Ejemplo n.º 1
SolutionUserObject::updateExodusTimeInterpolation(Real time)
  if (time != _interpolation_time)
    if (updateExodusBracketingTimeIndices(time))

      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
        _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system, *it, _exodus_index1+1);

      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
        _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);


      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
        _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system2, *it, _exodus_index2+1);

      for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
        _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system2, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);

    _interpolation_time = time;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // Define a default system name
  if (_system_name == "")
    _system_name = "SolutionUserObjectSystem";

  // Interpolate between times rather than using values from a set timestep
  if (_exodus_time_index == -1)
    _interpolate_times = true;  // Read the file

  // Read the Exodus file
  _exodusII_io = new ExodusII_IO (*_mesh);
  _exodus_times = &_exodusII_io->get_time_steps();

  // Check that the number of time steps is valid
  int num_exo_times = _exodus_times->size();
  if (num_exo_times == 0)
    mooseError("In SolutionUserObject, exodus file contains no timesteps.");

  // Account for parallel mesh
  if (dynamic_cast<ParallelMesh *>(_mesh))

  // Create EquationSystems object for solution
  _es = new EquationSystems(*_mesh);
  _es->add_system<ExplicitSystem> (_system_name);
  _system = &_es->get_system(_system_name);

  // Add the nodal variables to the system
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
    _system->add_variable(*it, FIRST);
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
    _system->add_variable(*it, CONSTANT, MONOMIAL);

  // Initilize the equations systems

  // Interpolate times
  if (_interpolate_times)
    // Create a second equation system
    _es2 = new EquationSystems(*_mesh);
    _es2->add_system<ExplicitSystem> (_system_name);
    _system2 = &_es2->get_system(_system_name);

    // Add the variables
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
      _system2->add_variable(*it, FIRST);
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
      _system2->add_variable(*it, CONSTANT, MONOMIAL);

    // Initialize

    // Update the times for interpolation (initially start at 0)

    // Copy the nodal solution to the equations systems from the Exodus file
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system2, *it, *it, _exodus_index2+1);

    // Copy the elemental solution to the equations systems from the Exodus file
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system2, *it, *it, _exodus_index2+1);

    // Update the systems

    // Populate variable numbers for the second system
    std::vector<unsigned int> var_num2;

    // Need to pull down a full copy of this vector on every processor so we can get values in parallel
    _serialized_solution2 = NumericVector<Number>::build(_communicator).release();
    _serialized_solution2->init(_system2->n_dofs(), false, SERIAL);

    // Create the MeshFunction for the second copy of the data
    _mesh_function2 = new MeshFunction(*_es2, *_serialized_solution2, _system2->get_dof_map(), var_num2);

  // Non-interpolated times
    if (_exodus_time_index > num_exo_times)
      mooseError("In SolutionUserObject, timestep = "<<_exodus_time_index<<", but there are only "<<num_exo_times<<" time steps.");

    // Copy the values from the ExodusII file
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _nodal_vars.begin(); it != _nodal_vars.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system, *it, *it,  _exodus_time_index);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _elem_vars.begin(); it != _elem_vars.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_time_index);

    // Update the equations systems
Ejemplo n.º 3
  // Define a default system name
  if (_system_name == "")
    _system_name = "SolutionUserObjectSystem";

  // Interpolate between times rather than using values from a set timestep
  if (_exodus_time_index == -1)
    _interpolate_times = true;  // Read the file

  // Read the Exodus file
  _exodusII_io = new ExodusII_IO (*_mesh);
  _exodus_times = &_exodusII_io->get_time_steps();

  // Check that the number of time steps is valid
  int num_exo_times = _exodus_times->size();
  if (num_exo_times == 0)
    mooseError("In SolutionUserObject, exodus file contains no timesteps.");

  // Account for parallel mesh
  if (dynamic_cast<ParallelMesh *>(_mesh))

  // Create EquationSystems object for solution
  _es = new EquationSystems(*_mesh);
  _es->add_system<ExplicitSystem> (_system_name);
  _system = &_es->get_system(_system_name);

  // Get the variable name lists as set; these need to be sets to perform set_intersection
  const std::vector<std::string> & all_nodal(_exodusII_io->get_nodal_var_names());
  const std::vector<std::string> & all_elemental(_exodusII_io->get_elem_var_names());

  // Storage for the nodal and elemental variables to consider
  std::vector<std::string> nodal, elemental;

  // Build nodal/elemental variable lists, limit to variables listed in 'system_variables', if provided
  if (!_system_variables.empty())
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = _system_variables.begin(); it != _system_variables.end(); ++it)
      if (std::find(all_nodal.begin(), all_nodal.end(), *it) != all_nodal.end())
      if (std::find(all_elemental.begin(), all_elemental.end(), *it) != all_elemental.end())
    nodal = all_nodal;
    elemental = all_elemental;

  // Add the variables to the system
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = nodal.begin(); it != nodal.end(); ++it)
    _system->add_variable(*it, FIRST);

  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = elemental.begin(); it != elemental.end(); ++it)
    _system->add_variable(*it, CONSTANT, MONOMIAL);

  // Initilize the equations systems

  // Interpolate times
  if (_interpolate_times)
    // Create a second equation system
    _es2 = new EquationSystems(*_mesh);
    _es2->add_system<ExplicitSystem> (_system_name);
    _system2 = &_es2->get_system(_system_name);

    // Add the variables to the system
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = nodal.begin(); it != nodal.end(); ++it)
      _system2->add_variable(*it, FIRST);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = elemental.begin(); it != elemental.end(); ++it)
      _system2->add_variable(*it, CONSTANT, MONOMIAL);

    // Initialize

    // Update the times for interpolation (initially start at 0)

    // Copy the solutions from the first system
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = nodal.begin(); it != nodal.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system2, *it, *it, _exodus_index2+1);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = elemental.begin(); it != elemental.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_index1+1);
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system2, *it, *it, _exodus_index2+1);

    // Update the systems

  // Non-interpolated times
    if (_exodus_time_index > num_exo_times)
      mooseError("In SolutionUserObject, timestep = "<<_exodus_time_index<<", but there are only "<<num_exo_times<<" time steps.");

    // Copy the values from the ExodusII file
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = nodal.begin(); it != nodal.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_nodal_solution(*_system, *it, *it,  _exodus_time_index);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = elemental.begin(); it != elemental.end(); ++it)
      _exodusII_io->copy_elemental_solution(*_system, *it, *it, _exodus_time_index);

    // Update the equations systems