Ejemplo n.º 1
static int64_t
uto64(const UChar     *buffer)
    int64_t result = 0;
    /* iterate through buffer */
    while(*buffer) {
        /* read the next digit */
        result *= 16;
        if (!u_isxdigit(*buffer)) {
            log_err("\\u%04X is not a valid hex digit for this test\n", (UChar)*buffer);
        result += *buffer - 0x0030 - (*buffer >= 0x0041 ? (*buffer >= 0x0061 ? 39 : 7) : 0);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
u_iscclass(PARROT_INTERP, UINTVAL codepoint, INTVAL flags)
            /* XXX which one
               return u_charDigitValue(codepoint);
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_uppercase)    && u_isupper(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_lowercase)    && u_islower(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_alphabetic)   && u_isalpha(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_numeric)      && u_isdigit(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_hexadecimal)  && u_isxdigit(codepoint)) return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_whitespace)   && u_isspace(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_printing)     && u_isprint(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_graphical)    && u_isgraph(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_blank)        && u_isblank(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_control)      && u_iscntrl(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_alphanumeric) && u_isalnum(codepoint))  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_word)         &&
        (u_isalnum(codepoint) || codepoint == '_'))                  return 1;
    if ((flags & enum_cclass_newline)      &&
        (codepoint == 0x2028 || codepoint == 0x2029 ||
         u_hasBinaryProperty(codepoint, UCHAR_LINE_BREAK)))          return 1;

    return 0;
    if (codepoint < 256)
        return (Parrot_iso_8859_1_typetable[codepoint] & flags) ? 1 : 0;

    if (flags == enum_cclass_any)
        return 1;

    /* All codepoints from u+0100 to u+02af are alphabetic, so we
     * cheat on the WORD and ALPHABETIC properties to include these
     * (and incorrectly exclude all others).  This is a stopgap until
     * ICU is everywhere, or we have better non-ICU unicode support. */
    if (flags == enum_cclass_word || flags == enum_cclass_alphabetic)
        return (codepoint < 0x2b0);

    if (flags & enum_cclass_whitespace) {
        /* from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/PropList.txt */
        switch (codepoint) {
          case 0x1680: case 0x180e: case 0x2000: case 0x2001:
          case 0x2002: case 0x2003: case 0x2004: case 0x2005:
          case 0x2006: case 0x2007: case 0x2008: case 0x2009:
          case 0x200a: case 0x2028: case 0x2029: case 0x202f:
          case 0x205f: case 0x3000:
            return 1;

    if (flags & enum_cclass_numeric) {
        /* from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt */
        if (codepoint >= 0x0660 && codepoint <= 0x0669) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x06f0 && codepoint <= 0x06f9) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x07c0 && codepoint <= 0x07c9) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0966 && codepoint <= 0x096f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x09e6 && codepoint <= 0x09ef) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0a66 && codepoint <= 0x0a6f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0ae6 && codepoint <= 0x0aef) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0b66 && codepoint <= 0x0b6f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0be6 && codepoint <= 0x0bef) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0c66 && codepoint <= 0x0c6f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0ce6 && codepoint <= 0x0cef) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0d66 && codepoint <= 0x0d6f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0e50 && codepoint <= 0x0e59) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0ed0 && codepoint <= 0x0ed9) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x0f20 && codepoint <= 0x0f29) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x1040 && codepoint <= 0x1049) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x17e0 && codepoint <= 0x17e9) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x1810 && codepoint <= 0x1819) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x1946 && codepoint <= 0x194f) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x19d0 && codepoint <= 0x19d9) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0x1b50 && codepoint <= 0x1b59) return 1;
        if (codepoint >= 0xff10 && codepoint <= 0xff19) return 1;

    if (flags & enum_cclass_newline) {
        /* from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/extracted/DerivedLineBreak.txt
         * Line_Break=Mandatory_Break*/
        if (codepoint == 0x2028 || codepoint == 0x2029) return 1;

