Ejemplo n.º 1
tty_init (gboolean mouse_enable, gboolean is_xterm)
    initscr ();

     * If ncurses exports the ESCDELAY variable, it should be set to
     * a low value, or you'll experience a delay in processing escape
     * sequences that are recognized by mc (e.g. Esc-Esc).  On the other
     * hand, making ESCDELAY too small can result in some sequences
     * (e.g. cursor arrows) being reported as separate keys under heavy
     * processor load, and this can be a problem if mc hasn't learned
     * them in the "Learn Keys" dialog.  The value is in milliseconds.
    ESCDELAY = 200;
#endif /* HAVE_ESCDELAY */

    /* use Ctrl-g to generate SIGINT */
    cur_term->Nttyb.c_cc[VINTR] = CTRL ('g');   /* ^g */
    /* disable SIGQUIT to allow use Ctrl-\ key */
    cur_term->Nttyb.c_cc[VQUIT] = NULL_VALUE;
    tcsetattr (cur_term->Filedes, TCSANOW, &cur_term->Nttyb);
    /* other curses implementation (bsd curses, ...) */
        struct termios mode;

        tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &mode);
        /* use Ctrl-g to generate SIGINT */
        mode.c_cc[VINTR] = CTRL ('g');  /* ^g */
        /* disable SIGQUIT to allow use Ctrl-\ key */
        mode.c_cc[VQUIT] = NULL_VALUE;
        tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &mode);
#endif /* NCURSES_VERSION */

    tty_start_interrupt_key ();

    if (!mouse_enable)
        use_mouse_p = MOUSE_DISABLED;
    tty_init_xterm_support (is_xterm);  /* do it before tty_enter_ca_mode() call */
    tty_enter_ca_mode ();
    tty_raw_mode ();
    noecho ();
    keypad (stdscr, TRUE);
    nodelay (stdscr, FALSE);

    tty_setup_sigwinch (sigwinch_handler);
Ejemplo n.º 2
tty_init (gboolean mouse_enable, gboolean is_xterm)
    SLtt_Ignore_Beep = 1;

    SLutf8_enable (-1);         /* has to be called first before any of the other functions. */
    SLtt_get_terminfo ();
     * If the terminal in not in terminfo but begins with a well-known
     * string such as "linux" or "xterm" S-Lang will go on, but the
     * terminal size and several other variables won't be initialized
     * (as of S-Lang 1.4.4). Detect it and abort. Also detect extremely
     * small, large and negative screen dimensions.
    if ((COLS < 10) || (LINES < 5)
        fprintf (stderr,
                 _("Screen size %dx%d is not supported.\n"
                   "Check the TERM environment variable.\n"), COLS, LINES);
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    tcgetattr (fileno (stdin), &boot_mode);
    /* 255 = ignore abort char; XCTRL('g') for abort char = ^g */
    SLang_init_tty (XCTRL ('g'), 1, 0);

    if (mc_global.tty.ugly_line_drawing)
        SLtt_Has_Alt_Charset = 0;

    /* If SLang uses fileno(stderr) for terminal input MC will hang
       if we call SLang_getkey between calls to open_error_pipe and
       close_error_pipe, e.g. when we do a growing view of an gzipped
       file. */
    if (SLang_TT_Read_FD == fileno (stderr))
        SLang_TT_Read_FD = fileno (stdin);

    if (tcgetattr (SLang_TT_Read_FD, &new_mode) == 0)
#ifdef VDSUSP
        new_mode.c_cc[VDSUSP] = NULL_VALUE;     /* to ignore ^Y */
#ifdef VLNEXT
        new_mode.c_cc[VLNEXT] = NULL_VALUE;     /* to ignore ^V */
        tcsetattr (SLang_TT_Read_FD, TCSADRAIN, &new_mode);

    tty_reset_prog_mode ();
    load_terminfo_keys ();

    SLtt_Blink_Mode = (tty_use_256colors () || tty_use_truecolors (NULL)) ? 1 : 0;

    tty_start_interrupt_key ();

    /* It's the small part from the previous init_key() */
    init_key_input_fd ();

    /* For 8-bit locales, NCurses handles 154 (0x9A) symbol properly, while S-Lang
     * requires SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit >= 154 (OR manual filtering if xterm display
     * detected - but checking TERM would fail under screen, OR running xterm
     * with allowC1Printable).
    tty_display_8bit (FALSE);

    SLsmg_init_smg ();
    slsmg_active = TRUE;
    if (!mouse_enable)
        use_mouse_p = MOUSE_DISABLED;
    tty_init_xterm_support (is_xterm);  /* do it before tty_enter_ca_mode() call */
    tty_enter_ca_mode ();
    tty_keypad (TRUE);
    tty_nodelay (FALSE);

    tty_setup_sigwinch (sigwinch_handler);