Ejemplo n.º 1
//--------- Begin of function FirmCamp::next_day ---------//
void FirmCamp::next_day()
	//----- call next_day() of the base class -----//


	//----- update the patrol_unit_array -----//


	//------- update loyalty --------//

	if( info.game_date%30 == firm_recno%30 )

	//-------- consume food --------//

	if( soldier_count>0 )

	// ------- process train ---------//

	if( config.fast_build && is_own() )
		for( int i=0 ; i<100 ; i++ )


	if( info.game_date%30 == firm_recno%30 )			// once a week

	if( info.game_date%8 == firm_recno%8 )

	// ------ process item --------//

	Soldier* soldierPtr = soldier_array;

	for( int i=0 ; i<soldier_count ; i++, soldierPtr++ )

	//----------- debugging code -----------//

	err_when( overseer_recno && unit_array[overseer_recno]->skill_level()==0 );

	err_when( overseer_recno && unit_array[overseer_recno]->nation_recno != nation_recno );
Ejemplo n.º 2
//--------- Begin of function Unit::next_day ---------//
void Unit::next_day()
	int unitRecno = sprite_recno;

   err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

	err_when( race_id && !is_visible() && unit_mode==0 );

	err_when( team_info && !mem.get_mem_size(team_info) );

	// ##### begin Gilbert 2/3 #####//
	err_when( race_id && unit_id != UNIT_WAGON && !name_id );
	// ##### end Gilbert 2/3 #####//

	//------- functions for non-independent nations only ------//

   if( nation_recno )

		if( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) )		// if its hit points go down to 0, is_deleted() will return 1.

		//------- update loyalty -------------//

		if( info.game_date%30 == sprite_recno%30 )
		   err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

		//------- think about rebeling -------------//

		if( info.game_date%15 == sprite_recno%15 )
			if( think_betray() )

	//------- recover from damage -------//

	if( info.game_date%4 == sprite_recno%4 )   // recover points per 4 days 
		err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

   //------- restore cur_power --------//

	cur_power += 5;

	if( cur_power > max_power)
		cur_power = max_power;

	// ------ process magic effect ---------//

	if( invulnerable_day_count > 0 )

   //------- king undie flag (for testing games only) --------//

   if( config.king_undie_flag && rank_id == RANK_KING &&
       nation_recno && !nation_array[nation_recno]->is_ai() )
		hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
		// ####### begin Gilbert 27/1 ######//
		if( invulnerable_day_count == 0 )
		// ####### end Gilbert 27/1 ######//

	//-------- if aggresive_mode is 1 --------//

	if( is_visible() )

	// --------- process item -------//

	//---------- debug ------------//

#ifdef DEBUG
   err_when( race_id &&
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_HUMAN && 
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_MONSTER && 
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_WAGON );

	if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_CONSTRUCT_TOWN )
		err_when( town_array[unit_mode_para]->builder_recno != sprite_recno );

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && nation_recno );		// rebels must be independent

	//------ debug: spy ----------//

	if( spy_recno )
		err_when( spy_array.is_deleted(spy_recno) );

		Spy* spyPtr = spy_array[spy_recno];

		err_when( nation_recno != spyPtr->cloaked_nation_recno );

		if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE )
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place != SPY_FIRM );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place_para != unit_mode_para );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place != SPY_MOBILE );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place_para != sprite_recno );

		// ####### begin Gilbert 24/2 ########//
		err_when( unique_id != spyPtr->unique_id );
		// ####### end Gilbert 24/2 ########//

