Ejemplo n.º 1
//helper function for ray terrain intersection
static bool cellIntersect(float h1, float h2, float h3, float h4, float X, float Y, 
                   const WFMath::Vector<3> &nDir, float dirLen,
                   const WFMath::Point<3> &sPt, WFMath::Point<3> &intersection,
                   WFMath::Vector<3> &normal, float &par)
    //ray plane intersection roughly using the following:
    //parametric ray eqn:  p=po + par V
    //plane eqn: p dot N + d = 0
    // -par = (po dot N + d ) / (V dot N)
    // effectively we calculate the ray parametric variable for the
    // intersection of the plane corresponding to each triangle
    // then clip them by endpints of the ray, and by the sides of the square
    // and by the diagonal
    // if they both still intersect, then we choose the earlier intersection
    //intersection points for top and bottom triangles
    WFMath::Point<3> topInt, botInt;
    //point to use in plane equation for both triangles
    WFMath::Vector<3> p0 = WFMath::Vector<3>(X, Y, h1);

    // square is broken into two triangles
    // top triangle |/
    bool topIntersected = false;
    WFMath::Vector<3> topNormal(h2-h3, h1-h2, 1.0);
    float t = Dot(nDir, topNormal);

    float topP=0.0;

    if ((t > 1e-7) || (t < -1e-7)) {
        topP = - (Dot((sPt-WFMath::Point<3>(0.,0.,0.)), topNormal) 
               - Dot(topNormal, p0)) / t; 
        topInt = sPt + nDir*topP;
        //check the intersection is inside the triangle, and within the ray extents
        if ((topP <= dirLen) && (topP > 0.0) &&
            (topInt[0] >= X ) && (topInt[1] <= Y + 1 ) &&
            ((topInt[0] - topInt[1]) <= (X - Y)) ) {

    // bottom triangle /|
    bool botIntersected = false;
    WFMath::Vector<3> botNormal(h1-h4, h4-h3, 1.0);
    float b = Dot(nDir, botNormal);
    float botP=0.0;

    if ((b > 1e-7) || (b < -1e-7)) {
        botP = - (Dot((sPt-WFMath::Point<3>(0.,0.,0.)), botNormal) 
               - Dot(botNormal, p0)) / b; 
        botInt = sPt + nDir*botP;
        //check the intersection is inside the triangle, and within the ray extents
        if ((botP <= dirLen) && (botP > 0.0) &&
            (botInt[0] <= X + 1 ) && (botInt[1] >= Y ) && 
            ((botInt[0] - botInt[1]) >= (X - Y)) ) {
                botIntersected = true;

    if (topIntersected && botIntersected) { //intersection with both
        if (botP <= topP) {
            intersection = botInt;
            normal = botNormal; 
            if (botP == topP) {
                normal += topNormal;
            return true;    
        else {
            intersection = topInt;
            normal = topNormal; 
            return true;
    else if (topIntersected) { //intersection with top
        intersection = topInt;
        normal = topNormal; 
        return true;
    else if (botIntersected) { //intersection with bot
        intersection = botInt;
        normal = botNormal; 
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main()
	std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(NULL)));
	const float pi = 3.14159f;
	const int WIDTH = 900;
	const int HEIGHT = 600;
	sf::Time ball2ReleaseTime = sf::seconds(3);
	bool isMoving = false;
	bool isPlaying = false;

	sf::RenderWindow PONG(sf::VideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 32), "Pong", sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);

	sf::Vector2f racketSize(20, 100);
	float racketSpeed = 1;
	sf::RectangleShape p1racket;
	sf::RectangleShape p2racket;

	float ballSpeed = 0.5;
	float ballRad = 10;
	float ballDia = ballRad * 2;
	float ball1Angle = 0;
	do	{ ball1Angle = (std::rand() % 360) * pi / 180; } while (std::abs(std::cos(ball1Angle)) < 0.7f);
	float ball2Angle = 0;
	do { ball2Angle = (std::rand() % 360) * pi / 180; } while (std::abs(std::cos(ball1Angle)) < 0.7f);
	sf::Vector2f topNormal(0, ballSpeed);
	sf::Vector2f bottomNormal(0, -ballSpeed);
	sf::CircleShape ball1;
	float ball1vx = std::cos(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed;
	float ball1vy = std::sin(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed;
	sf::CircleShape ball2;
	float ball2vx = std::cos(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed;
	float ball2vy = std::sin(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed;

