Ejemplo n.º 1
Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss quadrature formula

The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss quadrature formula  with  weight
function given by coefficients alpha and beta  of  a  recurrence  relation
which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials:

P-1(x)   =  0
P0(x)    =  1
Pn+1(x)  =  (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)  -  beta(n)*Pn-1(x)

and zeroth moment Mu0

Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b)

    Alpha   –   array[0..N-1], alpha coefficients
    Beta    –   array[0..N-1], beta coefficients
                Zero-indexed element is not used and may be arbitrary.
    Mu0     –   zeroth moment of the weight function.
    N       –   number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=1

    Info    -   error code:
                * -3    internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged
                * -2    Beta[i]<=0
                * -1    incorrect N was passed
                *  1    OK
    X       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes,
                in ascending order.
    W       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void gqgeneraterec(const ap::real_1d_array& alpha,
     const ap::real_1d_array& beta,
     double mu0,
     int n,
     int& info,
     ap::real_1d_array& x,
     ap::real_1d_array& w)
    int i;
    ap::real_1d_array d;
    ap::real_1d_array e;
    ap::real_2d_array z;

    if( n<1 )
        info = -1;
    info = 1;
    // Initialize
    for(i = 1; i <= n-1; i++)
        d(i) = alpha(i-1);
        if( beta(i)<=0 )
            info = -2;
        e(i) = sqrt(beta(i));
    d(n) = alpha(n-1);
    // EVD
    if( !tridiagonalevd(d, e, n, 3, z) )
        info = -3;
    // Generate
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        x(i-1) = d(i);
        w(i-1) = mu0*ap::sqr(z(1,i));
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool symmetricevd(ap::real_2d_array a,
     int n,
     int zneeded,
     bool isupper,
     ap::real_1d_array& d,
     ap::real_2d_array& z)
    bool result;
    ap::real_1d_array tau;
    ap::real_1d_array e;

    ap::ap_error::make_assertion(zneeded==0||zneeded==1, "SymmetricEVD: incorrect ZNeeded");
    totridiagonal(a, n, isupper, tau, d, e);
    if( zneeded==1 )
        unpackqfromtridiagonal(a, n, isupper, tau, z);
    result = tridiagonalevd(d, e, n, zneeded, z);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula

The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula  with
weight function given by coefficients alpha and beta of a recurrence which
generates a system of orthogonal polynomials.

P-1(x)   =  0
P0(x)    =  1
Pn+1(x)  =  (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)  -  beta(n)*Pn-1(x)

and zeroth moment Mu0

Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b)

    Alpha   –   array[0..N-2], alpha coefficients
    Beta    –   array[0..N-2], beta coefficients.
                Zero-indexed element is not used, may be arbitrary.
    Mu0     –   zeroth moment of the weighting function.
    A       –   left boundary of the integration interval.
    B       –   right boundary of the integration interval.
    N       –   number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=3
                (including the left and right boundary nodes).

    Info    -   error code:
                * -3    internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged
                * -2    Beta[i]<=0
                * -1    incorrect N was passed
                *  1    OK
    X       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes,
                in ascending order.
    W       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void gqgenerategausslobattorec(ap::real_1d_array alpha,
     ap::real_1d_array beta,
     double mu0,
     double a,
     double b,
     int n,
     int& info,
     ap::real_1d_array& x,
     ap::real_1d_array& w)
    int i;
    ap::real_1d_array d;
    ap::real_1d_array e;
    ap::real_2d_array z;
    double pim1a;
    double pia;
    double pim1b;
    double pib;
    double t;
    double a11;
    double a12;
    double a21;
    double a22;
    double b1;
    double b2;
    double alph;
    double bet;

    if( n<=2 )
        info = -1;
    info = 1;
    // Initialize, D[1:N+1], E[1:N]
    n = n-2;
    for(i = 1; i <= n+1; i++)
        d(i) = alpha(i-1);
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        if( beta(i)<=0 )
            info = -2;
        e(i) = sqrt(beta(i));
    // Caclulate Pn(a), Pn+1(a), Pn(b), Pn+1(b)
    beta(0) = 0;
    pim1a = 0;
    pia = 1;
    pim1b = 0;
    pib = 1;
    for(i = 1; i <= n+1; i++)
        // Pi(a)
        t = (a-alpha(i-1))*pia-beta(i-1)*pim1a;
        pim1a = pia;
        pia = t;
        // Pi(b)
        t = (b-alpha(i-1))*pib-beta(i-1)*pim1b;
        pim1b = pib;
        pib = t;
    // Calculate alpha'(n+1), beta'(n+1)
    a11 = pia;
    a12 = pim1a;
    a21 = pib;
    a22 = pim1b;
    b1 = a*pia;
    b2 = b*pib;
    if( fabs(a11)>fabs(a21) )
        a22 = a22-a12*a21/a11;
        b2 = b2-b1*a21/a11;
        bet = b2/a22;
        alph = (b1-bet*a12)/a11;
        a12 = a12-a22*a11/a21;
        b1 = b1-b2*a11/a21;
        bet = b1/a12;
        alph = (b2-bet*a22)/a21;
    if( bet<0 )
        info = -3;
    d(n+2) = alph;
    e(n+1) = sqrt(bet);
    // EVD
    if( !tridiagonalevd(d, e, n+2, 3, z) )
        info = -3;
    // Generate
    for(i = 1; i <= n+2; i++)
        x(i-1) = d(i);
        w(i-1) = mu0*ap::sqr(z(1,i));
Ejemplo n.º 4
Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss-Radau quadrature formula

