

    // Add in forces on children, shifted to this body.
    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        F += phiChild * FChild;         // 18 flops

    // Project body forces into hinge space and subtract any hinge forces already
    // being applied to get the remaining hinge forces needed.
    tau = ~getH(pc)*F - myJointForce;   // 12*dof flops
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Pass 2 of multiplyByMInv.
// Base to tip: temp allA_GB does not need to be initialized before
// beginning the iteration.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void 
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMInvPass2Outward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const Real*                             allEpsilon,
    SpatialVec*                             allA_GB,
    Real*                                   allUDot) const
    const Vec<dof>& eps  = fromU(allEpsilon);
    SpatialVec&     A_GB = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&       udot = toU(allUDot); // pull out this node's udot

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&        H   = getH(pc);
    const PhiMatrix&    phi = getPhi(pc);
    const Mat<dof,dof>& DI  = getDI(abc);
    const HType&        G   = getG(abc);

    // Shift parent's acceleration outward (Ground==0). 12 flops
    const SpatialVec& A_GP  = allA_GB[parent->getNodeNum()]; 
    const SpatialVec  APlus = ~phi * A_GP;

    // For a prescribed mobilizer, set udot==0.
    if (isPrescribed) {
        udot = 0;
        A_GB = APlus;
    } else {
        udot = DI*eps - ~G*APlus;   // 2dof^2 + 11 dof flops
        A_GB = APlus + H*udot;      // 12 dof flops
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Pass 1, to be called from tip to base.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMInvPass1Inward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const Real*                             jointForces,
    SpatialVec*                             allZ,
    SpatialVec*                             allZPlus,
    Real*                                   allEpsilon) const
    const Vec<dof>&   f     = fromU(jointForces);
    SpatialVec&       z     = allZ[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       zPlus = allZPlus[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         eps   = toU(allEpsilon);

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H = getH(pc);
    const HType&              G = getG(abc);

    z = 0;

    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& zPlusChild = allZPlus[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        z += phiChild * zPlusChild; // 18 flops

    zPlus = z;
    if (!isPrescribed) {
        eps    = f - ~H*z;  // 12*dof flops
        zPlus += G*eps;     // 12*dof flops
Ejemplo n.º 5
// to be called from base to tip.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::setVelFromSVel(
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc, 
    const SBTreeVelocityCache&  mc,
    const SpatialVec&           sVel, 
    Vector&                     u) const 
    toU(u) = ~getH(pc) * (sVel - (~getPhi(pc) * parent->getV_GB(mc)));
Ejemplo n.º 6
//                                   CALC UDOT
// To be called from tip to base.
// Temps do not need to be initialized.
// First pass
// ----------
// Given previously-calculated quantities from the State 
//      P       this body's articulated body inertia
//     Phi      composite body child-to-parent shift matrix
//      H       joint transition matrix; sense is transposed from Jain
//      G       P * H * DI
// and supplied arguments
//      F       body force applied to B
//      f       generalize forces applied to B's mobilities
//    udot_p    known udots (if mobilizer is prescribed)
// calculate 
//      z       articulated body residual force on B
//    zPlus     AB residual force as felt on inboard side of mobilizer
//     eps      f - ~H*z  gen force plus gen equiv of body forces
// For a prescribed mobilizer we have zPlus=z. Otherwise, zPlus = z + G*eps.
// This is the first (inward) loop of Algorithm 16.2 on page 323 of Jain's
// 2011 book, modified to include the applied body force and not including
// the auxiliary quantity "nu=DI*eps".
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcUDotPass1Inward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const SBDynamicsCache&                  dc,
    const Real*                             jointForces,
    const SpatialVec*                       bodyForces,
    const Real*                             allUDot,
    SpatialVec*                             allZ,
    SpatialVec*                             allZPlus,
    Real*                                   allEpsilon) const 
    const Vec<dof>&   f     = fromU(jointForces);
    const SpatialVec& F     = bodyForces[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       z     = allZ[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       zPlus = allZPlus[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         eps   = toU(allEpsilon);

