Ejemplo n.º 1
void Blob<Dtype>::UpdatePSTable(const Dtype* update) {
  CHECK_EQ(blob_mode_, BlobProto_BlobMode_GLOBAL);

  int update_idx = 0;
  for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
    petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(global_table_row_capacity_);
    for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity_; ++i) {
      update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, Dtype(-1) * update[update_idx]);
      if (update_idx >= count_) { break; }
    global_table_ptr_->BatchInc(r, update_batch);
    if (update_idx >= count_) { break; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MMSBModel::SendZMsg(VIndex nbr_i, Vindex i, CIndex z) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  CHECK(neighbor_worker_.find(nbr_i) != neighbor_worker_.end());
  // row id
  WIndex nbr_w = neighbor_worker_[nbr_i];
  uint32 row_id = GetOMsgRowId(nbr_w);
  // msg content
  petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(
      0, kNumMsgPrfxCols + 1);
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgType] = kSetZ;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgVId] = nbr_i;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgNbrId] = i;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt] = z;
  // send the msg 
  msg_table_.DenseBatchInc(row_id, update_batch);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 //virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
 //  const int count = blob->count();
 //  const Dtype value = this->filler_param_.value();
 //  CHECK(count);
 //  petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(count);
 //  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
 //    update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, value);
 //  }
 //  blob->table()->BatchInc(1, update_batch);
 //  CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
 //       << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
 virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
   const int count = blob->count();
   const int global_table_row_capacity = blob->global_table_row_capacity();
   const Dtype value = this->filler_param_.value();
   int update_idx = 0;
   for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
     petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(global_table_row_capacity);
     for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity; ++i) {
       update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, value);
       if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
     blob->table()->BatchInc(r, update_batch);
     if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
   CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
        << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
Ejemplo n.º 4
  //virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
  //  const int count = blob->count();
  //  CHECK(count);
  //  Dtype* rn = new Dtype[count];
  //  GenerateSparseGaussianRN(blob, rn);
  //  petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(count);
  //  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
  //    update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, rn[i]);
  //  }
  //  blob->table()->BatchInc(1, update_batch);
  //  delete rn;
  virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
    const int count = blob->count();
    const int global_table_row_capacity = blob->global_table_row_capacity();
    Dtype* rn = new Dtype[count];
    GenerateSparseGaussianRN(blob, rn);

    int update_idx = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
      petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(global_table_row_capacity);
      for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity; ++i) {
        update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, rn[update_idx]);
        if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
      blob->table()->BatchInc(r, update_batch);
      if (update_idx >= count) { break; }

    delete rn;
Ejemplo n.º 5
float MMSBModel::ComputeLinkLikelihoodRemote(
    const VIndex i, const VIndex j, const bool positive) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  CHECK(test_neighbor_worker_.find(j) != neighbor_worker__.end());
  Vertex* v_i = vertices_[i];
  const auto& z_cnts = v_i->z_cnts();
  WIndex nbr_w = test_neighbor_worker_[j];
  const uint32 rid = GetOMsgRowId(nbr_w);
  // msg content
  petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(
      0, kNumMsgPrfxCols + z_cnts.size() * 2);
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgType] = kSetZ;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgVId] = nbr_i;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgNbrId] = i;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt] = z;
  // send the msg 
  msg_table_.DenseBatchInc(row_id, update_batch);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  //  CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
  //       << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
  virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
    const int count = blob->count();
    const int global_table_row_capacity = blob->global_table_row_capacity();
    int fan_in = blob->count() / blob->num();
    Dtype scale = sqrt(Dtype(3) / fan_in);
    Dtype* rn = new Dtype[count];
    caffe_rng_uniform<Dtype>(blob->count(), -scale, scale, rn);

    int update_idx = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
      petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(global_table_row_capacity);
      for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity; ++i) {
        update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, rn[update_idx]);
        if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
      //LOG(INFO) << "test get " << r;
      //petuum::RowAccessor row_acc;
      //blob->table()->template Get<petuum::DenseRow<Dtype> >(
      //  r, &row_acc, 0);
      //LOG(INFO) << "batch inc " << r;
      blob->table()->BatchInc(r, update_batch);
      //LOG(INFO) << "batch inc done " << r;
      if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
    //for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
    //  petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(0, global_table_row_capacity);
    //  for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity; ++i) {
    //    update_batch[i] = rn[update_idx];
    //    ++update_idx;
    //    if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
    //  }
    //  blob->table()->DenseBatchInc(r, update_batch);
    //  if (update_idx >= count) { break; }