	//------ debug: team ----------//

	if( leader_unit_recno )
      Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[leader_unit_recno];

		err_when( unitPtr->rank_id != RANK_GENERAL && unitPtr->rank_id != RANK_KING );

	err_when( (rank_id == RANK_GENERAL || rank_id == RANK_KING) &&
				 !team_info );

	if( team_info )
		for( int i=0 ; i<team_info->member_count ; i++ )
			Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[team_info->member_unit_array[i]];

			if( unitPtr->sprite_recno == sprite_recno )		// the same unit

			err_when( unitPtr->leader_unit_recno != sprite_recno );

	if( leader_unit_recno && unit_mode != UNIT_MODE_REBEL )		// in rebel mode, the leader_unit_recno is not linked to team_info
		Unit* leaderUnit = unit_array[leader_unit_recno];

		err_when( !leaderUnit->team_info );

		for( int i=0 ; i<leaderUnit->team_info->member_count ; i++ )
			if( leaderUnit->team_info->member_unit_array[i] == sprite_recno )

		err_when( i==leaderUnit->team_info->member_count );		// not found

		err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(leader_unit_recno) );
		err_when( unit_array[leader_unit_recno]->nation_recno != nation_recno );
//		err_when( unit_array[leader_unit_recno]->team_id != team_id );

	//------ debug: AI action ----------//

	if( cur_order.ai_action_id )
		Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

		for( int actionRecno=nationPtr->action_count() ; actionRecno>0 ; actionRecno-- )
			if( nationPtr->is_action_deleted(actionRecno) )

			ActionNode* actionNode = nationPtr->get_action(actionRecno);

			if( cur_order.ai_action_id == actionNode->action_id )
				err_when( actionNode->processing_instance_count<1 );


	err_when( hit_points > max_hit_points() );
	err_when( max_hit_points() == 0 );

   err_when( combat_level()<0 );
	err_when( combat_level()>1000 );

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && spy_recno );			// no rebel spies
	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && nation_recno );		// all rebels must be independent units

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_TOWN_DEFENDER && spy_recno );			// no rebel spies

	err_when( loyalty < 0 || loyalty > 100 );

	err_when( nation_contribution < 0 );
	err_when( nation_contribution > MAX_NATION_CONTRIBUTION );

	err_when( is_ai && ( !nation_recno || !nation_array[nation_recno]->is_ai() ) );

#else		// fix bug on fly in the release version

	// ######## begin Gilbert 5/2 #####//
//	if( combat_level() > skill.max_combat_level )
//		combat_level() = skill.max_combat_level;
	if( skill.actual_combat_level(NULL) > skill.max_combat_level )		// raw combat level
		set_combat_level( skill.max_combat_level );
	// ######## end Gilbert 5/2 #####//

Ejemplo n.º 3
//--------- Begin of function Unit::betray ---------//
// If this unit is a spy, this function betray() will be
// called by Unit::spy_change_nation() or Firm::capture_firm().
// If this is not a spy, this function will only be called
// by think_betray() and other nation deinit functions.
int Unit::betray(int newNationRecno)
	//----- if this is a spy, call spy_change_nation -----//

	if( spy_recno &&
		 spy_array[spy_recno]->cloaked_nation_recno != newNationRecno ) 	// cloaked_nation_recno == newNationRecno if betray() is called by spy_change_nation() already
		spy_change_nation(newNationRecno, COMMAND_AUTO);
		return 1;


	err_when( newNationRecno && nation_array[newNationRecno]->is_human() &&		// monsters in firms should not betray to humans
			    is_monster() && unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE );		

	int unitRecno = sprite_recno;

	err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(unitRecno) );

	err_when( rank_id == RANK_KING );

	if( nation_recno == newNationRecno )
		return 0;

	if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_CONSTRUCT_FIRM ||	 // don't change nation when the unit is constructing a firm
		 unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_CONSTRUCT_TOWN ||	 
		 unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_ON_SHIP   )  	// don't change nation when the unit is constructing a firm
		return 0;

	//--- special case: units in Monster Fortress cannot change nation ---//

	if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE &&
		 firm_array[unit_mode_para]->firm_id == FIRM_FORTRESS )
		return 0;

	//---------- add news -----------//

	if( nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno ||
		 newNationRecno == nation_array.player_recno )
		//--- if this is a spy, don't display news message for betrayal as it is already displayed in Unit::spy_change_nation() ---//

		if( !spy_recno )
			news_array.unit_betray(sprite_recno, newNationRecno);

	//------ change nation now ------//

	err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(unitRecno) );


	err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(unitRecno) );

