Ejemplo n.º 1
// Writes a message to the log.  The message is preceeded by a time stamp, and
// the message can not exceed 28 characters in length (unless g_pcBuffer is
// increased in size).
LogWrite(char *pcPtr)
    tTime sTime;

    // Convert the current time from seconds since Jan 1, 1970 to the month,
    // day, year, hour, minute, and second equivalent.
    ulocaltime(g_ulTime, &sTime);

    // Construct the log message with the time stamp preceeding it.
    UARTprintf("%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d UT %d => %s\r\n",
               g_ppcDays[sTime.ucWday], g_ppcMonths[sTime.ucMon], sTime.ucMday,
               sTime.ucHour, sTime.ucMin, sTime.ucSec, g_ulTimeCount / 10,
               sTime.usYear, pcPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Callback function from the menu widget.  This function is called whenever
// the menu is used to activate a child widget that is associated with the
// menu.  It is also called when the widget is deactivated and control is
// returned to the menu widget.  It can be used to trigger different actions
// depending on which menus are chosen, and to track the state of the
// application and control focus for the user interface.
// This function is called in the context of widget tree message processing
// so care should be taken if doing any operation that affects the display
// or widget tree.
static void
WidgetActivated(tWidget *psWidget, tSlideMenuItem *psMenuItem, bool bActivated)
    char *pcMenuText;
    uint32_t ui32RTC;

    // Handle the activation or deactivation of the strip chart.  The strip
    // chart widget is activated when the user selects the START menu.
    if(psWidget == &g_sStripChart.sBase)
        // If the strip chart is activated, start the logger running.
            // Get the current state of the menus

            // Save the state in battery backed memory

            // Start logger and update the logger state
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_LOGGING;
            // If the strip chart is deactivated, stop the logger.
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;
    else if((psWidget == &g_sAINContainerCanvas.sBase) ||
            (psWidget == &g_sAccelContainerCanvas.sBase) ||
            (psWidget == &g_sCurrentContainerCanvas.sBase) ||
            (psWidget == &g_sClockContainerCanvas.sBase) ||
            (psWidget == &g_sTempContainerCanvas.sBase))
        // Handle the activation or deactivation of any of the container
        // canvas that is used for showing the acquired data as a numerical
        // display.  This happens when the VIEW menu is used.
        // A viewer has been activated.
            static tConfigState sLocalState;

            // Get the current menu configuration state and save it in a local
            // storage.

            // Modify the state to set values that are suitable for using
            // with the viewer.  The acquisition rate is set to 1/2 second
            // and all channels are selected.  The storage medium is set to
            // "viewer" so the acquistion module will write the value of
            // acquired data to the appropriate viewing canvas.
            sLocalState.ui8Storage = CONFIG_STORAGE_VIEWER;
            sLocalState.ui32Period = 0x00000040;
            sLocalState.ui16SelectedMask = 0x3ff;

            // Start the acquisition module running.
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_VIEWING;
            // The viewer has been deactivated so turn off the acquisition
            // module.
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;
    else if(psWidget == &g_sStatusContainerCanvas.sBase)
        // Handle the case when a status display has been activated.  This can
        // occur when any of several menu items are selected.
        // Get pointer to the text of the current menu item.
            pcMenuText = psMenuItem->pcText;

        // If activated from the SAVE menu, then the flash data needs to be
        // saved to USB stick.  Enter the saving state.
        if(!strcmp(pcMenuText, "SAVE"))
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_SAVING;
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;
        else if(!strcmp(pcMenuText, "ERASE DATA?"))
            // If activated from the ERASE menu, then the flash data needs to
            // be erased.  Enter the erasing state.
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_ERASING;
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;
        else if(!strcmp(pcMenuText, "FLASH SPACE"))
            // If activated from the FLASH SPACE menu, then the user will be
            // shown a report on the amount of free space in flash.  Enter the
            // reporting state.
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_FREEFLASH;
                g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;
    else if(psWidget == &g_sClockSetter.sBase)
        // Handle the activation of the clock setting widget.  Deactivation is
        // handled through a separate callback.
        // If the clock setter is activated, load the time structure fields.
            // Get the current time in seconds from the RTC.
            ui32RTC = HibernateRTCGet();

