Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Change address of connected device.
 * This function automatically updates the backing connection to point to
 * the new address. It also unregisterrs the old endpoint and registers
 * a new one.
 * This creates whole bunch of problems:
 *  1. All pipes using this wire are broken because they are not
 *     registered for new address
 *  2. All other pipes for this device are using wrong address,
 *     possibly targeting completely different device
 * @param pipe Control endpoint pipe (session must be already started).
 * @param new_address New USB address to be set (in native endianness).
 * @return Error code.
static int usb_request_set_address(usb_pipe_t *pipe, usb_address_t new_address)
    if ((new_address < 0) || (new_address >= USB11_ADDRESS_MAX)) {
        return EINVAL;
    assert(pipe->wire != NULL);

    const uint16_t addr = uint16_host2usb((uint16_t)new_address);

    int rc = usb_control_request_set(pipe,
                                     USB_DEVREQ_SET_ADDRESS, addr, 0, NULL, 0);

    if (rc != EOK) {
        return rc;

    /* TODO: prevent others from accessing the wire now. */
    if (usb_pipe_unregister(pipe) != EOK) {
            "Failed to unregister the old pipe on address change.\n");
    /* Address changed. We can release the old one, thus
     * allowing other to us it. */
    usb_hc_release_address(pipe->wire->hc_connection, pipe->wire->address);

    /* The address is already changed so set it in the wire */
    pipe->wire->address = new_address;
    rc = usb_pipe_register(pipe, 0);
    if (rc != EOK)
        return EADDRNOTAVAIL;

    return EOK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Wrapper for registering attached device to the hub.
 * The @p enable_port function is expected to enable signaling on given
 * port.
 * The argument can have arbitrary meaning and it is not touched at all
 * by this function (it is passed as is to the @p enable_port function).
 * If the @p enable_port fails (i.e. does not return EOK), the device
 * addition is canceled.
 * The return value is then returned (it is good idea to use different
 * error codes than those listed as return codes by this function itself).
 * The @p connection representing connection with host controller does not
 * need to be started.
 * This function duplicates the connection to allow simultaneous calls of
 * this function (i.e. from different fibrils).
 * @param[in] parent Parent device (i.e. the hub device).
 * @param[in] connection Connection to host controller. Must be non-null.
 * @param[in] dev_speed New device speed.
 * @param[in] enable_port Function for enabling signaling through the port the
 *	device is attached to.
 * @param[in] arg Any data argument to @p enable_port.
 * @param[out] assigned_address USB address of the device.
 * @param[in] dev_ops Child device ops. Will use default if not provided.
 * @param[in] new_dev_data Arbitrary pointer to be stored in the child
 *	as @c driver_data. Will allocate and assign usb_hub_attached_device_t
 *	structure if NULL.
 * @param[out] new_fun Storage where pointer to allocated child function
 *	will be written. Must be non-null.
 * @return Error code.
 * @retval EINVAL Either connection or new_fun is a NULL pointer.
 * @retval ENOENT Connection to HC not opened.
 * @retval EADDRNOTAVAIL Failed retrieving free address from host controller.
 * @retval EBUSY Failed reserving default USB address.
 * @retval ENOTCONN Problem connecting to the host controller via USB pipe.
 * @retval ESTALL Problem communication with device (either SET_ADDRESS
 *	request or requests for descriptors when creating match ids).
int usb_hc_new_device_wrapper(ddf_dev_t *parent,
                              usb_hc_connection_t *hc_conn, usb_speed_t dev_speed,
                              int (*enable_port)(void *arg), void *arg, usb_address_t *assigned_address,
                              ddf_dev_ops_t *dev_ops, void *new_dev_data, ddf_fun_t **new_fun)
    if ((new_fun == NULL) || (hc_conn == NULL))
        return EINVAL;

    int rc;
    struct timeval start_time;

    rc = gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        return rc;

    /* We are gona do a lot of communication better open it in advance. */
    rc = usb_hc_connection_open(hc_conn);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        return rc;

    /* Request a new address. */
    usb_address_t dev_addr =
        usb_hc_request_address(hc_conn, 0, false, dev_speed);
    if (dev_addr < 0) {
        rc = EADDRNOTAVAIL;
        goto close_connection;

    /* Initialize connection to device. */
    usb_device_connection_t dev_conn;
    rc = usb_device_connection_initialize(
             &dev_conn, hc_conn, USB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        rc = ENOTCONN;
        goto leave_release_free_address;

    /* Initialize control pipe on default address. Don't register yet. */
    usb_pipe_t ctrl_pipe;
    rc = usb_pipe_initialize_default_control(&ctrl_pipe, &dev_conn);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        rc = ENOTCONN;
        goto leave_release_free_address;

     * The default address request might fail.
     * That means that someone else is already using that address.
     * We will simply wait and try again.
     * (Someone else already wants to add a new device.)
    do {
        rc = usb_hc_request_address(hc_conn, USB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT,
                                    true, dev_speed);
        if (rc == ENOENT) {
            /* Do not overheat the CPU ;-). */
    } while (rc == ENOENT);
    if (rc < 0) {
        goto leave_release_free_address;

