Ejemplo n.º 1
const kvs::TransferFunction TransferFunctionEditor::transferFunction() const
//    const kvs::Real32 min_value = m_initial_transfer_function.colorMap().minValue();
//    const kvs::Real32 max_value = m_initial_transfer_function.colorMap().maxValue();
    kvs::TransferFunction transfer_function( this->colorMap(), this->opacityMap() );
//    transfer_function.setRange( min_value, max_value );
    transfer_function.setRange( m_min_value, m_max_value );

    return( transfer_function );
Ejemplo n.º 2
double MEM::transfer_function_smear(double* x, double* par){

  TFType::TFType type = static_cast<TFType::TFType>( static_cast<int>(par[2]) ); 

  if(type==TFType::bReco || type==TFType::qReco){
    double yy[1] = {x[0]};
    double xx[2] = {par[0], par[1]};
    int out_of_range{0};
    double cutoff   {6.6};
    int debug       {0};
    return transfer_function(yy, xx, type, out_of_range, cutoff, debug);
  else if(type==TFType::MET){
    double yy[2] = {x[0], x[1]};
    double xx[2] = {par[0], par[1]};
    int out_of_range{0};
    double cutoff   {6.6};
    int debug       {0};
    return transfer_function(yy, xx, type, out_of_range, cutoff, debug);    
  else{ /* ... */ }
  return 1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
transfer_function get_transfer_function( const options& op )
    std::string fn = op.require_as<std::string>("function");

    if ( fn == "tanh" )
        ovec2d p = op.optional_as<ovec2d>("function_args", "1,1");
        return transfer_function(functions::hyperbolic_tangent(p[0],p[1]));
    else if ( fn == "linear" )
        ovector<real> p =
            op.optional_as<ovector<real>>("function_args", "1,0");


        if ( p.size() == 1 )
            return transfer_function(functions::linear(p[0]));
        else if ( p.size() == 2 )
            return transfer_function(functions::linear(p[0], p[1]));
    else if ( fn == "rectify_linear" )
        return transfer_function(functions::rectify_linear());
    else if ( fn == "soft_sign" )
        return transfer_function(functions::soft_sign());
    else if ( fn == "logistics" )
        return transfer_function(functions::logistics());
    else if ( fn == "forward_logistics" )
        return transfer_function(functions::forward_logistics());

    throw std::logic_error(HERE() + "unknown function: " + fn);
Ejemplo n.º 4
//   y     := observables                                                                                                                               
//   type  := decides the TF  
//   alpha := CL (e.g. 0.95, 0.98, ...)
//   obj   := optionally supply the particle, needed for external TF (obj==null -> internal TF)
pair<double, double> MEM::get_support(
  double* y,
  const TFType::TFType& type,
  const double& alpha,
  const int& debug,
  MEM::Object* obj

  if( type==TFType::TFType::MET ){
    if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "get_support" << y[0] << " " << y[1] << " " << alpha << " " << debug << " " << obj << endl;

    double alpha_n = TMath::Abs(alpha);
    int sign       = alpha>0?1:0;

    // the MET px and py
    double Px        = y[0];
    double Py        = y[1];

    // return values
    double xLowPhi   = -TMath::Pi();
    double xHighPhi  = +TMath::Pi();

    double phiStep   = 0.04;

    // phi of MET vector
    double Phi       = Py>0?TMath::ACos(Px/sqrt(Px*Px+Py*Py)):2*TMath::Pi()-TMath::ACos(Px/sqrt(Px*Px+Py*Py));
    if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "MET phi at " << Phi << endl;

    // elements of the MET cov matrix
    double Vx        = TF_MET_param[0]*TF_MET_param[0];
    double Vy        = TF_MET_param[1]*TF_MET_param[1];
    double rho       = TF_MET_param[2];

    // chi2 cut to find the CL
    double chi2Cut   = TMath::ChisquareQuantile(alpha_n ,2);    

    // MET TF at zero
    double tfAtZero = Chi2Corr(Px,Py,sqrt(Vx),sqrt(Vy),rho);

    // nothing to do...
    if( tfAtZero <= chi2Cut ){
      if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more)
	cout << "(0,0) is inside the 2-sigma CL => integrate over -TMath::Pi()/+TMath::Pi()" << endl;