    delete rn;
    CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
         << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
Ejemplo n.º 7
void MMSBModel::MHSampleLinkRemote(
    const VIndex i, const VIndex j, const CIndex z_prev) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  CHECK(vertices_.find(i) != vertices_.end());
  CHECK(neighbor_worker_.find(j) != neighbor_worker_.end());
  CIndex s;
  /// beta proposal
  s = z_prev;
  CIndex betap = beta_alias_table_.Propose();

  /// prefetch 1 i-proposal
  Vertex* v_a = vertices_[i];
  CIndex ip;
  float nak_or_alpha = Context::rand() * (alpha_ * K_ + v_a->degree()); 
  if (nak_or_alpha < v_a->degree()) { // propose by n_ak
    uint32 nidx = Context::randUInt64() % v_a->degree();
    ip = v_a->z_by_neighbor_idx(nidx);
  } else { // propose by alpha (uniform)
    ip = Context::randUInt64() % K_;
  /// store the 2 proposals locally
  pair<CIndex, CIndex>& betav_prpsls = v_a->nbr_betav_prpsls(j);
  betav_prpsls.first = betap;
  betav_prpsls.second = ip;
  /// send the 2 proposals to vertex j
  // row id
  WIndex nbr_w = neighbor_worker_[j];
  uint32 row_id = GetOMsgRowId(nbr_w);
  // msg content
  petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(
      0, kNumMsgPrfxCols + 2);
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgType] = kProposal;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgVId] = j;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgNbrId] = i;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt] = betap;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt + 1] = ip;
  // send the msg 
  msg_table_.DenseBatchInc(row_id, update_batch);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  //  CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
  //       << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
  virtual void FillPSTable(Blob<Dtype>* blob) {
    const int count = blob->count();
    const int global_table_row_capacity = blob->global_table_row_capacity();
    Dtype* rn = new Dtype[count];
    GeneratePositiveUnitballRN(blob, rn);

    int update_idx = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < util::Context::num_rows_per_table(); ++r) {
      petuum::UpdateBatch<Dtype> update_batch(global_table_row_capacity);
      for (int i = 0; i < global_table_row_capacity; ++i) {
        update_batch.UpdateSet(i, i, rn[update_idx]);
        if (update_idx >= count) { break; }
      blob->table()->BatchInc(r, update_batch);
      if (update_idx >= count) { break; }

    delete rn;
    CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
         << "Sparsity not supported by this Filler.";
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Implement the worker thread function
void LRApp::WorkerThread(int client_id, int thread_id) {
  // Step 3. Gain Table Access
  petuum::Table<float> W = GetTable<float>("w");

  // Step 4. Initialize parameters
  if (thread_id == 0) {
    petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(0, feat_dim_);
    for (int i = 0; i < feat_dim_; ++i) {
      update_batch[i] = (rand() % 1001 - 500) / 500.0 * 1000.0;
    W.DenseBatchInc(0, update_batch);
  // Step 5. Sync after initialization using process_barrier_
  // from the parent class

  if (client_id == 0
      && thread_id == 0) {
    LOG(INFO) << "training starts";

  // Step 6-8. Read & Update parameters
  for (int epoch = 0; epoch < num_epochs_; ++epoch) {
    // Step 6. Get weights from Parameter Server
    petuum::RowAccessor row_acc;
    const petuum::DenseRow<float>& r = W.Get<petuum::DenseRow<float>>(
        0, &row_acc);
    for (int i = 0; i < feat_dim_; ++i) {
      paras_[i] = r[i];

    // Reset gradients
    std::fill(grad_.begin(), grad_.end(), 0.0);

    // Calculate gradients

    // Step 7. Update weights
    petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(0, feat_dim_);
    learning_rate_ /= 1.005;
    for (int i = 0; i < feat_dim_; ++i) {
      update_batch[i] = 0.0 - learning_rate_ *
        (grad_[i] / batch_size_ + lambda_ * paras_[i]);

    W.DenseBatchInc(0, update_batch);

