bool AsyncPanZoomController::SampleContentTransformForFrame(const TimeStamp& aSampleTime,
                                                            const FrameMetrics& aFrame,
                                                            const gfx3DMatrix& aCurrentTransform,
                                                            gfx3DMatrix* aNewTransform) {
  // The eventual return value of this function. The compositor needs to know
  // whether or not to advance by a frame as soon as it can. For example, if a
  // fling is happening, it has to keep compositing so that the animation is
  // smooth. If an animation frame is requested, it is the compositor's
  // responsibility to schedule a composite.
  bool requestAnimationFrame = false;

  // Scales on the root layer, on what's currently painted.
  float rootScaleX = aCurrentTransform.GetXScale(),
        rootScaleY = aCurrentTransform.GetYScale();

  nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
  nsIntPoint scrollOffset;
  float localScaleX, localScaleY;

    MonitorAutoLock mon(mMonitor);

    // If a fling is currently happening, apply it now. We can pull the updated
    // metrics afterwards.
    requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame || DoFling(aSampleTime - mLastSampleTime);

    // Current local transform; this is not what's painted but rather what PZC has
    // transformed due to touches like panning or pinching. Eventually, the root
    // layer transform will become this during runtime, but we must wait for Gecko
    // to repaint.
    localScaleX = mFrameMetrics.mResolution.width;
    localScaleY = mFrameMetrics.mResolution.height;

    if (aFrame.IsScrollable()) {
      metricsScrollOffset = aFrame.mViewportScrollOffset;

    scrollOffset = mFrameMetrics.mViewportScrollOffset;

  nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
    (scrollOffset.x / rootScaleX - metricsScrollOffset.x) * localScaleX,
    (scrollOffset.y / rootScaleY - metricsScrollOffset.y) * localScaleY);

  ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, localScaleX, localScaleY);
  *aNewTransform = gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * aCurrentTransform;

  mLastSampleTime = aSampleTime;

  return requestAnimationFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void AsyncPanZoomController::GetContentTransformForFrame(const FrameMetrics& aFrame,
                                                         const gfx3DMatrix& aRootTransform,
                                                         const gfxSize& aWidgetSize,
                                                         gfx3DMatrix* aTreeTransform,
                                                         gfxPoint* aReverseViewTranslation) {
  // Scales on the root layer, on what's currently painted.
  float rootScaleX = aRootTransform.GetXScale(),
        rootScaleY = aRootTransform.GetYScale();

  // Current local transform; this is not what's painted but rather what PZC has
  // transformed due to touches like panning or pinching. Eventually, the root
  // layer transform will become this during runtime, but we must wait for Gecko
  // to repaint.
  float localScaleX = mFrameMetrics.mResolution.width,
        localScaleY = mFrameMetrics.mResolution.height;

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the desired zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  float tempScaleDiffX = rootScaleX * localScaleX;
  float tempScaleDiffY = rootScaleY * localScaleY;

  nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
  if (aFrame.IsScrollable())
    metricsScrollOffset = aFrame.mViewportScrollOffset;

  nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
    mFrameMetrics.mViewportScrollOffset.x / rootScaleX - metricsScrollOffset.x,
    mFrameMetrics.mViewportScrollOffset.y / rootScaleY - metricsScrollOffset.y);

  ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, localScaleX, localScaleY);
  *aTreeTransform = gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform);

  float offsetX = mFrameMetrics.mViewportScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX,
        offsetY = mFrameMetrics.mViewportScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY;

  nsIntRect localContentRect = mFrameMetrics.mContentRect;
  offsetX = NS_MAX((float)localContentRect.x,
                   NS_MIN(offsetX, (float)(localContentRect.XMost() - aWidgetSize.width)));
  offsetY = NS_MAX((float)localContentRect.y,
                    NS_MIN(offsetY, (float)(localContentRect.YMost() - aWidgetSize.height)));
  *aReverseViewTranslation = gfxPoint(offsetX - metricsScrollOffset.x,
                                      offsetY - metricsScrollOffset.y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  Layer* layer = GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
  ShadowLayer* shadow = layer->AsShadowLayer();
  ContainerLayer* container = layer->AsContainerLayer();

  const FrameMetrics* metrics = &container->GetFrameMetrics();
  const gfx3DMatrix& rootTransform = mLayerManager->GetRoot()->GetTransform();
  const gfx3DMatrix& currentTransform = layer->GetTransform();

  float rootScaleX = rootTransform.GetXScale();
  float rootScaleY = rootTransform.GetYScale();

  if (mIsFirstPaint && metrics) {
    nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics->mViewportScrollOffset;
    mContentSize = metrics->mContentSize;
    SetFirstPaintViewport(scrollOffset.x, scrollOffset.y,
    mIsFirstPaint = false;
  } else if (metrics && (metrics->mContentSize != mContentSize)) {
    mContentSize = metrics->mContentSize;
    SetPageSize(1/rootScaleX, mContentSize.width,

