void COptions::InitLanguage() { char *psz = transl( IDD_DIALOG_OPTIONS, TRANSL_OPTIONS ); CString str = " The Imp "; str += psz; SetWindowText( str ); m_BClose.SetWindowText( transl(IDC_BUTTON_CLOSE,TRANSL_OPTIONS) ); int idds[TREE_ITEMS] = { IDD_PP_SETUP, IDD_PP_FILETYPES, IDD_PP_OPTIONS, IDD_PP_PLAY, IDD_PP_STARTUP, IDD_PP_SUBTITLES, IDD_PP_SUBTITLES_GENERAL, IDD_PP_TIMECORRECTION, IDD_PP_SKINBROWSER, IDD_PP_ABOUT }; stTreeItem *pt = TreeDef; for ( int i=0; i<TREE_ITEMS; i++ ) { psz = transl(idds[i], TRANSL_OPTIONS ); m_TreePage.SetItemText( pt->hTreeItem, psz ); pt++; } }
// Ensure we interpret all code at the given offsets. This sets up a guard for // each piece of tranlated code to ensure we punt ot the interpreter when the // debugger is attached. static void blacklistRangesInJit(const Unit* unit, const OffsetRangeVec& offsets) { for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { for (PC pc = unit->at(it->m_base); pc < unit->at(it->m_past); pc += instrLen((Opcode*)pc)) { transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc); } } if (!transl()->addDbgGuards(unit)) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } }
static void addBreakPointFuncEntry(const Func* f) { PC pc = f->unit()->at(f->base()); TRACE(5, "func() break %s : unit %p offset %d)\n", f->fullName()->data(), f->unit(), f->base()); getBreakPointFilter()->addPC(pc); if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) { if (transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc)) { // if a new entry is added in blacklist if (!transl()->addDbgGuard(f, f->base())) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } } } }
GraphSettings::GraphSettings(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : Inherited( parent, name ) { QString s; int i = 0; emit setCaption(transl("Graphic Settings")); s.sprintf("%d", gs.xWin); xWin = gs.xWin; emit HChartSize->setText(s.data()); yWin = gs.yWin; s.sprintf("%d", gs.yWin); emit VChartSize->setText(s.data()); Rot = gs.nRot; s.sprintf("%d", gs.nRot); emit MapDegRot->setText(s.data()); Tilt = gs.rTilt; s.sprintf("%2.1f", gs.rTilt); emit GlobeTilt->setText(s.data()); s.sprintf("%d", gi.nTimerDelay); Delay = gi.nTimerDelay; emit AnimDel->setText(s.data()); WorldMollewide->setChecked(gs.fMollewide ? TRUE : FALSE); if(gs.objLeft > 0) i = 1; else if(gs.objLeft < 0) i = 2; WheelChart->setButton(i); ObjLeft = gs.objLeft; for(i = 0; i <= 10; i++) Planet->insertItem(szObjName[i]); Planet->setCurrentItem(gs.objLeft == 0 ? oSun : abs(gs.objLeft)); }
void phpAddBreakPoint(const Unit* unit, Offset offset) { PC pc = unit->at(offset); getBreakPointFilter()->addPC(pc); if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) { if (transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc)) { // if a new entry is added in blacklist if (!transl()->addDbgGuards(unit)) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } // In this case, we may be setting a breakpoint in a tracelet which could // already be jitted, and present on the stack. Make sure we don't return // to it so we have a chance to honor breakpoints. g_vmContext->preventReturnsToTC(); } } }
// Ensure we interpret all code at the given offsets. This sets up a guard for // each piece of translated code to ensure we punt to the interpreter when the // debugger is attached. static void blacklistRangesInJit(const Unit* unit, const OffsetRangeVec& offsets) { for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { for (PC pc = unit->at(it->m_base); pc < unit->at(it->m_past); pc += instrLen((Opcode*)pc)) { transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc); } } if (!transl()->addDbgGuards(unit)) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } // In this case, we may be setting a breakpoint in a tracelet which could // already be jitted, and present on the stack. Make sure we don't return // to it so we have a chance to honor breakpoints. g_vmContext->preventReturnsToTC(); }
void DiK2World::ProcessCliff(DiK2RenderObject* renderObj) { DiK2ModelPtr model = renderObj->GetModel(); model->SetBatchGroup(BATCH_TERRAIN); DiCullNode* node = renderObj->GetNode(); DiVec3 pos = node->GetPosition(); DiQuat rot = node->GetOrientation(); DiTerrainDescPtr terDesc = mTerrain->GetDesc(); float cliffsize = terDesc->mCliffSize * terDesc->mGridSize / 2.0f; DiVec3 transl(-cliffsize, 0, cliffsize); pos += rot * transl; DiTerrainDescPtr desc = mTerrain->GetDesc(); int gridx = pos.x / CHUNK_GRID_SIZE; int gridy = pos.z / CHUNK_GRID_SIZE; int gridSizeX = (CHUNK_GRID_SIZE * desc->mSizeX); int gridSizeY = (CHUNK_GRID_SIZE * desc->mSizeY); int realGrid = gridx + gridy * gridSizeX; realGrid = DiMath::Clamp(realGrid, 0, gridSizeX*gridSizeY - 1); uint16 diftexid = desc->mTextureIDMap->GetBuffer(0)[realGrid].diffuseID; uint16 normtexid = desc->mTextureIDMap->GetBuffer(0)[realGrid].normalID; DiString diffuse = desc->mTextureTable[diftexid]; DiString normal = desc->mTextureTable[normtexid]; DiTexturePtr textureDif = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().ManualLoadAsset<DiTexture>(diffuse); #if DEMI_PLATFORM == DEMI_PLATFORM_IOS DiTexturePtr textureNor = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().ManualLoadAsset<DiTexture>(normal); #else DiTexturePtr textureNor = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().ManualLoadAsset<DiTexture>(normal + "_rxgb"); DiTexturePtr textureSpe = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().ManualLoadAsset<DiTexture>(normal + "_s"); #endif uint32 submodels = model->GetNumSubModels(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < submodels; ++i) { DiSubModel* sm = model->GetSubModel(i); auto material = sm->GetMaterial(); auto newMat = material->Clone(); sm->SetMaterial(newMat); DiShaderParameter* shaderparam = newMat->GetShaderParameter(); shaderparam->WriteTexture2D("terrainMap", textureDif); shaderparam->WriteTexture2D("terrainNormalMap", textureNor); #if DEMI_PLATFORM != DEMI_PLATFORM_IOS shaderparam->WriteTexture2D("terrainSpecularMap", textureSpe); #endif shaderparam->WriteFloat("cliffUVScale", 1.0f / (terDesc->mTextureScale * terDesc->mGridSize)); } }
ChartDetails::ChartDetails(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : Inherited( parent, name ) { QString s; int i; setCaption(transl("Chart Setting Details")); Velocit->setChecked(us.fVelocity ? TRUE : FALSE); s.sprintf("%d", us.nWheelRows); wheelrows = us.nWheelRows; emit WheelRows->setText(s.data()); Reverse->setChecked(us.fWheelReverse ? TRUE : FALSE); ShowConf->setChecked(us.fGridConfig ? TRUE : FALSE); ShowsSummary->setChecked(us.fAspSummary ? TRUE : FALSE); MidpointSummary->setChecked(us.fMidSummary ? TRUE : FALSE); IncludesAsp->setChecked(us.fMidAspect ? TRUE : FALSE); PolarCenter->setChecked(us.fPrimeVert ? TRUE : FALSE); ApproxPlac->setChecked(us.fSectorApprox ? TRUE : FALSE); SignInfluence->setChecked(us.fInfluenceSign ? TRUE : FALSE); s.sprintf("%d", us.nAstroGraphStep); astrographstep = us.nAstroGraphStep; emit StepRate->setText(s.data()); LatCross->setChecked(us.fLatitudeCross ? TRUE : FALSE); EntireYear->setChecked(us.fCalendarYear ? TRUE : FALSE); #ifdef ARABIC s.sprintf("%d", us.nArabicParts); arabicparts = us.nArabicParts; emit NbArabParts->setText(s.data()); TermRevers->setChecked(us.fArabicFlip ? TRUE : FALSE); #endif switch(us.nStar) { case 'z' : i = 1; break; case 'l' : i = 2; break; case 'n' : i = 3; break; case 'b' : i = 4; break; default : i = 0; } StarsOrder->setButton(i); starsorder = i; #ifdef ARABIC switch(us.nArabic) { case 'z' : i = 1; break; case 'n' : i = 2; break; case 'f' : i = 3; break; default : i = 0; } ArabPartOrder->setButton(i); arabpartorder = i; #endif }
//=========================================== // EntityParallax::update //=========================================== void EntityParallax::update() { Camera& cam = Renderer::getInstance().getCamera(); const Range& boundary = m_entity->getBoundary(); Vec2f viewCentre = cam.getTranslation() + cam.getViewSize() / 2.0; Vec2f maxDist = cam.getViewSize() / 2.0; Vec2f centre = boundary.getPosition() + (boundary.getSize() / 2.0); Vec2f dist = viewCentre - centre; Vec2f norm(dist.x / maxDist.x, dist.y / maxDist.y); Vec2f transl(norm.x * m_range.x, norm.y * m_range.y); // TODO: use setTranslation_abs() m_entity->setTranslation(m_pos + transl); }
QString getTranslation(QString langCode, QString tag) { // Open the english file QFile settings("translations/installer_en.xml"); settings.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDomDocument xml; xml.setContent(&settings); settings.close(); QString result = ""; QDomElement tagEl = xml.firstChildElement("resources").firstChildElement("string").toElement(); while(!tagEl.isNull()){ if(tagEl.attribute("name") == ("INSTALLER_" + tag)){ result = tagEl.firstChild().nodeValue(); } tagEl = tagEl.nextSiblingElement(); } // Open the translated file QFile transl("translations/installer_" + langCode + ".xml"); if(!transl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return result; } QDomDocument xmltransl; xmltransl.setContent(&transl); transl.close(); QDomElement tagTransl = xmltransl.firstChildElement("resources").firstChildElement("string").toElement(); while(!tagTransl.isNull()){ if(tagTransl.attribute("name") == ("INSTALLER_" + tag)){ if(!QString(tagTransl.firstChild().nodeValue()).isNull()){ result = tagTransl.firstChild().nodeValue(); result.replace("\"","'"); result.replace("\\'","'"); return result; } } tagTransl = tagTransl.nextSiblingElement(); } return result; }
const D3DXMATRIX* Camera::getViewMatrix() { if(!m_viewCacheValid) { D3DXMATRIX rot; D3DXMatrixIdentity(&m_viewMatrix); D3DXVECTOR4 transl(m_translation,1); D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&rot, &m_orientation); D3DXMatrixTranslation(&m_viewMatrix,transl.x, transl.y, transl.z); m_viewMatrix *= rot; if(m_reflected) { m_viewMatrix = m_reflMatrix * m_viewMatrix; } m_viewCacheValid = true; } return &m_viewMatrix; }