            // Convert the RTC time to a time structure.
            ulocaltime(ui32RTC, &g_sTimeClock);

            // Set the callback that will be called when the clock setting
            // widget is deactivated.  Since the clock setting widget needs
            // to take over the focus for button events, it uses a separate
            // callback when it is finsihed.
            ClockSetCallbackSet((tClockSetWidget *)psWidget,

            // Give the clock setter widget focus for the button events
            g_ui32KeyFocusWidgetHandle = (uint32_t)psWidget;
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_CLOCKSET;
// Read the next chunck of data from the file.  Return the count of data
// that was read.  Return 0 if no data is currently available.  Return
// a -1 if at the end of file.
fs_read(struct fs_file *file, char *buffer, int count)
    int iAvailable;

    // Check to see if an audio update was requested (pextension = 1).
        const struct fsdata_file *ptTree;
        // Check to see if this is a file we know something about.
        ptTree = file->pextension;
        if(strncmp((char *)ptTree->name, "/ptpclock", 9) == 0)
            char *ptr, cTemp;
            extern volatile unsigned long g_ulSystemTimeSeconds;
            tTime sLocalTime;

            // Check to see if the buffer size is large enough for the entire
            // file.  If not, return EOF.
            if(ptTree->len > count)

            // Copy the file into the buffer.
            memcpy(buffer, ptTree->data, ptTree->len);

            // Find the "div" marker for the PTP time.
            ptr = ustrstr((const char *)buffer, "Www Mmm Dd, Yyyy  Hh:Mm:Ss");
            if(ptr == NULL)

            // Save the character after the date string.
            cTemp = *(ptr + 26);

            // Get the local time from the current second counter.
            ulocaltime(g_ulSystemTimeSeconds, &sLocalTime);

            // Print the the local time into the page buffer.
            usprintf(ptr, "%3s %3s %2d, %4d  %02d:%02d:%02d",
                     g_ppcDay[sLocalTime.ucWday], g_ppcMonth[sLocalTime.ucMon],
                     sLocalTime.ucMday, sLocalTime.usYear, sLocalTime.ucHour,
                     sLocalTime.ucMin, sLocalTime.ucSec);
            *(ptr + 26) = cTemp;

            // Clear the extension data and return the count.
            file->pextension = NULL;

        // Here, return EOF ... we don't now how to process this file.

    // Check to see if more data is available.
    if(file->len == file->index)
        // There is no remaining data.  Return a -1 for EOF indication.

    // Determine how much data we can copy.  The minimum of the 'count'
    // parameter or the available data in the file system buffer.
    iAvailable = file->len - file->index;
    if(iAvailable > count)
        iAvailable = count;

    // Copy the data.
    memcpy(buffer, file->data + file->index, iAvailable);
    file->index += iAvailable;

    // Return the count of data that we copied.
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Writes a message to the log.  The message is preceeded by a time stamp, and
// the message can not exceed 28 characters in length (unless g_pcBuffer is
// increased in size).
LogWrite(char *pcPtr)
    tTime sTime;

    // Convert the current time from seconds since Jan 1, 1970 to the month,
    // day, year, hour, minute, and second equivalent.
    ulocaltime(g_ulTime, &sTime);

    // Construct the log message with the time stamp preceeding it.
             "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d UT %d => %s\r\n",
             g_ppcDays[sTime.ucWday], g_ppcMonths[sTime.ucMon], sTime.ucMday,
             sTime.ucHour, sTime.ucMin, sTime.ucSec, g_ulTimeCount / 10,
             sTime.usYear, pcPtr);

    // Get a pointer to the start of the log message.
    pcPtr = g_pcBuffer;

    // Disable the UART interrupt to prevent the UART interrupt handler from
    // executing, which would cause corruption of the logging state (possibly
    // losing characters in the process).