    // Evaluate on training set
    if (epoch % eval_epochs_ == 0
        && client_id == 0
        && thread_id == 0) {

    // Step 8. Don't forget the Clock Tick

  // Evaluate on test set
  if (client_id == 0
      && thread_id == 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
void DML::Learn(float learn_rate, int epochs, const char * model_file) {
  // tmp buffers
  float *vec_buf_1 = new float[src_feat_dim];  // src_feat_dim
  float *vec_buf_2 = new float[dst_feat_dim];  // dst_feat_dim
  // assign id to threads
  if (!thread_id.get()) {
    thread_id.reset(new int(thread_counter++));
  // get access to tables
  mat L = petuum::PSTableGroup::GetTableOrDie<float>(0);
  // Run additional iterations to let stale values finish propagating
  for (int iter = 0; iter < staleness; ++iter) {
  // initialize parameters
  if (client_id == 0 && (*thread_id) == 0) {
    std::cout << "init parameters" << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++) {
      petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(0, src_feat_dim);

      for (int j = 0; j < src_feat_dim; j++) {
      float a = rand()%1000/1000.0/2000;
    L.DenseBatchInc(i, update_batch);
    std::cout << "init parameters done" << std::endl;
  if (client_id == 0 && (*thread_id) == 0)
    std::cout << "training starts" << std::endl;
  std::vector<int> idx_perm_simi_pairs;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_simi_pairs; i++)
  std::random_shuffle(idx_perm_simi_pairs.begin(), \
    idx_perm_simi_pairs.end(), myrandom2);
  int * idx_perm_arr_simi_pairs = new int[num_simi_pairs];
  for (int i = 0; i < num_simi_pairs; i++)
    idx_perm_arr_simi_pairs[i] = idx_perm_simi_pairs[i];
  std::vector<int> idx_perm_diff_pairs;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_diff_pairs; i++)
  std::random_shuffle(idx_perm_diff_pairs.begin(), \
       idx_perm_diff_pairs.end(), myrandom2);
  int * idx_perm_arr_diff_pairs = new int[num_diff_pairs];
  for (int i = 0; i < num_diff_pairs; i++)
    idx_perm_arr_diff_pairs[i] = idx_perm_diff_pairs[i];
  std::vector<int> idx_perm;
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++)
  std::random_shuffle(idx_perm.begin(), idx_perm.end(), myrandom2);
  int * idx_perm_arr = new int[dst_feat_dim];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++)
    idx_perm_arr[i] = idx_perm[i];
  //local buffer of parameter
  float ** local_paras = new float *[dst_feat_dim];
  for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++)
    local_paras[i] = new float[src_feat_dim];

  float ** grad=new float *[dst_feat_dim];
  for ( int i=0;i<dst_feat_dim;i++)
    grad[i]=new float[src_feat_dim];

  int inner_iters=(num_simi_pairs+num_diff_pairs)/size_mb/num_clients/num_worker_threads;
  int * mb_idx=new int[size_mb/2];

  for (int e = 0; e < epochs; e++) {
    for(int it=0;it<inner_iters;it++){
      //copy parameters
      petuum::RowAccessor row_acc;
      for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++) {

        const petuum::DenseRow<float>& r = L.Get<petuum::DenseRow<float> >(i, &row_acc);

        for (int j = 0; j < src_feat_dim; j++) {
          local_paras[i][j] = r[j];
      if (client_id == 0 && (*thread_id) == 0 && it%num_iters_evaluate==0) {
        // evaluate
        float simi_loss = 0, diff_loss = 0, total_loss = 0;
        Evaluate(local_paras, simi_loss, diff_loss, total_loss, vec_buf_1, vec_buf_2);
        //std::cout << "epoch:\t" << e << "\tsimi_loss:\t" << simi_loss \
        //<< "\tdiff_loss:\t" << diff_loss << "\ttotal_loss:\t" \
        //<< total_loss << std::endl;
        std::cout << "epoch: " << e << " iter: " << it << " loss: " << total_loss <<std::endl;
      //set gradient to zero
      for(int i=0;i<dst_feat_dim;i++)
        memset(grad[i], 0, src_feat_dim*sizeof(float));