int MCstep(double** xyz,double* Qs, int Nions, int Ncat, double stepsize,int Npol, double* box, double** polcoord, double* rions, double* rpol, int*** ioncoord, double* energy) { //perform a monte carlo step double delta_u=0; int acc=0; int move_ndx=0; double x=0,y=0,z=0; //store trial move coordinates here int ion_type=0; int temp=0; //choose move double move=0 if (Ncat!=0 && Ncat!=Nions) move=rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; if (move<0.5) { transl(stepsize,xyz,&move_ndx, Nions,box,&x,&y,&z); if (Qs[move_ndx]>0) ion_type=0; else ion_type=1; //check for move overlapping with polymer if (Npol==1) temp=overlap_pol(polcoord[0][0], polcoord[0][1],x,y, rpol[0], rions[ion_type],box); else if (Npol==2) { temp=overlap_pol(polcoord[0][0], polcoord[0][1],x,y, rpol[0], rions[ion_type],box); temp=temp+overlap_pol(polcoord[1][0], polcoord[1][1],x,y, rpol[1], rions[ion_type],box); } temp=temp+overlap_ion(Nions,xyz,move_ndx, rions,Qs,x,y,z,box); if (temp>=1) { *energy=0; return 0; } delta_u=calc_delta_e(xyz, Qs,x,y,z, move_ndx); acc=accept(delta_u); if (acc==1) { update(xyz,move_ndx,x,y,z,Npol,polcoord,ioncoord, box); *energy=delta_u; } else *energy=0; return acc; } else { move_ndx=(int)(Ncat*((double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1)) )); int move_ndx2=(int)((Nions-Ncat)*((double)rand() / ((double)(RAND_MAX)+(double)(1)) ))+Ncat; delta_u=calc_deltaE_switch(xyz, Qs, move_ndx,move_ndx2); //printf(" ndx1 %d q1 %lf ndx2 %d q2 %lf deltaU %lf \n", move_ndx, Qs[move_ndx],move_ndx2, Qs[move_ndx2], delta_u); printf("switch"); acc=accept(delta_u); if (acc==1) { x=xyz[move_ndx2][0]; y=xyz[move_ndx2][1]; z=xyz[move_ndx2][2]; double x2=xyz[move_ndx][0]; double y2=xyz[move_ndx][1]; double z2=xyz[move_ndx][2]; update(xyz,move_ndx,x,y,z,Npol,polcoord,ioncoord, box); update(xyz,move_ndx2,x2,y2,z2,Npol,polcoord,ioncoord, box); *energy=delta_u; } else *energy=0; return acc; } }
void GraphSettings::vchartsizeslot() { NCheck(VChartSize, BITMAPY1, BITMAPY, transl("vertical value"), &yWin); }
StarRestrictData::StarRestrictData ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Inherited( parent, name, TRUE, 0 ) { s[0] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_1" ); s[0]->setGeometry( 10, 20, 100, 20 ); s[0]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[0]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[0]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[0]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[0]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[0]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[0]->setText( "" ); s[0]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[0]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[1] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_2" ); s[1]->setGeometry( 10, 40, 100, 20 ); s[1]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[1]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[1]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[1]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[1]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[1]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[1]->setText( "" ); s[1]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[1]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[2] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_3" ); s[2]->setGeometry( 10, 60, 100, 20 ); s[2]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[2]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[2]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[2]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[2]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[2]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[2]->setText( "" ); s[2]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[2]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[3] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_4" ); s[3]->setGeometry( 10, 80, 100, 20 ); s[3]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[3]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[3]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[3]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[3]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[3]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[3]->setText( "" ); s[3]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[3]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[4] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_5" ); s[4]->setGeometry( 10, 100, 100, 20 ); s[4]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[4]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[4]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[4]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[4]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[4]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[4]->setText( "" ); s[4]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[4]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[5] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_6" ); s[5]->setGeometry( 10, 120, 100, 20 ); s[5]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[5]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[5]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[5]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[5]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[5]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[5]->setText( "" ); s[5]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[5]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[6] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_7" ); s[6]->setGeometry( 10, 140, 100, 20 ); s[6]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[6]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[6]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[6]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[6]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[6]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[6]->setText( "" ); s[6]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[6]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[7] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_8" ); s[7]->setGeometry( 10, 160, 100, 20 ); s[7]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[7]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[7]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[7]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[7]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[7]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[7]->setText( "" ); s[7]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[7]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[8] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_9" ); s[8]->setGeometry( 10, 180, 100, 20 ); s[8]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[8]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[8]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[8]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[8]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[8]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[8]->setText( "" ); s[8]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[8]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[9] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_10" ); s[9]->setGeometry( 10, 200, 100, 20 ); s[9]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[9]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[9]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[9]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[9]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[9]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[9]->setText( "" ); s[9]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[9]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[10] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_11" ); s[10]->setGeometry( 10, 220, 100, 20 ); s[10]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[10]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[10]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[10]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[10]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[10]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[10]->setText( "" ); s[10]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[10]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[11] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_12" ); s[11]->setGeometry( 10, 240, 100, 20 ); s[11]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[11]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[11]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[11]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[11]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[11]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[11]->setText( "" ); s[11]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[11]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[12] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_13" ); s[12]->setGeometry( 120, 20, 100, 20 ); s[12]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[12]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[12]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[12]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[12]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[12]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[12]->setText( "" ); s[12]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[12]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[13] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_14" ); s[13]->setGeometry( 120, 40, 100, 20 ); s[13]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[13]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[13]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[13]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[13]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[13]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[13]->setText( "" ); s[13]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[13]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[14] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_15" ); s[14]->setGeometry( 