Ejemplo n.º 1
void Connect_send_Idle( uint8_t num )
	// Wait until the Tx buffers are ready, then lock them
	uart_lockBothTx( UART_Slave, UART_Master );

	// Send n number of idles to reset link status (if in a bad state)
	uint8_t value = 0x16;
	for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < num; c++ )
		Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, UART_Master );
		Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, UART_Slave );

	// Release Tx buffers
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Send a remote capability command using capability index
// This may not be what's expected (especially if the firmware is not the same on each node)
// To broadcast to all slave nodes, set id to 255 instead of a specific id
void Connect_send_RemoteCapability( uint8_t id, uint8_t capabilityIndex, uint8_t state, uint8_t stateType, uint8_t numArgs, uint8_t *args )
	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, RemoteCapability, id, capabilityIndex, state, stateType, numArgs };

	// Ignore current id
	if ( id == Connect_id )

	// Send towards slave node
	if ( id > Connect_id )
		// Lock slave bound Tx
		uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );

		// Send header
		Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Slave );

		// Send arguments
		Connect_addBytes( args, numArgs, UART_Slave );

		// Unlock Tx
		uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );

	// Send towards master node
	if ( id < Connect_id || id == 255 )
		// Lock slave bound Tx
		uart_lockTx( UART_Master );

		// Send header
		Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );

		// Send arguments
		Connect_addBytes( args, numArgs, UART_Master );

		// Unlock Tx
		uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// id is the currently assigned id to the slave
void Connect_send_IdReport( uint8_t id )
	// Lock master bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Master );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, IdReport, id };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// id is the value the next slave should enumerate as
void Connect_send_IdEnumeration( uint8_t id )
	// Lock slave bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, IdEnumeration, id };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Slave );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Connect_send_CurrentEvent( uint16_t current )
	// Lock master bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, CurrentEvent, current & 0xFF, (current >> 8) & 0xFF };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Slave );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Connect_send_IdRequest()
	// Lock master bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Master );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { Command_SYN, SOH, IdRequest };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
Ejemplo n.º 7
// patternLen defines how many bytes should the incrementing pattern have
void Connect_send_CableCheck( uint8_t patternLen )
	// Wait until the Tx buffers are ready, then lock them
	uart_lockBothTx( UART_Master, UART_Slave );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, CableCheck, patternLen };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Slave );

	// Send 0xD2 (11010010) for each argument
	uint8_t value = 0xD2;
	for ( uint8_t c = 0; c < patternLen; c++ )
		Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, UART_Master );
		Connect_addBytes( &value, 1, UART_Slave );

	// Release Tx buffers
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );
Ejemplo n.º 8
// id is the currently assigned id to the slave
// paramList is an array of [param, value]'s (8 bit values)
// numParams is the number of params to parse from the array
void Connect_send_Animation( uint8_t id, uint8_t *paramList, uint8_t numParams )
	// Lock slave bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, Animation, id, numParams };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Slave );

	// Send each of the scan codes
	Connect_addBytes( paramList, numParams, UART_Slave );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );
Ejemplo n.º 9
// id is the currently assigned id to the slave
// scanCodeStateList is an array of [scancode, state]'s (8 bit values)
// numScanCodes is the number of scan codes to parse from array
void Connect_send_ScanCode( uint8_t id, TriggerGuide *scanCodeStateList, uint8_t numScanCodes )
	// Lock master bound Tx
	uart_lockTx( UART_Master );

	// Prepare header
	uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, ScanCode, id, numScanCodes };

	// Send header
	Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );

	// Send each of the scan codes
	Connect_addBytes( (uint8_t*)scanCodeStateList, numScanCodes * TriggerGuideSize, UART_Master );

	// Unlock Tx
	uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );
Ejemplo n.º 10
uint8_t Connect_receive_RemoteCapability( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t uart_num )
	// Check which byte in the packet we are at
	switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- )
	// Byte count always starts at 0xFFFF
	case 0xFFFF: // Device Id
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.id = byte;

	case 0xFFFE: // Capability Index
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.capabilityIndex = byte;

	case 0xFFFD: // State
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.state = byte;

	case 0xFFFC: // StateType
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.stateType = byte;

	case 0xFFFB: // Number of args
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs = byte;
		*pending_bytes = byte;

	default:     // Args (# defined by previous byte)
			Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs - *pending_bytes + 1
		] = byte;