	//-------- set the loyalty of the unit -------//

	if( nation_recno )
		Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

		loyalty = UNIT_BETRAY_LOYALTY + 10 + m.random(20);

		if( nationPtr->reputation > 0 )
			change_loyalty( (int) nationPtr->reputation );

		if( race_res.is_same_race( nationPtr->race_id, race_id ) )
			change_loyalty( 30 );

		err_when( loyalty < 0 || loyalty > 100 );

		update_loyalty();		// update target loyalty
	else  //------ if change to independent rebel -------//
		loyalty = 0;      // no loyalty needed

	//--- if this unit is a general, change nation for the units he commands ---//

	if( rank_id==RANK_GENERAL )
		err_when( !team_info );

		for( int i=0 ; i<team_info->member_count ; i++ )
			int memberUnitRecno = team_info->member_unit_array[i];

			if( memberUnitRecno == unitRecno )		// this is the unit itself

			Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[memberUnitRecno];

			if( !unitPtr->is_visible() )

			if( unitPtr->spy_recno )		// if the unit is a spy
				unitPtr->spy_change_nation(newNationRecno, COMMAND_AUTO);

	err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(unitRecno) );

	//------ go to meet the new master -------//

	if( is_visible() && nation_recno )
		if( !spy_recno || spy_array[spy_recno]->notify_cloaked_nation_flag )
			if( is_civilian() )
				ai_move_to_nearby_firm(FIRM_CAMP, FIRM_FORT);

	err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(unitRecno) );

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//--------- Begin of function Unit::init ---------//
// <int> unitId               - the id. of the unit
// <int> nationRecno          - the recno of nation
// [int] rankId               - rank id. of the unit (none for non-human unit)
// [int] unitLoyalty          - loyalty of the unit  (none for non-human unit)
// [int] startXLoc, startYLoc - the starting location of the unit
//                              (if startXLoc < 0, this is a unit for hire, and is not a unit of the game yet. init_sprite() won't be called for this unit)
//                              (default: -1, -1)
// Note: sprite_recno must be initialized first before calling Unit::init()
void Unit::init(int unitId, int nationRecno, int rankId, int unitLoyalty, int startXLoc, int startYLoc)
	//------------ set basic vars -------------//

	nation_recno  = (char) nationRecno;
	rank_id       = rankId;       // rank_id must be initialized before init_unit_id() as init_unit_id() may overwrite it

	if( rank_id == RANK_GENERAL || rank_id == RANK_KING )
		err_when( team_info );
		team_info = (TeamInfo*) mem_add( sizeof(TeamInfo) );
		memset( team_info, 0, sizeof(TeamInfo) );


	race_id = (char) unit_res[unit_id]->race_id;

	//------- init unit name ---------//

	if( is_human() && unit_id != UNIT_WAGON )
		name_id = race_res[race_id]->get_new_name_id();
	else if( is_monster() )
		name_id = monster_res.get_new_name_id();
	else  //---- init non-human unit series no. ----//
		if( nation_recno )
			name_id = ++nation_array[nation_recno]->last_unit_name_id_array[unit_id-1];
			name_id = 0;

	// ###### begin Gilbert 23/2 ######//
	unique_id = misc.rand_long();
	// ###### end Gilbert 23/2 ######//

	//---------- init other vars ----------//

	err_when( unitLoyalty < 0 || unitLoyalty > 100 );

	loyalty = unitLoyalty;

	// ##### begin Gilbert 29/5 ########//
	if( is_die_after_attack() )
		// behavior_mode = UNIT_STAND_GROUND;		// bee die after attack, so don't waste his life
		behavior_mode = UNIT_DEFENSIVE;		// bee die after attack, so don't waste his life
		behavior_mode = UNIT_AGGRESSIVE;		// the default mode is aggressive
	// ##### end Gilbert 29/5 ########//

	//--------- init skill, and skill potential ---------//

	skill.init(unit_id, 100);

	hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();

	//------ initialize the base Sprite class -------//

	if( startXLoc >= 0 )
		init_sprite( startXLoc, startYLoc );
		cur_x = -1;

	//-------------- update loyalty -------------//


	//--------------- init AI info -------------//


	//----------- init derived class ----------//