120, 60, 100, 20 ); s[14]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[14]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[14]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[14]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[14]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[14]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[14]->setText( "" ); s[14]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[14]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[15] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_16" ); s[15]->setGeometry( 120, 80, 100, 20 ); s[15]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[15]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[15]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[15]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[15]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[15]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[15]->setText( "" ); s[15]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[15]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[16] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_17" ); s[16]->setGeometry( 120, 100, 100, 20 ); s[16]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[16]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[16]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[16]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[16]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[16]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[16]->setText( "" ); s[16]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[16]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[17] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_18" ); s[17]->setGeometry( 120, 120, 100, 20 ); s[17]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[17]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[17]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[17]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[17]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[17]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[17]->setText( "" ); s[17]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[17]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[18] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_19" ); s[18]->setGeometry( 120, 140, 100, 20 ); s[18]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[18]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[18]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[18]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[18]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[18]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[18]->setText( "" ); s[18]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[18]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[19] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_20" ); s[19]->setGeometry( 120, 160, 100, 20 ); s[19]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[19]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[19]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[19]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[19]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[19]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[19]->setText( "" ); s[19]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[19]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[20] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_21" ); s[20]->setGeometry( 120, 180, 100, 20 ); s[20]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[20]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[20]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[20]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[20]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[20]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[20]->setText( "" ); s[20]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[20]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[21] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_22" ); s[21]->setGeometry( 120, 200, 100, 20 ); s[21]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[21]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[21]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[21]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[21]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[21]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[21]->setText( "" ); s[21]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[21]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[22] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_23" ); s[22]->setGeometry( 120, 220, 100, 20 ); s[22]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[22]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[22]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[22]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[22]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[22]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[22]->setText( "" ); s[22]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[22]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[23] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_24" ); s[23]->setGeometry( 120, 240, 100, 20 ); s[23]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[23]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[23]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[23]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[23]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[23]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[23]->setText( "" ); s[23]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[23]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[24] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_25" ); s[24]->setGeometry( 230, 20, 100, 20 ); s[24]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[24]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[24]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[24]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[24]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[24]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[24]->setText( "" ); s[24]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[24]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[25] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_26" ); s[25]->setGeometry( 230, 40, 100, 20 ); s[25]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[25]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[25]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[25]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[25]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[25]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[25]->setText( "" ); s[25]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[25]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[26] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_27" ); s[26]->setGeometry( 230, 60, 100, 20 ); s[26]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[26]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[26]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[26]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[26]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[26]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[26]->setText( "" ); s[26]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[26]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[27] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_28" ); s[27]->setGeometry( 230, 80, 100, 20 ); s[27]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[27]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[27]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[27]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[27]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[27]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[27]->setText( "" ); s[27]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[27]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[28] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_29" ); s[28]->setGeometry( 230, 100, 100, 20 ); s[28]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[28]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[28]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[28]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[28]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[28]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[28]->setText( "" ); s[28]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[28]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[29] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_30" ); s[29]->setGeometry( 230, 120, 100, 20 ); s[29]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[29]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[29]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[29]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[29]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[29]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[29]->setText( "" ); s[29]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[29]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[30] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_31" ); s[30]->setGeometry( 230, 140, 100, 20 ); s[30]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[30]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[30]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[30]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[30]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[30]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[30]->setText( "" ); s[30]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[30]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[31] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_32" ); s[31]->setGeometry( 