Ejemplo n.º 1
static sip_t* run_test(CuTest* tc, sip_t* sip, int N, double* xy, double* radec) {
    int i;
    starxy_t* sxy;
    tweak_t* t;
    sip_t* outsip;
    il* imcorr;
    il* refcorr;
    dl* weights;
    tan_t* tan = &(sip->wcstan);

    printf("Input SIP:\n");
    sip_print_to(sip, stdout);

    sxy = starxy_new(N, FALSE, FALSE);
    starxy_set_xy_array(sxy, xy);

    imcorr = il_new(256);
    refcorr = il_new(256);
    weights = dl_new(256);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        il_append(imcorr, i);
        il_append(refcorr, i);
        dl_append(weights, 1.0);

    t = tweak_new();
    tweak_push_wcs_tan(t, tan);

    outsip = t->sip;
    outsip->a_order = outsip->b_order = sip->a_order;
    outsip->ap_order = outsip->bp_order = sip->ap_order;

    t->weighted_fit = TRUE;
    tweak_push_ref_ad_array(t, radec, N);
    tweak_push_image_xy(t, sxy);
    tweak_push_correspondence_indices(t, imcorr, refcorr, NULL, weights);

    // push correspondences
    // push image xy
    // push ref ra,dec
    // push ref xy (tan)
    // push tan

    tweak_go_to(t, TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD);

    printf("Output SIP:\n");
    sip_print_to(outsip, stdout);

    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->imagew, outsip->wcstan.imagew, 1e-10);
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->imageh, outsip->wcstan.imageh, 1e-10);

    // should be exactly equal.
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->crpix[0], outsip->wcstan.crpix[0], 1e-10);
    CuAssertDblEquals(tc, tan->crpix[1], outsip->wcstan.crpix[1], 1e-10);

    t->sip = NULL;
    return outsip;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** args) {
	int c;
	dl* xys = dl_new(16);
	dl* radecs = dl_new(16);
	dl* otherradecs = dl_new(16);

	double* xy;
	double* xyz;
	int i, N;
	tan_t tan, tan2, tan3;
	int W=0, H=0;
	double crpix[] = { HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VAL };
	int loglvl = LOG_MSG;
	FILE* logstream = stderr;
	int order = 1;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
		case 'v':
		case 'h':
		case 'o':
			order = atoi(optarg);
		case 'W':
			W = atoi(optarg);
		case 'H':
			H = atoi(optarg);
		case 'X':
			crpix[0] = atof(optarg);
		case 'Y':
			crpix[1] = atof(optarg);
	if (optind != argc) {

	if (W == 0 || H == 0) {
		logerr("Need -W, -H\n");
	if (crpix[0] == HUGE_VAL)
		crpix[0] = W/2.0;
	if (crpix[1] == HUGE_VAL)
		crpix[1] = H/2.0;

	while (1) {
		double x,y,ra,dec;
		if (fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &x, &y, &ra, &dec) < 4)
		if (x == -1 && y == -1) {
			dl_append(otherradecs, ra);
			dl_append(otherradecs, dec);
		} else {
			dl_append(xys, x);
			dl_append(xys, y);
			dl_append(radecs, ra);
			dl_append(radecs, dec);
	logmsg("Read %i x,y,ra,dec tuples\n", dl_size(xys)/2);

	N = dl_size(xys)/2;
	xy = dl_to_array(xys);
	xyz = malloc(3 * N * sizeof(double));
	for (i=0; i<N; i++)
		radecdeg2xyzarr(dl_get(radecs, 2*i), dl_get(radecs, 2*i+1), xyz + i*3);

	fit_tan_wcs(xyz, xy, N, &tan, NULL);
	tan.imagew = W;
	tan.imageh = H;

	logmsg("Computed TAN WCS:\n");
	tan_print_to(&tan, logstream);

	sip_t* sip;
		tweak_t* t = tweak_new();
		starxy_t* sxy = starxy_new(N, FALSE, FALSE);
		il* imginds = il_new(256);
		il* refinds = il_new(256);