    // See if the software FIFO is empty.
    if(g_ulReadPtr == g_ulWritePtr)
        // The software FIFO is empty, so copy as many characters from the log
        // message into the hardware FIFO as will fit.
        while(*pcPtr && (UARTCharPutNonBlocking(UART1_BASE, *pcPtr) == true))

    // Copy as many characters from the log message into the software FIFO as
    // will fit.
    while(*pcPtr &&
          (((g_ulWritePtr + 1) & (SOFT_FIFO_SIZE - 1)) != g_ulReadPtr))
        g_pcTransmitBuffer[g_ulWritePtr] = *pcPtr++;
        g_ulWritePtr = (g_ulWritePtr + 1) & (SOFT_FIFO_SIZE - 1);

    // Re-enable the UART interrupt.
// This function is called when in VIEW mode.  The acquired data is written
// as text strings which will appear on the eval board display.
static void
UpdateViewerData(const tLogRecord *psRecord)
    static char pcViewerBuf[24];
    uint32_t ui32Idx, pui32RTC;
    struct tm sTime;

    // Loop through the analog channels and update the text display strings.
    for(ui32Idx = LOG_ITEM_USER0; ui32Idx <= LOG_ITEM_USER3; ui32Idx++)
        usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), " CH%u: %u.%03u V ",
                  ui32Idx - LOG_ITEM_USER0, psRecord->pi16Items[ui32Idx] / 1000,
                  psRecord->pi16Items[ui32Idx] % 1000);
        MenuUpdateText(ui32Idx, pcViewerBuf);

    // Loop through the accel channels and update the text display strings.
    for(ui32Idx = LOG_ITEM_ACCELX; ui32Idx <= LOG_ITEM_ACCELZ; ui32Idx++)
        int16_t i16Accel = psRecord->pi16Items[ui32Idx];
        i16Accel *= (i16Accel < 0) ? -1 : 1;
        usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), " %c: %c%d.%02u g ",
                  (ui32Idx - LOG_ITEM_ACCELX) + 'X',
                  psRecord->pi16Items[ui32Idx] < 0 ? '-' : '+',
                  i16Accel / 100, i16Accel % 100);
        MenuUpdateText(ui32Idx, pcViewerBuf);

    // Update the display string for internal temperature.
    usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), " INT: %d.%01u C ",
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_INTTEMP] / 10,
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_INTTEMP] % 10);
    MenuUpdateText(LOG_ITEM_INTTEMP, pcViewerBuf);

    // Update the display string for external temperature.
    usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), " EXT: %d.%01u C ",
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_EXTTEMP] / 10,
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_EXTTEMP] % 10);
    MenuUpdateText(LOG_ITEM_EXTTEMP, pcViewerBuf);

    // Update the display string for processor current.
    usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), " %u.%01u mA ",
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_CURRENT] / 10,
              psRecord->pi16Items[LOG_ITEM_CURRENT] % 10);
    MenuUpdateText(LOG_ITEM_CURRENT, pcViewerBuf);

    // Update the display strings for time and data.
    pui32RTC = HibernateRTCGet();
    ulocaltime(pui32RTC, &sTime);
    usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), "%4u/%02u/%02u",
              sTime.tm_year+1900, sTime.tm_mon + 1, sTime.tm_mday);
    MenuUpdateText(TEXT_ITEM_DATE, pcViewerBuf);
    usnprintf(pcViewerBuf, sizeof(pcViewerBuf), "%02u:%02u:%02u",
              sTime.tm_hour, sTime.tm_min, sTime.tm_sec);
    MenuUpdateText(TEXT_ITEM_TIME, pcViewerBuf);