230, 160, 100, 20 ); s[31]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[31]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[31]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[31]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[31]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[31]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[31]->setText( "" ); s[31]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[31]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[32] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_33" ); s[32]->setGeometry( 230, 180, 100, 20 ); s[32]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[32]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[32]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[32]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[32]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[32]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[32]->setText( "" ); s[32]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[32]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[33] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_34" ); s[33]->setGeometry( 230, 200, 100, 20 ); s[33]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[33]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[33]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[33]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[33]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[33]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[33]->setText( "" ); s[33]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[33]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[34] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_35" ); s[34]->setGeometry( 230, 220, 100, 20 ); s[34]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[34]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[34]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[34]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[34]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[34]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[34]->setText( "" ); s[34]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[34]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[35] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_36" ); s[35]->setGeometry( 230, 240, 100, 20 ); s[35]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[35]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[35]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[35]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[35]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[35]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[35]->setText( "" ); s[35]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[35]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[36] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_37" ); s[36]->setGeometry( 340, 20, 100, 20 ); s[36]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[36]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[36]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[36]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[36]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[36]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[36]->setText( "" ); s[36]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[36]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[37] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_38" ); s[37]->setGeometry( 340, 40, 100, 20 ); s[37]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[37]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[37]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[37]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[37]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[37]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[37]->setText( "" ); s[37]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[37]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[38] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_39" ); s[38]->setGeometry( 340, 60, 100, 20 ); s[38]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[38]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[38]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[38]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[38]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[38]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[38]->setText( "" ); s[38]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[38]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[39] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_40" ); s[39]->setGeometry( 340, 80, 100, 20 ); s[39]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[39]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[39]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[39]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[39]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[39]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[39]->setText( "" ); s[39]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[39]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[40] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_41" ); s[40]->setGeometry( 340, 100, 100, 20 ); s[40]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[40]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[40]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[40]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[40]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[40]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[40]->setText( "" ); s[40]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[40]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[41] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_42" ); s[41]->setGeometry( 340, 120, 100, 20 ); s[41]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[41]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[41]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[41]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[41]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[41]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[41]->setText( "" ); s[41]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[41]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[42] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_43" ); s[42]->setGeometry( 340, 140, 100, 20 ); s[42]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[42]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[42]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[42]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[42]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[42]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[42]->setText( "" ); s[42]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[42]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[43] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_44" ); s[43]->setGeometry( 340, 160, 100, 20 ); s[43]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[43]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[43]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[43]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[43]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[43]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[43]->setText( "" ); s[43]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[43]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[44] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_45" ); s[44]->setGeometry( 340, 180, 100, 20 ); s[44]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[44]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[44]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[44]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[44]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[44]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[44]->setText( "" ); s[44]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[44]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[45] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_46" ); s[45]->setGeometry( 340, 200, 100, 20 ); s[45]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[45]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[45]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[45]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[45]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[45]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[45]->setText( "" ); s[45]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[45]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); s[46] = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_47" ); s[46]->setGeometry( 340, 220, 100, 20 ); s[46]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); s[46]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); s[46]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); s[46]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); s[46]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[46]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); s[46]->setText( "" ); s[46]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); s[46]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_1; qtarch_PushButton_1 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_1" ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setGeometry( 450, 20, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_1, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(restrictslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setText( transl("Restrict All") ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_2; qtarch_PushButton_2 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_2" ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setGeometry( 450, 60, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(unrestrictslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setText( transl("Unrestrict All") ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_3; qtarch_PushButton_3 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_3" ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setGeometry( 450, 190, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancelslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setText( transl("Cancel") ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_4; qtarch_PushButton_4 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_4" ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setGeometry( 450, 230, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_4, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(okslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setText( transl("OK") ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_4->setAutoResize( FALSE ); resize( 560,270 ); setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); }
