Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: udpxy.c Proyecto: avble/udpxy
/* relay traffic from source to destination socket
static int
relay_traffic( int ssockfd, int dsockfd, struct server_ctx* ctx,
               int dfilefd, const struct in_addr* mifaddr )
    volatile sig_atomic_t quit = 0;

    int rc = 0;
    ssize_t nmsgs = -1;
    ssize_t nrcv = 0, nsent = 0, nwr = 0,
            lrcv = 0, lsent = 0;
    char*  data = NULL;
    size_t data_len = g_uopt.rbuf_len;
    struct rdata_opt ropt;
    time_t pause_time = 0, rfr_tm = time(NULL);
    sigset_t ubset;

    const int ALLOW_PAUSES = get_flagval( "UDPXY_ALLOW_PAUSES", 0 );
    const ssize_t MAX_PAUSE_MSEC =
        get_sizeval( "UDPXY_PAUSE_MSEC", 1000);

    /* permissible variation in data-packet size */
    static const ssize_t t_delta = 0x20;

    struct dstream_ctx ds;

    static const int SET_PID = 1;
    struct tps_data tps;

    assert( ctx && mifaddr && MAX_PAUSE_MSEC > 0 );

    (void) sigemptyset (&ubset);
    sigaddset (&ubset, SIGINT);
    sigaddset (&ubset, SIGQUIT);
    sigaddset (&ubset, SIGTERM);

    /* restore the ability to receive *quit* signals */
    rc = sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &ubset, NULL);
    if (0 != rc) {
        mperror (g_flog, errno, "%s: sigprocmask", __func__);
        return -1;

    /* NOPs to eliminate warnings in lean version */
    (void)&lrcv; (void)&lsent; (void)&t_delta;

    check_fragments( NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_flog );

    /* INIT

    rc = calc_buf_settings( &nmsgs, NULL );
    if (0 != rc) return -1;

    TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Data buffer will hold up to "
                        "[%d] messages\n", nmsgs ) );

    rc = init_dstream_ctx( &ds, ctx->cmd, g_uopt.srcfile, nmsgs );
    if( 0 != rc ) return -1;

    (void) set_nice( g_uopt.nice_incr, g_flog );

    do {
        if( NULL == g_uopt.srcfile ) {
            rc = set_timeouts( ssockfd, dsockfd,
                               ctx->rcv_tmout, 0,
                               ctx->snd_tmout, 0 );
            if( 0 != rc ) break;

        if( dsockfd > 0 ) {
            rc = sync_dsockbuf_len( ssockfd, dsockfd );
            if( 0 != rc ) break;

            rc = send_http_response( dsockfd, 200, "OK" );
            if( 0 != rc ) break;

            /* timeshift: to detect PAUSE make destination
            * socket non-blocking, otherwise make it blocking
            * (since it might have been set unblocking earlier)
            rc = set_nblock( dsockfd, (ALLOW_PAUSES ? 1 : 0) );
            if( 0 != rc ) break;

        data = malloc(data_len);
        if( NULL == data ) {
            mperror( g_flog, errno, "%s: malloc", __func__ );

        if( g_uopt.cl_tpstat )
            tpstat_init( &tps, SET_PID );
    } while(0);

    TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Relaying traffic from socket[%d] "
            "to socket[%d], buffer size=[%d], Rmsgs=[%d], pauses=[%d]\n",
            ssockfd, dsockfd, data_len, g_uopt.rbuf_msgs, ALLOW_PAUSES) );

    ropt.max_frgs = g_uopt.rbuf_msgs;
    ropt.buf_tmout = g_uopt.dhold_tmout;

    pause_time = 0;

    while( (0 == rc) && !(quit = must_quit()) ) {
        if( g_uopt.mcast_refresh > 0 ) {
            check_mcast_refresh( ssockfd, &rfr_tm, mifaddr );

        nrcv = read_data( &ds, ssockfd, data, data_len, &ropt );
        if( -1 == nrcv ) break;

        TRACE( check_fragments( "received new", data_len,
                    lrcv, nrcv, t_delta, g_flog ) );
        lrcv = nrcv;

        if( dsockfd && (nrcv > 0) ) {
            nsent = write_data( &ds, data, nrcv, dsockfd );
            if( -1 == nsent ) break;

            if ( nsent < 0 ) {
                if ( !ALLOW_PAUSES ) break;
                if ( 0 != pause_detect( nsent, MAX_PAUSE_MSEC, &pause_time ) )

            TRACE( check_fragments("sent", nrcv,
                        lsent, nsent, t_delta, g_flog) );
            lsent = nsent;

        if( (dfilefd > 0) && (nrcv > 0) ) {
            nwr = write_data( &ds, data, nrcv, dfilefd );
            if( -1 == nwr )
            TRACE( check_fragments( "wrote to file",
                    nrcv, lsent, nwr, t_delta, g_flog ) );
            lsent = nwr;

        if( ds.flags & F_SCATTERED ) reset_pkt_registry( &ds );

        if( uf_TRUE == g_uopt.cl_tpstat )
            tpstat_update( ctx, &tps, nsent );

    } /* end of RELAY LOOP */

    /* CLEANUP
    TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Exited relay loop: received=[%ld], "
        "sent=[%ld], quit=[%ld]\n", (long)nrcv, (long)nsent, (long)quit ) );

    free_dstream_ctx( &ds );
    if( NULL != data ) free( data );

    if( 0 != (quit = must_quit()) ) {
        TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "Child process=[%d] must quit\n",
                    getpid()) );

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ctx.c Proyecto: 5UN5H1N3/udpxy
/* send statistics update to server (if it's time)
tpstat_update( struct server_ctx* ctx,
               struct tps_data* d, ssize_t nbytes )
    static const double MAX_NOUPDATE_ITER = 1000.0;
    static const double MAX_SEC = 10.0;

    struct tput_stat ts;
    int writefd = -1, rc = 0;
    const int DO_NOT_SET_PID = 0;
    ssize_t nwr = -1;
    double nsec;

    assert( ctx && d );

    d->nbytes += nbytes;

    nsec = difftime( time(NULL), d->tm_from );
    if( !((d->niter >= MAX_NOUPDATE_ITER) || (nsec >= MAX_SEC)) )

    /* attempt to send update to server */
    d->niter = 0;

    ts.sender_id = d->pid;
    ts.nbytes = d->nbytes;
    ts.nsec = nsec;

    writefd = ctx->cpipe[1];
    do {
        nwr = write( writefd, &ts, sizeof(ts) );
        if( nwr <= 0 ) {
            if( (EINTR != errno) && (EAGAIN != errno) ) {
                mperror( g_flog, errno, "%s: write", __func__ );
                rc = -1;
            /* if it's an interrupt or pipe full - ignore */
            TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "%s - write error [%s] - ignored\n",
                            __func__, strerror(errno)) );
        if( sizeof(ts) != (size_t)nwr ) {
            (void)tmfprintf( g_flog, "%s - wrote [%d] bytes to pipe, "
                    "expected [%u]\n",
                    __func__, nwr, (int)sizeof(ts) );
            rc = -1;

        TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( g_flog,
                "Sent TSTAT={ sender=[%ld], bytes=[%f], seconds=[%f] }\n",
                (long)ts.sender_id, ts.nbytes, ts.nsec) );
    } while(0);

    if( 0 == rc ) {
        tpstat_init( d, DO_NOT_SET_PID );