	p1racket.setPosition (0, HEIGHT / 2);
	p2racket.setPosition(WIDTH - racketSize.x, HEIGHT / 2);
	ball1.setPosition(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);
	ball2.setPosition(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2);

	sf::Clock clock;
	sf::Clock clock2;

	while (PONG.isOpen())
		sf::Event event;
		while (PONG.pollEvent(event))
			if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

		int gameTime = clock.restart().asMilliseconds();
		isMoving = false;

		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::W)) {
			p1racket.move(0, -racketSpeed * gameTime);
			if (p1racket.getPosition().y < 0)
				p1racket.setPosition(p1racket.getPosition().x, 0);
			isMoving = true;

		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::S))
			p1racket.move(0, racketSpeed * gameTime);
			if (p1racket.getPosition().y > HEIGHT - racketSize.y)
				p1racket.setPosition(p1racket.getPosition().x, HEIGHT - racketSize.y);
			isMoving = true;

		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Up)) {
			p2racket.move(0, -racketSpeed * gameTime);
			if (p2racket.getPosition().y < 0)
				p2racket.setPosition(p2racket.getPosition().x, 0);
			isMoving = true;

		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down))
			p2racket.move(0, racketSpeed * gameTime);
			if (p2racket.getPosition().y > HEIGHT - racketSize.y)
				p2racket.setPosition(p2racket.getPosition().x, HEIGHT - racketSize.y);
			isMoving = true;

		sf::Vector2f ball1Movement(ball1vx * gameTime, ball1vy * gameTime);
		if ((ball1.getPosition().y <= 0) || (ball1.getPosition().y >= HEIGHT - ballDia)) {
			ball1vy = -ball1vy;
			ball1Angle = -ball1Angle;

		if ((ball2.getPosition().y <= 0) || (ball2.getPosition().y >= HEIGHT - ballDia)) {
			ball2vy = -ball2vy;
			ball2Angle = -ball2Angle;

		if ((ball1.getPosition().x >= p1racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x / 2) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().x <= p1racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().y >= p1racket.getPosition().y - .1) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().y <= p1racket.getPosition().y + racketSize.y + .1))
			if (isMoving)
				ball1Angle = ball1Angle - pi + ((rand() % 6) - 3) / 100;
				ball1vx = std::cos(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball1vy = std::sin(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball1vx = -ball1vx;

		if ((ball2.getPosition().x >= p1racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x / 2) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().x <= p1racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().y >= p1racket.getPosition().y - .1) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().y <= p1racket.getPosition().y + racketSize.y + .1))
			if (isMoving)
				if (ball2.getPosition().y > p1racket.getPosition().y)
				ball2Angle = ball2Angle - pi + ((rand() % 6) - 3) / 100;
				ball2vx = std::cos(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball2vy = std::sin(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball2vx = -ball2vx;

		if ((ball1.getPosition().x + ballDia >= p2racket.getPosition().x) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().x + ballDia <= p2racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x / 2) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().y >= p2racket.getPosition().y - .1) &&
			(ball1.getPosition().y <= p2racket.getPosition().y + racketSize.y + .1))
			if (isMoving)
				ball1Angle = ball1Angle - pi + ((rand() % 6) - 3) / 100;
				ball1vx = std::cos(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball1vy = std::sin(ball1Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball1vx = -ball1vx;

		if ((ball2.getPosition().x + ballDia >= p2racket.getPosition().x) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().x + ballDia <= p2racket.getPosition().x + racketSize.x /2) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().y >= p2racket.getPosition().y - .1) &&
			(ball2.getPosition().y <= p2racket.getPosition().y + racketSize.y + .1))
			if (isMoving)
				ball2Angle = ball2Angle - pi + ((rand() % 6) - 3) / 100;
				ball2vx = std::cos(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball2vy = std::sin(ball2Angle) * ballSpeed * 1.5f;
				ball2vx = -ball2vx;