The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss-Radau  quadrature  formula  with
weight function given by the coefficients alpha and  beta  of a recurrence
which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials.

P-1(x)   =  0
P0(x)    =  1
Pn+1(x)  =  (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)  -  beta(n)*Pn-1(x)

and zeroth moment Mu0

Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b)

    Alpha   –   array[0..N-2], alpha coefficients.
    Beta    –   array[0..N-1], beta coefficients
                Zero-indexed element is not used.
    Mu0     –   zeroth moment of the weighting function.
    A       –   left boundary of the integration interval.
    N       –   number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=2
                (including the left boundary node).

    Info    -   error code:
                * -3    internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged
                * -2    Beta[i]<=0
                * -1    incorrect N was passed
                *  1    OK
    X       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes,
                in ascending order.
    W       -   array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
void gqgenerategaussradaurec(ap::real_1d_array alpha,
     ap::real_1d_array beta,
     double mu0,
     double a,
     int n,
     int& info,
     ap::real_1d_array& x,
     ap::real_1d_array& w)
    int i;
    ap::real_1d_array d;
    ap::real_1d_array e;
    ap::real_2d_array z;
    double polim1;
    double poli;
    double t;

    if( n<2 )
        info = -1;
    info = 1;
    // Initialize, D[1:N], E[1:N]
    n = n-1;
    d.setbounds(1, n+1);
    e.setbounds(1, n);
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        d(i) = alpha(i-1);
        if( beta(i)<=0 )
            info = -2;
        e(i) = sqrt(beta(i));
    // Caclulate Pn(a), Pn-1(a), and D[N+1]
    beta(0) = 0;
    polim1 = 0;
    poli = 1;
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        t = (a-alpha(i-1))*poli-beta(i-1)*polim1;
        polim1 = poli;
        poli = t;
    d(n+1) = a-beta(n)*polim1/poli;
    // EVD
    if( !tridiagonalevd(d, e, n+1, 3, z) )
        info = -3;
    // Generate
    x.setbounds(0, n);
    w.setbounds(0, n);
    for(i = 1; i <= n+1; i++)
        x(i-1) = d(i);
        w(i-1) = mu0*ap::sqr(z(1,i));
Ejemplo n.º 5

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 2005, 23 March 2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
bool hermitianevd(ap::complex_2d_array a,
     int n,
     int zneeded,
     bool isupper,
     ap::real_1d_array& d,
     ap::complex_2d_array& z)
    bool result;
    ap::complex_1d_array tau;
    ap::real_1d_array e;
    ap::real_1d_array work;
    ap::real_2d_array t;
    ap::complex_2d_array q;
    int i;
    int k;
    double v;

    ap::ap_error::make_assertion(zneeded==0||zneeded==1, "HermitianEVD: incorrect ZNeeded");
    // Reduce to tridiagonal form
    hermitiantotridiagonal(a, n, isupper, tau, d, e);
    if( zneeded==1 )
        unpackqfromhermitiantridiagonal(a, n, isupper, tau, q);
        zneeded = 2;
    // TDEVD
    result = tridiagonalevd(d, e, n, zneeded, t);
    // Eigenvectors are needed
    // Calculate Z = Q*T = Re(Q)*T + i*Im(Q)*T
    if( result&&zneeded!=0 )
        work.setbounds(1, n);
        z.setbounds(1, n, 1, n);
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            // Calculate real part
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                work(k) = 0;
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                v = q(i,k).x;
                ap::vadd(&work(1), &t(k, 1), ap::vlen(1,n), v);
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                z(i,k).x = work(k);
            // Calculate imaginary part
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                work(k) = 0;
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                v = q(i,k).y;
                ap::vadd(&work(1), &t(k, 1), ap::vlen(1,n), v);
            for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                z(i,k).y = work(k);
    return result;