Ejemplo n.º 1
MemoryUsage MetaspacePool::get_memory_usage() {
  size_t committed = MetaspaceAux::committed_bytes();
  return MemoryUsage(initial_size(), used_in_bytes(), committed, max_size());
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PSPermGen::compute_new_size(size_t used_before_collection) {
  // Update our padded average of objects allocated in perm
  // gen between collections.
  assert(used_before_collection >= _last_used,
                                "negative allocation amount since last GC?");

  const size_t alloc_since_last_gc = used_before_collection - _last_used;

  const size_t current_live = used_in_bytes();
  // Stash away the current amount live for the next call to this method.
  _last_used = current_live;

  // We have different alignment constraints than the rest of the heap.
  const size_t alignment = MAX2(MinPermHeapExpansion,

  // Compute the desired size:
  //  The free space is the newly computed padded average,
  //  so the desired size is what's live + the free space.
  size_t desired_size = current_live + (size_t)_avg_size->padded_average();
  desired_size = align_size_up(desired_size, alignment);

  // ...and no larger or smaller than our max and min allowed.
  desired_size = MAX2(MIN2(desired_size, _max_gen_size), _min_gen_size);
  assert(desired_size <= _max_gen_size, "just checking");

  const size_t size_before = _virtual_space->committed_size();

  if (desired_size == size_before) {
    // no change, we're done

    // We'll be growing or shrinking the heap:  in either case,
    // we need to hold a lock.
    MutexLocker x(ExpandHeap_lock);
    if (desired_size > size_before) {
      const size_t change_bytes = desired_size - size_before;
      const size_t aligned_change_bytes =
        align_size_up(change_bytes, alignment);
    } else {
      // Shrinking
      const size_t change_bytes =
        size_before - desired_size;
      const size_t aligned_change_bytes = align_size_down(change_bytes, alignment);

  // While this code isn't controlled by AdaptiveSizePolicy, it's
  // convenient to see all resizing decsions under the same flag.
  if (PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy) {
    ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = (ParallelScavengeHeap*)Universe::heap();
    assert(heap->kind() == CollectedHeap::ParallelScavengeHeap, "Sanity");

    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("AdaptiveSizePolicy::perm generation size: "
                           "collection: %d "
                           "(" SIZE_FORMAT ") -> (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ",
                           size_before, _virtual_space->committed_size());