Ejemplo n.º 1
// TODO check widths
static void uiColorButtonMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
	uiColorButton *b = uiColorButton(c);
	SIZE size;
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int y;

	// try the comctl32 version 6 way
	size.cx = 0;		// explicitly ask for ideal size
	size.cy = 0;
	if (SendMessageW(b->hwnd, BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, (LPARAM) (&size)) != FALSE) {
		*width = size.cx;
		*height = size.cy;

	// that didn't work; fall back to using Microsoft's metrics
	// Microsoft says to use a fixed width for all buttons; this isn't good enough
	// use the text width instead, with some edge padding
	*width = uiWindowsWindowTextWidth(b->hwnd) + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE));
	y = buttonHeight;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(b->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, NULL, &y);
	*height = y;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void groupMargins(uiGroup *g, int *mx, int *mtop, int *mbottom)
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;

	*mx = groupUnmarginedXMargin;
	*mtop = groupUnmarginedYMarginTop;
	*mbottom = groupUnmarginedYMarginBottom;
	if (g->margined) {
		*mx = groupXMargin;
		*mtop = groupYMarginTop;
		*mbottom = groupYMarginBottom;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(g->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, mx, mtop);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, NULL, mbottom);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static BOOL onWM_NOTIFY(uiControl *c, HWND hwnd, NMHDR *nmhdr, LRESULT *lResult)
	uiColorButton *b = uiColorButton(c);
	RECT r;
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	if (nmhdr->code != NM_CUSTOMDRAW)
		return FALSE;
	// and allow the button to draw its background
	if (nm->dwDrawStage != CDDS_PREPAINT)
		return FALSE;

	// TODO use Direct2D? either way, draw alpha
	uiWindowsEnsureGetClientRect(b->hwnd, &r);
	uiWindowsGetSizing(b->hwnd, &sizing);
	x = 3;		// should be enough
	y = 3;
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);
	r.left += x;
	r.top += y;
	r.right -= x;
	r.bottom -= y;
	// TODO error check
#define comp(x) ((BYTE) (x * 255))
	// TODO free brush
	FillRect(nm->hdc, &r, CreateSolidBrush(RGB(comp(b->r), comp(b->g), comp(b->b))));
#undef comp

	// skip default processing (don't draw text)
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void uiRadioButtonsMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
	uiRadioButtons *r = uiRadioButtons(c);
	intmax_t wid, maxwid;
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	if (r->hwnds->size() == 0) {
		*width = 0;
		*height = 0;
	maxwid = 0;
	for (const HWND &hwnd : *(r->hwnds)) {
		wid = uiWindowsWindowTextWidth(hwnd);
		if (maxwid < wid)
			maxwid = wid;

	x = radiobuttonXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel;
	y = radiobuttonHeight;
	// get it for the radio button itself since that's what counts
	// TODO for all of them?
	uiWindowsGetSizing((*(r->hwnds))[0], &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);

	*width = x + maxwid;
	*height = y * r->hwnds->size();
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void uiMultilineEntryMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
	uiMultilineEntry *e = uiMultilineEntry(c);
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	x = entryWidth;
	y = entryHeight;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(e->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);
	*width = x;
	*height = y;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void uiEditableComboboxMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *cc, int *width, int *height)
	uiEditableCombobox *c = uiEditableCombobox(cc);
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	x = comboboxWidth;
	y = comboboxHeight;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(c->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);
	*width = x;
	*height = y;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void windowMargins(uiWindow *w, int *mx, int *my)
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;

	*mx = 0;
	*my = 0;
	if (!w->margined)
	uiWindowsGetSizing(w->hwnd, &sizing);
	*mx = windowMargin;
	*my = windowMargin;
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, mx, my);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void uiCheckboxMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *cc, intmax_t *width, intmax_t *height)
	uiCheckbox *c = uiCheckbox(cc);
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	x = checkboxXFromLeftOfBoxToLeftOfLabel;
	y = checkboxHeight;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(c->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);
	*width = x + uiWindowsWindowTextWidth(c->hwnd);
	*height = y;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void uiSpinboxMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl *c, int *width, int *height)
	uiSpinbox *s = uiSpinbox(c);
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int x, y;

	x = entryWidth;
	y = entryHeight;
	// note that we go by the edit here
	uiWindowsGetSizing(s->edit, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, &x, &y);
	*width = x;
	*height = y;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void formRelayout(uiForm *f)
	RECT r;
	int x, y, width, height;
	int xpadding, ypadding;
	int nStretchy;
	int labelwid, stretchyht;
	int thiswid;
	int i;
	int minimumWidth, minimumHeight;
	uiWindowsSizing sizing;
	int labelht, labelyoff;
	int nVisible;

	if (f->controls->size() == 0)

	uiWindowsEnsureGetClientRect(f->hwnd, &r);
	x = r.left;
	y = r.top;
	width = r.right - r.left;
	height = r.bottom - r.top;

	// 0) get this Form's padding
	formPadding(f, &xpadding, &ypadding);

	// 1) get width of labels and height of non-stretchy controls
	// this will tell us how much space will be left for controls
	labelwid = 0;
	stretchyht = height;
	nStretchy = 0;
	nVisible = 0;
	for (struct formChild &fc : *(f->controls)) {
		if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c)) {
			ShowWindow(fc.label, SW_HIDE);
		ShowWindow(fc.label, SW_SHOW);
		thiswid = uiWindowsWindowTextWidth(fc.label);
		if (labelwid < thiswid)
			labelwid = thiswid;
		if (fc.stretchy) {
		uiWindowsControlMinimumSize(uiWindowsControl(fc.c), &minimumWidth, &minimumHeight);
		fc.height = minimumHeight;
		stretchyht -= minimumHeight;
	if (nVisible == 0)		// nothing to do

	// 2) inset the available rect by the needed padding
	width -= xpadding;
	height -= (nVisible - 1) * ypadding;
	stretchyht -= (nVisible - 1) * ypadding;

	// 3) now get the width of controls and the height of stretchy controls
	width -= labelwid;
	if (nStretchy != 0) {
		stretchyht /= nStretchy;
		for (struct formChild &fc : *(f->controls)) {
			if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c))
			if (fc.stretchy)
				fc.height = stretchyht;

	// 4) get the y offset
	labelyoff = labelYOffset;
	uiWindowsGetSizing(f->hwnd, &sizing);
	uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, NULL, &labelyoff);

	// 5) now we can position controls
	// first, make relative to the top-left corner of the container
	// also prefer left alignment on Windows
	x = labelwid + xpadding;
	y = 0;
	for (const struct formChild &fc : *(f->controls)) {
		if (!uiControlVisible(fc.c))
		labelht = labelHeight;
		uiWindowsGetSizing(f->hwnd, &sizing);
		uiWindowsSizingDlgUnitsToPixels(&sizing, NULL, &labelht);
		uiWindowsEnsureMoveWindowDuringResize(fc.label, 0, y + labelyoff - sizing.InternalLeading, labelwid, labelht);
		uiWindowsEnsureMoveWindowDuringResize((HWND) uiControlHandle(fc.c), x, y, width, fc.height);
		y += fc.height + ypadding;