		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			starxy_set_x(sxy, i, xy[2*i+0]);
			starxy_set_y(sxy, i, xy[2*i+1]);
		tweak_push_ref_xyz(t, xyz, N);
		tweak_push_image_xy(t, sxy);
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			il_append(imginds, i);
			il_append(refinds, i);
		// unweighted; no dist2s
		tweak_push_correspondence_indices(t, imginds, refinds, NULL, NULL);

		tweak_push_wcs_tan(t, &tan);
		t->sip->a_order = t->sip->b_order = t->sip->ap_order = t->sip->bp_order = order;

		for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
			// go to TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD -> do_sip_tweak
			// t->image has the indices of corresponding image stars
			// t->ref   has the indices of corresponding catalog stars
			tweak_go_to(t, TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD);
			t->state &= ~TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD;
		tan_write_to_file(&t->sip->wcstan, "kt1.wcs");
		sip = t->sip;

	for (i=0; i<dl_size(otherradecs)/2; i++) {
		double ra, dec, x,y;
		ra = dl_get(otherradecs, 2*i);
		dec = dl_get(otherradecs, 2*i+1);
		if (!sip_radec2pixelxy(sip, ra, dec, &x, &y)) {
			logerr("Not in tangent plane: %g,%g\n", ra, dec);
		printf("%g %g\n", x, y);

	 blind_wcs_move_tangent_point(xyz, xy, N, crpix, &tan, &tan2);
	 blind_wcs_move_tangent_point(xyz, xy, N, crpix, &tan2, &tan3);
	 logmsg("Moved tangent point to (%g,%g):\n", crpix[0], crpix[1]);
	 tan_print_to(&tan3, logstream);
	 tan_write_to_file(&tan, "kt1.wcs");
	 tan_write_to_file(&tan3, "kt2.wcs");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int wcs_pv2sip(const char* wcsinfn, int ext,
			   const char* wcsoutfn,
			   anbool scamp_head_file,
			   double* xy, int Nxy,
			   int imageW, int imageH,
			   anbool forcetan) {
	qfits_header* hdr = NULL;
	double* radec = NULL;
	int rtn = -1;
	tan_t tanwcs;
	double x,y, px,py;
	double xyz[3];

	double* xorig = NULL;
	double* yorig = NULL;
	double* rddist = NULL;
	int i, j;

	//           1  x  y  r x2 xy y2 x3 x2y xy2 y3 r3 x4 x3y x2y2 xy3 y4
	//          x5 x4y x3y2 x2y3 xy4 y5 r5 x6 x5y x4y2, x3y3 x2y4 xy5 y6
	//          x7 x6y x5y2 x4y3 x3y4 x2y5 xy6 y7 r7
	int xp[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3,  2,  1, 0, 0, 4,  3,   2,  1, 0,
				 5,  4,   3,   2,  1, 5, 0, 6,  5,   4,    3,   2,  1, 0,
				 7,  6,   5,   4,   3,   2,  1, 0, 0};
	int yp[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0,  1,  2, 3, 0, 0,  1,   2,  3, 4,
				 0,  1,   2,   3,  4, 0, 0, 0,  1,   2,    3,   4,  5, 6,
				 0,  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,  6, 7, 0};
	int rp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0, 0, 3, 0,  0,   0,  0, 0,
				 0,  0,   0,   0,  0, 0, 5, 0,  0,   0,    0,   0,  0, 0,
				 0,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  0, 0, 7};
	double xpows[8];
	double ypows[8];
	double rpows[8];
	double pv1[40];
	double pv2[40];
	double r;

	if (scamp_head_file) {
		size_t sz = 0;
		char* txt;
		char* prefix;
		int np;
		int nt;
		unsigned char* txthdr;
		sl* lines;
		int i;
		txt = file_get_contents(wcsinfn, &sz, TRUE);
		if (!txt) {
			ERROR("Failed to read file %s", wcsinfn);
			goto bailout;
		lines = sl_split(NULL, txt, "\n");
		prefix =
			"SIMPLE  =                    T / Standard FITS file                             "
			"BITPIX  =                    8 / ASCII or bytes array                           "
			"NAXIS   =                    0 / Minimal header                                 "
			"EXTEND  =                    T / There may be FITS ext                          "
			"WCSAXES =                    2 /                                                ";
		np = strlen(prefix);
		nt = np + FITS_LINESZ * sl_size(lines);
		txthdr = malloc(nt);
		memset(txthdr, ' ', np + FITS_LINESZ * sl_size(lines));
		memcpy(txthdr, prefix, np);
		for (i=0; i<sl_size(lines); i++)
			memcpy(txthdr + np + i*FITS_LINESZ, sl_get(lines, i), strlen(sl_get(lines, i)));
		hdr = qfits_header_read_hdr_string(txthdr, nt);
	} else {
		char* ct;
		hdr = anqfits_get_header2(wcsinfn, ext);