ColorVectorData::ColorVectorData ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Inherited( parent, name, 0 ) { Table = new QButtonGroup( this, "ButtonGroup_1" ); Table->setGeometry( 10, 10, 190, 350 ); Table->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); Table->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); Table->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); Table->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); Table->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Table->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Table->setFrameStyle( 49 ); Table->setTitle( transl("Color Table") ); Table->setAlignment( 1 ); b[0] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_1" ); b[0]->setGeometry( 60, 30, 130, 20 ); b[0]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[0]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[0]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[0]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[0]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[0]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[0]->setText( "" ); b[0]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[0]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[1] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_2" ); b[1]->setGeometry( 60, 50, 130, 20 ); b[1]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[1]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[1]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[1]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[1]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[1]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[1]->setText( "" ); b[1]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[1]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[2] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_3" ); b[2]->setGeometry( 60, 70, 130, 20 ); b[2]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[2]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[2]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[2]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[2]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[2]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[2]->setText( "" ); b[2]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[2]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[3] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_4" ); b[3]->setGeometry( 60, 90, 130, 20 ); b[3]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[3]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[3]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[3]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[3]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[3]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[3]->setText( "" ); b[3]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[3]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[4] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_5" ); b[4]->setGeometry( 60, 110, 130, 20 ); b[4]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[4]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[4]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[4]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[4]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[4]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[4]->setText( "" ); b[4]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[4]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[5] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_6" ); b[5]->setGeometry( 60, 130, 130, 20 ); b[5]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[5]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[5]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[5]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[5]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[5]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[5]->setText( "" ); b[5]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[5]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[6] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_7" ); b[6]->setGeometry( 60, 150, 130, 20 ); b[6]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[6]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[6]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[6]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[6]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[6]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[6]->setText( "" ); b[6]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[6]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[7] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_8" ); b[7]->setGeometry( 60, 170, 130, 20 ); b[7]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[7]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[7]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[7]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[7]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[7]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[7]->setText( "" ); b[7]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[7]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[8] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_9" ); b[8]->setGeometry( 60, 190, 130, 20 ); b[8]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[8]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[8]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[8]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[8]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[8]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[8]->setText( "" ); b[8]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[8]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[9] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_10" ); b[9]->setGeometry( 60, 210, 130, 20 ); b[9]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[9]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[9]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[9]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[9]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[9]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[9]->setText( "" ); b[9]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[9]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[10] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_11" ); b[10]->setGeometry( 60, 230, 130, 20 ); b[10]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[10]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[10]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[10]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[10]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[10]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[10]->setText( "" ); b[10]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[10]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[11] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_12" ); b[11]->setGeometry( 60, 250, 130, 20 ); b[11]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[11]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[11]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[11]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[11]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[11]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[11]->setText( "" ); b[11]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[11]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[12] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_14" ); b[12]->setGeometry( 60, 270, 130, 20 ); b[12]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[12]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[12]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[12]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[12]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[12]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[12]->setText( "" ); b[12]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[12]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[13] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_15" ); b[13]->setGeometry( 60, 290, 130, 20 ); b[13]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[13]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[13]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[13]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[13]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[13]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[13]->setText( "" ); b[13]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[13]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[14] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_16" ); b[14]->setGeometry( 60, 310, 130, 20 ); b[14]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[14]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[14]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[14]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[14]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[14]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[14]->setText( "" ); b[14]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[14]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); b[15] = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_17" ); b[15]->setGeometry( 60, 330, 130, 20 ); b[15]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); b[15]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); b[15]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); b[15]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); b[15]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[15]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); b[15]->setText( "" ); b[15]->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); b[15]->setAutoResize( FALSE ); l[0] = new QLabel( this, "Label_17" ); l[0]->setGeometry( 20, 30, 30, 20 ); l[0]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[0]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[0]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[0]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[0]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[0]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[0]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[0]->setText( "" ); l[0]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[0]->setMargin( -1 ); l[1] = new QLabel( this, "Label_18" ); l[1]->setGeometry( 20, 50, 30, 20 ); l[1]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[1]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[1]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[1]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[1]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[1]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[1]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[1]->setText( "" ); l[1]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[1]->setMargin( -1 ); l[2] = new QLabel( this, "Label_19" ); l[2]->setGeometry( 20, 70, 30, 20 ); l[2]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[2]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[2]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[2]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[2]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[2]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[2]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[2]->setText( "" ); l[2]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[2]->setMargin( -1 ); l[3] = new QLabel( this, "Label_20" ); l[3]->setGeometry( 20, 90, 30, 20 ); l[3]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[3]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[3]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[3]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[3]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[3]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[3]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[3]->setText( "" ); l[3]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[3]->setMargin( -1 ); l[4] = new QLabel( this, "Label_21" ); l[4]->setGeometry( 20, 110, 30, 20 ); l[4]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[4]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[4]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[4]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[4]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[4]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[4]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[4]->setText( "" ); l[4]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[4]->setMargin( -1 ); l[5] = new QLabel( this, "Label_22" ); l[5]->setGeometry( 20, 130, 30, 20 ); l[5]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[5]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[5]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[5]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[5]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[5]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[5]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[5]->setText( "" ); l[5]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[5]->setMargin( -1 ); l[6] = new QLabel( this, "Label_23" ); l[6]->setGeometry( 20, 150, 30, 20 ); l[6]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[6]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[6]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[6]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[6]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[6]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[6]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[6]->setText( "" ); l[6]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[6]->setMargin( -1 ); l[7] = new QLabel( this, "Label_24" ); l[7]->setGeometry( 20, 170, 30, 20 ); l[7]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[7]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[7]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[7]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[7]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[7]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[7]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[7]->setText( "" ); l[7]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[7]->setMargin( -1 ); l[8] = new QLabel( this, "Label_25" ); l[8]->setGeometry( 20, 190, 30, 20 ); l[8]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[8]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[8]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[8]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[8]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[8]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[8]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[8]->setText( "" ); l[8]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[8]->setMargin( -1 ); l[9] = new QLabel( this, "Label_26" ); l[9]->setGeometry( 20, 210, 30, 20 ); l[9]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[9]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[9]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[9]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[9]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[9]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[9]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[9]->setText( "" ); l[9]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[9]->setMargin( -1 ); l[10] = new QLabel( this, "Label_27" ); l[10]->setGeometry( 20, 230, 30, 20 ); l[10]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[10]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[10]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[10]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[10]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[10]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[10]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[10]->setText( "" ); l[10]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[10]->setMargin( -1 ); l[11] = new QLabel( this, "Label_28" ); l[11]->setGeometry( 20, 250, 30, 20 ); l[11]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[11]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[11]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[11]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[11]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[11]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[11]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[11]->setText( "" ); l[11]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[11]->setMargin( -1 ); l[12] = new QLabel( this, "Label_29" ); l[12]->setGeometry( 20, 270, 30, 20 ); l[12]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[12]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[12]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[12]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[12]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[12]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[12]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[12]->setText( "" ); l[12]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[12]->setMargin( -1 ); l[13] = new QLabel( this, "Label_30" ); l[13]->setGeometry( 20, 290, 30, 20 ); l[13]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[13]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[13]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[13]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[13]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[13]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[13]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[13]->setText( "" ); l[13]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[13]->setMargin( -1 ); l[14] = new QLabel( this, "Label_31" ); l[14]->setGeometry( 20, 310, 30, 20 ); l[14]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[14]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[14]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[14]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[14]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[14]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[14]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[14]->setText( "" ); l[14]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[14]->setMargin( -1 ); l[15] = new QLabel( this, "Label_32" ); l[15]->setGeometry( 20, 330, 30, 20 ); l[15]->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); l[15]->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); l[15]->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); l[15]->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); l[15]->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[15]->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); l[15]->setFrameStyle( 50 ); l[15]->setText( "" ); l[15]->setAlignment( 289 ); l[15]->setMargin( -1 ); Table->insert( b[0] ); Table->insert( b[1] ); Table->insert( b[2] ); Table->insert( b[3] ); Table->insert( b[4] ); Table->insert( b[5] ); Table->insert( b[6] ); Table->insert( b[7] ); Table->insert( b[8] ); Table->insert( b[9] ); Table->insert( b[10] ); Table->insert( b[11] ); Table->insert( b[12] ); Table->insert( b[13] ); Table->insert( b[14] ); Table->insert( b[15] ); resize( 210,370 ); setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); }