  // We synchronise the viewport information with Java after sending the above
  // notifications, so that Java can take these into account in its response.
  if (metrics) {
    // Calculate the absolute display port to send to Java
    nsIntRect displayPort = metrics->mDisplayPort;
    nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics->mViewportScrollOffset;
    displayPort.x += scrollOffset.x;
    displayPort.y += scrollOffset.y;

    SyncViewportInfo(displayPort, 1/rootScaleX, mLayersUpdated,
                     mScrollOffset, mXScale, mYScale);
    mLayersUpdated = false;

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the desired zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  if (metrics) {
    float tempScaleDiffX = rootScaleX * mXScale;
    float tempScaleDiffY = rootScaleY * mYScale;

    nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
    if (metrics->IsScrollable())
      metricsScrollOffset = metrics->mViewportScrollOffset;

    nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
      (mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX - metricsScrollOffset.x) * mXScale,
      (mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY - metricsScrollOffset.y) * mYScale);
    ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, mXScale, mYScale);
    shadow->SetShadowTransform(gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * currentTransform);
  } else {
    ViewTransform treeTransform(nsIntPoint(0,0), mXScale, mYScale);
    shadow->SetShadowTransform(gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * currentTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  Layer* layer = GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
  ShadowLayer* shadow = layer->AsShadowLayer();
  ContainerLayer* container = layer->AsContainerLayer();

  const FrameMetrics& metrics = container->GetFrameMetrics();
  const gfx3DMatrix& rootTransform = mLayerManager->GetRoot()->GetTransform();
  const gfx3DMatrix& currentTransform = layer->GetTransform();

  float rootScaleX = rootTransform.GetXScale();
  float rootScaleY = rootTransform.GetYScale();

  if (mIsFirstPaint) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    mIsFirstPaint = false;
  } else if (!metrics.mContentRect.IsEqualEdges(mContentRect)) {
    mContentRect = metrics.mContentRect;
    SetPageRect(1/rootScaleX, mContentRect, metrics.mCSSContentRect);

  // We synchronise the viewport information with Java after sending the above
  // notifications, so that Java can take these into account in its response.
  // Calculate the absolute display port to send to Java
  nsIntRect displayPort = metrics.mDisplayPort;
  nsIntPoint scrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;
  displayPort.x += scrollOffset.x;
  displayPort.y += scrollOffset.y;

  SyncViewportInfo(displayPort, 1/rootScaleX, mLayersUpdated,
                   mScrollOffset, mXScale, mYScale);
  mLayersUpdated = false;

  // Handle transformations for asynchronous panning and zooming. We determine the
  // zoom used by Gecko from the transformation set on the root layer, and we
  // determine the scroll offset used by Gecko from the frame metrics of the
  // primary scrollable layer. We compare this to the desired zoom and scroll
  // offset in the view transform we obtained from Java in order to compute the
  // transformation we need to apply.
  float tempScaleDiffX = rootScaleX * mXScale;
  float tempScaleDiffY = rootScaleY * mYScale;

  nsIntPoint metricsScrollOffset(0, 0);
  if (metrics.IsScrollable())
    metricsScrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;

  nsIntPoint scrollCompensation(
    (mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX - metricsScrollOffset.x) * mXScale,
    (mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY - metricsScrollOffset.y) * mYScale);
  ViewTransform treeTransform(-scrollCompensation, mXScale, mYScale);
  shadow->SetShadowTransform(gfx3DMatrix(treeTransform) * currentTransform);

  // Alter the scroll offset so that fixed position layers remain within
  // the page area.
  float offsetX = mScrollOffset.x / tempScaleDiffX;
  float offsetY = mScrollOffset.y / tempScaleDiffY;
  offsetX = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.x, NS_MIN(offsetX, (float)(mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width)));
  offsetY = NS_MAX((float)mContentRect.y, NS_MIN(offsetY, (float)(mContentRect.YMost() - mWidgetSize.height)));
  gfxPoint reverseViewTranslation(offsetX - metricsScrollOffset.x,
                                  offsetY - metricsScrollOffset.y);

  TranslateFixedLayers(layer, reverseViewTranslation);