    // search for boundaries

      if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more)
	cout << "(0,0) is outside the 2-sigma CL => find phi-window with interpolation..." << endl;	
      for( int dir = 0; dir < 2 ; ++dir){	

	if(dir!=sign) continue;
	if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "Doing scan along " << (dir?"+":"-") << " direction" << endl;

	bool stopPhiScan = false;
	for(std::size_t step = 0; step <= (std::size_t)(TMath::Pi()/phiStep) && !stopPhiScan; ++step){
	  double phi = Phi + double(2.*dir-1)*phiStep*step;
	  //if(phi<0.) phi += 2*TMath::Pi();
	  //else if(phi>2*TMath::Pi())  phi -= 2*TMath::Pi();
	  if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "\tScan phi=" << phi << endl;
	  double sin    = TMath::Sin(phi);
	  double cos    = TMath::Cos(phi);
	  bool crossing = false;
	  //bool exceeded = false;
	  //bool alreadyInTheBox = PxMax*PxMin<=0. && PyMax*PyMin<=0.;

	  double p_step = 2.;
	  for(std::size_t stepP = 0; stepP<200 && !crossing && /*!exceeded && !crossing &&*/ !stopPhiScan; ++stepP){
	    double Px_P = stepP*p_step*cos;
	    double Py_P = stepP*p_step*sin;	    
	    //if( alreadyInTheBox && (Px_P>PxMax || Px_P<PxMin || Py_P>PyMax || Py_P<PyMin)){
	    //exceeded = true;
	    //if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "\tWas in box, and got out at P=" << stepP*p_step << endl;
	    //else if( !alreadyInTheBox && (Px_P>PxMax || Px_P<PxMin || Py_P>PyMax || Py_P<PyMin)){
	      //if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "\tWas not in the box, and I am still out at P=" << stepP*5 << endl;
	    if( Chi2Corr(Px_P-Px, Py_P-Py, sqrt(Vx), sqrt(Vy), rho) < chi2Cut ) {
	      crossing = true;	 
	      if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) 
		cout << "\tWas not in the box, and found crossing at (" << Px_P << "," << Py_P << ")" << endl;
	  } // end loop over |P|
	    if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) cout << "\tNo crossing at " << phi << " => stop phi scan" << endl;
	    if(dir==0) xLowPhi  = phi+0.5*phiStep;
	    if(dir==1) xHighPhi = phi-0.5*phiStep;
	    stopPhiScan = true;
      //xLowPhi  = -TMath::ACos(TMath::Cos( Phi - xLowPhi ));
      //xHighPhi = +TMath::ACos(TMath::Cos( Phi - xHighPhi));
      xLowPhi  -= Phi;
      xHighPhi -= Phi;
    return make_pair(xLowPhi,xHighPhi);
  } //TFType == MET 

  // the reconstructed values
  double e_rec   = y[0];
  double eta_rec = y[1];

  // start with reconstructed value
  double e_L{e_rec};
  double e_H{e_rec};

  // granularity
  double step_size{2.5};

  double tot{1.};
  int accept{0};
  double cutoff{99.};
  while( tot>(1-alpha)/2 && e_L>0. ){
    tot = 0.;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 500.; ++i){
      double gen[2] = {e_L, eta_rec};
      double rec[1] = {e_rec+i*step_size};
      if (obj == nullptr) {
        tot += transfer_function(rec,gen,type,accept,cutoff,debug)*step_size;
      } else { // use external TF
        tot += transfer_function2(obj,gen,type,accept,cutoff,false,debug)*step_size;
      if(  tot>(1-alpha)/2 ) break;
    e_L -= step_size;
  if(e_L<0.) e_L=0.;

  tot = 1.;
  while( tot>(1-alpha)/2 ){
    tot = 0.;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 500.; ++i){
      double gen[2] = {e_H, eta_rec};
      double rec[1] = {e_rec-i*step_size};
      if(rec[0]<0.) continue;
      if (obj == nullptr) {
        tot += transfer_function(rec,gen,type,accept,cutoff,debug)*step_size;
      } else { // use external TF
        tot += transfer_function2(obj,gen,type,accept,cutoff,false,debug)*step_size;
      if(  tot>(1-alpha)/2 ) break;
    e_H += step_size;
  if( debug&DebugVerbosity::init_more) 
    cout << "MEM::get_support: E(reco) = " << e_rec << " ==> range at " << alpha 
	 << " CL is [" << e_L << ", " << e_H << "] (stepping every " << step_size << " GeV)" << endl;
  e_L = TMath::Max(e_L, type==TFType::bReco ? MB : MQ);
  return make_pair(e_L, e_H);