      rand_init_vec_int(mb_idx, size_mb/2,num_simi_pairs);
      for(int i=0;i<size_mb/2;i++){
        int idx = idx_perm_arr_simi_pairs[mb_idx[i]];
        Update(local_paras, grad, data[simi_pairs[idx].x], data[simi_pairs[idx].y], \
           1,  vec_buf_1, vec_buf_2);
      rand_init_vec_int(mb_idx, size_mb/2,num_diff_pairs);

      for(int i=0;i<size_mb/2;i++){
        int idx = idx_perm_arr_diff_pairs[mb_idx[i]];
        Update(local_paras, grad, data[diff_pairs[idx].x], data[diff_pairs[idx].y], \
           0,  vec_buf_1, vec_buf_2);
      //update parameters
      float coeff =- learn_rate*2/size_mb;
      for (int i = 0; i < dst_feat_dim; i++) {
        petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(0,src_feat_dim);
        for (int j = 0; j < src_feat_dim; j++) 
          update_batch[j]= coeff*grad[i][j];
        L.DenseBatchInc(i, update_batch);
  if (client_id == 0 && (*thread_id) == 0)
    SaveModel(L, model_file);

  delete[] mb_idx;
  delete[] vec_buf_1;
  delete[] vec_buf_2;
  for(int i=0;i< dst_feat_dim;i++)
  delete[] local_paras;
  for(int i=0;i<dst_feat_dim;i++)
Ejemplo n.º 11
void MMSBModel::MHSampleLinkFeedback(const VIndex j, const VIndex nbr_j,
    const CIndex z_prev, const CIndex betap, const CIndex nbrp) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  CHECK(vertices_.find(j) != vertices_.end());
  CHECK(neighbor_worker_.find(nbr_j) != neighbor_worker_.end());
  Vertex* v_a = vertices_[j];
  /// prefetch 4 j-proposals
  CIndex jp[4];
  float jp_prob[4];
  for (int p=0; p<4; ++p) {
    float nak_or_alpha = Context::rand() * (alpha_ * K_ + v_a->degree()); 
    if (nak_or_alpha < v_a->degree()) { // propose by n_ak
      uint32 nidx = Context::randUInt64() % v_a->degree();
      jp[p] = v_a->z_by_neighbor_idx(nidx);
    } else { // propose by alpha (uniform)
      jp[p] = Context::randUInt64() % K_;
  /// prefetch *1* j-proposal
  CIndex jp;
  float nak_or_alpha = Context::rand() * (alpha_ * K_ + v_a->degree()); 
  if (nak_or_alpha < v_a->degree()) { // propose by n_ak
    uint32 nidx = Context::randUInt64() % v_a->degree();
    jp = v_a->z_by_neighbor_idx(nidx);
  } else { // propose by alpha (uniform)
    jp = Context::randUInt64() % K_;

  /// compute j-related terms of the reject-accept ratios
  float jp_prob[kNumMHStepStates];
  // *:  z_prev -> betap (ratio for beta-proposal) 
  jp_prob[kB] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, z_prev, betap, z_prev, kBetaPrpsl);
  // 0*:     z_prev -> nbrp (ratio for nrbj-proposal)
  jp_prob[kI0] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, z_prev, nbrp, z_prev, kViPrpsl);
  // 1*:     betap -> nbrp
  jp_prob[kI1] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, betap, nbrp, z_prev, kViPrpsl);
  // 00*:    z_prev -> jp (ratio for j-proposal)
  jp_prob[kJ00] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, z_prev, jp, z_prev, kVjPrpsl);
  // 10*:    betap -> jp
  jp_prob[kJ10] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, betap, jp, z_prev, kVjPrpsl);
  // [01]1*: nbrp -> jp
  jp_prob[kJw1] = ComputeMHRatioTerm(v_a, nbrp, jp, z_prev, kVjPrpsl);

  /// send the msg
  // row id
  WIndex nbr_w = neighbor_worker_[nbr_j];
  uint32 row_id = GetOMsgRowId(nbr_w);
  // msg content
  petuum::DenseUpdateBatch<float> update_batch(
      0, kNumMsgPrfxCols + 7);
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgType] = kFeedback;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgVId] = nbr_j;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgNbrId] = j;
  update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt] = jp;
  for (int p=0; p<kNumMHStepStates; ++p) {
    update_batch[kColIdxMsgSt + 1 + p] = jp_prob[p];
  msg_table_.DenseBatchInc(row_id, update_batch);