void NLMcleanup( void ) { P( 23 ) ; #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); P( 24 ) ; socketClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif P( 25 ) ; bclose(); P( 26 ) ; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { /* * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start * with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated. * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow. */ bopen( NULL, ( 60 * 1024 ), B_USE_MALLOC ); signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); /* * Initialize the web server */ if ( initWebs() < 0 ) { return -1; } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ while ( !finished ) { if ( socketReady( -1 ) || socketSelect( -1, 1000 ) ) { socketProcess( -1 ); } websCgiCleanup(); emfSchedProcess(); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); socketClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); return 0; }
static void rtems_httpd_daemon(rtems_task_argument args) { /* * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start with a * 10K heap. */ bopen(NULL, (10 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); /* * Initialize the web server */ if (initWebs() < 0) { rtems_panic("Unable to initialize Web server !!\n"); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ while (!finished) { if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 2000)) { socketProcess(-1); } /*websCgiCleanup();*/ emfSchedProcess(); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); websDefaultClose(); socketClose(); symSubClose(); #if B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF ); }
static void websTermSigHandler(int signo) { if (signo == SIGTERM) { finished = 1; } else if (signo == SIGKILL) { #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif websCloseServer(); socketClose(); symSubClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); exit(1); } }
/* * Main -- entry point from LINUX */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i, demo = 0; printf("OK open data!!!\n"); printf("open data OK!\n"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-demo") == 0) { demo++; } } /* Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start * with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated. * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow. */ bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); signal(SIGTERM, sigintHandler); /* * Initialize the web server */ if (initWebs(demo) < 0) { return -1; } printf("Init Web service ok!\n"); #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); /* websRequireSSL("/"); */ /* Require all files be served via https */ #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ finished = 0; while (!finished) { if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 1000)) { socketProcess(-1); } websCgiCleanup(); emfSchedProcess(); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); socketClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); return 0; }
/********************************************************************************************************* ** 函数名称: websStart ** 功能描述: 启动 GoAhead web 服务器 ** 输 入 : addr 主机地址 ** path web 路径 ** port 端口号 ** 输 出 : 0 ** 全局变量: ** 调用模块: *********************************************************************************************************/ int websStart(char *addr, char *path, int port) { /* * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start * with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated. * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow. */ bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); /* * Initialize the web server */ if (websInit(addr, path, port) < 0) { return -1; } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block for two seconds or until an event * occurs. SocketProcess will actually do the servicing. */ running = TRUE; while (!running) { if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 2000)) { socketProcess(-1); } websCgiCleanup(); emfSchedProcess(); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); websDefaultClose(); socketClose(); symSubClose(); #ifdef B_STATS { char *argv[2]; argv[0] = "goaheadmemleak"; argv[1] = "\0"; memLeaks(1, argv); /* print message on stdout */ } #endif bclose(); if (logFile != NULL) { fclose(logFile); logFile = NULL; } return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int i, demo = 0; /* for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-demo") == 0) { demo++; } } */ /* * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start * with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated. * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow. */ bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); /* * Store the instance handle (used in socket.c) */ /* * Initialize the web server */ if (initWebs(demo) < 0) { return FALSE; } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ wprintf(L"begin loop\n"); while (!finished) { if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, sockServiceTime)) { wprintf(L"--->socketProcess\n"); socketProcess(-1); } emfSchedProcess(); //wprintf(L"cleanup\n"); websCgiCleanup(); } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif /* * Close the User Management database */ #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); socketClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); return 0; }
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprevinstance, char* args, int cmd_show ) { WPARAM rc; /* * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start * with a 60K heap. For each page request approx 8KB is allocated. * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests. If more space * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow. */ bopen( NULL, ( 60 * 1024 ), B_USE_MALLOC ); /* * Store the instance handle (used in socket.c) */ if ( windowsInit( hinstance ) < 0 ) { return FALSE; } /* * Initialize the web server */ if ( initWebs() < 0 ) { return FALSE; } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ while ( !finished ) { if ( socketReady( -1 ) || socketSelect( -1, sockServiceTime ) ) { socketProcess( -1 ); } emfSchedProcess(); websCgiCleanup(); if ( ( rc = checkWindowsMsgLoop() ) != 0 ) { break; } } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif /* * Close the User Management database */ #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); socketClose(); /* * Free up Windows resources */ windowsClose( hinstance ); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); return rc; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i, demo = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-demo") == 0) { demo++; } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("demo:%d\n",demo); //Modify by :LuiShiLi #endif //date :2011.09.28 //首先分配一个大的内存块(60*1024字节),以后只要是以b开头的 //对内存操作的函数都是在这个已经分好的内存块上的操作, //这些操作在Balloc.c中实现。 bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); //管道破裂,写一个没有读端口的管道 signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); //按键中断 signal(SIGTERM, sigintHandler); //终止信号 /* Initialize the web server 初始化用户管理部分,打开web服务器,注册URL处理函数。 用户管理部分在um.c中实现, Web服务器的初始化是在default.c和webs.c中实现 url处理函数在handler.c中实现 */ if (initWebs(demo) < 0) { return -1; } #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLOpen(); /* websRequireSSL("/"); */ /* Require all files be served via https */ #endif /* * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess * will actually do the servicing. */ //主循环 finished = 0; while (!finished) { /* 1,socketReady()函数检查是否有准备好的sock事件 2,socketSelect()函数首先把各个sock感兴趣的事件 (sp->handlerMask) 注册给三个集合(读,写,例外),然后调用select系统调用,然后更新各个sock 的 sp->currentEvents,表示各个sock的当前状态。 这两个函数在sockGen.c中实现,他们主要操作的数据是socket_t变量 socketList中 的handlerMask和currentEvents,socketList在sock.c中定义并主要由该文件中的 socketAlloc,socketFree和socketPtr三个函数维护。 */ if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 1000)) { /* 该函数处理具体的sock事件 1,调用socketReady(sid)对socketList[sid]进行检查,看是否有sock事件 2,如果有sock事件,则调用socketDoEvent()函数,对事件进行处理 */ socketProcess(-1); } /* 该函数在cgi.c中实现,检查cgiRec变量cgilist,首先把cgi的结果输出,如果有的话,然后看cgi进程是否已对号束,如果结束,就清理该cgi进程。 Cgilist在函数websCgiHandler和websCgiCleanup中维护。 */ websCgiCleanup(); /* 该函数在websuemf.c中实现,功能是检查sched_t变量sched,断开超时的连接,sched变量在emfSchedCallback和emfUnschedCallback中维护 */ emfSchedProcess(); } /* 退出时的清理工作,永远不会执行到这里 */ #ifdef WEBS_SSL_SUPPORT websSSLClose(); #endif #ifdef USER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORT umClose(); #endif /* * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator */ websCloseServer(); socketClose(); #ifdef B_STATS memLeaks(); #endif bclose(); return 0; }