Ejemplo n.º 1
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const QgsRectangle theRect, TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
        return theRect;
    // transform x
    double x1 = theRect.xMinimum();
    double y1 = theRect.yMinimum();
    double x2 = theRect.xMaximum();
    double y2 = theRect.yMaximum();

    // Number of points to reproject------+
    //                                    |
    //                                    V
        double z = 0.0;
        transformCoords( 1, &x1, &y1, &z, direction );
        transformCoords( 1, &x2, &y2, &z, direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );

    QgsDebugMsg( "Rect projection..." );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Xmin : %1 --> %2" ).arg( theRect.xMinimum() ).arg( x1 ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Ymin : %1 --> %2" ).arg( theRect.yMinimum() ).arg( y1 ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Xmax : %1 --> %2" ).arg( theRect.xMaximum() ).arg( x2 ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Ymax : %1 --> %2" ).arg( theRect.yMaximum() ).arg( y2 ) );
    return QgsRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace( float& x, float& y, float& z,
        TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("Using transform in place %1 %2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__));
    // transform x
        double xd = x;
        double yd = y;
        double zd = z;
        transformCoords( 1, &xd, &yd, &zd, direction );
        x = xd;
        y = yd;
        z = zd;
    catch ( QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace(
    QVector<double>& x, QVector<double>& y, QVector<double>& z,
    TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )

    Q_ASSERT( x.size() == y.size() );

    // Apparently, if one has a std::vector, it is valid to use the
    // address of the first element in the vector as a pointer to an
    // array of the vectors data, and hence easily interface with code
    // that wants C-style arrays.

        transformCoords( x.size(), &x[0], &y[0], &z[0], direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace(
  QVector<float> &x, QVector<float> &y, QVector<float> &z,
  TransformDirection direction ) const
  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )

  Q_ASSERT( x.size() == y.size() );

  // Apparently, if one has a std::vector, it is valid to use the
  // address of the first element in the vector as a pointer to an
  // array of the vectors data, and hence easily interface with code
  // that wants C-style arrays.

    //copy everything to double vectors since proj needs double
    int vectorSize = x.size();
    QVector<double> xd( x.size() );
    QVector<double> yd( y.size() );
    QVector<double> zd( z.size() );

    double *destX = xd.data();
    double *destY = yd.data();
    double *destZ = zd.data();

    const float *srcX = x.constData();
    const float *srcY = y.constData();
    const float *srcZ = z.constData();

    for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
      *destX++ = static_cast< double >( *srcX++ );
      *destY++ = static_cast< double >( *srcY++ );
      *destZ++ = static_cast< double >( *srcZ++ );

    transformCoords( x.size(), &xd[0], &yd[0], &zd[0], direction );

    //copy back
    float *destFX = x.data();
    float *destFY = y.data();
    float *destFZ = z.data();
    const double *srcXD = xd.constData();
    const double *srcYD = yd.constData();
    const double *srcZD = zd.constData();
    for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
      *destFX++ = static_cast< float >( *srcXD++ );
      *destFY++ = static_cast< float >( *srcYD++ );
      *destFZ++ = static_cast< float >( *srcZD++ );
  catch ( QgsCsException & )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 QPointF Panel::transformCoords(QPointF pos)
     coord m = pos.x();
     coord n = pos.y();
     int x, y;
     transformCoords(m, n, &x, &y);
     return QPointF(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 6
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const QgsRectangle theRect, TransformDirection direction ) const
  if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
    return theRect;
  // transform x
  double x1 = theRect.xMinimum();
  double y1 = theRect.yMinimum();
  double x2 = theRect.xMaximum();
  double y2 = theRect.yMaximum();

  // Number of points to reproject------+
  //                                    |
  //                                    V
    double z = 0.0;
    transformCoords( 1, &x1, &y1, &z, direction );
    transformCoords( 1, &x2, &y2, &z, direction );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
    throw cse;

  QgsDebugMsg( "Rect projection..." );
  QgsLogger::debug( "Xmin : ", theRect.xMinimum(), 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "-->", x1, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "Ymin : ", theRect.yMinimum(), 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "-->", y1, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "Xmax : ", theRect.xMaximum(), 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "-->", x2, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "Ymax : ", theRect.yMaximum(), 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "-->", y2, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  return QgsRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformPolygon( QPolygonF &poly, TransformDirection direction ) const
  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )

  //create x, y arrays
  int nVertices = poly.size();

  QVector<double> x( nVertices );
  QVector<double> y( nVertices );
  QVector<double> z( nVertices );
  double *destX = x.data();
  double *destY = y.data();
  double *destZ = z.data();

  const QPointF *polyData = poly.constData();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
    *destX++ = polyData->x();
    *destY++ = polyData->y();
    *destZ++ = 0;

    transformCoords( nVertices, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );

  QPointF *destPoint = poly.data();
  const double *srcX = x.constData();
  const double *srcY = y.constData();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
    destPoint->rx() = *srcX++;
    destPoint->ry() = *srcY++;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace(
    QVector<float>& x, QVector<float>& y, QVector<float>& z,
    TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )

    Q_ASSERT( x.size() == y.size() );

    // Apparently, if one has a std::vector, it is valid to use the
    // address of the first element in the vector as a pointer to an
    // array of the vectors data, and hence easily interface with code
    // that wants C-style arrays.

        //copy everything to double vectors since proj needs double
        int vectorSize = x.size();
        QVector<double> xd( x.size() );
        QVector<double> yd( y.size() );
        QVector<double> zd( z.size() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
            xd[i] = x[i];
            yd[i] = y[i];
            zd[i] = z[i];
        transformCoords( x.size(), &xd[0], &yd[0], &zd[0], direction );

        //copy back
        for ( int i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i )
            x[i] = xd[i];
            y[i] = yd[i];
            z[i] = zd[i];
    catch ( QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformInPlace( double& x, double& y, double& z,
        TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("Using transform in place %1 %2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__));
    // transform x
        transformCoords( 1, &x, &y, &z, direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
Ejemplo n.º 10
QgsPoint QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const QgsPoint thePoint, TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
        return thePoint;
    // transform x
    double x = thePoint.x();
    double y = thePoint.y();
    double z = 0.0;
        transformCoords( 1, &x, &y, &z, direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );

    return QgsPoint( x, y );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void QgsCoordinateTransform::transformPolygon( QPolygonF& poly, TransformDirection direction ) const
    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )

    //create x, y arrays
    int nVertices = poly.size();

    QVector<double> x( nVertices );
    QVector<double> y( nVertices );
    QVector<double> z( nVertices );

    for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
        const QPointF& pt = poly.at( i );
        x[i] = pt.x();
        y[i] = pt.y();
        z[i] = 0;

        transformCoords( nVertices, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );

    for ( int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i )
        QPointF& pt = poly[i];
        pt.rx() = x[i];
        pt.ry() = y[i];
Ejemplo n.º 12
QgsPointXY QgsCoordinateTransform::transform( const QgsPointXY &point, TransformDirection direction ) const
  if ( !d->mIsValid || d->mShortCircuit )
    return point;

  // transform x
  double x = point.x();
  double y = point.y();
  double z = 0.0;
    transformCoords( 1, &x, &y, &z, direction );
  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "rethrowing exception" ) );

  return QgsPointXY( x, y );
Ejemplo n.º 13
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle rect, TransformDirection direction, const bool handle180Crossover ) const
    // Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
    // when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
    // This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
    // across the rectangle

    if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
        return rect;

    if ( rect.isEmpty() )
        QgsPoint p = transform( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), direction );
        return QgsRectangle( p, p );

    static const int numP = 8;

    QgsRectangle bb_rect;

    // We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
    // end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.

    double x[numP * numP];
    double y[numP * numP];
    double z[numP * numP];

    QgsDebugMsg( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." );

    // Populate the vectors

    double dx = rect.width()  / ( double )( numP - 1 );
    double dy = rect.height() / ( double )( numP - 1 );

    double pointY = rect.yMinimum();

    for ( int i = 0; i < numP ; i++ )

        // Start at right edge
        double pointX = rect.xMinimum();

        for ( int j = 0; j < numP; j++ )
            x[( i*numP ) + j] = pointX;
            y[( i*numP ) + j] = pointY;
            // and the height...
            z[( i*numP ) + j] = 0.0;
            // QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
            pointX += dx;
        pointY += dy;