void GraphSettings::mapdegrotslot() { NCheck(MapDegRot, 0, nDegMax-1, transl("degree of rotation"), &Rot); }
void GraphSettings::globetiltslot() { FCheck(GlobeTilt, -rDegQuad, rDegQuad, transl("degree of tilt"), &Tilt); }
void GraphSettings::animdelslot() { NCheck(AnimDel, 1, 20, transl("animation delay"), &Delay); }
void ImageViewer::displayMatches(QPainter& painter)const { QPoint pt1, pt2; if (siftObj1.keypoints==NULL){ printf("ERROR : Keypoints NULL\n"); exit(-1); } if (dispMatch && lastComparison.tab_match!=NULL && !siftObj1.IsEmpty() ){ // Display matches for (int i=0;i<lastComparison.nb_match;i++) { pt1.setX(ROUND(lastComparison.tab_match[i].x1)); pt1.setY(ROUND(lastComparison.tab_match[i].y1)); pt2.setX(ROUND(lastComparison.tab_match[i].x2)); pt2.setY(ROUND(lastComparison.tab_match[i].y2 + siftObj1.im->height)); painter.setBrush(Qt::white); if (lastComparison.tab_match[i].id==0) painter.setPen(Qt::red); //red for discarded matches else painter.setPen(Qt::green); //green painter.drawLine(pt1, pt2); painter.drawEllipse(pt1, 3, 3); painter.drawEllipse(pt2, 3, 3); } } #ifdef AAA //IplImage * im,* imcol; QSize s; //QPoint pt1, pt2; //CvScalar color; int i,j,im2null=0; Keypoint k1*=siftObj1->keypoints; Keypoint k2*=siftObj2->keypoints; /*Affine transform of the image border*/ if (param.size_m()>0) { Matrice p1(2,1), p2(2,1), p3(2,1), p4(2,1), transl(2,1); transl.set_val(0,0,0); transl.set_val(1,0,im1->height); p1.set_val(0,0,0); p1.set_val(1,0,0); p2.set_val(0,0,im1->width); p2.set_val(1,0,0); p3.set_val(0,0,im1->width); p3.set_val(1,0,im1->height); p4.set_val(0,0,0); p4.set_val(1,0,im1->height); p1=Transform(p1,param)+transl; p2=Transform(p2,param)+transl; p3=Transform(p3,param)+transl; p4=Transform(p4,param)+transl; color=CV_RGB(0,128,255); //light blue pt1.x=ROUND(p1.get_val(0,0)); pt1.y=ROUND(p1.get_val(1,0)); pt2.x=ROUND(p2.get_val(0,0)); pt2.y=ROUND(p2.get_val(1,0)); cvLine(imcol, pt1, pt2, color, 1); pt1.x=ROUND(p2.get_val(0,0)); pt1.y=ROUND(p2.get_val(1,0)); pt2.x=ROUND(p3.get_val(0,0)); pt2.y=ROUND(p3.get_val(1,0)); cvLine(imcol, pt1, pt2, color, 1); pt1.x=ROUND(p3.get_val(0,0)); pt1.y=ROUND(p3.get_val(1,0)); pt2.x=ROUND(p4.get_val(0,0)); pt2.y=ROUND(p4.get_val(1,0)); cvLine(imcol, pt1, pt2, color, 1); pt1.x=ROUND(p4.get_val(0,0)); pt1.y=ROUND(p4.get_val(1,0)); pt2.x=ROUND(p1.get_val(0,0)); pt2.y=ROUND(p1.get_val(1,0)); cvLine(imcol, pt1, pt2, color, 1); /* Draw the border of the object */ CvMemStorage *storage= cvCreateMemStorage (0); /* Memory used by openCV */ int header_size = sizeof( CvContour ); CvSeq *contours; IplImage* imthres = cvCreateImage(cvSize(im1->width,im1->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); cvCopy( im1, imthres, 0 ); /* First find the contour of a thresholded image*/ cvThreshold(imthres, imthres, border_threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY ); cvFindContours ( imthres, storage, &contours, header_size, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); /* For each contour found*/ while ( contours != NULL) { double area=fabs(cvContourArea(contours,CV_WHOLE_SEQ)); // compute area if ( area > 20) { for (int i=0;i<contours->total;i++) { /* Compute transform of contour*/ CvPoint* cvpt=(CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( contours, i); p1.set_val(0,0,cvpt->x); p1.set_val(1,0,cvpt->y); p1= Transform(p1,param) + transl; cvpt->x=ROUND(p1.get_val(0,0)); cvpt->y=ROUND(p1.get_val(1,0)); } // cvDrawContours( imcol, contours, CV_RGB(0,0,255),CV_RGB(255,0,0),0,2,8); cvDrawContours( imcol, contours, CV_RGB(0,0,255),CV_RGB(0,0,255),0,2,8); } contours = contours->h_next; // ????? } free( contours ); cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); } #endif }
void DisplacementAboutAxis::calculateTransformationMatrices() { //These parts of the transformation matrix only depend on the axis of rotation: Real length = _axis_direction.norm_sq(); Real v = _axis_direction(1) * _axis_direction(1) + _axis_direction(2) * _axis_direction(2); ColumnMajorMatrix transl(4,4); transl(0,0) = 1; transl(0,1) = 0; transl(0,2) = 0; transl(0,3) = -_axis_origin(0); transl(1,0) = 0; transl(1,1) = 1; transl(1,2) = 0; transl(1,3) = -_axis_origin(1); transl(2,0) = 0; transl(2,1) = 0; transl(2,2) = 1; transl(2,3) = -_axis_origin(2); transl(3,0) = 0; transl(3,1) = 0; transl(3,2) = 0; transl(3,3) = 1; ColumnMajorMatrix rotate_about_x(4,4); rotate_about_x(0,0) = 1; rotate_about_x(0,1) = 0; rotate_about_x(0,2) = 0; rotate_about_x(0,3) = 0; rotate_about_x(1,0) = 0; rotate_about_x(1,1) = _axis_direction(2) / v; rotate_about_x(1,2) = -_axis_direction(1) / v; rotate_about_x(1,3) = 0; rotate_about_x(2,0) = 0; rotate_about_x(2,1) = _axis_direction(1) / v; rotate_about_x(2,2) = _axis_direction(2) / v; rotate_about_x(2,3) = 0; rotate_about_x(3,0) = 0; rotate_about_x(3,1) = 0; rotate_about_x(3,2) = 0; rotate_about_x(3,3) = 1; ColumnMajorMatrix rotate_about_y(4,4); rotate_about_y(0,0) = v / length; rotate_about_y(0,1) = 0; rotate_about_y(0,2) = -_axis_direction(0) / length; rotate_about_y(0,3) = 0; rotate_about_y(1,0) = 0; rotate_about_y(1,1) = 1; rotate_about_y(1,2) = 0; rotate_about_y(1,3) = 0; rotate_about_y(2,0) = _axis_direction(0) / length; rotate_about_y(2,1) = 0; rotate_about_y(2,2) = v / length; rotate_about_y(2,3) = 0; rotate_about_y(3,0) = 0; rotate_about_y(3,1) = 0; rotate_about_y(3,2) = 0; rotate_about_y(3,3) = 1; ColumnMajorMatrix transl_inv(4,4); transl.inverse(transl_inv); ColumnMajorMatrix rotx_inv(4,4); rotate_about_x.inverse(rotx_inv); ColumnMajorMatrix roty_inv(4,4); rotate_about_y.inverse(roty_inv); _transformation_matrix = rotate_about_y * rotate_about_x * transl; _transformation_matrix_inv = transl_inv * rotx_inv * roty_inv; }
//********************************************************************************** //generate "packing" of non-overlapping balls vector<Vector3r> fillBoxByBalls_cpp(Vector3r minCoord, Vector3r maxCoord, Vector3r sizemin, Vector3r sizemax, Vector3r ratio, int seed, shared_ptr<Material> mat, int NumPoints){ vector<Vector3r> v; Polyhedra trialP; Polyhedron trial, trial_moved; srand(seed); int it = 0; vector<Polyhedron> polyhedrons; vector<vector<Vector3r> > vv; Vector3r position; bool intersection; int count = 0; Vector3r radii; bool fixed_ratio = 0; if (ratio[0] > 0 && ratio[1] > 0 && ratio[2]>0){ fixed_ratio = 1; sizemax[0] = min(min(sizemax[0]/ratio[0], sizemax[1]/ratio[1]), sizemax[2]/ratio[2]); sizemin[0] = max(max(sizemin[0]/ratio[0], sizemin[1]/ratio[1]), sizemin[2]/ratio[2]); } fixed_ratio = 1; //force spherical //it - number of trials to make packing possibly more/less dense Vector3r random_size; while (it<1000){ it = it+1; if (it == 1){ if (fixed_ratio) { double rrr = (rand()*(sizemax[0]-sizemin[0])/RAND_MAX + sizemin[0])/2.; radii = Vector3r(rrr,rrr,rrr); }else { radii = Vector3r(rand()*(sizemax[0]-sizemin[0])/2.,rand()*(sizemax[1]-sizemin[1])/2.,rand()*(sizemax[2]-sizemin[2])/2.)/RAND_MAX + sizemin/2.; } trialP.v = BallPoints(radii,NumPoints,rand()); trialP.Initialize(); trial = trialP.GetPolyhedron(); Matrix3r rot_mat = (trialP.GetOri()).toRotationMatrix(); Transformation t_rot(rot_mat(0,0),rot_mat(0,1),rot_mat(0,2),rot_mat(1,0),rot_mat(1,1),rot_mat(1,2),rot_mat(2,0),rot_mat(2,1),rot_mat(2,2),1.); std::transform( trial.points_begin(), trial.points_end(), trial.points_begin(), t_rot); } position = Vector3r(rand()*(maxCoord[0]-minCoord[0]),rand()*(maxCoord[1]-minCoord[1]),rand()*(maxCoord[2]-minCoord[2]))/RAND_MAX + minCoord; //move CGAL structure Polyhedron Transformation transl(CGAL::TRANSLATION, ToCGALVector(position)); trial_moved = trial; std::transform( trial_moved.points_begin(), trial_moved.points_end(), trial_moved.points_begin(), transl); //calculate plane equations std::transform( trial_moved.facets_begin(), trial_moved.facets_end(), trial_moved.planes_begin(),Plane_equation()); intersection = false; //call test with boundary for(Polyhedron::Vertex_iterator vi = trial_moved.vertices_begin(); (vi != trial_moved.vertices_end()) && (!intersection); vi++){ intersection = (vi->point().x()<minCoord[0]) || (vi->point().x()>maxCoord[0]) || (vi->point().y()<minCoord[1]) || (vi->point().y()>maxCoord[1]) || (vi->point().z()<minCoord[2]) || (vi->point().z()>maxCoord[2]); } //call test with other polyhedrons for(vector<Polyhedron>::iterator a = polyhedrons.begin(); (a != polyhedrons.end()) && (!intersection); a++){ intersection = do_intersect(*a,trial_moved); if (intersection) break; } if (!intersection){ polyhedrons.push_back(trial_moved); v.clear(); for(Polyhedron::Vertex_iterator vi = trial_moved.vertices_begin(); vi != trial_moved.vertices_end(); vi++){ v.push_back(FromCGALPoint(vi->point())); } vv.push_back(v); it = 0; count ++; } } cout << "generated " << count << " polyhedrons"<< endl; //can't be used - no information about material Scene* scene=Omega::instance().getScene().get(); for(vector<vector<Vector3r> >::iterator p=vv.begin(); p!=vv.end(); ++p){ shared_ptr<Body> BP = NewPolyhedra(*p, mat); BP->shape->color = Vector3r(double(rand())/RAND_MAX,double(rand())/RAND_MAX,double(rand())/RAND_MAX); scene->bodies->insert(BP); } return v; }