    /* Register control pipe on default address. 0 means no interval. */
    rc = usb_pipe_register(&ctrl_pipe, 0);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        rc = ENOTCONN;
        goto leave_release_default_address;

    struct timeval end_time;
    rc = gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        goto leave_release_default_address;

    /* According to the USB spec part 9.1.2 host allows 100ms time for
     * the insertion process to complete. According to this is the
     * time between attach detected and port reset. However, the setup done
     * above might use much of this time so we should only wait to fill
     * up the 100ms quota*/
    const suseconds_t elapsed = tv_sub(&end_time, &start_time);
    if (elapsed < 100000) {
        async_usleep(100000 - elapsed);

    /* Endpoint is registered. We can enable the port and change address. */
    rc = enable_port(arg);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        goto leave_release_default_address;
    /* USB spec The USB System Software guarantees a minimum of
     * 10ms for reset recovery. Device response to any bus transactions
     * addressed to the default device address during the reset recovery
     * time is undefined.

    /* Get max_packet_size value. */
    rc = usb_pipe_probe_default_control(&ctrl_pipe);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        rc = ESTALL;
        goto leave_release_default_address;

    rc = usb_request_set_address(&ctrl_pipe, dev_addr);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        rc = ESTALL;
        goto leave_release_default_address;

    /* Register the device with devman. */
    /* FIXME: create device_register that will get opened ctrl pipe. */
    ddf_fun_t *child_fun;
    rc = usb_device_register_child_in_devman(&ctrl_pipe,
            parent, dev_ops, new_dev_data, &child_fun);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        goto leave_release_free_address;

    const usb_hub_attached_device_t new_device = {
        .address = dev_addr,
        .fun = child_fun,

    /* Inform the host controller about the handle. */
    rc = usb_hub_register_device(hc_conn, &new_device);
    if (rc != EOK) {
        /* We know nothing about that data. */
        if (new_dev_data)
            child_fun->driver_data = NULL;
        /* The child function is already created. */
        rc = EDESTADDRREQ;
        goto leave_release_free_address;

    if (assigned_address != NULL) {
        *assigned_address = dev_addr;

    *new_fun = child_fun;

    rc = EOK;
    goto close_connection;

     * Error handling (like nested exceptions) starts here.
     * Completely ignoring errors here.
    if (usb_hc_release_address(hc_conn, USB_ADDRESS_DEFAULT) != EOK)
        usb_log_warning("%s: Failed to release defaut address.\n",

    /* This might be either 0:0 or dev_addr:0 */
    if (usb_pipe_unregister(&ctrl_pipe) != EOK)
        usb_log_warning("%s: Failed to unregister default pipe.\n",

    if (usb_hc_release_address(hc_conn, dev_addr) != EOK)
        usb_log_warning("%s: Failed to release address: %d.\n",
                        __FUNCTION__, dev_addr);

    if (usb_hc_connection_close(hc_conn) != EOK)
        usb_log_warning("%s: Failed to close hc connection.\n",

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Create pipes for a device.
 * This is more or less a wrapper that does following actions:
 * - allocate and initialize pipes
 * - map endpoints to the pipes based on the descriptions
 * - registers endpoints with the host controller
 * @param[in] endpoints Endpoints description, NULL terminated.
 * @param[in] config_descr Configuration descriptor of active configuration.
 * @param[in] config_descr_size Size of @p config_descr in bytes.
 * @param[in] interface_no Interface to map from.
 * @param[in] interface_setting Interface setting (default is usually 0).
 * @param[out] pipes_ptr Where to store array of created pipes
 *	(not NULL terminated).
 * @param[out] pipes_count_ptr Where to store number of pipes
 *	(set to NULL if you wish to ignore the count).
 * @return Error code.
int usb_device_create_pipes(usb_device_t *usb_dev,
    const usb_endpoint_description_t **endpoints)
	assert(usb_dev->pipes == NULL);
	assert(usb_dev->pipes_count == 0);

	size_t pipe_count = count_pipes(endpoints);
	if (pipe_count == 0) {
		return EOK;

	usb_endpoint_mapping_t *pipes =
	    calloc(pipe_count, sizeof(usb_endpoint_mapping_t));
	if (pipes == NULL) {
		return ENOMEM;

	/* Now initialize. */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) {
		pipes[i].description = endpoints[i];
		pipes[i].interface_no = usb_dev->interface_no;
		pipes[i].interface_setting =

	/* Find the mapping from configuration descriptor. */
	int rc = usb_pipe_initialize_from_configuration(pipes, pipe_count,
	if (rc != EOK) {
		return rc;

	/* Register created pipes. */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) {
		if (pipes[i].present) {
			rc = usb_pipe_register(&pipes[i].pipe,
			if (rc != EOK) {
				goto rollback_unregister_endpoints;

	usb_dev->pipes = pipes;
	usb_dev->pipes_count = pipe_count;

	return EOK;

	 * Jump here if something went wrong after endpoints have
	 * been registered.
	 * This is also the target when the registration of
	 * endpoints fails.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pipe_count; i++) {
		if (pipes[i].present) {

	return rc;