Ejemplo n.º 1
fuzz_main(const uint8_t *data, size_t sz)
  networkstatus_t *ns;
  char *str = tor_memdup_nulterm(data, sz);
  const char *eos = NULL;
  networkstatus_type_t tp = NS_TYPE_CONSENSUS;
  if (tor_memstr(data, MIN(sz, 1024), "tus vote"))
    tp = NS_TYPE_VOTE;
  const char *what = (tp == NS_TYPE_CONSENSUS) ? "consensus" : "vote";
  ns = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(str,
  if (ns) {
    log_debug(LD_GENERAL, "Parsing as %s okay", what);
  } else {
    log_debug(LD_GENERAL, "Parsing as %s failed", what);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Helper function: read the next token from *s, advance *s to the end of the
 * token, and return the parsed token.  Parse *<b>s</b> according to the list
 * of tokens in <b>table</b>.
directory_token_t *
get_next_token(memarea_t *area,
               const char **s, const char *eos, token_rule_t *table)
  /** Reject any object at least this big; it is probably an overflow, an
   * attack, a bug, or some other nonsense. */
#define MAX_UNPARSED_OBJECT_SIZE (128*1024)
  /** Reject any line at least this big; it is probably an overflow, an
   * attack, a bug, or some other nonsense. */
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH (128*1024)

  const char *next, *eol, *obstart;
  size_t obname_len;
  int i;
  directory_token_t *tok;
  obj_syntax o_syn = NO_OBJ;
  char ebuf[128];
  const char *kwd = "";

  tok = ALLOC_ZERO(sizeof(directory_token_t));
  tok->tp = ERR_;

  /* Set *s to first token, eol to end-of-line, next to after first token */
  *s = eat_whitespace_eos(*s, eos); /* eat multi-line whitespace */
  tor_assert(eos >= *s);
  eol = memchr(*s, '\n', eos-*s);
  if (!eol)
    eol = eos;
  if (eol - *s > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
    RET_ERR("Line far too long");

  next = find_whitespace_eos(*s, eol);

  if (!strcmp_len(*s, "opt", next-*s)) {
    /* Skip past an "opt" at the start of the line. */
    *s = eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(next, eol);
    next = find_whitespace_eos(*s, eol);
  } else if (*s == eos) {  /* If no "opt", and end-of-line, line is invalid */
    RET_ERR("Unexpected EOF");

  /* Search the table for the appropriate entry.  (I tried a binary search
   * instead, but it wasn't any faster.) */
  for (i = 0; table[i].t ; ++i) {
    if (!strcmp_len(*s, table[i].t, next-*s)) {
      /* We've found the keyword. */
      kwd = table[i].t;
      tok->tp = table[i].v;
      o_syn = table[i].os;
      *s = eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(next, eol);
      /* We go ahead whether there are arguments or not, so that tok->args is
       * always set if we want arguments. */
      if (table[i].concat_args) {
        /* The keyword takes the line as a single argument */
        tok->args = ALLOC(sizeof(char*));
        tok->args[0] = STRNDUP(*s,eol-*s); /* Grab everything on line */
        tok->n_args = 1;
      } else {
        /* This keyword takes multiple arguments. */
        if (get_token_arguments(area, tok, *s, eol)<0) {
          tor_snprintf(ebuf, sizeof(ebuf),"Far too many arguments to %s", kwd);
        *s = eol;
      if (tok->n_args < table[i].min_args) {
        tor_snprintf(ebuf, sizeof(ebuf), "Too few arguments to %s", kwd);
      } else if (tok->n_args > table[i].max_args) {
        tor_snprintf(ebuf, sizeof(ebuf), "Too many arguments to %s", kwd);

  if (tok->tp == ERR_) {
    /* No keyword matched; call it an "K_opt" or "A_unrecognized" */
    if (**s == '@')
      tok->tp = A_UNKNOWN_;
      tok->tp = K_OPT;
    tok->args = ALLOC(sizeof(char*));
    tok->args[0] = STRNDUP(*s, eol-*s);
    tok->n_args = 1;
    o_syn = OBJ_OK;

  /* Check whether there's an object present */
  *s = eat_whitespace_eos(eol, eos);  /* Scan from end of first line */
  tor_assert(eos >= *s);
  eol = memchr(*s, '\n', eos-*s);
  if (!eol || eol-*s<11 || strcmpstart(*s, "-----BEGIN ")) /* No object. */
    goto check_object;

  obstart = *s; /* Set obstart to start of object spec */
  if (*s+16 >= eol || memchr(*s+11,'\0',eol-*s-16) || /* no short lines, */
      strcmp_len(eol-5, "-----", 5) ||           /* nuls or invalid endings */
      (eol-*s) > MAX_UNPARSED_OBJECT_SIZE) {     /* name too long */
    RET_ERR("Malformed object: bad begin line");
  tok->object_type = STRNDUP(*s+11, eol-*s-16);
  obname_len = eol-*s-16; /* store objname length here to avoid a strlen() */
  *s = eol+1;    /* Set *s to possible start of object data (could be eos) */

