Ejemplo n.º 1
// try connecting using the buf as the address
char *try_address(char *d, char *buf, char *uq)
	char *r = NULL;
	r = try_broadcast(d, buf, uq);
	if (r == NULL) {
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// if externalhost is found matching a hostname,
// try connecting to this address
char *try_external(char *d, char *buf, char *uq)
	char *r = NULL;
	if (d && strcmp(d, na) != 0) {
		r = try_broadcast(d, buf, uq);
		if (r == NULL) {
		} else {
			return r;
	} else {
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Examine a datagram and determine what to do with it.
static int process_udp( n2n_sn_t * sss, 
                        const struct sockaddr_in * sender_sock,
                        const uint8_t * udp_buf, 
                        size_t udp_size,
                        time_t now)
    n2n_common_t        cmn; /* common fields in the packet header */
    size_t              rem;
    size_t              idx;
    size_t              msg_type;
    uint8_t             from_supernode;
    macstr_t            mac_buf;
    macstr_t            mac_buf2;
    n2n_sock_str_t      sockbuf;

    traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "process_udp(%lu)", udp_size );

    /* Use decode_common() to determine the kind of packet then process it:
     * REGISTER_SUPER adds an edge and generate a return REGISTER_SUPER_ACK
     * REGISTER, REGISTER_ACK and PACKET messages are forwarded to their
     * destination edge. If the destination is not known then PACKETs are
     * broadcast.

    rem = udp_size; /* Counts down bytes of packet to protect against buffer overruns. */
    idx = 0; /* marches through packet header as parts are decoded. */
    if ( decode_common(&cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx) < 0 )
        traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to decode common section" );
        return -1; /* failed to decode packet */

    msg_type = cmn.pc; /* packet code */
    from_supernode= cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE;

    if ( cmn.ttl < 1 )
        traceEvent( TRACE_WARNING, "Expired TTL" );
        return 0; /* Don't process further */

    --(cmn.ttl); /* The value copied into all forwarded packets. */

    if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_PACKET )
        /* PACKET from one edge to another edge via supernode. */

        /* pkt will be modified in place and recoded to an output of potentially
         * different size due to addition of the socket.*/
        n2n_PACKET_t                    pkt; 
        n2n_common_t                    cmn2;
        uint8_t                         encbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE];
        size_t                          encx=0;
        int                             unicast; /* non-zero if unicast */
        const uint8_t *                 rec_buf; /* either udp_buf or encbuf */

        decode_PACKET( &pkt, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx );

        unicast = (0 == is_multi_broadcast(pkt.dstMac) );

        traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx PACKET (%s) %s -> %s %s",
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf, pkt.srcMac ),
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf2, pkt.dstMac ),
                    (from_supernode?"from sn":"local") );

        if ( !from_supernode )
            memcpy( &cmn2, &cmn, sizeof( n2n_common_t ) );

            /* We are going to add socket even if it was not there before */
            cmn2.flags |= N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET | N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE;

            pkt.sock.family = AF_INET;
            pkt.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port);
            memcpy( pkt.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE );

            rec_buf = encbuf;

            /* Re-encode the header. */
            encode_PACKET( encbuf, &encx, &cmn2, &pkt );

            /* Copy the original payload unchanged */
            encode_buf( encbuf, &encx, (udp_buf + idx), (udp_size - idx ) );
            /* Already from a supernode. Nothing to modify, just pass to
             * destination. */

            traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx PACKET fwd unmodified" );

            rec_buf = udp_buf;
            encx = udp_size;

        /* Common section to forward the final product. */
        if ( unicast )
            try_forward( sss, &cmn, pkt.dstMac, rec_buf, encx );
            try_broadcast( sss, &cmn, pkt.srcMac, rec_buf, encx );
    }/* MSG_TYPE_PACKET */
    else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER )
        /* Forwarding a REGISTER from one edge to the next */

        n2n_REGISTER_t                  reg;
        n2n_common_t                    cmn2;
        uint8_t                         encbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE];
        size_t                          encx=0;
        int                             unicast; /* non-zero if unicast */
        const uint8_t *                 rec_buf; /* either udp_buf or encbuf */

        decode_REGISTER( &reg, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx );

        unicast = (0 == is_multi_broadcast(reg.dstMac) );
        if ( unicast )
        traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER %s -> %s %s",
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.srcMac ),
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf2, reg.dstMac ),
                    ((cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE)?"from sn":"local") );

        if ( 0 != (cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE) )
            memcpy( &cmn2, &cmn, sizeof( n2n_common_t ) );

            /* We are going to add socket even if it was not there before */
            cmn2.flags |= N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET | N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE;

            reg.sock.family = AF_INET;
            reg.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port);
            memcpy( reg.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE );

            rec_buf = encbuf;

            /* Re-encode the header. */
            encode_REGISTER( encbuf, &encx, &cmn2, &reg );

            /* Copy the original payload unchanged */
            encode_buf( encbuf, &encx, (udp_buf + idx), (udp_size - idx ) );
            /* Already from a supernode. Nothing to modify, just pass to
             * destination. */

            rec_buf = udp_buf;
            encx = udp_size;

        try_forward( sss, &cmn, reg.dstMac, rec_buf, encx ); /* unicast only */
            traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Rx REGISTER with multicast destination" );

    else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_ACK )
        traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER_ACK (NOT IMPLEMENTED) SHould not be via supernode" );
    else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER )
        n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_t            reg;
        n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK_t        ack;
        n2n_common_t                    cmn2;
        uint8_t                         ackbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE];
        size_t                          encx=0;

        /* Edge requesting registration with us.  */
        decode_REGISTER_SUPER( &reg, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx );

        cmn2.ttl = N2N_DEFAULT_TTL;
        cmn2.pc = n2n_register_super_ack;
        memcpy( cmn2.community, cmn.community, sizeof(n2n_community_t) );

        memcpy( &(ack.cookie), &(reg.cookie), sizeof(n2n_cookie_t) );
        memcpy( ack.edgeMac, reg.edgeMac, sizeof(n2n_mac_t) );
        ack.lifetime = reg_lifetime( sss );

        ack.sock.family = AF_INET;
        ack.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port);
        memcpy( ack.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE );

        ack.num_sn=0; /* No backup */
        memset( &(ack.sn_bak), 0, sizeof(n2n_sock_t) );

        traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER for %s [%s]",
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.edgeMac ),
                    sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(ack.sock) ) );

        update_edge( sss, reg.edgeMac, cmn.community, &(ack.sock), now );

            struct comm_info *ci = comm_find(sss->communities.list_head,
                                             cmn.community, strlen((const char *) cmn.community));
            if (ci)
                ack.num_sn = ci->sn_num;
                memcpy(&ack.sn_bak, ci->sn_sock, ci->sn_num * sizeof(n2n_sock_t));

        encode_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK( ackbuf, &encx, &cmn2, &ack );

        sendto( sss->sock, ackbuf, encx, 0, 
                (struct sockaddr *)sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );

        traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Tx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK for %s [%s]",
                    macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.edgeMac ),
                    sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(ack.sock) ) );


    return 0;