AstroProgressData::AstroProgressData ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Inherited( parent, name, TRUE, 0 ) { ProgSet = new QButtonGroup( this, "ButtonGroup_1" ); ProgSet->setGeometry( 10, 130, 220, 90 ); ProgSet->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); ProgSet->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( ProgSet, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(progsetslot(int)) ); ProgSet->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); ProgSet->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); ProgSet->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); ProgSet->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); ProgSet->setFrameStyle( 49 ); ProgSet->setTitle( transl("Progression settings") ); ProgSet->setAlignment( 1 ); DoProg = new QCheckBox( this, "CheckBox_1" ); DoProg->setGeometry( 10, 10, 140, 20 ); DoProg->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); DoProg->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); DoProg->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); DoProg->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); DoProg->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); DoProg->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); DoProg->setText( transl("Do progression") ); DoProg->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); DoProg->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QLabel* qtarch_Label_1; qtarch_Label_1 = new QLabel( this, "Label_1" ); qtarch_Label_1->setGeometry( 10, 40, 70, 20 ); qtarch_Label_1->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_Label_1->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_Label_1->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); qtarch_Label_1->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_Label_1->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_1->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_1->setText( transl("Month") ); qtarch_Label_1->setAlignment( 289 ); qtarch_Label_1->setMargin( -1 ); QLabel* qtarch_Label_2; qtarch_Label_2 = new QLabel( this, "Label_2" ); qtarch_Label_2->setGeometry( 10, 60, 70, 20 ); qtarch_Label_2->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_Label_2->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_Label_2->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); qtarch_Label_2->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_Label_2->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_2->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_2->setText( transl("Day") ); qtarch_Label_2->setAlignment( 289 ); qtarch_Label_2->setMargin( -1 ); QLabel* qtarch_Label_3; qtarch_Label_3 = new QLabel( this, "Label_3" ); qtarch_Label_3->setGeometry( 10, 80, 70, 20 ); qtarch_Label_3->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_Label_3->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_Label_3->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); qtarch_Label_3->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_Label_3->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_3->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_3->setText( transl("Year") ); qtarch_Label_3->setAlignment( 289 ); qtarch_Label_3->setMargin( -1 ); QLabel* qtarch_Label_4; qtarch_Label_4 = new QLabel( this, "Label_4" ); qtarch_Label_4->setGeometry( 10, 100, 70, 20 ); qtarch_Label_4->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_Label_4->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_Label_4->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); qtarch_Label_4->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_Label_4->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_4->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_4->setText( transl("Time") ); qtarch_Label_4->setAlignment( 289 ); qtarch_Label_4->setMargin( -1 ); Month = new QComboBox( FALSE, this, "ComboBox_2" ); Month->setGeometry( 80, 40, 100, 20 ); Month->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); Month->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); Month->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); Month->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); Month->setFontPropagation( QWidget::AllChildren ); Month->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::AllChildren ); Month->setSizeLimit( 10 ); Month->setAutoResize( FALSE ); TheDay = new myLineEdit( this, "LineEdit_2" ); TheDay->setGeometry( 80, 60, 100, 20 ); TheDay->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); TheDay->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( TheDay, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(dayslot()) ); TheDay->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); TheDay->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBase ); TheDay->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); TheDay->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); TheDay->setText( "" ); TheDay->setMaxLength( 32767 ); TheDay->setEchoMode( myLineEdit::Normal ); TheDay->setFrame( TRUE ); Year = new myLineEdit( this, "LineEdit_3" ); Year->setGeometry( 80, 80, 100, 20 ); Year->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); Year->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( Year, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(yearslot()) ); Year->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); Year->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBase ); Year->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Year->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Year->setText( "" ); Year->setMaxLength( 32767 ); Year->setEchoMode( myLineEdit::Normal ); Year->setFrame( TRUE ); Time = new myLineEdit( this, "LineEdit_4" ); Time->setGeometry( 80, 100, 100, 20 ); Time->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); Time->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( Time, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(timeslot()) ); Time->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); Time->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBase ); Time->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Time->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); Time->setText( "" ); Time->setMaxLength( 32767 ); Time->setEchoMode( myLineEdit::Normal ); Time->setFrame( TRUE ); QRadioButton* qtarch_RadioButton_1; qtarch_RadioButton_1 = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_1" ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setGeometry( 20, 150, 180, 20 ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setText( transl("Secondary progression") ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_RadioButton_1->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QRadioButton* qtarch_RadioButton_2; qtarch_RadioButton_2 = new QRadioButton( this, "RadioButton_2" ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setGeometry( 20, 170, 180, 20 ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setText( transl("Solar arc progression") ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_RadioButton_2->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QLabel* qtarch_Label_5; qtarch_Label_5 = new QLabel( this, "Label_5" ); qtarch_Label_5->setGeometry( 20, 190, 110, 20 ); qtarch_Label_5->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_Label_5->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); qtarch_Label_5->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); qtarch_Label_5->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_Label_5->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_5->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_Label_5->setText( transl("Degrees per day") ); qtarch_Label_5->setAlignment( 289 ); qtarch_Label_5->setMargin( -1 ); DegPerDay = new QComboBox( FALSE, this, "ComboBox_3" ); DegPerDay->setGeometry( 130, 190, 90, 20 ); DegPerDay->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); DegPerDay->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( DegPerDay, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), SLOT(degperdayslot(int)) ); DegPerDay->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); DegPerDay->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); DegPerDay->setFontPropagation( QWidget::AllChildren ); DegPerDay->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::AllChildren ); DegPerDay->setSizeLimit( 3 ); DegPerDay->setAutoResize( FALSE ); DegPerDay->insertItem( "365.25" ); DegPerDay->insertItem( "27.321661" ); DegPerDay->insertItem( "29.530588" ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_1; qtarch_PushButton_1 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_1" ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setGeometry( 190, 10, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_1, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(nowslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setText( transl("Now") ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_1->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_2; qtarch_PushButton_2 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_2" ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setGeometry( 190, 50, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancelslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setText( transl("Cancel") ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_2->setAutoResize( FALSE ); QPushButton* qtarch_PushButton_3; qtarch_PushButton_3 = new QPushButton( this, "PushButton_3" ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setGeometry( 190, 90, 100, 30 ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); connect( qtarch_PushButton_3, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(okslot()) ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::TabFocus ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteBackground ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setFontPropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setPalettePropagation( QWidget::NoChildren ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setText( transl("OK") ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setAutoRepeat( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setAutoResize( FALSE ); qtarch_PushButton_3->setAutoDefault( TRUE ); ProgSet->insert( qtarch_RadioButton_1 ); ProgSet->insert( qtarch_RadioButton_2 ); resize( 300,230 ); setMinimumSize( 0, 0 ); setMaximumSize( 32767, 32767 ); }
void GraphSettings::hchartsizeslot() { NCheck(HChartSize, BITMAPX1, BITMAPX, transl("horizontal value"), &xWin); }