    if (flags & ~(enum_cclass_whitespace | enum_cclass_numeric | enum_cclass_newline))
        Parrot_ex_throw_from_c_noargs(interp, EXCEPTION_LIBRARY_ERROR,
            "no ICU lib loaded");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static UBool isPOSIX_xdigit(const BinaryProperty &/*prop*/, UChar32 c, UProperty /*which*/) {
    return u_isxdigit(c);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Determines whether the specified code point is a hexadecimal digit.
// This is equivalent to u_digit(c, 16)>=0.
// True for characters with general category "Nd" (decimal digit numbers)
// as well as Latin letters a-f and A-F in both ASCII and Fullwidth ASCII.
// (That is, for letters with code points
// 0041..0046, 0061..0066, FF21..FF26, FF41..FF46.)
BUnicodeChar::IsHexDigit(uint32 c)
	return u_isxdigit(c);
Ejemplo n.º 5
u_hasBinaryProperty(UChar32 c, UProperty which) {
    /* c is range-checked in the functions that are called from here */
        /* not a known binary property */
    } else {
        uint32_t mask=binProps[which].mask;
        int32_t column=binProps[which].column;
        if(mask!=0) {
            /* systematic, directly stored properties */
            return (u_getUnicodeProperties(c, column)&mask)!=0;
        } else {
            if(column==UPROPS_SRC_CASE) {
                return ucase_hasBinaryProperty(c, which);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_NORM) {
                /* normalization properties from unorm.icu */
                switch(which) {
                case UCHAR_SEGMENT_STARTER:
                    return unorm_isCanonSafeStart(c);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_NFC) {
                UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
                switch(which) {
                    // By definition, Full_Composition_Exclusion is the same as NFC_QC=No.
                    const Normalizer2Impl *impl=Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(errorCode);
                    return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && impl->isCompNo(impl->getNorm16(c));
                default: {
                    // UCHAR_NF[CD]_INERT properties
                    const Normalizer2 *norm2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(
                        (UNormalizationMode)(which-UCHAR_NFD_INERT+UNORM_NFD), errorCode);
                    return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && norm2->isInert(c);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_NFKC) {
                // UCHAR_NFK[CD]_INERT properties
                UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
                const Normalizer2 *norm2=Normalizer2Factory::getInstance(
                    (UNormalizationMode)(which-UCHAR_NFD_INERT+UNORM_NFD), errorCode);
                return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && norm2->isInert(c);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_NFKC_CF) {
                // currently only for UCHAR_CHANGES_WHEN_NFKC_CASEFOLDED
                UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
                const Normalizer2Impl *kcf=Normalizer2Factory::getNFKC_CFImpl(errorCode);
                if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
                    UnicodeString src(c);
                    UnicodeString dest;
                        // The ReorderingBuffer must be in a block because its destructor
                        // needs to release dest's buffer before we look at its contents.
                        ReorderingBuffer buffer(*kcf, dest);
                        // Small destCapacity for NFKC_CF(c).
                        if(buffer.init(5, errorCode)) {
                            const UChar *srcArray=src.getBuffer();
                            kcf->compose(srcArray, srcArray+src.length(), FALSE,
                                         TRUE, buffer, errorCode);
                    return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && dest!=src;
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_BIDI) {
                /* bidi/shaping properties */
                const UBiDiProps *bdp=GET_BIDI_PROPS();
                if(bdp!=NULL) {
                    switch(which) {
                    case UCHAR_BIDI_MIRRORED:
                        return ubidi_isMirrored(bdp, c);
                    case UCHAR_BIDI_CONTROL:
                        return ubidi_isBidiControl(bdp, c);
                    case UCHAR_JOIN_CONTROL:
                        return ubidi_isJoinControl(bdp, c);
                /* else return FALSE below */
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_CHAR) {
                switch(which) {
                case UCHAR_POSIX_BLANK:
                    return u_isblank(c);
                case UCHAR_POSIX_GRAPH:
                    return u_isgraphPOSIX(c);
                case UCHAR_POSIX_PRINT:
                    return u_isprintPOSIX(c);
                case UCHAR_POSIX_XDIGIT:
                    return u_isxdigit(c);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_CHAR_AND_PROPSVEC) {
                switch(which) {
                case UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM:
                    return u_isalnumPOSIX(c);
            } else if(column==UPROPS_SRC_CASE_AND_NORM) {
                UChar nfdBuffer[4];
                const UChar *nfd;
                int32_t nfdLength;
                UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;
                const Normalizer2Impl *nfcImpl=Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(errorCode);
                if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
                    return FALSE;
                switch(which) {
                    nfd=nfcImpl->getDecomposition(c, nfdBuffer, nfdLength);
                    if(nfd!=NULL) {
                        /* c has a decomposition */
                        if(nfdLength==1) {
                            c=nfd[0];  /* single BMP code point */
                        } else if(nfdLength<=U16_MAX_LENGTH) {
                            int32_t i=0;
                            U16_NEXT(nfd, i, nfdLength, c);
                            if(i==nfdLength) {
                                /* single supplementary code point */
                            } else {
                        } else {
                    } else if(c<0) {
                        return FALSE;  /* protect against bad input */
                    if(c>=0) {
                        /* single code point */
                        const UCaseProps *csp=ucase_getSingleton(&errorCode);
                        const UChar *resultString;
                        return (UBool)(ucase_toFullFolding(csp, c, &resultString, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT)>=0);
                    } else {
                        /* guess some large but stack-friendly capacity */
                        UChar dest[2*UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
                        int32_t destLength;
                        destLength=u_strFoldCase(dest, LENGTHOF(dest), nfd, nfdLength, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT, &errorCode);
                        return (UBool)(U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && 0!=u_strCompare(nfd, nfdLength, dest, destLength, FALSE));
    return FALSE;