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H = getH(pc);
    const ArticulatedInertia& P = getP(abc);
    const HType&              G = getG(abc);

    // z = Pa+b - F
    z = getMobilizerCentrifugalForces(dc) - F; // 6 flops

    // z += P H udot_p if prescribed
    if (isPrescribed && !isUDotKnownToBeZero(ic)) {
        const Vec<dof>& udot = fromU(allUDot);
        z += P*(H*udot); // 66+12*dof flops

    // z += sum(Phi(child) * zPlus(child)) for all children
    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild   = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& zPlusChild = allZPlus[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        z += phiChild * zPlusChild; // 18 flops

    eps  = f - ~H*z; // 12*dof flops

    zPlus = z;
    if (!isPrescribed)
        zPlus += G*eps; // 12*dof flops
Ejemplo n.º 7
CString ArbI18N::Utf8HankakuToZenkaku(char const * s)
  /* Change Hiragana to Katakana and set all characters to full-width  */
  BufferCharSource	utf8Source(s);
  StringCharSink	utf8Sink;

  InternalEncodingConverter unicodeSource(utf8Source,
      ExternalEncoding::Unicode20UTF8(), InternalEncoding::Unicode20());
  ToUppercaseTransform toU(unicodeSource);
  ToKatakanaTransform toK(toU);
  HankakuKatakanaToZenkakuTransform HtoZ(toK);
  InternalEncodingConverterSink unicodeSink(InternalEncoding::Unicode20(), 
	  ExternalEncoding::Unicode20UTF8(), utf8Sink);
  CString r = utf8Sink.c_str();
  return r;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Call tip to base after calling multiplyByMPass1Outward() for each
// rigid body.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMPass2Inward(
    const SBTreePositionCache&  pc,
    const SpatialVec*           allA_GB,
    SpatialVec*                 allF,   // temp
    Real*                       allTau) const 
    const SpatialVec& A_GB  = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       F     = allF[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         tau   = toU(allTau);

    // 45 flops because Mk has a nice structure
    F = getMk_G(pc)*A_GB; 

    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& FChild    = allF[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        F += phiChild * FChild; // 18 flops

    tau = ~getH(pc)*F;          // 11*dof flops
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Calculate acceleration in internal coordinates, based on the last set
// of forces that were reduced into epsilon (e.g., see above).
// Base to tip: temp allA_GB does not need to be initialized before
// beginning the iteration.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void 
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcUDotPass2Outward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const SBTreeVelocityCache&              vc,
    const SBDynamicsCache&                  dc,
    const Real*                             allEpsilon,
    SpatialVec*                             allA_GB,
    Real*                                   allUDot,
    Real*                                   allTau) const
    const Vec<dof>& eps  = fromU(allEpsilon);
    SpatialVec&     A_GB = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&       udot = toU(allUDot);    // pull out this node's udot

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H   = getH(pc);
    const PhiMatrix&          phi = getPhi(pc);
    const ArticulatedInertia& P   = getP(abc);
    const SpatialVec&         a   = getMobilizerCoriolisAcceleration(vc);
    const Mat<dof,dof>&       DI  = getDI(abc);
    const HType&              G   = getG(abc);

    // Shift parent's acceleration outward (Ground==0). 12 flops
    const SpatialVec& A_GP  = allA_GB[parent->getNodeNum()]; 
    const SpatialVec  APlus = ~phi * A_GP;

    if (isPrescribed) {
        Vec<dof>& tau = updTau(ic,allTau);  // pull out this node's tau
        // This is f - ~H(P*APlus + z); compare Jain 16.17b. Note sign
        // change since our tau is on the LHS while his is on the RHS.
        tau = eps - ~H*(P*APlus); // 66 + 12*dof flops
    } else {
        udot = DI*eps - ~G*APlus; // 2*dof^2 + 11*dof

    A_GB = APlus + H*udot + a;