		// If entire packet has been fully received
		if ( *pending_bytes == 0 )
			// Determine if this is the node to run the capability on
			// Conditions: Matches or broadcast (0xFF)
			if ( Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.id == 0xFF
				|| Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.id == Connect_id )
				extern const Capability CapabilitiesList[]; // See generatedKeymap.h
				void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(
					CapabilitiesList[ Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.capabilityIndex ].func

			// If this is not the correct node, keep sending it in the same direction (doesn't matter if more nodes exist)
			// or if this is a broadcast
			if ( Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.id == 0xFF
				|| Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.id != Connect_id )
				// Prepare outgoing packet
				Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.command = RemoteCapability;

				// Send to the other UART (not the one receiving the packet from
				uint8_t uart_direction = uart_num == UART_Master ? UART_Slave : UART_Master;

				// Lock Tx UART
				switch ( uart_direction )
				case UART_Master: uart_lockTx( UART_Master ); break;
				case UART_Slave:  uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );  break;

				// Send header
				uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01 };
				Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), uart_direction );

				// Send Remote Capability and arguments
				Connect_addBytes( (uint8_t*)&Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer, sizeof( RemoteCapabilityCommand ), uart_direction );
				Connect_addBytes( Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityArgs, Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs, uart_direction );

				// Unlock Tx UART
				switch ( uart_direction )
				case UART_Master: uart_unlockTx( UART_Master ); break;
				case UART_Slave:  uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );  break;

	// Check whether the scan codes have finished sending
	return *pending_bytes == 0 ? 1 : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
uint8_t Connect_receive_ScanCode( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t uart_num )
	// Check the directionality
	if ( uart_num == UART_Master )
		erro_print("Invalid ScanCode direction...");

	// Master node, trigger scan codes
	if ( Connect_master ) switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- )
	// Byte count always starts at 0xFFFF
	case 0xFFFF: // Device Id
		Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId = byte;

	case 0xFFFE: // Number of TriggerGuides in bytes (byte * 3)
		*pending_bytes = byte * sizeof( TriggerGuide );
		Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0;

		// Set the specific TriggerGuide entry
		((uint8_t*)&Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer)[ Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos++ ] = byte;

		// Reset the BufferPos if higher than sizeof TriggerGuide
		// And send the TriggerGuide to the Macro Module
		if ( Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos >= sizeof( TriggerGuide ) )
			Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0;

			// Adjust ScanCode offset
			if ( Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId > 0 )
				// Check if this node is too large
				if ( Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId >= InterconnectNodeMax )
					warn_msg("Not enough interconnect layout nodes configured: ");
					printHex( Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId );
					print( NL );

				// This variable is in generatedKeymaps.h
				extern uint8_t InterconnectOffsetList[];
				Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer.scanCode = Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer.scanCode + InterconnectOffsetList[ Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId - 1 ];

			// ScanCode receive debug
			if ( Connect_debug )
				printHex( Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer.type );
				print(" ");
				printHex( Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer.state );
				print(" ");
				printHex( Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer.scanCode );
				print( NL );

			// Send ScanCode to macro module
			Macro_interconnectAdd( &Connect_receive_ScanCodeBuffer );

	// Propagate ScanCode packet
	// XXX It would be safer to buffer the scancodes first, before transmitting the packet -Jacob
	//     The current method is the more efficient/aggressive, but could cause issues if there were errors during transmission
	else switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- )
	// Byte count always starts at 0xFFFF
	case 0xFFFF: // Device Id
		Connect_receive_ScanCodeDeviceId = byte;

		// Lock the master Tx buffer
		uart_lockTx( UART_Master );

		// Send header + Id byte
		uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01, ScanCode, byte };
		Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), UART_Master );
	case 0xFFFE: // Number of TriggerGuides in bytes
		*pending_bytes = byte * sizeof( TriggerGuide );
		Connect_receive_ScanCodeBufferPos = 0;

		// Pass through byte
		Connect_addBytes( &byte, 1, UART_Master );

		// Pass through byte
		Connect_addBytes( &byte, 1, UART_Master );

		// Unlock Tx Buffer after sending last byte
		if ( *pending_bytes == 0 )
			uart_unlockTx( UART_Master );

	// Check whether the scan codes have finished sending
	return *pending_bytes == 0 ? 1 : 0;