Ejemplo n.º 1
// Defines a pclabel associated with the given arbitrary pointer.
// May only be called once (to avoid redefining the pclabel).
static int define_pclabel(jitcompiler *jc, const void *here) {
  // Will assert-fail if it already exists.
  upb_inttable_insertptr(&jc->pcdefined, here, upb_value_bool(true));
  return pclabel(jc, here);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: symtab.c Proyecto: atdt/upb
/* Starts a depth-first traversal at "def", recursing into any subdefs
 * (ie. submessage types).  Adds duplicates of existing defs to addtab
 * wherever necessary, so that the resulting symtab will be consistent once
 * addtab is added.
 * More specifically, if any def D is found in the DFS that:
 *   1. can reach a def that is being replaced by something in addtab, AND
 *   2. is not itself being replaced already (ie. this name doesn't already
 *      exist in addtab)
 * ...then a duplicate (new copy) of D will be added to addtab.
 * Returns true if this happened for any def reachable from "def."
 * It is slightly tricky to do this correctly in the presence of cycles.  If we
 * detect that our DFS has hit a cycle, we might not yet know if any SCCs on
 * our stack can reach a def in addtab or not.  Once we figure this out, that
 * answer needs to apply to *all* defs in these SCCs, even if we visited them
 * already.  So a straight up one-pass cycle-detecting DFS won't work.
 * To work around this problem, we traverse each SCC (which we already
 * computed, since these defs are frozen) as a single node.  We first compute
 * whether the SCC as a whole can reach any def in addtab, then we dup (or not)
 * the entire SCC.  This requires breaking the encapsulation of upb_refcounted,
 * since that is where we get the data about what SCC we are in. */
static bool upb_resolve_dfs(const upb_def *def, upb_strtable *addtab,
                            const void *new_owner, upb_inttable *seen,
                            upb_status *s) {
  upb_value v;
  bool need_dup;
  const upb_def *base;
  const void* memoize_key;

  /* Memoize results of this function for efficiency (since we're traversing a
   * DAG this is not needed to limit the depth of the search).
   * We memoize by SCC instead of by individual def. */
  memoize_key = def->base.group;

  if (upb_inttable_lookupptr(seen, memoize_key, &v))
    return upb_value_getbool(v);

  /* Visit submessages for all messages in the SCC. */
  need_dup = false;
  base = def;
  do {
    upb_value v;
    const upb_msgdef *m;

    if (def->type == UPB_DEF_FIELD) continue;
    if (upb_strtable_lookup(addtab, upb_def_fullname(def), &v)) {
      need_dup = true;

    /* For messages, continue the recursion by visiting all subdefs, but only
     * ones in different SCCs. */
    m = upb_dyncast_msgdef(def);
    if (m) {
      upb_msg_field_iter i;
      for(upb_msg_field_begin(&i, m);
          upb_msg_field_next(&i)) {
        upb_fielddef *f = upb_msg_iter_field(&i);
        const upb_def *subdef;

        if (!upb_fielddef_hassubdef(f)) continue;
        subdef = upb_fielddef_subdef(f);

        /* Skip subdefs in this SCC. */
        if (def->base.group == subdef->base.group) continue;

        /* |= to avoid short-circuit; we need its side-effects. */
        need_dup |= upb_resolve_dfs(subdef, addtab, new_owner, seen, s);
        if (!upb_ok(s)) return false;
  } while ((def = (upb_def*)def->base.next) != base);

  if (need_dup) {
    /* Dup all defs in this SCC that don't already have entries in addtab. */
    def = base;
    do {
      const char *name;

      if (def->type == UPB_DEF_FIELD) continue;
      name = upb_def_fullname(def);
      if (!upb_strtable_lookup(addtab, name, NULL)) {
        upb_def *newdef = upb_def_dup(def, new_owner);
        if (!newdef) goto oom;
        newdef->came_from_user = false;
        if (!upb_strtable_insert(addtab, name, upb_value_ptr(newdef)))
          goto oom;
    } while ((def = (upb_def*)def->base.next) != base);

  upb_inttable_insertptr(seen, memoize_key, upb_value_bool(need_dup));
  return need_dup;

  upb_status_seterrmsg(s, "out of memory");
  return false;