		ct = fits_get_dupstring(hdr, "CTYPE1");
		if ((ct && streq(ct, "RA---TPV")) || forcetan) {
			// http://iraf.noao.edu/projects/ccdmosaic/tpv.html
			logmsg("Replacing CTYPE1 = %s header with RA---TAN\n", ct);
			fits_update_value(hdr, "CTYPE1", "RA---TAN");
		ct = fits_get_dupstring(hdr, "CTYPE2");
		if ((ct && streq(ct, "DEC--TPV")) || forcetan) {
			logmsg("Replacing CTYPE2 = %s header with DEC--TAN\n", ct);
			fits_update_value(hdr, "CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN");
	if (!hdr) {
		ERROR("Failed to read header: file %s, ext %i\n", wcsinfn, ext);
		goto bailout;
	tan_read_header(hdr, &tanwcs);

	for (i=0; i<sizeof(pv1)/sizeof(double); i++) {
		char key[10];
		sprintf(key, "PV1_%i", i);
		pv1[i] = qfits_header_getdouble(hdr, key, 0.0);
		sprintf(key, "PV2_%i", i);
		pv2[i] = qfits_header_getdouble(hdr, key, 0.0);

	xorig = malloc(Nxy * sizeof(double));
	yorig = malloc(Nxy * sizeof(double));
	rddist = malloc(2 * Nxy * sizeof(double));

	for (j=0; j<Nxy; j++) {
		xorig[j] = xy[2*j+0];
		yorig[j] = xy[2*j+1];

		tan_pixelxy2iwc(&tanwcs, xorig[j], yorig[j], &x, &y);
		r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
		xpows[0] = ypows[0] = rpows[0] = 1.0;
		for (i=1; i<sizeof(xpows)/sizeof(double); i++) {
			xpows[i] = xpows[i-1]*x;
			ypows[i] = ypows[i-1]*y;
			rpows[i] = rpows[i-1]*r;
		px = py = 0;
		for (i=0; i<sizeof(xp)/sizeof(int); i++) {
			px += pv1[i] * xpows[xp[i]] * ypows[yp[i]] * rpows[rp[i]];
			py += pv2[i] * ypows[xp[i]] * xpows[yp[i]] * rpows[rp[i]];
		tan_iwc2xyzarr(&tanwcs, px, py, xyz);
		xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, rddist+2*j, rddist+2*j+1);

		starxy_t sxy;
		tweak_t* t;
		il* imgi;
		il* refi;
		int sip_order = 5;
		int sip_inv_order = 5;

		sxy.N = Nxy;
		sxy.x = xorig;
		sxy.y = yorig;

		imgi = il_new(256);
		refi = il_new(256);
		for (i=0; i<Nxy; i++) {
			il_append(imgi, i);
			il_append(refi, i);

		t = tweak_new();
		t->sip->a_order = t->sip->b_order = sip_order;
		t->sip->ap_order = t->sip->bp_order = sip_inv_order;
		tweak_push_wcs_tan(t, &tanwcs);
		tweak_push_ref_ad_array(t, rddist, Nxy);
		tweak_push_image_xy(t, &sxy);
		tweak_push_correspondence_indices(t, imgi, refi, NULL, NULL);
		tweak_go_to(t, TWEAK_HAS_LINEAR_CD);
		if (imageW)
			t->sip->wcstan.imagew = imageW;
		if (imageH)
			t->sip->wcstan.imageh = imageH;
		sip_write_to_file(t->sip, wcsoutfn);
	rtn = 0;

	return rtn;