    // Do transformation. Any exception generated must
    // be handled in above layers.
        transformCoords( numP * numP, x, y, z, direction );
    catch ( const QgsCsException & )
        // rethrow the exception
        QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );

    // Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent

    for ( int i = 0; i < numP * numP; i++ )
        if ( !qIsFinite( x[i] ) || !qIsFinite( y[i] ) )

        if ( handle180Crossover )
            //if crossing the date line, temporarily add 360 degrees to -ve longitudes
            bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i] >= 0.0 ? x[i] : x[i] + 360.0, y[i] );
            bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );

    if ( handle180Crossover )
        //subtract temporary addition of 360 degrees from longitudes
        if ( bb_rect.xMinimum() > 180.0 )
            bb_rect.setXMinimum( bb_rect.xMinimum() - 360.0 );
        if ( bb_rect.xMaximum() > 180.0 )
            bb_rect.setXMaximum( bb_rect.xMaximum() - 360.0 );

    QgsDebugMsg( "Projected extent: " + bb_rect.toString() );

    if ( bb_rect.isEmpty() )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Original extent: " + rect.toString() );

    return bb_rect;
Ejemplo n.º 14
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle &rect, TransformDirection direction, const bool handle180Crossover ) const
  // Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
  // when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
  // This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
  // across the rectangle

  if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag )
    return rect;

  if ( rect.isEmpty() )
    QgsPoint p = transform( rect.xMinimum(), rect.yMinimum(), direction );
    return QgsRectangle( p, p );

  // 64 points (<=2.12) is not enough, see #13665, for EPSG:4326 -> EPSG:3574 (say that it is a hard one),
  // are decent result from about 500 points and more. This method is called quite often, but
  // even with 1000 points it takes < 1ms
  // TODO: how to effectively and precisely reproject bounding box?
  const int nPoints = 1000;
  double d = sqrt(( rect.width() * rect.height() ) / pow( sqrt( static_cast< double >( nPoints ) ) - 1, 2.0 ) );
  int nXPoints = static_cast< int >( ceil( rect.width() / d ) ) + 1;
  int nYPoints = static_cast< int >( ceil( rect.height() / d ) ) + 1;

  QgsRectangle bb_rect;

  // We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
  // end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.

  QVector<double> x( nXPoints * nYPoints );
  QVector<double> y( nXPoints * nYPoints );
  QVector<double> z( nXPoints * nYPoints );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." );

  // Populate the vectors

  double dx = rect.width()  / static_cast< double >( nXPoints - 1 );
  double dy = rect.height() / static_cast< double >( nYPoints - 1 );

  double pointY = rect.yMinimum();

  for ( int i = 0; i < nYPoints ; i++ )

    // Start at right edge
    double pointX = rect.xMinimum();

    for ( int j = 0; j < nXPoints; j++ )
      x[( i*nXPoints ) + j] = pointX;
      y[( i*nXPoints ) + j] = pointY;
      // and the height...
      z[( i*nXPoints ) + j] = 0.0;
      // QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
      pointX += dx;
    pointY += dy;

  // Do transformation. Any exception generated must
  // be handled in above layers.
    transformCoords( nXPoints * nYPoints, x.data(), y.data(), z.data(), direction );
  catch ( const QgsCsException & )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );

  // Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent

  for ( int i = 0; i < nXPoints * nYPoints; i++ )
    if ( !qIsFinite( x[i] ) || !qIsFinite( y[i] ) )

    if ( handle180Crossover )
      //if crossing the date line, temporarily add 360 degrees to -ve longitudes
      bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i] >= 0.0 ? x[i] : x[i] + 360.0, y[i] );
      bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );

  if ( handle180Crossover )
    //subtract temporary addition of 360 degrees from longitudes
    if ( bb_rect.xMinimum() > 180.0 )
      bb_rect.setXMinimum( bb_rect.xMinimum() - 360.0 );
    if ( bb_rect.xMaximum() > 180.0 )
      bb_rect.setXMaximum( bb_rect.xMaximum() - 360.0 );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Projected extent: " + bb_rect.toString() );

  if ( bb_rect.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Original extent: " + rect.toString() );

  return bb_rect;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    void init(unsigned w, unsigned h) {