  /* Go to the end of the object */
  next = tor_memstr(*s, eos-*s, "-----END ");
  if (!next) {
    RET_ERR("Malformed object: missing object end line");
  tor_assert(eos >= next);
  eol = memchr(next, '\n', eos-next);
  if (!eol)  /* end-of-line marker, or eos if there's no '\n' */
    eol = eos;
  /* Validate the ending tag, which should be 9 + NAME + 5 + eol */
  if ((size_t)(eol-next) != 9+obname_len+5 ||
      strcmp_len(next+9, tok->object_type, obname_len) ||
      strcmp_len(eol-5, "-----", 5)) {
    tor_snprintf(ebuf, sizeof(ebuf), "Malformed object: mismatched end tag %s",
    ebuf[sizeof(ebuf)-1] = '\0';
  if (next - *s > MAX_UNPARSED_OBJECT_SIZE)
    RET_ERR("Couldn't parse object: missing footer or object much too big.");

  if (!strcmp(tok->object_type, "RSA PUBLIC KEY")) { /* If it's a public key */
    tok->key = crypto_pk_new();
    if (crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(tok->key, obstart, eol-obstart))
      RET_ERR("Couldn't parse public key.");
  } else if (!strcmp(tok->object_type, "RSA PRIVATE KEY")) { /* private key */
    tok->key = crypto_pk_new();
    if (crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(tok->key, obstart, eol-obstart))
      RET_ERR("Couldn't parse private key.");
  } else { /* If it's something else, try to base64-decode it */
    int r;
    tok->object_body = ALLOC(next-*s); /* really, this is too much RAM. */
    r = base64_decode(tok->object_body, next-*s, *s, next-*s);
    if (r<0)
      RET_ERR("Malformed object: bad base64-encoded data");
    tok->object_size = r;
  *s = eol;

  tok = token_check_object(area, kwd, tok, o_syn);

  return tok;

#undef RET_ERR
#undef ALLOC
#undef STRDUP
#undef STRNDUP
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Parse the encoded introduction points in <b>intro_points_encoded</b> of
 * length <b>intro_points_encoded_size</b> and write the result to the
 * descriptor in <b>parsed</b>; return the number of successfully parsed
 * introduction points or -1 in case of a failure. */
rend_parse_introduction_points(rend_service_descriptor_t *parsed,
                               const char *intro_points_encoded,
                               size_t intro_points_encoded_size)
  const char *current_ipo, *end_of_intro_points;
  smartlist_t *tokens = NULL;
  directory_token_t *tok;
  rend_intro_point_t *intro;
  extend_info_t *info;
  int result, num_ok=1;
  memarea_t *area = NULL;
  /** Function may only be invoked once. */
  if (!intro_points_encoded || intro_points_encoded_size == 0) {
    log_warn(LD_REND, "Empty or zero size introduction point list");
    goto err;
  /* Consider one intro point after the other. */
  current_ipo = intro_points_encoded;
  end_of_intro_points = intro_points_encoded + intro_points_encoded_size;
  tokens = smartlist_new();
  parsed->intro_nodes = smartlist_new();
  area = memarea_new();

  while (!fast_memcmpstart(current_ipo, end_of_intro_points-current_ipo,
                      "introduction-point ")) {
    /* Determine end of string. */
    const char *eos = tor_memstr(current_ipo, end_of_intro_points-current_ipo,
                                 "\nintroduction-point ");
    if (!eos)
      eos = end_of_intro_points;
      eos = eos+1;
    tor_assert(eos <= intro_points_encoded+intro_points_encoded_size);
    /* Free tokens and clear token list. */
    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, t, token_clear(t));
    /* Tokenize string. */
    if (tokenize_string(area, current_ipo, eos, tokens, ipo_token_table, 0)) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Error tokenizing introduction point");
      goto err;
    /* Advance to next introduction point, if available. */
    current_ipo = eos;
    /* Check minimum allowed length of introduction point. */
    if (smartlist_len(tokens) < 5) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Impossibly short introduction point.");
      goto err;
    /* Allocate new intro point and extend info. */
    intro = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_intro_point_t));
    info = intro->extend_info = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(extend_info_t));
    /* Parse identifier. */
    tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R_IPO_IDENTIFIER);
    if (base32_decode(info->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN,
                      tok->args[0], REND_INTRO_POINT_ID_LEN_BASE32) < 0) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Identity digest contains illegal characters: %s",
      goto err;
    /* Write identifier to nickname. */
    info->nickname[0] = '$';
    base16_encode(info->nickname + 1, sizeof(info->nickname) - 1,
                  info->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
    /* Parse IP address. */
    tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R_IPO_IP_ADDRESS);
    if (tor_addr_parse(&info->addr, tok->args[0])<0) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Could not parse introduction point address.");
      goto err;
    if (tor_addr_family(&info->addr) != AF_INET) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point address was not ipv4.");
      goto err;

    /* Parse onion port. */
    tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R_IPO_ONION_PORT);
    info->port = (uint16_t) tor_parse_long(tok->args[0],10,1,65535,
    if (!info->port || !num_ok) {
      log_warn(LD_REND, "Introduction point onion port %s is invalid",
      goto err;
    /* Parse onion key. */
    tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R_IPO_ONION_KEY);
    if (!crypto_pk_public_exponent_ok(tok->key)) {
               "Introduction point's onion key had invalid exponent.");
      goto err;
    info->onion_key = tok->key;
    tok->key = NULL; /* Prevent free */
    /* Parse service key. */
    tok = find_by_keyword(tokens, R_IPO_SERVICE_KEY);
    if (!crypto_pk_public_exponent_ok(tok->key)) {
               "Introduction point key had invalid exponent.");
      goto err;
    intro->intro_key = tok->key;
    tok->key = NULL; /* Prevent free */
    /* Add extend info to list of introduction points. */
    smartlist_add(parsed->intro_nodes, intro);
  result = smartlist_len(parsed->intro_nodes);
  goto done;

  result = -1;

  /* Free tokens and clear token list. */
  if (tokens) {
    SMARTLIST_FOREACH(tokens, directory_token_t *, t, token_clear(t));
  if (area)

  return result;