		if (clock2.getElapsedTime() > ball2ReleaseTime)
			sf::Vector2f ball2Movement(ball2vx * gameTime, ball2vy * gameTime);

			if (((ball1.getPosition().x >= ball2.getPosition().x) &&
				(ball1.getPosition().x <= ball2.getPosition().x + ballDia) &&
				(ball1.getPosition().y >= ball2.getPosition().y) &&
				(ball1.getPosition().y <= ball2.getPosition().y + ballDia)) ||
				((ball2.getPosition().x >= ball1.getPosition().x) &&
					(ball2.getPosition().x <= ball1.getPosition().x + ballDia) &&
					(ball2.getPosition().y >= ball1.getPosition().y) &&
					(ball2.getPosition().y <= ball1.getPosition().y + ballDia))
				ball1vx = -ball1vx;
				ball2vx = -ball2vx;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//helper function for ray terrain intersection
static bool cellIntersect(float h1, float h2, float h3, float h4,
                          float X, float Y,
                          const std::tuple<float, float, float> &nDir, float dirLen,
                          const WFMath::Point<3> &sPt,
                          WFMath::Point<3> &intersection,
                          std::tuple<float, float, float> &normal, float &par)
  //ray plane intersection roughly using the following:
  //parametric ray eqn:  p=po + par V
  //plane eqn: p dot N + d = 0
  // -par = (po dot N + d ) / (V dot N)
  // effectively we calculate the ray parametric variable for the
  // intersection of the plane corresponding to each triangle
  // then clip them by endpints of the ray, and by the sides of the square
  // and by the diagonal
  // if they both still intersect, then we choose the earlier intersection

  //intersection points for top and bottom triangles
  WFMath::Point<3> topInt, botInt;

  //point to use in plane equation for both triangles
  std::tuple<float, float, float> p0 = std::tuple<float, float, float>(X, Y, h1);

  // square is broken into two triangles
  // top triangle |/
  bool topIntersected = false;
  std::tuple<float, float, float> topNormal(h2 - h3, h1 - h2, 1.0);
  float t = dot(nDir, topNormal);

  decltype(t) topP = 0.0;

  if ((t > 1e-7) || (t < -1e-7))
    topP = -(dot(std::tuple<float, float, float>(sPt[0], sPt[1], sPt[2]), topNormal)
             - dot(topNormal, p0)) / t;
    topInt = translate(sPt, scale(nDir, topP));
    //check the intersection is inside the triangle, and within the ray extents
    if ((topP <= dirLen) && (topP > 0.0) &&
        (topInt[0] >= X ) && (topInt[1] <= Y + 1 ) &&
        ((topInt[0] - topInt[1]) <= (X - Y)) )
      topIntersected = true;

  // bottom triangle /|
  bool botIntersected = false;
  std::tuple<float, float, float> botNormal(h1 - h4, h4 - h3, 1.0);
  auto b = dot(nDir, botNormal);
  decltype(b) botP = 0.0;

  if ((b > 1e-7) || (b < -1e-7))
    botP = -(dot(std::tuple<float, float, float>(sPt[0], sPt[1], sPt[2]), botNormal)
             - dot(botNormal, p0)) / b;
    botInt = translate(sPt, scale(nDir, botP));
    //check the intersection is inside the triangle, and within the ray extents
    if ((botP <= dirLen) && (botP > 0.0) &&
        (botInt[0] <= X + 1 ) && (botInt[1] >= Y ) &&
        ((botInt[0] - botInt[1]) >= (X - Y)) )
      botIntersected = true;

  if (topIntersected && botIntersected)     //intersection with both
    if (botP <= topP)
      intersection = botInt;
      normal = botNormal;
      par = botP / dirLen;
      if (botP == topP)
        add_i(normal, topNormal);
      return true;
      intersection = topInt;
      normal = topNormal;
      par = topP / dirLen;
      return true;
  else if (topIntersected)     //intersection with top
    intersection = topInt;
    normal = topNormal;
    par = topP / dirLen;
    return true;
  else if (botIntersected)     //intersection with bot
    intersection = botInt;
    normal = botNormal;
    par = botP / dirLen;
    return true;

  return false;