        ResourceMap resource;
        std::string fontPath = resource.getPath("Fonts")+"monaco11";




        glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
        glLoadIdentity ();
        glFrustum (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2000.0);
        glutIdleFunc (idle);
        glutDisplayFunc (draw);
        glutKeyboardFunc (keyboard);

        //adding here the mouse processing callbacks
        GLfloat mat_specular[] = { .5, .5, .5, 1.0 };
        GLfloat mat_shininess[] = { 5.0 };
        GLfloat light_position[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
        glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);

        glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular);
        glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, mat_shininess);
        glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);
        Color3 colors [] = {
        int n = 1;

        for (unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
             size_t size;
//            size = objs.size();
//            objs.push_back(Object());
//            objs[size].p_ = DReal3(randnorm<dreal>(),randnorm<dreal>(),randnorm<dreal>());
//            initModel(objs[objs.size()-1], icosa_vertex, icosa_indices,icosa_vertex_size,icosa_indices_size, colors[(i+5)%7],(7./n));
            size = objs.size();
//            objs[size].p_ =0.8*DReal3(0.1+randnorm<dreal>(),0.1+randnorm<dreal>(),randnorm<dreal>());
            //objs[size].p_ =0.5*DReal3(randnorm<dreal>(),randnorm<dreal>(),randnorm<dreal>());
            initModel(objs[objs.size()-1], bunny_vertex, bunny_indices,bunny_vertex_size,bunny_indices_size, colors[(i)%7],5/*(1./n)*/);            
//            initModel(objs[objs.size()-1], bunnyh_vertex, bunnyh_indices,bunnyh_vertex_size,bunnyh_indices_size, colors[(i)%7],5/*(1./n)*/);

        gettimeofday(&idleold, 0);        

        for (unsigned i=0;i<coltrees.size();i++) {
            coltrees[i]->collideWithSegment(seg[0], seg[1], colres[i]);
QgsRectangle QgsCoordinateTransform::transformBoundingBox( const QgsRectangle rect, TransformDirection direction ) const
  // Calculate the bounding box of a QgsRectangle in the source CRS
  // when projected to the destination CRS (or the inverse).
  // This is done by looking at a number of points spread evenly
  // across the rectangle

  if ( mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag || rect.isEmpty() )
    return rect;

  static const int numP = 8;

  QgsRectangle bb_rect;

  // We're interfacing with C-style vectors in the
  // end, so let's do C-style vectors here too.

  double x[numP * numP];
  double y[numP * numP];
  double z[numP * numP];

  QgsDebugMsg( "Entering transformBoundingBox..." );

  // Populate the vectors

  double dx = rect.width()  / ( double )( numP - 1 );
  double dy = rect.height() / ( double )( numP - 1 );

  double pointY = rect.yMinimum();

  for ( int i = 0; i < numP ; i++ )

    // Start at right edge
    double pointX = rect.xMinimum();

    for ( int j = 0; j < numP; j++ )
      x[( i*numP ) + j] = pointX;
      y[( i*numP ) + j] = pointY;
      // and the height...
      z[( i*numP ) + j] = 0.0;
      // QgsDebugMsg(QString("BBox coord: (%1, %2)").arg(x[(i*numP) + j]).arg(y[(i*numP) + j]));
      pointX += dx;
    pointY += dy;

  // Do transformation. Any exception generated must
  // be handled in above layers.
    transformCoords( numP * numP, x, y, z, direction );
  catch ( QgsCsException &cse )
    // rethrow the exception
    QgsDebugMsg( "rethrowing exception" );
    throw cse;

  // Calculate the bounding box and use that for the extent

  for ( int i = 0; i < numP * numP; i++ )
    if ( qIsFinite( x[i] ) && qIsFinite( y[i] ) )
      bb_rect.combineExtentWith( x[i], y[i] );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Projected extent: " + QString(( bb_rect.toString() ).toLocal8Bit().data() ) );

  return bb_rect;